
Fall Four You

An upcoming college student, Lily is a simple yet pretty looking girl who will going to live in a mansion together with four handsome, wealthy and good mannered men. It is a job offer for her. Life circumstances made it's way to Lily, that leads her into this situation and accepting the offer. An adventure of finding love while fulfilling her dream on becoming a good teacher one day.

EduardJoseph · Teen
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9 Chs

Chapter 9 : " The Beginning "

The next day.

In the morning.

A huge large siren noise is can be heard echoing all throughout the mansion.

Anthony was surprised and immediately woke up. "WHAT IS THAT!?" Anthony shouted as he is very shock and immediately stood up even though he is still sleepy. "Is there a fire!?" said by Anthony as he is still dozy and could not stand properly. Anthony then grabs his phone, "It six o'clock in the morning!" Anthony added up as he is in panic. He grabs his backpack and run immediately towards the door of his room.

Anthony opens up his door. "Nonoy!" shouted by Anthony the moment he saw Xander coming out from his own room too. "What is that!? Is there a fire!?" with a panicking tone of voice Anthony said and asked Xander.

Xander is also in great panic as he is carrying his backpack too. "Hurry Tonyo! We need to go to the wast wing and save Lily! If that is a fire alarm, we need to get out of here!" Xander then spoke up as he answered Anthony.

"My goodness! We haven't stayed for a day yet, but looks like we are going to be burn here!" Anthony said as he is shouting these words while running towards the east wing of the mansion with Xander.

The heavy foot steps of both Xander and Anthony are can be heard. Because in much hurry they reached the staircase in no time. Xander stopped as Anthony stumble upon him. "Guys?" Xander said as he saw that Joseph, Lily and Van are all standing in the living room.

"They are already awake." Joseph said who is with Lily and Van. "Shut it out already, its irritating." Added up by Joseph as he is speaking towards Lily.

Lily then looks at Joseph raising up her eyebrow and immediately rolls her eye. Lily is holding a remote control. The moment Lily clicks the red button, the noisy sound then instantly shuts.

Lily smiled. "Good Morning Guys." Lily said as she is looking towards Xander and Anthony.

Xander and Anthony realized that it was not a fire alarm, but an alarm clock to wake them all up. They dropped their backpacks and sat down at the stairs. Their panic has been converted into heavy breathing.

Anthony is dropping a lot of sweat. "I thought… it was a fire…" Anthony said.

"Why you guys are here?" Xander asked and said these words with a confuse tone of voice, as he looks towards Joseph, Lily and Van.

"I woke by five fifty am, and saw Lily standing here. So I accompanied her." Van answered and said these words.

"I saw them the moment I go down stairs. A few seconds after, 'Egg Yolk' immediately press that remote she is holding and a loud siren was activated." Joseph replied to what Xander just asked.

Lily looks at Joseph with an angry look and felt irritated because Joseph just called her by the nickname that Joseph puts in her. Joseph then looks away.

Lily took a step and goes in front. Joseph and Van are by her sides a few inches far.

"So today, the training starts." Lily then said as she smiled. "I'll going to give you something." Lily added up as she then hands over a folded bond paper towards the boys.

Van smiled towards Lily as he took the paper. Xander then stood up and goes towards Lily to get the copy of his paper. "Thank you, Miss Lily." Xander said. Anthony then also stood up as he is still catching up his breath. "Thanks." Anthony said the moment he gets his copy. Joseph looks at Lily with a poker face as he grabs the paper. Lily annoyingly looks towards Joseph after she hands over the paper.

"Alright, now you guys open it up." Lily then said as he instructed the boys. "That will answer the question, why there is a loud noisy siren." Lily said as she added up.

The paper is then opened by all of the boys. The boys then begun to read.

"WHAT!?" Anthony shouted with great surprise and shock. "SIX O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING IS THE CALL TIME? WE NEED TO WAKE UP THIS MUCH EARLY EVERY DAY FOR TWO YEARS!?" Anthony added up with a loud tone of voice.

