
Fallen's Descendant

TC2403 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Wake up you damn brat!!!!


Cold water splashed all over Cyrus face and body, As soon as Cyrus woke up he could feel his heart beating out of his chest and his whole body was shaking then he realized he was wet all over and noticed who was standing in front of him and where he was .

" Thank god old man its you i just had the longest nightmare of my life the whole town was destroyed there was this creepy ass lake "

" I am going to stop you right there boy get your ass in the forge dry off its to cold to be wet out here if you catch a cold or anything your mom will string my little neck up and it will not be a good day for me . And after you dry you still have a delivery to drop off at the Adventures guild "

Ok ok you only have to tell me once i got it .

When Cyrus reached the door handle to the shop he stop for a few seconds but to him felt like a eternity " it was just a dream Cyrus get your head together " once he opened the door to the Smith shop what cought his site was the familiar scene and layout of the shop he has been working with and been running around since he was little . There where all kinds of different swords, axes and all kinds of different weapons and armor string up on the walls and on displace cases all around the lobby and at the other end from the door he was standing at there was the checkout counter and behind it was a massive 7 foot orc he had a nasty scar running down his face that ran over his left eye all the way to the end of his jaw line he had dark green skin and standing right behind the massive Orc was a small little human girl she was around my size in hight she had jet black hair with diluted red eyes she was wearing simple gray shirt with a hammer and anval with words that say thunder hammer shop ."

Hey Rok , hey Nyx y'all been busy without me?

"What does it look like! Some of us want to work and learn and not just sneak away and go day dreaming while he's spouse to work and deliver goods."

Well if it makes you feel better my sleep wasn't that peaceful i had the craziest dream about the town being destroyed and "

"No one cares hurry up and do your job Cyrus before the old man comes back cause if he does and those weapons are still here he's going to be pissed and he's going to be in a bad mood all day and me and Rok will have to deal with his nagging so please hurry and run along we already got them put on the wagon so get going . "

As Cyrus stepped through the back door to the smith shop he ran passed the smith and tools to forge weapons and reached the stables behind the shop and there he saw the wagon already full of the goods that he is spouse to deliver to the guild . And right beside the wagon he saw the hourses . He put The rains around the horse and started going down the dirt road . He looked up to the sky and realized that it was already past noon . " damn how long was i asleep for? No wonder why Nyx was so mad at me . But what was up with that dream everything felt so real and the whole dream was just wired i am going to tell mom about it i know she will listen to me and she always has answers .

About time you reached here Cyrus we have been waiting what took you so long ?

Sorry about that Dave i kinda lost track of time then the old man gave me a ear full .

I believe it by the way you look really tired Cyrus you sure your not coming down with some sickness ? Cause if you are and its old man Masons fault let me and the other guild members know so we can have frount row seats to your mom stringing that old Dawrf up ha ha ha . But anyway pull the cart around back i've made your friends wait for you since they don't have anything else better to do .

As Cyrus reached around the back he saw two boys they where just a little taller than him standing around 5'2 in hight, Lucian the boy on the right had golden blonde hair and brown eyes the boy on the left Calen had dark brown hair with dark brown eyes , They were both wearing the same matching set of brown leather armor that had Mason smith cigual on the bottom right hand side of the armor and Calen had a bow strapped to his back while Lucian had his short sword sheeth to his right side .

"Took you long enough to get here we have been waiting for at least 2 hours !"

Yeah Cyrus what took you so long I've been board here with this laze ass all day said Calen ?

Cyrus looked at both the boys and with a smirked smile said " Unlike you lazy bumbs I've been working and earning my pay "

Yeah and that's why u are at least 2 hours late I am sprised that the old man didn't kill you if it was me I would have been already 6 foot deep and the dirt by him

It's because the old man is scared to death of his mom said Lucian which I don't blame him when it envoles Cyrus the woman can be pretty freakin scary .

Will y'all stop talking about my mom please and hurry up and unload this wagon this is my only stop for the day so I can just go back to the shop after this .

Oh if that's the case you wanna go adventureing with us when we were doing a gathering quest the other night we came across this cave entrance about 20 minutes in the woods. It was already getting dark so we didn't go inside and we're planning on going today so you wanna tag along ?

