
Fallen Angel's Scythe

He woke up in the body of someone called Lucé D´Ambray. After not remembering anything about himself, he just took the name Lucé for himself. Unexpectedly, the D´Ambray family was not your average family, as Lucé finds himself in possession of a powerful bloodline. Follow his journy as he finds out more about himself, the D´Ambray family and the mystery of where his actual soul came from.

HotPotatoes · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: An old man´s perspective

He had really found it. It had to be a legacy item that the supreme being had left behind for the D´Ambray family.

"These people didn´t even realize they were sleeping near an unfathomable relic. It´s almost sad to witness the fall of such an ancient family."

Thinking this, the old man glanced at the golden throne which had a dark gold halo surrounding it, visible only to him. Separated by the last corridor the old man showed an indifferent expression, but his mind was churning. An intense craving swelled up inside him, however he suppressed those feelings and looked at the 14-year old boy who was unexpectedly still breathing.

"Doesn´t die easily with the blood of a D´Ambray, huh?" He thought.

He had entered this small realm with his disciples after an opening was discovered by his sect. They were to check if there was anything of value here but had low expectations since the overall world energy was too low to produce any proper treasures or worthy materials.

Furthermore, after reaching this realm he had noticed that his powers were heavily suppressed by its laws.

After weeks of fruitless search, they had already passed many mortal countries, just to by chance hear about the grand aristocratic D´Ambray family. This would not arise the interest of any other person, as usually these mortal realms with low world energy would not produce any significant people.

However, hearing the family name, the already bored old man finally gained some spirit.

The D´Ambray name was infamous enough to spread even around the main realms. He only knew of them due to their sect having old records of a cultivator named Ashkiá D´Ambray. This man was an unspoken legend who had broken through the constraints of heaven and earth (will be explained later as well) and reached unimaginable heights.

Recognizing this, the old man quickly took his disciples to the aristocratic family´s home, where he only found a pitiful woman with broken meridians (energy channel which are required to operate and amass Qi) and a boy, who was too young to start the path of cultivation and also seemed to be mentally impaired.

"To think that these would be the last of the oh so 'glorious' bloodline…" the old man´s face even had a bit disappointment on it. He questioned the woman called Eve D´Ambray for anything of value, resorting to conventional means like threatening to hurt the boy.

This worked like a charm, the woman was easily persuaded and told him about their ancestor's relic in his tomb. Finally, he killed her, because he could not stand the hateful look in her eyes and further took the retarded boy with him as bait.

After raiding the D´Ambray´s family mansion only finding minor relics, he and his disciples forced their way into the tomb with a few extra people and have them 'kindly' check out the way for them.

Now that he was standing in front of the last corridor, he could almost not contain himself anymore, and promptly said:

"Since you´re alive, I´ll have you continue scouting the way…"

The boy still only slowly opened his eyes. After having to wait a minute or so the old man became impatient again and operated his Qi under the suppression of this realm to lift the boy up and throw him into the corridor.

Finally, the boy got up and started to move by himself. Satisfied, the old man watched the boy slowly walk through the corridor. He couldn´t make out any traps so it was always better to have someone else take the risk on themselves.

After seconds the old man noticed that the boy was acting weird as he was slowing his paste. Not very unexpectedly his disciple was quickly getting irritated and voiced out:

"Continue moving, mortal."

The boy stopped, and just as the old man was also about to say something, the kid started sprinting and took a leap.

"Did he notice something?"

Doubt filled the old man´s face, as he had just checked the corridor, however wasn´t able to see anything unusual. This was not to weird as his spiritual sense (much like an extra sensual organ that has many uses, one is for sensing dangers, will however be explained later in more detail) was essentially cut off due to the suppression of this realm.

Following the movement of the boy with his eyes, the old man could suddenly see power going beyond the constraints of this realm welling up above the ceiling. The wall burst apart, heavy wind came through and weird black dots filled the air between the corridor.

This shocked the old man, as he instantly recognized these dots to be particles of unstable space.

"How could Space Ripples appear in such a remote realm!" now he finally had lost his cool.

He was a master in his own home realm, one of the more powerful figures, however even there these black particles were an unusual sight.

In his shock he almost even forgot about the boy who had reached the other side of the corridor by sheer luck. The force of the shockwave from the ceiling seemed to have blasted him to the other end of the corridor.

All the previous rooms only had pitiful dangers, so that if he had not wanted to save his Qi, he would have easily bypassed these places by himself.

Yet, these space ripples in front of him filled him with dread as even with his current cultivation level due to the suppression he was feeling he could not bypass this without a heavy loss.

Space was a mysterious force very hard to comprehend, not many people would dare to face such a danger.

Digging around would also be of no help, as there were restriction formations placed in the walls. He had checked this earlier.

Now that there was an actual hurdle in the way, the old man became frustrated.

"Boy, you better wait there and not touch anything until this old man reaches the other side." He knew this was an empty threat, as the optimal strategy of the D´Ambray boy was to look for the treasure himself, but there was still a small chance of the boy listening.

Seeing the mocking look on the boy´s face destroyed that little hope inside him, however. This boy was very weird. He had been acting like he had brain issues up until before, but after they crossed the last corridor where the kid had lost his consciousness, he seemed to have completely changed.

As he was trying to think of another way, his disciple acted.

Gotta bring in more perspectives, to spice it up.

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