
Fallen Angel - An Eternal Love Story

"Let's meet again in our next life.. Ok?" "Don't say like that please.." "I love you" "I love you too".. A forbidden & heart-touching love story between A Fallen Angel and A Human being.. Duke, a fallen angel who was supposed to be the cause of Juliet's death fall in love with each other. Will their love bloom or let them to a dead end?

Scarlet_C · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 21: Jealousy

It has been four hours since Juliet went to the project designing site with Mr. Richardson. The place was quite far from where they were previously, so the journey indeed was time consuming. But Duke could not restrain himself from the thoughts of Juliet smiling beside some other man. He was going crazy with each passing hour. He was waiting in the car while looking still on his mobile screen. The time on the mobile phone was passing by every minute making him more restless. He had to wait for thirty more minutes before he saw a small yet firm figure was walking towards the car. He knew in no time that it was Juliet. Duke was about to get out of the car while grabbing his jacket but he paused as he saw another figure running in a slow pace towards Juliet.

Some seconds later he heard a manly voice calling her name saying "Juliet! You forgot your overcoat in my car".

As the sentence finished, Duke saw that man putting the overcoat on Juliet. Duke's heart clenched in his chest more looking at this sight. Juliet said thank you and again started walking towards her car.

Duke stepped down from the car as she came closer towards the car.

Before Juliet could say anything, Duke went very close to Juliet and asked her "Sit in the front." Duke's gaze was intimidating and shooting daggers towards the other person who was standing at a distance from them. As she was enough tired with the whole occasion today, she did not argue with him on this matter anymore. So, she sat on the passenger's sit in the front. Duke got into the car and slammed the door a bit harshly. Juliet looked at him in surprise. Duke started the car.

He was driving faster than in his usual speed. Though the road was not much traffic but the speed always terrifies her after the accident. So, she told him, "Slow down the speed."

"Did you tell him as well to slow down the car speed because you are scared?" Duke said in a firm voice.

Juliet wasn't expecting this kind of reply from him as she asked him

"What happened to you?" Juliet said while looking at him.

"Did it really take this long just to visit the designing site? Or were you enjoying each other's company so much that you forget about the time?" Duke said while speeding up the car more.

"Ah!! Duke what are you doing?? Do you want to get into an accident?? Don't drive like this!" Juliet said with a concern in her eyes.

"Juliet, you enjoyed your time with him? Huh?" Duke was not listening to what she was saying. He was completely immersed in his own thoughts.

"Duke, slow down please, this is a narrow passage, you can't drive in a high speed." But instead, he speeded up more.

"I told you to slow down!!! Why are you accelerating the speed?? Duke!!! slow down!!! Please!! Slow down the car!!! Ahhhhhhhh!!!" Juliet screamed loudly as the car went out of control and about to crash on a tree. The previous visuals from the accident were coming in her mind in small pieces of memories. So, she put her two hands on her ears while closing the eyes tight.

In the middle of a narrow road the car stopped making a screech sound as Duke pulled the break in time. As soon as the motion of the car stopped Juliet stepped down from it. She came to the driver's seat and opened the door. Then she yanked him out by grabbing his collar and slapped him in the face with full force.

"I told you to slow down, right??? Why didn't you?? Do you want to crash the car? Want me to witness another nightmare where I will lose the last person I love???" Juliet paused as she knew what she just said. Realizing the meaning of her words she tried to retreat her steps as she removed her hands from his shirt's neck.

But Duke grabbed her hands instead.

"Let Go… "Juliet said looking at the ground. But Duke put her hands near his lips and kissed them. Juliet shivered under his touch. She again said "L..let go of my hands."

This time Juliet felt a warm drop touching the back of her palm. So, she was shocked and looked at Duke. She was right; Duke was crying. The man who did not showed an ounce of emotion while Juliet confessed him; was crying in front of her right now. The unstoppable tear drops escaped his eyes as he clutched her hands more tightly.

There was a long pause before he said again......

"I..I am sorry Juliet… I'm really really sorry" with every word he uttered the flow of his tears increased.

Juliet was in a daze but her heart was melting at the sight in front of her. The barrier she created around her heart to protect it, was vanishing with Duke's every tear drop. Juliet was trying to say something but Duke cut her off with "I know I have done wrong with you by saying those harsh words that I don't love you… but I am truly sorry for that, please forgive me Juliet…"

As he said those; once more Juliet's deep wound that was very slowly healing with the time was gauged out again. The subsided pain was instigated one more time. Juliet removed her hands from his tight grips. Duke's eyes were closed as he was saying his heart but as soon as she took back her hands, an unknown fear surrounded him again in a tight hug. He immediately opened his eyes but the sight in front of him was truly painful. Juliet was in front of him but Duke was faced with her back. Juliet did not even want to show her face to him. Juliet was about to walk away when a manly hand back hugged her by the neck. Juliet could not move anymore. She felt a very strong sense of protectiveness in his hug. But still she said in a very low voice, "Let go…"

Duke tightened his hug as he said, "Please listen to me… this once… after this whatever you will decide… I'll respect that. But please… please listen to me first…please."

Juliet could not deny his warmth anymore. Though Duke was yet to say the thing he wanted to but his nasal voice was already making Juliet's eyes wet. So, she did not struggle anymore to get out of this embrace and stayed still.

The whole road was dead silent as it already passed midnight. There were only two figures standing in that vacant road under the moonlight with the loudly beating hearts anticipating for each other.

Thank you for reading 😊

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