
Fake Innocence

Under the blue sky on a resplendent day Walking desert on the bridge that day, Copious river golden sunshine that day I love that perception first time that day, I grin then jumped down the bridge last day Falling down I breathe first time that day, Under the water a little sunshine that day Push me in rayless depth of sadness last day, All moments of my life palisade me My heart stopped throbbing that day, No more propensity it's all happen that day My all glimpse left me alone that day. _______________*

Asma_Batool128 · Urban
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

I am Serious

Sara comes into the company. She walked to her cabin. She did not look too happy. Luna comes to her cabin and asked,

Sara, did you get something special there?

Sara chuckled and spoke,

"Everything was so special there. I was too dirty to touch those special and expensive things."

Luna laughter and said,

Sara! Do not joke. Tell me what happened there?

Sara replied with a serious tone while she was typing on the computer,

I am serious. He said me to get lost and ordered his maid to clean up everything that I touched. He refused to accept the package that I bought there. Do you understand or not? If I did not come out then he had to kick me out.

Luna stared at Sara.

"I can not believe it. He did this."

Sara stood up from her seat, came near her. and said,

"Then, do not believe me."

Sara picked up her handbag and walked out. Luna asked loudly,

"Sara, where are you going?"

Sara replied, my resignation letter is on the table. Give it to the boss. Bye, dear!

Luna called her but Sara left the company without listening to her. Sara was walking on the footpath and called her friend Emily.

Her cell phone was ringing on the table, the cell was on silent mode. Emily was making a cup of coffee for a customer. Emily has small hair. Her style was different from other girls. Some ribbons were tied on her wrist. Emily was a tall girl.

Sara was waiting for a bus at the station. In a cafe, some customers were enjoying the taste of amazing coffee. The music was playing softly. Sara sat on the bus, she was tired after a long day. Emily called her back when she checked missed calls.

Sara asked her, where are you?

Emily chuckled softly, you look tired. I am at the cafe. Come here, darling. I will listen to you. Then, you will feel better.

I am coming. See you there.

Sara replied in a low tone. She was seeing through the glass windows of the bus. The half-day had passed. Sara received a message from Harry,

"Have a good day sister."

Sara smiled softly. She took off the bus and came to the cafe. As Emily looked at her, she came to her and hugged her warmly.

You do not look fine.

Sara smiled softly,

No, I am fine. I am just a bit tired. Need your strong coffee right now.

Emily was making two cups of coffee, and Sara was looking at her making coffee. Emily gave her a cup and both sat at the same table.

Sara looked around her and spoke,

Here the environment is nice.

Emily chuckled softly and asked,

What happened dear? Tell me everything, you know I can read your face.

Sara took a sip of coffee and placed a cup on the table. Sara said;

It is a long story.

Emily also took a sip of coffee and looked at Sara's face. I would like to listen to your story.

Rocky was beating the punching bag. He was sweating. His cell rang, dad is calling. He took a look at it and ignore the call. Again began the beating of the punching bag. He was in black trousers, his body was naked. Six-packs and muscles of the body were prominent. In the evening, his all friends were enjoying the party at the club. Rocky arrived there at last. His friend warmly welcomed him. They were also from a wealthy family. They were tall and good-looking guys but still they did not look decent because their hairstyles were a little resembled gangsters. Their collars were up. The girls were crazy for them due to their heavy pockets.

Shuchang asked,

What is special tonight?

Lingyun spoke while he drank a glass,

Girls! That beauty is staring at me for an hour. He pointed to a girl who stood near the other table. I think I should go to her or she will come to me.

John giggled and said,

No something here is more fun. Today girls will fight for us in a ring.

They laughed and cling to their glass to cheer up. Lingyun spoke up,

Okay, then choose your girls.

Rocky spoke up, no let them choose.

John chuckled, you are so smart. Alright! Let's start the game. Shuchang spoke up,

As you wish. I think this idea will just ruin your mood after the game.

Lingyun and John giggled. Rocky sat on the sofa. Lingyun called the girls and told them, you have to choose a guy one of us. Then, you have to fight for him. The winner will get an incredible reward. Losers will be on the ground.

John spoke with a smile, Rocky you win before the beginning of the game. All girls are on your side. It is not fair. My few girls will be done in no time. They equally divided the teams, four teams were on the battlefield. They were laughing at the girls. First of all, four girls came from each team.

The game has begun, and some girls fell off on the first punch. Some girls were strong. Lingyun's ex-girlfriend also came to the battlefield. When she came in for a fight lingyun stood up and shouted out,

Stop the game.

Shuchang asked,

What happened?

John laughed and said,

His ex-girlfriend is here. I think, there is a spark of love still in their hearts.

Lingyun came near her and asked,

What are you doing here? Get lost. Fei Hong grasped his collar and said face to face,

Who are you to stop me? I will do anything that I want.

And she draws back to his collar. She shouted loud, let's start the game. In the first round, Fei Hong got beaten by other girls. Lingyun was standing still outside the ring. When Fei Hong fell to the ground, he clenched his fists and shouted out,

Stop it. Let's finish the game.

Fei Hong stood up and wiped off her mouth, her lips were bleeding. She smirked and fought with the other girls. Her punch was strong, her martial skills were so amazing. In no time, Fei Hong turned the whole table. All girls were on the floor. Then, no other girl tried to come into the ring. John stood up and clapped,

Amazing! Fei Hong congratulations on your victory. By the way, for whom do you fight?

Fei Hong replied with a little smile, for myself. She left the club. Rocky was still on the sofa. Lingyun stared at him and said,

You? You do it.

Rocky chuckled and stood up, yes I called her and convinced her to come here because I knew what is in your heart. Rocky knocked his finger on his heart. I knew your feelings. Go and pursue her. She will forgive you assuredly.

John and Shuchang were beside them and giggled.

Go Lingyun before she blew up your head. I am really impressed by her. Fei Hong did great. Lingyun hugged Rocky and moved out to pursue her. John laughed, and I got emotional. I can not believe it, Rocky you did it. Unbelievable, you tried hard to meet an ex. John looked at the girls their make-up, hair, and dresses, everything had messed up. They could not stop their laugh. John spoke up, it was an amazing evening.