
Fake Rich Daughter Is A Scientist From The Future

The technology fanatic Huo Tian from the future world died because of a research accident and transmigrated into the body of a fake rich daughter from a wealthy family. Before the real daughter of the family came back, she was the treasure of the family, and everyone treated her like a princess. After the real daughter returned, her status plummeted, and they treated her as an outsider. Living in a wealthy family that valued blood relations the most, Huo Tian, an unrelated outsider, was given a hard time. Everyone hated and despised her. Leaving behind a letter of severance, Huo Tian left the Huo Family on her own accord without any lingering reluctance for her once luxurious life. She started a new life with the original Huo Tian's biological mother and uncle, who had been abandoned by the Huo Family's real rich daughter. She started a business from scratch. With her understanding of the future world and her grasp of futuristic technology, Huo Tian quickly became famous in the business circle and established a research company that was renowned throughout the country. All the researches from her company were ten years more advanced than everywhere else in the world. With every research published, the whole world would be taken aback and impressed by how miraculous it was. As time passed, Huo Tian became increasingly successful. Just as she was getting used to being called a fake rich daughter, the secret that her biological mother hid was out of the bag—Huo Tian's biological father was the head of the noblest and the most powerful wealthy family at an international level, the Xi Family. Compared to the Xi Family, the Huo Family was nothing but insignificant. The fake rich daughter in everyone's eyes and the joke among the wealthy circle suddenly became a real rich daughter of the most influential family. Moreover, the head of the Xi Family seemed to be spoiling his long-lost daughter to the heavens...

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Genius and Genius

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

If Bi Ying were to live his life in a muddle-headed state without achieving anything, would it be a blessing or a regret to the future people?

Many people would probably think that this was a lucky thing, but Huo Tian had thought differently from the mainstream opinion. She felt that every advancement in technology was in the right direction, and the scientists who brought technological changes could not be distinguished by justice or evil.

Huo Tian thought back and remembered that the reason she had decided to conduct the space-time travel experiments was that she had thoughts of changing the past.

Hence, when Si Huan said that it'd be a regret for the entire era without Bi Ying, Huo Tian nodded in agreement.

"I also feel that Bi Ying can use his own talents to do more meaningful things. It's precisely because of this thought that I want to customize prosthetic limbs for you. After all, I'm also a genius. A genius would always admire another genius!"

Seeing Huo Tian's smug expression, everyone didn't know what to say.

Even Bi Ying, who seemed to have an especially gloomy personality, was also so shocked by Huo Tian that he couldn't utter any more malicious words. He seemed to have given it much thought before saying, "No matter what, I won't easily believe that you're capable of making artificial limbs that suit me."

Huo Tian knocked on her palm as realization dawned on her. "That's right, you definitely won't believe me just like that. But it's alright, I can bring you to show you my other works. Once you understand my abilities, you'll believe me!"

Bi Ying didn't know what to say to Huo Tian, who didn't have any talent in promoting. Although he rationally felt that she was exaggerating things, Bi Ying really wanted to believe that there was a genius who could customize suitable prosthetic limbs for him.

Si Huan also felt that Huo Tian was exaggerating, but he didn't mock her. He only said to Bi Ying, "Out of concern for a genius, I personally hope that Student Bi can stand up. Even if this Miss Huo Tian is unable to make prosthetic limbs for you, I can get my own company to sponsor you. I just hope that in the future, when Student Bi looks for work partners, you can prioritize considering the Si Family."

After Huo Tian boldly said that she would create prosthetic limbs for him, Bi Ying did not feel that Si Huan's words hurt his pride. Hence, he nodded calmly. "Thank you for your generosity, Senior Si."

Si Huan understood what Bi Ying's words meant and reached out his hand to him. "It seems that we have reached a consensus regarding the enrollment. We will be schoolmates from now on, junior."

By now, Huo Tian also came to the realization and said happily, "So the three of us are in the same school? That's great, we can play together in school in the future!"

However, Si Huan shook his head at Huo Tian. "From what I know, the school's management and the board of directors have already decided to persuade you to drop out. This seems to have been suggested by the Huo Family. Before the new semester starts, you should try to consider other high schools as soon as possible."

Huo Tian asked in disbelief, "Why are they trying to ask me to leave? It's summer vacation now, I didn't violate school rules!"

Si Huan sighed. "The Huo Family are no longer paying to sponsor and your grades are at the bottom. Of course the school can persuade you to leave."

Huo Tian was furious, but she could not criticize the school for being unreasonable. After all, the private elite Qingli High School only had two criteria for enrollment: either one's family was rich, or the students themselves had exceptional results.

In everyone's opinion, Huo Tian had been kicked out of the Huo Family and was a good-for-nothing. How could Qingli High School possibly allow her to remain in school?

In the end, Huo Tian only muttered in frustration, "Just wait, I definitely won't get expelled!"

After that, Huo Tian brought Bi Ying and Si Huan to visit her own workshop. There were now many strange things in her there. Putting aside robot vacuum and voice robots, there were also a few superhero robots that were the size of ordinary figurines on the table. They would dance with the music and perform each superhero's classic action. Huo Tian often played with them when she was bored.

Si Huan already had the impression that Huo Tian was ignorant and incompetent. Hence, when he saw the various robots Huo Tian brought out, he was extremely shocked.

In comparison, Bi Ying was not that shocked. After all, someone who would dare to call themselves a genius would have some capabilities. However, he did not expect Huo Tian to bring him such a great surprise.

Huo Tian shared her toys with them while explaining to Bi Ying the idea she had to customize his prosthetic limbs.

"…I'm not very proficient in biotechnology, so I can't directly connect the artificial limbs to your legs' nerves. Therefore, the artificial limbs can't be as flexible as real ones. However, we can design a sensor program so that the robotic limbs can determine your movement intentions based on your muscle movements, allowing for you to walk and run easily!"

Huo Tian explained excitedly. Bi Ying was also gradually filled with anticipation and started discussing with her.

Si Huan finally realized what an amazing girl Huo Tian was. He increasingly felt that Huo Tian was very mysterious and wanted to find out more about her.