

The Gods are Panicked by the gods who had run out of life, which would be revoked by the guardian of time, namely destiny (nickname), the gods were afraid and created a sword called nahkarioah and the essence and power of the gods had fallen

Randimator · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Essence Of Creation SWORD

The cursed and blessing "Swords":

Deep in darkness and light these two realms belong to the left hand of the god of creation, namely darkness belongs to the goddess of darkness EreRhoi and the realm of light belongs to the right hand of the god of creation, namely Hishiku, the god of light and general of heaven, they are both right hands and they are both elder gods. who were born after the creator god of life, both of them are not in a state of panic but they are in a state of difficulty in making a soul, namely the soul of the chosen one. They are both available candidates in making that soul and that soul has been made. We start from the beautiful goddess, namely EreRhoi The Goddess has also made a pure soul from darkness and mixed a little with Corrupted matter (I will explain at the end of the chapter). EreRhoi's artificial soul has a future that can be said to not have to be passed by ordinary humans like him or the artificial soul will lives a very hard life and he is equipped with the Spear of Existence and his power is unknown type (this type will be explained in the next chapter, just wait) and we move on to the general of light (Hishiku) who makes pure souls with light then with a very great helping nature and not given the nature of being willing to sacrifice because of the selfishness of the god of Light and he equipped this soul with 3 weapons because this soul could become the god's new host and its weapon is a helb'tr, an arrow weapon is the main weapon that must be mastered with patience and Dual Blade the second weapon that must be aroused with anger and the third weapon is the dual Heaven's spear. Heaven's spear is the original weapon of the god of light so that when he controls the body of his host (or can be call the main character heheh) he can ravage the earth with his weapons because when he was under Aether's leadership he really felt like he was a puppet being controlled and this is how it happened, let's move on.

A few hours before MenoFatum ascended to heaven, the gods began to realize the loss of a god's soul, namely Barbarossa, who had died, but Fulnitruum came, bringing the remains of the fire god's essence, there at that time the gods began to panic because of the methods used by MenoFatum. what he did was too sadistic and did not reflect his character as the god of time and also the successor of the executor of fates who is patient and can control himself. Fatum is like being controlled by something, let's move to the place of the gods,When Fulnitruum arrived he was immediately greeted by Zygard the God of Earth "where is he?" Fulnitruum frustratedly answered that Barbarossa was gone but Fulnitruum immediately said that the essence of Barbarossa's life was still felt and that essence came out of Fulnitruum's left hand while he was furious.

"OI OI I think I'm the only one who hasn't transferred all the power into that sword" the gods then fell silent for a moment and began to remember what happened to that idea before fate started carrying out its engagement with the gods, time has been pushed back to the seventh Dewa, Zygard, Glaika, Aeren, Fulnitruum, Dorniqua, Barbarossa started the meeting and talked about something about the fall of power for mankind. They planned to make a sword that was infused with 56% of their original power to sing the sword and the making of the sword began. before starting the creation of some of the gods moved down from heaven or you could say with the name Heaven's illusionist which can be said to be a place for the gods who have been exiled because of their mistakes in the past and some of the gods have moved and let's start doing the deeds of the nahkarioah sword

The gods began to release their power by 56% to extract their power in the sword and the essence of the god of fire (Barbarossa) has entered and become the essence that will guard and will also be a mentor for the owner of the sword and 6 minutes before MenoFatum (god of time and god of fate came) there was the goddess of equality she introduced herself by the name AequSapós, she then continued to monitor the making of the sword while waiting for the right time to tell the gods that Fatum had come, she saw the angels and felt strange seeing the two angel's hugging and "ouch what are their names uh uhhhhhh let me remember first oh yeah" try to remember and get a little about the two of them namely they are brothers of the creator god "if I'm not mistaken the creator god named them ouch, ha what name is that ouch I forgot again nahhh their names if I'm not mistaken Mato, ma maa Matōnfec and ahh I forgot her sister's name" then the Goddess of Equality began to notice a little something odd in her sister's body movements ******* she seemed to be controlled by someone and that someone was ***** ** and the bad things were just starting MenoFatum had come by the time he held it in his right hand and started asking the two of them "where are the gods at?" And Matōnfec (brother of *******) began to prepare with his spear which was smeared with the name of the curse on his spear with a blank stare he began to stand ready to attack.

Then Fatum started to look around, she realized that the female angel she saw was the same person when she fought Aether, the creator god, "You were yesterday's angel, weren't you? You hid your wings and then helped (?) me earlier? But I think you have your own proven reasons You prepare your little pawn to play with me" the angel who was hiding the wings then introduced himself. His name was Gabriel Tracitís and started asking MenoFatum "Are you ready for my game?" Said the angel and without saying much, MenoFatum immediately prepared his position for the 2 vs 1 attack. Will this be a symbol of loyalty (?) from the angels or a betrayal? From a distance AequSapós called all the gods to prepare to fight because the true fall had been determined and the gods began to prepare after completing the sword of nahkarioah

and the gods started to be a little unprepared because the power they had was 44% and the Goddess of equality then encouraged them not to lose their enthusiasm to fight and that spirit was further strengthened by Zygard the God of Earth's anger "we are gods and also Goddesses with lost 56% of our strength doesn't mean we will just lose!" And the gods and goddesses such as Glaika the God of icers and Dorniqua the goddess of Waters also got ready with their weapons and Aeren the goddess of winds asked something, namely "we have given guidance to humans on earth, is that enough? With our absence, will the world be a better place?" Said the youngest Goddess

