
CHAPTER 27: Unmasked

Kitsune's Point Of View

We were reunited after rescuing the Elven Village. And now we were here in The Mansion discussing something after introducing ourselves to each other. "Mama, are you okay?". Valerie asked her mother with concern. "Yes, I am fine so don't worry". The Queen Rea answered her with assurance. "Thank goodness, I was so worried after knowing the circumstance you're in". Valerie said with her voice with calmness. "We were told that the barrier around this Domain won't open for different Races other than Elves?". I said in a way of asking. "Yes, that's true for defending us from harm but then those Demons were able to enter in this Village and knows about our children". The Queen Reah said with suspicious look in her eyes. "Then, is there a reason how did they enter here?". Luise asked with a very determined voice. "There is, and we have concluded that a Accomplice was freely lurking within your kins". Zero said so calmly even though they were discussing a very big of a matter. "Is that even possible, who and why?". Luise asked in curiosity. "e suspect that the accomplice has an authority here, one who has greed for power and tries to trample the present monarch". Eugene says with great impact to them. "That does make sense, for that person to use a Demon". Luise said for he had agreed as he was carrassing his brother Raine whom sleeping so peacefully in his lap. "Honestly speaking, killing us with the aid he have from a Demon really is disturbing". Queen Reah says with warried expression. "To be able to plot this even, he concealed himself as innocent to wipe out a Royalty lineage". Elder Rio says upon hearing the conviction we have. "Maybe, he told them that he would be captured as well and be beaten after they massacred the Royalty to make himself the only Noble survivor". I said that made them look at me. "T-That's right, then afterwards being the survivor the our brethren would make him a King to rule over them". Luise said as a realization. "Whoa aren't you smart Brother Luise?". Valerie says upon hearing him to state such a conclusion. "Well, I chill type of person but I didn't lack wisdom of course". Luise confidently says to her. "So, who might that traitor be?". Elder Rio asked. "We have an Ideal suspect but thst might make you all be shocked and hate us". Merleona says upon them. "Then tell us". They said in a sychronized way. "Well that's-". Eugene says but then Ricky appeared. "Hurry! thereis a fire inside the mansion!!!". He shouted that made us to rush on our way but then he stayed behind us. So we became alerted as he pulled a dagger and rushed to stab the queen. I grabbed him twisting his arm. "Ahhhh!!!". He creamed in pain that made the other Royalty look back. "So we were right the whole time". I said as they see him drop the dagger in his hand. "The Soul Eater!!!". The Queen shouted and looked at the feirce looking Ricky with shock and fear at the same time.

"Why? why would you try to kill us?". Queen Reah asked as she was trembling in frustration. "You ask hahaha? simple it's to experiment you all-". Ricky nonchalantly replied but then he was punched by very angered Luise. "You bastard!!! Raine almost died because of that you jerk!!!". He angrily screamed at him but that didn't mattar to Ricky at all. "So what? He get in my way so I don't care whatever happens". Ricky replied as if he stop thinking. Then Zero stopped Luise from punching him again then pointed his index finger in Ricky's forehead. "Illusion: Devastating Nightmare". He said and then Ricky began screaming. "What did you do to him?". Elder Rio asked. "Just crippling him on what it feels being tortured and ravaged". Zero answered so coldly with his cold stare.

Ricky's Point Of View

"Where am I?". I thought to myself upon waking up in a strange room. Then the door opened with a masked man. " Who are you? Where am I?". I immediately asked him but he remained silent when he bring some strange tools. I tried to move myself but I was restrained. "What-Hhmmm Hmmhn". I didn't finish asking when he put a metal to open up my mouth then he picked up a tool that seems to be used to full out a think and then pit it in my mouth directly at my teeth and forcefully pulled it out. "Huhmmm!!! Huhuhhmmm!!!!". I screamedin agony because of the even as I hear him laugh in an insane way and continued to pull out all of my tooths as I scream and cry from the intense pain as he pull them off as I beg him to stop. Then I feel relieved after he take off that metal in my mouth as it seems hes satisfied hut I was wrong when hepull out my nails making me scream so loudly as he extract it one by one in all of my fingers and toes. Then after that without any delay he readied a hammer. "Ahhhhhhh!!!! STOP!!!". I screamed as he smashed my limbs that made me shout so hardly and after that he let a rat roam ito my underwear. As the eat ate my lump as I lost conciousness. Then I woke up being in a Forest surrounded by a uncivilized tribe of women. I look around seeing that my injuries healed. "What's this place? where is this?". I asked them but they spoke in a very peculiar language then became so happy. I smiles even though I can't understand when they happily touch my body. Then that hortifying event happend when they forcefully peirce my body with their hands. "Ahhhhhh!!! Stop Stop!!!". I screamed at them but they remained smiling. Then a moment horrified me even more when they ate my flesh in front of me and continously ravaged my organs both external and internal organs before I lost my Conciousness again for the second time.