
Fall in love a dead person (Angel please don't take away him .)

It is said that if there is true love, then the lover fights with the beloved world to get it. But if that love is from a dead person, can she find it? Manya fell in love with a man who had already passed away 4 years ago, Unaware of the fact that Air Force officer Karthik has passed away, manya have started loving him very much, Will manya ever meet Kartik or not, Manya's love is true and Manya feels that she will go to great lengths for her love. This story is about human beings along with angels and gods. The angel Vaibhav falls in love with a human girl, Manya, from whom no work is done properly, and she has already fallen madly in love with someone else, The angel Vaibhav does something for Manya which was against the natural rules, After which he gets away from Manya, and he has to suffer hell. What did Vaibhav do that got him such a big punishment? Will he be able to meet Manya again? Friends, I have worked very hard in making this story, I need your support, so that I can write it better. Please support me friends.

neetangel · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter15 Face just like manya

Vaibhav was busy having fun with the nymph, he was not aware of what he was doing,

Then there came an old man in yellow clothes, he had long white silky hair, he was holding a book in his hand,

There he was quietly watching Vaibhav wasting time with such nymphs,

When a nymph caught sight of the old man, she fearfully said, "Master, Master has come."

After hearing this, along with Vaibhav, the attention of all the nymphs fell on the man, who was staring angrily at Vaibhav.

Seeing him there, all the nymphs started going from there with bowed heads.

The man angrily stared at them and said - "Wait, how many times do you have to make me understand, don't come here? Next time I see you all here, I will turn you into stone idols, because you drowned my disciple in lust." Doing,"

Vaibhav replied in a drunken state, "You should not say anything to them, if you want to say something to anyone, you can say it to me." Saying this, looking at the fairies, he said, "Hey fairy, you all can go."

When all those nymphs had left,

Then the old man angrily lifted Vaibhav with his power, but Vaibhav was still smiling.

Vaibhav brazenly said "Even though you are my Master but I do not consider you my Master"

Everything was a blur now.

hell **********

Vaibhav "[with anger] I couldn't be like this, I had to know everything about myself why did you just show me"

Vaibhav was saying this to himself, that is, he was telling his inner self that he wanted to see his complete memories and not just a few blurred memories.

After hearing this, the inner being was out, he shouted at him in reverse and said, "I already said, I remember only a few memories of you, although there are some more memories, they are also blurred."

Vaibhav - "Then you have to extract complete information about my complete memories now, you can go, you have to do this for me, find out who erased my memories and why, did I hurt anyone, You have to come back only when you find out everything, now you can go"

inner self - "If I don't do this"

Vaibhav - "Then take the punishment in my place, I go to find out the truth"

inner self - "Hey I was just joking, I didn't mean to say that, you live in a hurry, ok I go"

inner self-started leaving from there in fear, Vaibhav was smiling and looking at him.

When A inner self had left, Vaibhav closed his eyes so that he could see what his inner self was doing.

Earth **********

A 5-year-old girl was sleeping on her bed, then someone came into that room, she was a woman, she was wearing a pink saree, her face was just like many, she had tied her hair in a bun, that woman slept there She put his hand over the little girl's head and said, "Get up daughter, I am going to the party with your father, your aunt will give you food and yes, don't bother her too much."

On hearing this, the little girl's eyes opened quickly, she got up very quickly and holding the hand of the woman said, "Mother, please don't go like this."

That woman started smiling after hearing this, she said with a smile, "Today my daughter woke up very early, you beat everyone in sleeping, how did you wake up today? But daughter, I can't stop, today is important, I and your father will come soon." will go

The woman was not listening to the girl, after which, the woman started going in the car with her husband, to prevent her from going like this, the girl started crying loudly, but the woman was feeling bad. Still, she was not stopping, she left there with a sad heart. That baby girl was just crying and a woman held her to stop her from going after them,

After that, the woman was lovingly feeding the girl but she was not eating anything,

Just then the bell of their home telephone rings, the woman left the girl and reached to pick up the phone.

The second voice on the telephone was a man who was saying, "Look, I want to tell you, there's been a big accident here, I think you should come over here and have a look."

On the other hand, the girl was crying and saying to herself "No this can't happen again, I can't stop this from happening"

The woman was nervous about the news she got on the phone.

The woman said to the little girl, "My dear doll, you wait for me, I have just come."

Saying this, the woman was about to leave, that's why the little girl caught hold of the woman's hand from behind, "Aunty, don't go now, I don't want to lose you too."

But that woman could not understand what this little girl wanted to say.

That's why she also went away from there ignoring the words of that girl.

She came out in such a hurry that she didn't even pay much attention to the road, the little girl was coming running after her,

When the attention of that woman fell on that little girl, she rushed towards her in a hurry to stop her, then a very fast vehicle coming from the other side hit the woman, due to which the woman fell a long way, she fell. Because her head was torn, she was looking at that girl in agony, water was flowing from her eyes,

The little girl was so terrified to see her aunt die before her eyes that she went into shock, she froze in place, tears welling up in her eyes.

People around started running to that woman, but no one was paying attention to that girl.