
Chapter 7

Next morning Edward drove to his office. As he was busy working on some documents, his secetery came in with an envelope and gave Edwards......sir someone gave me the envelope, he said his name was jason"

"Yeah i know, you can keep it"

When his secetery left, he opened the envelope and brought out some papers, showing the location and every details of fiyona, and some bribe she's taking from people and scamming them without them knowing. She lives in Malaysia now and normally comes to abuja 2 times a year. She's currently in Malaysia, but here in the letter shows that she will be coming back to Nigeria in 3months time for a business when Edward saw that, he knew she's no up to good things and promise to her in her place. He's just waiting for her to come back. He will start his mission by setting her into a trap that she won't be able to deal with it nor free herself out of it.