
Falcon dancing with dragons

Daella Targaryen did not die immediately and gave birth to a son Denys Arryn known as the darling of the Vale

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Campaign Against the Mountain Clan

Battle on the mountain in the Vale is quite difficult. A cavalry charge is impossible and heavy armor is a hindrance if I try to Burn them with Dragons not only will it destroy the mountains there is also low chance of them being killed

So with that I have decided to create The Mountain Rangers I looked for thieves and hunters and used them as a core of my new unit people specializing in ambush and light weapons after a few hit and run harrasment tactics burning their food and religous symbol

The tribes have now unified and are now attacking in full force.

A total of 20 thousand people have arrived

To protect the villages I have lured them into Snake wood.

With them believing they can kill me especially with me bringing only 5000 men all shield Infantry

using my spies that have infiltrated them I led them to believe I was only training my men here

and with my men surrounded by trees on both sides The Vale Clans decided to put their wagons on their rear to prevent a pincer manuever from us

Battle Scenario is just like of  Boudica against a Roman army led by Gaius Suetonius Paulinus them being Boudica

With all the Advantage they think they have The Vale Clans was laughing and hurling insults at us when I taunted them in a battle cry

They have decided a full infantry attack

My men now in shield wall formation they were able to hold the line while killing them after a few moments when the battle ia turning on our favour I have decided to call on Arrax to burn on the middle of their army forcing those on the front line to collapse and due to the position of their Carts they are now trapped. with their back turned on us the slaughter began.

With the Cavalry arriving to mop up the battle field at the end of the day every member of the Mountain Clan young and old were put to the sword.