
Fall of Dawn

"Project V.E.N.O.M." , an operation run by V.E.N.O.M. squad founded by Dr. Leo joined forces with dark abyss is to take over the whole world. Lucifer, an ordinary guy with no talents, who dreamt of becoming a swordsman. Decides to stand against V.E.N.O.M. while the world is being attacked by them. This story takes place in a fantasy world, where Land of Dawn and human realm are separated. People can only enter Land of Dawn under some circumstances such as receiving a direct invitation from Moniyan empire. Lucifer gets to enter the Land of Dawn through an accident, where he finds a master who teaches him combat and sword skills. Later he joins forces with a legendary warrior, savior of the Eastern Continent. And prince of north. Will they find a way out to take down project V.E.N.O.M.?

EterniteGodfrey · Video Games
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25 Chs

8. Training

I woke up sometime after the sunrise, while I was folding up the tent, Kagura asked me "what do you want to eat?"

I didn't expect that kind of question in middle of a forest.

"Anything will be fine." I replied.

"Hmm... take this then." She handed me a crystal.

"What's this?" I ask as I take the crystal.

"You don't know? It's called food crystal, it can form any kind of food you think of. One time use though"

"That's amazing! I've heard legends about advanced magic in Land of Dawn, but it's way beyond my expectations!"

"Ahaha... there's more like teleport crystal, healing crystal, also a magical storage where we can keep our belongings."

Speaking of healing crystal, that's what Hayabusa used on me when we first met

"I see." "Thank you for the crystal then."

"You're welcome!"

I kept thinking of what to eat, I didn't want it to be fancy so I visioned pancakes in my mind, as I did, the crystal starts emitting light and a plate of pancake appeared on my hand, along with a fork. I didn't quite expect a plate and fork.

"The food is really tasty!"

"Glad you liked it."

"What'll happen to the plate and fork?"

"Don't worry about it, they'll disappear"

"Alright. Now that lead me to wondering if the food will disappear inside my body too."

"It won't! You're funny ahaha."


"Let's get going" Says Hayabusa as he comes back from jungle.

We continue our journey, travelling to lots of places while Hayabusa teaches me his skills, we formed a master - apprentice relationship along with time. Took me a while but after long and tough training I finally mastered one of his skills, Quad Shadow.

Hayabusa showed me scrolls of various ninja skills which he couldn't master because he's specialized in manipulating shadow. He gave me two scrolls, one containing a move called Hasso Happatsu. It looks simple yet one of the hardest and strongest skill in ninja world. Another one is called Garyou tensei, it's knows as the ultimate slash, where a single slash can kill multiple enemies and will end the user's own life if not properly used.

They taught me how to use the magical storage, where I kept those two scrolls.

I asked him why is he doing all these to me, he said- "You're a boy full of talents, I want to teach you everything possible... before, just in case anything happens."

I didn't know what to say to that, all I could say was "Thank you, I hope nothing will happen."

Then he gave me a pair of swords, it's called Ashura Sanpou, a well known odachi in Land of Dawn, this was made by a well known blacksmith of Ashura, it's made of amethyst stones, pretty heavy and has a colour of black and purple, even the blades are black and purple.

"Thank you," I said.

"You're welcome, take good care of it."

"Of course I will." I replied.

I Don't know what I'm gonna do with it, since I'm not strong enough to wield two swords. But I guess I can use one for now.

I set one of the sword around my waist, like anyone would do with odachi.

Then Hayabusa started to teach me the best skill he can use, Ougi: Shadow kill. It's a skill where the user becomes one with the shadow and lands continuous slashes while being immune to any kind of damage, I wonder if I can master this skill.

It's been one month and a half since we started our journey, I don't know what's the situation in my realm, neither the situation in Land of Dawn right now.

One morning I woke up to a sound of battle.

It was V.E.N.O.M.