
Fake Forever .

... Kristina Winter Known as the mean girl of the school. She has a crush on her bestfriend Nathan Hunter the badboy ... When a new girl in town come into the picture. Nathan begins to develop feelings for Rose. Kristina does whatever she can to destroy any chance of them becoming anything more. In the process her relationship with Nathan weakens. What happens when she discover secrets that are meant to buried as she tries to uncover Rose's past to find anything she could use against her. One secret leads to another. Will she win Nathan heart or lose the bad boy to the new girl in town? *warning may contain suicidal attempts* The entire book itself has not been entirely edited

Unnotice000 · Teen
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13 Chs

○Chapter 3

That feeling when you look at me and smile...

I'm addicted to that feeling


I woke up with a massive loud yawn.

Today is a new day. I'll fix everything . Stretching my arms and my entire body.

I hopped out of my enormous king size bed.

And then I heard it. A groan not my groan. Somebody elses groaned. Walking away as slowly and as quietly as I could.

Until I was atleast ten feet away from the bed.

I looked towards the the sleeping figure. Its boy no it's a man. A boy can't have those shoulders and that bundle of dirty blonde hair.No Kristi this is not the time to think about such things.

You haven't seen the face yet.

Wait what if I had one night stand with him. No that's won't happen I'm too busy to even drink.

Did I just..? I looked down checking my clothes were still on. I don't smell like anything involving that. All I have is the this bandage on my wrist.

Why the hell is there a man in my bed!? I'm huge trouble.

I know I did lock the door yesterday maybe I didn't.

Blue berries.

I tip toed towards the door. Beforehand opening the the door I checked if the stranger was still asleep. He was, thats good.

Holding on the door nob, I opened the door. I winced when heard a creak,blue berries.

I hope he's still asleep.

I kept on pushing the door as creaks got louder my heart thumbed even louder. I felt like my ear drums were about to burst from the noise.

Please don't wake up,please don't wake up. I repeated the mantra in my head hoping he'll obey the command.

"Kristi?" Blue freaking berries.

"How do know my name?" I blurted out. My eyes were wide like saucers. I'm pretty sure I'm even sweating at this point.

"You know what I don't care just leave, okay. If we had a one nightstand it meant nothing" I blurted out. Mentally cursing myself for the second part of sentence I had said.

I'm about to be kidnapped for goodness sake.

"What?" He chortled. Is this really that funny to you. I'm here about to die from a heart attack..

I grabbed my phone and dialed a number as fast as I could.

Then I heard the strangers phone ring. As he picked up the phone.

This is really embarrassing "oh hey what's up,?" He smirked.

"Yeah,yeah very funny Nate" I replied annoyed. What in the world was he thinking.

"Very funny indeed. Who knew you were capable of having one nightstands" he joked

I couldn't answer him now. I had no idea what to say, my face was evidence in it's true form.

"No,I thought" gesturing with my arms. "Nevermind" my arms flop to down.

I saw him staring at my hands not arm. I followed his gaze to realise that he was staring at my wrist.

I quickly hid my arms behind my back.

"Really? Kristi," he looked disappointed. " I thought you would stop doing this" His entire gaze was still trained on my arms.

If possible hid my arms even more. I could not utter a single word. My mind was blank my mouth was zipped shut.

I was ashamed , I geuss. I not sure if its because I was caught or because I actually did it.

I could not even look at him in the eyes "I'm sorry" I whispered under my breath. The words came out so soft. I don't think he heard me.

There was some silence in the air was suffocating. I waited and waited for a response but nothing. He just sat there. Finaly when I had built up enough courage. I walked across the room towards the bed. I sat down near him.

"I'm okay," my lungs felt heavier if possible." I'm here and I made a mistake, " hopefully I choice the right words. "Your here with me ,that's all that matters right?" He asked him. I tilted my head so I could see him.

My stomachs was in knots even professionals can't untie. His hands were balled up in fists. I know what you did was wrong but it's not something I could stop entirely from doing.

He won't understand that, its better I keep it as secret. I'll just have to be more careful next time. Timidly I put one of my hands on his.

"How did you get into my house?" I asked hoping to change the topic. I heard the sounds of the keys rings.

I remember, I gave him the spare keys since he would bang on the door multiple of times. There was a point where it was just too much.

With a sighed I got off the bed and I went to the kitchen. If anything can cheer Nate up, its food.

"I'm making breakfast, it might include some spaghetti and meats,"

I sped walked towards the kitchen downstairs. I began to make some food. Defrosting the meat ,boiling some spaghetti etc.

Humming an awesome tune. While prepared everything. "Mmmm. This smell amazing," I proposal spoke out loud. I hope he heard me.

What's taking him so long. This is his favourite breakfast menu. Though I don't consider it something you would eat for breakfast.

But he likes it and it's the only way he would talk to me. Hopefully forgive me too.

"I think, I should have a taste. " I took out a spoonful of some sauce. The aroma was pure bliss. I am truly an amazing cook.

Blew of some steam,so it wouldn't be too hot. Placing the the spoon in my mouth, I let out another moan. This is too good.

Why isn't he here yet? I think I need to pull of the big guns.

"If you want any of it there wont be any,I'll eat all of it up. Just by myself it's not like I made extra to count you in," I sighed. Taking out a plate. I switched of the stove and served myself some breakfast.

I plopped down on the sofa and switched on the TV. I put on the avengers endgame movie on.

Making sur the TV was loud enough for him to hear. Three ... two... one.

I heard the kitchen door open. Huh he thought he could ignore me. It's only been four hours nice try.

I tipped toed my towards the kitchen. "Howdy neighbour,"

"Don't do that,"

"Why? Is it charming, " I smiled brightly.

"No, its terrifying. Why the hell did do that?" I frowned it wa that bad. I really thought I was improving.

You never know when you might need it. Accent can be very important.

"Its not, its charming and attractive, " he snorted in response.

I rolled my eyes" Seems like someone's hungry, huh?"

"Shut up" I just raised my hands in a mock surrender.

"Want some help with dishing up"

"Nah, I'll do it myself," I saw him take out a plate and heading towards the stove.

"You sure? I heard the stove can very tricky and dangerous. Carefull not to burn yourself,"

"Let's just pray your food turned out edible,"

I smiled cheekily before turning around and Heading back to my movie. My food is edible right?

"What are we watching today?"

"The avengers, endgame " I responded my eyes trained on the movie was currently watching.

"Cool" I heard him murmur. All I did was nod.
