
Fallen Conqueror

Gods were slain… Devils were vanquished... Worlds clashed into oblivion! Bilim Vladir was the hope of humanity, the great Flaming Conqueror. Finally, after years of war and battle, Bil created an empire and could start a family. Unfortunately, Bil was betrayed and his family was assassinated. However, Bil secretly survived along with his newborn children, a brazen, ambitious boy named Jash and a calm, collected daughter named Nelphy. After eighteen years of secrets and hiding, Bil settles down by the city. Finally, Bil can retire and enjoy life as best as he can while living in the shadow of society. But the journeys of Bil’s two children, now official citizens and adults, have only just begun. They no longer have to wander and travel aimlessly. Finally, they get to live life as they’ve always dreamed of! Jash rushes into the world of veita and training! With a grin on his face, Jash has the determination to leave his mark on the world, no matter what he has to do. He’ll train with experts, decimate the battlefield, and… secretly destroy the empire?! Nelphy, however, accidentally learned Bil’s identity and now seeks to learn EVERYTHING that Bil has kept secret. She scours books and legends for every hint available. She’ll search for the aunt she never knew she had. She’ll… be hunted by her own brother!? And Bil… may be forced out of "retirement" to try and clean up the mess. ---Book 3 of 10 in the Quillverse--- ** PAUSED (till the end of DBA, at the latest) ** Discord: https://discord.gg/akzn9SM5k9 Art by @itsjustfroggy, found on Youtube, Twitter, or Twitch! **Note: You do NOT need to read my "Quillverse" series in order, but some books will have tie-ins or shared characters further back or further forward on the cosmic timeline.

TheSilverQuill · Fantasy
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424 Chs

Officially Adults

"May I explain?" Jash asked.

But the captain shook his head. "After I hear from the mayor, then I'll ask you further questions regarding him. So, please, Madam Amma…"

"..." Sighing, Amma took her time sorting her thoughts. "Jash, as mayor, I relieve you of your guard duties and thank you for the service you've provided Emor."


"Please, young man, let me finish." Continuing, Amma offered a professional smile, "As you were a trainee, I can't offer you any payment for your services. That being said, accept my gratitude for both your services and for your guardian's assistance today. I wish you and your family a safe journey. If there's anything you need from me or the town before you leave, please let me know.

"But for now, shouldn't you go join them in the store?"

"Um, you're welcome, Madam!" Bowing once more, Jash accepted her gratitude. "Then.. I'll be off. I wish you and Emor the very best."

As Jash ran into the store, the mayor checked in with the other hostages that were gathering outside the store. Afterward, she followed the guards dragging the bandit corpses. The captain did the same, still confused and awaiting his explanation. Once inside the barracks, the captain requested a private meeting in his office, which the mayor accepted.

The moment he shut the door, the captain sighed, "We're finally alone, so will you please answer my question, Amma?"

The air felt stagnant as Amma recalled the past with a sad half-smile. "He was someone I met on the day of the angel attack."

"What!?" Jarred, the captain questioned, "So why were you–"

"Martt. There's not much for me to say." There was no trembling or shaking but Amma's dead gaze said enough. "He never caused me or the town any harm. But please don't question him any further. It's for the best of the town."

Even more confused, the captain took off his helmet and rubbed the sides of his eyes. "Amma.. When you put it like that, it makes me worry more."

"Please, Martt. Don't inquire further and don't bother bringing him in for questioning."

"But Amma, what I saw was a man capable of killing anything and everything. Having someone like that calmly walking the streets is just–"

"Martt. Please." Pulling up a chair from the side, Amma sat in front of Martt's desk. "Do you think you could get him in here, willingly?"

Frowning, Martt said, "But that's all the more reason to question him, because he is non-compliant!"

"Could you get him in here?"

"Of course–"

"Do you really think you can?" questioned Amma, showing startling resolve.

Swallowing his reflex answer, Martt sunk into his chair. "... I won't know until I try."

"You can't. So don't dare try."

"Amma, if you know more, then–"

"I'll tell you this…." She took in a sharp breath and shared an unexpected death glare. "He's a man that my former husband failed to intimidate. To the point that my late husband was left shaking after trying to use those kids to convince the man to help protect the town.. Of course, they were much younger back then. But I never forgot those three. And seeing them again brought back a lot of old feelings I thought I had dealt with…

"So stop worrying about me, stop trying to question him, and focus on your job. You've got a fresh batch of criminals you need to bring to the judge, so focus on that."

"Amma…." Martt was unsure of what to stay, stopping himself with every twitch of his lip. "Please.. Answer me this–"

"Martt. I know you care about me. And that you'd like our relationship to go beyond the office. But I've yet to agree to such terms, so don't go butting in for my sake," stated Amma, offering a slight chuckle. "My children have already started their own lives in Emor, so it's a little late to help me shoulder the burden of parenthood. For now, I just want to focus on helping Emor grow as quickly and safely as possible.

"And the fact that man.. that Bil stopped those bandits was a miracle. Not a single one of our men was injured, and every citizen was left without a scratch. Repairing a wall or two is nothing compared to those results. We've apprehended the entire group now and their leader with a murderous reputation was dealt with. Also, do you actually believe a bandit would bring such a heavy coin purse to a heist??

"So, please stop asking more, Captain Martt."

Getting up, Amma opened the door with a respectful smile. "Thank you for your service and loyalty, Captain Martt. I look forward to working with you further in building and protecting the town."

".. You're welcome, Madam Amma," Martt groaned as the door shut, displeased with the entire situation. "... Crux him.. There's got to be more…"

Exiting the general store, Nelphy led Bil by the hand toward the nearest inn. "We still have to cancel the week's reservation, so don't dawdle."

"Okay." Softspoken, Bil happily followed her. "You've grown so much. You're almost as tall as me.. I can't believe it. Today you're officially an adult."

"I'll always be your little girl!" Nelphy joked. "But please don't treat me like too much of a child."

Giggling, Bil nodded, "Of course! You'll always be my special, little girl. And, Jash, you'll always be–"

"Whatever, can we get this over with?" interjected Jash.

"... I get that you're upset. But–"

"Bil, you promised we could stay here and help it grow! You promised me," Jash grumbled, kicking the dirt path in disappointment. "Why do we have to–"

"Because. I'll explain after we set camp for the night," responded Bil.

Groaning in protest, Jash looked back at Bil, "We're really leaving today? We can't just celebrate in a cozy inn for once?"

"That's just how it is. But trust me, I'll make this up to you." Resting a hand on Jash's shoulder, Bil added, "After we've set up camp, I'll hand out your gifts and explain where we'll be living from now on."

"Gifts? You actually have gifts?!" laughed Jash. "Why not just hand me the toy now, so–"

"No toys. No trinkets. Tonight, you'll be receiving my gifts, as well as your mother's."