"No problem with me." Van said.

"That's good though, I can cope up with it." Xander then said.

"The loud noisy siren will ring every six am in the morning, and will not stop until all of you are here in the living room with me. Your day will start every 6am in the morning." Lily then said as she explains further.

Lily is smiling, while Joseph just kept on reading the things written in the bond paper.

"For the next thirty days, that will be your task and rotations in every house chores in the mansion. But before that, of course everything will be taught by me. You need to learn first every single task before you can do it your self." Lily then said.

"This is too much for my beauty." Anthony said after he read the house chores that is in tasked in him.

"This is it…" Xander then said as he grins.

"The start of our sufferings…" Van then added up the words of Xander.

Lily then walks towards the kitchen. "I do not want to be rude to you guys, so today I will prepare a breakfast for all of you." Lily then said. "So, you better take up your showers cause all of you stinks. So that you can have your breakfast right after." Lily then added up as she continues her way to the kitchen.

The boys were all looking towards Lily.

Minutes later.

Lily is in the kitchen who is still cooking.

"You are still cooking Miss Lily?" said by Xander who just came in to the kitchen. "That smells delicious Miss Lily. I'll bet it taste good." Xander then added up as he said these words towards Lily.

Lily turns around as she heard the voice of Xander. "Xander it is you, take a sit already, and let us wait for the others. I am almost done." Said by Lily as she smiled towards Xander who is speaking to her.

Xander then took his sit.

"You are already here? I guess you are already hungry Nonoy." Said by Van as he also came in to the kitchen. He then sat down beside Xander.

"Hey guys." Said by Anthony as he also just arrived at the kitchen. He then sat down on the other side of the big table. "Is Joseph still not here?" Anthony then added up as he asked.

Lily who heard the question answered; "He is not going to eat with us." Lily then puts the ceramic bowl full of soup in to the table. "He just left a while ago. His shift in the restaurant is at seven am." Lily then added up as she returns in to the kitchen counter to get the other viands.

"Ow, is that so." Anthony then replied as he looks at Lily.

"He did not take his breakfast." Said by Lily as she puts the plates with foods in to the table.

"I guess he will just be going to eat at the restaurant." Lily then added up as she sat down after preparing everything for their breakfast.

"So, let's eat ours." Lily then said as she smiled towards the boys.

"This is great!" Anthony said with amazement in his face.

"You prepared all of this by your self Miss Lily!? This is incredible!" said by Xander as excitement can be heard in his tone of voice.

"Alright then. Let's have our meal." Van then said as he together with the other voice grabs their spoon and fork and begun to get some foods and immediately put it on their plates.

The boys are about to eat but they all stopped the moment they realized that Lily is just looking at them.

"Are you not going to eat Lily?" Anthony said as he put the spoonful of rice in to his mouth and is about to eat a slice of fried chicken using his fork.

"We should pray first and be thankful for what we have in the table." Lily said as she smiled towards the boys.

The boys awkwardly put back their spoon and fork in to the table as Anthony spits out the food, he just put in to his mouth back to his plate. Their faces were all coated in shyness and shame.

"Alright, let us pray first." Lily then said as she closes her eyes.

The boys then followed, as they also close their eyes.

Lily smiled, "Bless us our lord, and these thy gifts which we are about to share and receive from thy mercy and grace, through your divine name, our creator. Thank you." Lily led the prayer as she opens her eyes back.

"Let's eat." Lily then added up as she started to eat, together with the boys.

The boys then grab their spoon and fork as they begin to eat.

"Woah! This is great!" Anthony said as his face is delighted.

"So delicious Miss Lily!" Xander then said.

"Thank you for this, Lily. Much appreciated." Van then said as she looks at Lily and smiled.

Lily then smiled also towards Van. Lily is happy to see that the boys are enjoying the food.