
Fall Four You

An upcoming college student, Lily is a simple yet pretty looking girl who will going to live in a mansion together with four handsome, wealthy and good mannered men. It is a job offer for her. Life circumstances made it's way to Lily, that leads her into this situation and accepting the offer. An adventure of finding love while fulfilling her dream on becoming a good teacher one day.

EduardJoseph · Teen
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9 Chs

Chapter 6 : " Just a Day "

Later that day.

In Auntie Victoria's restaurant.

"Dude, you are so mean to Lily back in the mansion." Said by Anthony towards Joseph who just finish his shift in the restaurant.

"Yeah, Anthony is right. Do not use your attitude towards Lily, the same how you treat your stalkers." Xander then spoke up as he took a sip on his tea.

"Lily is quite an interesting girl. She is nice to be honest and she is a good girl and I know that she can help us with what our parents want." Van then also spoke up as he looks towards his best friends.

"I do not care about her. He causes me troubles, so she better pays for it." Joseph then replied.

"She is willing dude, but you blocked her. You hurt darling Lily." Anthony then said as he waves his hair then looks at Joseph.

"Next week, we will be moving in the mansion and we want you there buddy." Xander said as he places his arm towards the shoulder of Joseph.

"I have no problems living with the three of you, but with that 'Egg Yolk'? No way." Joseph said. "You know how much I do not want girls around me. I have no such interest in girls. Specially those once who kept on chasing me." Joseph then added up.

Van took a sip on his coffee, "She will just be going to live there to help the three of us." Van then said as he speaks with Joseph.

"Yeah, nothing more. Nothing less." Xander then said.

"Otep, don't get it wrong. I know you met Lily in a very different way. But I know that you can get along with her once we already live in the same roof." Said by Xander as he looks at Joseph.

"Xander is right dude, get to know her first." Anthony then said as he then took a bite on his cake.

"But come to think of it guys. We haven't met lily back then. Where is she living? If she was Auntie Victoria's niece. Then why we haven't met her before?" said by Anthony as he speaks with his best friends, as the three boys then looks at him with a wondering facial expression.

"Cut it out. I do not want to dig deep. I am not interested and even if she is Auntie Victoria's niece, she will not going to get my sympathy." Joseph then said.

Joseph is having a thought while Xander is looking at him. While Van and Anthony are busy with their foods.

"Think of it very well." Xander then said as he checks out his phone. "I need to go, father is texting me. See you guys." Xander then stood up as he taps the shoulder of Joseph and immediately goes out of the restaurant.

"So, where will you going to stay now Otep? Still going back to your rent house?" asked by Van towards Joseph.

Joseph nods his head with a no. "I am not coming back to where I am renting. It is already too chaotic out there. My neighbors are already irritated because of the girls that kept on stalking me." Joseph replied as he said these words with a problematic facial expression. "I guess I'll be sleeping in the kitchen and will just going to stay here in the restaurant." Joseph then added up as he looks at Van.

"The house is open anytime dude, you can sleep in there." Anthony then said as he offered and remind his best friend Joseph that their house is very much open and Joseph is very much welcome there.

Van then looks at Anthony. "You forgot that your sisters have a huge crush on Otep." Anthony then realized it and looks at Joseph. "You can stay in the house Otep, if you want." Van then added up as he also offered their house where Joseph can stay.

Joseph then took a deep breath. "Do not worry guys. I will be fine here. Thank you." Joseph then smiled towards Van and Anthony.

"If you need something, do not hesitate to ask." Van then said as he taps the shoulder of Joseph.

Joseph smiled. "Yes, thank you." Joseph then replied.

In the bus terminal a day after.

Auntie Victoria and Lily are standing in the entrance of the bus terminal.

"Send my regards to your father and mother sweety." Auntie Victoria said as she embraced her niece Lily.

Lily smiled while embracing her Auntie Victoria, "Yes Auntie Victoria, I will." Lily replied as she then looks at her Auntie Victoria after they hugged each other.

