
Chapter 3

Clary gracefully sips her tea while waiting for her brother in Yanzee's Cafè. Because of her boredom, she took her cellphone and play Cooking Fever. When she's about to give the burger to her customer when someone just took her phone.

"Hey! Give me back my phone!" she angrily look behind and see who take her phone.

"Oh! Hey Big brother! How are ya?" she smiled happily to him and in just few seconds, her aura changed and her teeth gritted,"Yah! Why did you just came up now? Do you know how much I missed you?It's been what? It's been freaking three months, brother since I last saw you! You didn't even dare to text, chat or call me!"

She's scrowling over her brother for not contacting her for almost three months. She missed him! Since childhood, they can't seperated wherever he goes, she's always there.Their parents always say that they're inseparatable.

Clary glare at him but her brother, Maxwell, jusy shrugged his shoulder and chuckle.

"Hey, Little sister, don't you miss me?", he wiggled her eyebrows while grinning boyishly.

"No!I hate you! You didn't even dare visit me in our mansion", Her thin lips just cutely pout at him while intently glaring at him.

"My little Clarianette", he pinched her cheeks while softly look at her "I know that you missed me as I missed you too. You also know that I'm quiet busy for 3 months for the reason that Papà left our company in my hands. After that, I attended several business trips . Don't worry, I'll make up with you. You want some strawberry cake?" Maxwell smile and hand over her a box of strawberry cake.

Clary's eyes twinkled while looking at yhe cake. Her brother knows that she can't refuse over it. It's her favorite strawberry cake after all.

She clear her throat and coldly take over the cake,"This will do".

Maxwell sweetly hugged her, she stiffed as her anger melts away. "Yey, Clary forgive Maxwell and Maxwell will never anger Clary again. Because he love and care for him", he acted like a foolish child to her. But she had known better, Maxwell only express this in front of her. Others say that Maxwell is cold hearted man who could take you down in one shot but no, to her, Maxwell is the sweetest and awesome brother ever.

After their conversation, her brother left for he has a business meeting to attend to. Thanks to her brother, he pay for the food they ordered. Maxwell wanted to take her home but she refused him. She don't want for him to be late for his meeting. She'd gonna be a burden for him if she disturb him.

She heaves a sigh and took one last sip to her tea before leaving the cafè.

While looking for her car keys, she bumped into someone. She feels like the stranger infront of her staring at her and when she glance at him, she's right. He is really looking at her with his dark and intense blue eyes. She take a step backward suddenly, she's so scared meeting up with his eyes.

'He seems familiar especially his eyes', she said to herself.

"Azalea, who's that asshole?", his voice his so menacing and his eyes, it is so deadly. If only eyes could kill you, she could be dead now, laying on the cement floor on the parking lot.

"W-who are y-you? H-how did you k-know my n-name?" she stuttered. She feels her heart beats so fast, she knew its because of this handsome but scary man straing intently at her!

He chuckled coldly," Seriously, Azalea, just after 5 days you forget about me". She don't know if it's just imagination but she saw sadness and pain in his blue eyes but in just a second it came back to being cold ones again.

"After you broke up with your EX-boyfriend, you what? You hooked up with someone else? I'm gonna wringthose filthy, dirty neck of that bastard. Oh! his arms also--because he hugged you-- I'll take it away from his body and--" She interupt him before he say something awful that can make her puke.

"Stop! Don't you dare say anything bad to him again!", she scrowled at him. When it comes to his brother her patience shorten, maybe its because he's her brother and they were close.

'I'm angry! No one dares to bully adelphòs in front of me! I may not always obey my brother but I love and care for him!'

The man's eyes just darkened more. She taken back but she stood up still, showing to him that she's not scared to him even though she's scared as hell.

"So now, you're siding with that asshole?", he angrily said it to her.


She couldn't take it anymore, she slapped him to his face. His face flustered as her face shows shockness.

"I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry,Mister! It-its just I just want to defend my-" he cut her off.

"That hurts, you know, especially to my heart", he whispered the last words he said that's why she didn't heard it.

"I'm sorry, it's just that-"

She was stunned at the next move of the stranger. He kissed her torridly and harshly. She could feel his anger in his kisses. She pushed him over when he bit hard her lower lip.

"You pervert! I just want to apologize to you 'cause I slapped you. But I can't forgive you for cursing my brother as if you know him! Fuck off! And you know what? YOU ARE THE ASSHOLE ONE! You just kissed me out of nowhere! You are just all the same! And if you are thinking that I-I'm a whore well I'm but if I can't pursue you think whatever you want! Just don't say something bad to my family especially to my brother!" Clary just blurted out what she harbor for.

She just noticed that her eyes blurred and a tear lone in her eyes. She quickly turn away from him before he noticed her eyes and quickly enter her car. She put her head on the steering wheel while reminiscing the scene just a while ago. When she heard a knock on her windows she quickly turn on the engine. She knows who's that, that was none other than Pervert Stranger. She manuevered the car right away to her house not minding the person who had been lingering on her mind.