Then Fulnitruum the God of thunders came with his staff

,started to release his full strength to play with him (MenoFatum).... And the sword of Nahkarioah had been forged and the sword had the seven elements of the gods consisting of Fire's, Waters, Earth, winds, thunders, Ices, Lava, the seventh power that has just returned from hell Yogva the God of Lava he just had to come and will join them and from these seven elements the sword of Nahkarioah has been created and in its final phase it can become a katana with a strength increase of 84% and the battle outside was over

MenoFatum has entered the heavenly castle in a blank stare and the gods suspect that someone is controlling him...... ...

The sound of the door having opened MenoFatum came with a blank look or had no response and began to prepare his horse stance and there were 6 red threads behind his neck, the gods and goddesses also noticed it too and AequSapós threw a transparent chain onto MenoFatum's chest and activated the power " Binding foul's soul's...Togane!" Said the Goddess, MenoFatum's power has decreased by 56% and the fight has become balanced between the powers with the gods, equivalent to the god of time and the fight with the balance of the powers of the gods has started a fight which started from MenoFatum playing -time-"to'mai taki• oh!" Time stopped and MenoFatum started to prepare an anti-material attack then said "Die" when he saw Glaika's hand move a little he immediately moved away and he realized and that's when the gods opened the real game and the fight was no joke, Aeren casually held MenoFatum's head then slammed him with a loud "how about yours?" A little explanation when AequSapós threw a transparent chain into MenoFatum's chest, it was a chain that made Fatum's power reduce by 56% and become equal with the gods, Dorniqua activated the armor of divine along with her spear "delusional Kyoka!" The God of Waters with his spear and armor began to attack continuously at the same time as Fulnitruum the God of thunders attacked him in a duo combo... Attack after attack and seven gods against one god became an unequal battle between in the heavenly castle someone ordered-"brother come down and help Fatum in her fight" ah it was cut off again by my character.

Zygard the God of Earth put on a horse and then prepared to fight with the leader of the angels or with his real name Michael Matōnfec and the two of them started fighting starting from Zygard deflecting all kinds of attacks, but not deflecting the fetish, then counterattacked from the right side and said "take a break" but the attack can be countered by parrying (parry is holding back an attack) "ku...come...back...right..." then Zygard bounced a little away from the fighting distance.

Meanwhile, in the place where Glaika the God of icers and Dorniqua along with AequSapós fought with their potential destruction during their fight in the past, when the gods and goddesses fought, help arrived from the deputy leader of the angels, namely Azazel, the angel created by the god of darkness with a female gender. her cursed sword which was given to him by Aether, the creator god, he then took the fight for a few minutes so that the gods and goddesses could rest for a while.

When he took out his sword from his belt, Azazel then asked Fatum, "Are you controlled by hatred?" While emitting an aura while mounting the MenoFatum horse stance then started playing -time- again the two of them fought so seriously on the ceiling of the castle they fought for 4 minutes 53 seconds...moving to Zygard who was fighting with Michael Matōnfec and from the puddle of water around them came out Dorniqua carrying his spear then thrust it into Michael Matōnfec's heart then Zygard released his full power "Earth ohgra alraksa!" (Yes, the explanation of Earth ohgra alraksa is the power of the earth which is solidified with memories and hatred which is used as a source of strength and determines the destruction of Zygard's own destructive power) Dorniqua then joined in and released her power too "Taka Bonerake..." ( An essence from the goddess of water combined with the hope of becoming an energy that unites into the uniqueness of the power itself) the attack of the two gods resulted in a fatality and made him fall. Michael tried to fight and gave the message that "Ga...b.. ".r..ie..l who...n..g has (coughs out purple blood, then tries to speak fluently) manipulating us" Zygard there was confused about a girl who he always thought was an innocent, beautiful girl can become someone cruel.

"-time- to'mai tak'i'oh" time had stopped for a moment and the person who helped MenoFatum to seal the Aether and also the person who would become the owner of Heaven arrived so gracefully carrying an arrow accompanied by someone from the race racialization, namely the zodiac race and Gabriel came and greeted the gods along with MenoFatum who was dying "Ara Ara? You...(Looking carefully)... need help? Safakya" an arrow from Gabriel's bow hit MenoFatum and then restored his condition It was as if he had just been reborn, Gabriel then called the person who had accompanied him "Estanivirbra help him" Estanivirbra then summoned the twelve types of zodiac powers "Okay, let's take revenge APPEAR!" And the fight that initially cornered MenoFatum becomes MenoFatum who corners them and this is where (the part I like ehe) MenoFatum starts playing -time- when he starts to activate his power Zygard tries to throw a transparent chain but it doesn't work because..."wait what ? Why isn't it working¿" Gabriel from above Dorniqua's head said "that's because he hasn't activated it yet" blow after blow was thrown. Zygard began to realize that Gabriel was deliberately not taking part in the fight because..."ara? Would say I won from the start , Activate" the chains of MenoFatum have been destroyed along with those of the gods and Goddesses too and MenoFatum begins to activate -time- the end