"Be safe sweety, if you have already decided. Please do inform me immediately. Remember okay? Next week." Auntie Victoria then said as she reminds her niece about her offer.

Lily nods her head and smiled towards her Auntie Victoria, "Yes Auntie Victoria, I will update you." Lily then replied with a bit of worries in her facial expression.

"Okay then. Have a safe trip sweety." Auntie Victoria then said these words as she holds and touched the cheek of her niece Lily.

Lily smiled, "Thank you, Auntie Victoria. You too." Lily then replied as she then turns around and walks towards the departure area where the bus is already waiting for its passengers. Her Auntie Victoria then smiled and nods her head with a yes.

Auntie Victoria then waves her byes to her niece Lily, as Lily goes towards the bus.

Lily is now going to leave Zamboanga City and will go home to the province where her parents are.

In the province of Lily.

Marikit is walking towards the entrance door of their small house hut. "Andres? Lily already called me, she is already coming home." Marikit said as her voice is can be heard all throughout the house because of her high tone of voice.

Andres heard the voice of his wife, "Alright my love. I will fetch her up later." Said by Andres as he replied to what her wife just told her.

"She might be at the terminal already by six pm my love." The wife of Andres, Marikit then said.

Andres stood up from sitting in which he is fixing his motorcycle. "Okay, I will be there the earlier time." Andres then replied as he cleans his hands with towels.

At the Victoria's Kitchen.

"Good noon Ma'am Victoria," said by Anne who is in charge of the counter as she greeted Auntie Victoria the moment that she saw her.

Auntie Victoria is looking in every inch and corner of the restaurant, as she is seemingly bothered, "Anne? Did you see Joseph?" Auntie Victoria asked as she approached Anne who in in the counter.

"I saw him a while ago Ma'am during lunch break. He is carrying some back pack and some staffs towards at the back of the kitchen Ma'am." Anne then replied with a wondering tone of voice.

Auntie Victoria then looks toward at the kitchen door, "Then he just left and walked out using the backdoor, after he settles his belongings at the locker room Ma'am." Anne then added as she is looking towards Auntie Victoria.

"Thank you, Anne. I'll be going now." Auntie Victoria then said as she left the restaurant.

Anne is looking towards Auntie Victoria, as Auntie Victoria is now leaving the restaurant.

"He already packed up his things. I guess he already decided." Auntie Victoria then said in her thoughts, as she smiled while starting up her car. Auntie Victoria then droves away from the restaurant.

In the bus terminal later that night.

Lily already arrived at their province. Lily is walking towards the bleacher. "The result is out." Lily said in her thoughts as she received an email from the university. The email's head says 'Exam Result and Scholarship Update'. Lily sat down.

Lily took a deep breath as she opens the email.

Lily was moved, and started to cry after she read the email that is sent by the university to her.

The email says;

'Martinez, Lily. Congratulations! You can enroll in any of our university courses after passing the entrance exam with a final exam passing rate of 97.6 percent. We are, however, very sorry to inform you that you were unable to meet the scholarship exam passing requirements. You fall short by 0.4 percent of being eligible for the scholarship program. We appreciate you and hope you will stick with us as we help you pursue your aspirations.

- University of the Western State Mindanao

Lily cried, sadness copes her feelings as the email says that she wasn't able to enter the scholarship program.

She wasn't able to hold her feelings as she thinks that she would disappoint her parents.

The phone of Lily then rings, as her mother is now calling her. Lily then wipes out her tears as she fix her self and then immediately answered the call.

"Hello Mama, yes Mama?" Lily answered as she tried to be okay while speaking to her mother in the phone.

"Lily! Lily daughter!" the mother of Lily answered as her voice is in great panic.

"Your father… your father had an accident! We are now in the general hospital! Daughter…" Marikit then said these words with great panic and heavy tone of voice.

When Lily hears what her mother just said, she drops her phone in shock. She is sighing loudly and trembling because the shudder she felt prevented her from moving.