I don't know said Cyrus don't y'all have like quest and stuff y'all need to do and plus I will have to go back to the shop to get my stuff ?

We can ride with u back to the smith so u can get your stuff and we can just go from there and nah we already cleared all of our gathering requests for the week so we are all free and btw its your birthday next week right ? Are you excited to get your mana core actived by the preset ?

Yeah i cant wait mom told me to not get my hopes up i think she's just scared that once i get my mana core that i am going to run off and get my self killed .

She's probably right said Lucian

If I do it would be because of y'all dragging me into some sketchy place like what we are about to do .

"Yeah I can see all of y'all dieing a horrible death "

Wow Nyx don't just sneak up on us like that seriously you almost gave me a heart attack!

Oh shut up Calen if you guys couldn't sense me coming from behind the cart then y'all wont be livening long as adventures you most likely wont even make it trough winter .

Shut up Nyx if i wanted your input i would have asked for it !

Well don't come crying to me later on, oh wait you wil be dead ha ha ha . God i love messing with you two idiots anyway what this about a hidden cave guess i have to do my due diligence as a good citizen and come with y'all so y'all don't get your selfs killed .

What makes you think we want you coming with us ?

Oh be quite Lucian do you want me to beat your butt again or have you forgot i am the best swords woman out of all of you wanna be's

She's got a point i trust going with her more than you guys just saying if it wasn't for yalls's mana cores i wouldn't even consider going with y'all so atleast y'all have that going for y'all .

So your on her side Cyrus not cool man us guys have to stick together . And what do you mean out of us sowrds woman ??!!

I mean what I said your not a man in my eyes unless you can beat me with a sowrd until then y'all are just a bunch of little girls in my book .

"Little girls my ass said Lucian under his breath"

When Cyrus and others arrived back to the smith shop they saw three cloaked up figures in dark cloths getting back on there hourses out front of the shop and road away there where two male riders and one female on the left side of the cloak there was a sigual of pure withe wings , and Cyrus could only catch the color of eyes of the man in the middle of the three he had deep dark blue eyes that looked like the deepest part of a lake .

Wow did you see the sigual on there cloaks ? There knights right ? What do you think there out here for and why were they at the old mans ?

I have no clue why don't you chase them down and ask Calen ?

Ha ha so funny Cyrus but be honest your not the least bit curious ?

"They are probably just getting there gear shaped up and repaired by the old man he isnt a master smith for nothing people come around from ever were around here for his work . "

Yeah i am going to have to agree with Cyrus on this one plus its not really y'all's business if anything its only mine and Cyrus since we work for the master Mason .

You two Hurry up and put the wagon and the hourses in the stables and get your asses in here !

"Yes sir " said Nyx and Cyrus in unison after they put everything away Cyrus ,Nyx ,Lucian and Calen went into the shop as they went into the shop they saw Mason closed the door behind them and put the closed sign in the window of the shop . As Mason turned around and looked at he four kids in frount of him and said " y'all are free to go today as you can see are little Kinghts are in town and they gave me a shit load of work and already paid in advanced so i am not going to pay for y'all to sit around and sleep all day . So get your shit and get out besides you Nyx you can stay if you want or be back by dark if you go with the three stooges here ".

I am going to go with them apparently they found a hidden cave around town and they are going to go explore it . Sounds interesting and plus you know i have to be the bigger sister and keep them safe and on that note master can me and Cyrus borrow the usually ?

Yeah that's fine and since when did you become the older one out of this group of Idiots ? Boys you better keep my apprentice safe especially you two Lucian and Calen you are past 12 and you have mana cores already so if i hear you left them to die so help me god even those Kights in town wont be able to stop me from killing you !

Lucian and Calen felt a cold shiver run down there spine when they heard Manson words and they new if they ran into trouble they couldn't leave there friends behind not matter what unless they just wanted to give up on the land of the living .

'Thanks master '

"Thanks old man "

Old man its master to you little brat be lucky your mom scares the piss out of me or I would have already thrown you into the forge and melted your little ass !