
Fake Couple

Broke up with your boyfriend Taehyung, and end up in a fake relationship with Jimin?! ❝Shh, it's a secret between us.❞ Based on YouTube's Fake Couple By Bangtan Mafia (Me)

JiYoonMi · Teen
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11 Chs

Conflicted Feelings

A few days after the egg incident...

A knock on the door grabs my attention, and I go to check on it, wondering who it could be.

Upon opening the door, I gasp at who stands before me.

"Jimin?! What are you doing here? How do you even know where I live?"

"Thanks for the lovely greeting, princess, but I have my ways. Now, be ready within five minutes. We're going out," he shrugs.

"Going out? Where?" I query, mentally going over my plans, and realizing I have none. Hashtag: single. Well, secretly.

"On a date, and it's a surprise," Jimin smirks, combing his hand through his silky, black hair.

"No." I shut the door in his face - only to have it stop before closing. I glance down to see Jimin's foot in the door. Damn him!

"Don't be like this, Y/N! After all, we are a couple," Jimin whines.

"Yeah right, a fake couple! Speaking of which, you still haven't helped me get Taehyung back! What else do I have to do besides make him jealous?"

"You're still going on about that...?" Jimin mutters beneath his breath, low enough so only he could hear. A look of sorrow passes his face, but before I can think about it, he continues.

"Hey, don't forget that I have the upper hand in this situation. If you don't go on a date with me, I'll tell Taehyung about the time you stalked him."

"Stalked him?! I just... followed him..." I mumble, realising it's basically the same thing. Jimin raises a trimmed brow, and I sigh.

"Why are you bringing this up again? It's been so long. Aren't you tired of it?"

"Nope, since it's something I can use to threaten you," He smiles, showcasing his pearly whites.

"Aish, I get it! I'll go, happy now?" I scowl.

I get dressed as slowly as I can so Jimin has to wait, even taking longer than the directed five minutes. I almost pity him. Oh wait. He keeps threatening me... look at that, it looks like the pity is running away! I don't see it anymore.

I sigh as we trek up a hill, "Really, Jimin? Hiking?" The view beautiful, with a stunning yellow horizon and a blazing orange sun crossing above distant blue mountain peaks, but my calves are killing me!

"What? There's a nice restaurant on the top of the hill that I want to bring you to," he says, seeming to have forgotten that it was a secret.

"You could have at least told me beforehand! I can't believe I'm climbing a hill in high heels!!" I whine angrily.

"Come on, once we cross the bridge, we'll be there," Jimin smiles.

"Bridge?..." I ask, feeling my heart plummet to my groin and my stomach drop to the dirt. My legs jellify as I look to where Jimin is pointing... a glass bridge.

Hundreds of trees lie beneath the see-through bridge, each with a sharp tip that could slice through me like a knife through butter.

"I-I can't go..." I bite my lip.

"Huh? Why?" Jimin turns to look at my slowing self.

He takes one look at my pale face and asks, "Wait. Are you... afraid of heights?"

I stand paralyzed in place, unable to move. Heights have always been my greatest fear, and I've never gotten over them - I've tried, but I just can't.

"Here. Give me your hand," Jimin requests as he holds out his hand. "Trust me, and don't look away from me. I won't let go."

I find myself snatching his hand by instinct, fear clutching at my heart.

"Slowly. Just look at me."

Going backwards, we slowly walk across the bridge with me clutching Jimin's hand so tight I swear it's gone white.

"Thank you, Jimin," I speak from the bottom of my heart.

"No worries. Shall we go into the restaurant?"

"...Y/N?" Someone calls out to me, and I look to see Taehyung with the same girl I saw him with the day I followed him.

"Taehyung, what are you doing here?" Jimin queries.

"We're planning to have lunch in this restaurant. By the way, aren't you afraid of heights, Y/N? Are you okay?" Taehyung's blue eyes swirl with worry.

The girl clears her throat, "Aren't you going to introduce me to your friends, Taehyung?"

"Oh, right. This is Y/N and Jimin, and this here is my older sister, Soomin," Taehyung explains.

Wait... what? Older sister? My heart leaps at the realization that he doesn't have a girlfriend.

"Older sister? I haven't seen her around here before," Jimin confesses whilst looking her up and down.

"That's because I've been overseas for a few years," Soomin explains.

"O-older sister? She's not your girlfriend?" I stutter, wanting to make sure I'm not imagining this all.

"Girlfriend? Of course not! People used to ask us that a lot back then," Taehyung frowns.

"Right. Since all of us are planning on dining here, why don't we eat together?" Soomin proposes. I want to decline, but Jimin answers before I can say anything.

"Sure, why not?"

I grab Jimin's arm whilst ferociously whispering, "Yah, why did you accept it?!"

"Weren't you trying to find a way to get back with Taehyung? This is your chance. Let's go," he mutters before dropping my hand and going in on his own.

I swallow the lump in my throat and follow him.

Is this considered stalking too, Jimin? I think bitterly.

The dishes we order arrive, and I find out there's coriander as my side dish. Taehyung sees it and snatches it from my plate.

"You've never liked coriander, even when we were dating, did you? Honestly, you haven't changed," Taehyung smiles before popping the fork in his mouth.

As I eat, I notice Taehyung staring at me passionately, but I ignore it, even as my heart beat speeds up, knowing he still remembers what I dislike.

However, Jimin witnesses the scene and suddenly looks not-so-happy.

After lunch, I excuse myself to the bathroom with Soomin.

"Y/N, right? Wow, I've heard so much about you! Taehyung always talks about you! I've always wondered what kind of lady makes Taehyung fall so head over heels, but I didn't expect someone so cute!" Soomin gushes.

"Taehyung mentioned me?"

"Of course! His eye were always filled with so much love when he spoke of you over video call! So, how are things going between you and him?" Soomin grins, completely unaware of our current situation.

"We... broke up," I mumble, diverting my eyes to the white bathroom floor.

"What? Why?!"

"I don't know. He just suddenly decided to break up with me one day. He told me that he didn't love me anymore," I explain, tears budding along my eyelids.

"There must be a reason. Have you not asked him yet?" Soomin frowns.


"I see. I hope you can give my brother another chance, but it looks like you already have a new boyfriend. Jimin, is it? He seems like a nice guy too. Anyways, no matter who you choose, I hope you're happy." Soomin smiles sadly.

"Thanks, Soomin."

"Hey, don't be so formal. From now on, treat me like a sister! I'll do so to you too!" Soomin grasps both of my hands in excitement.

We split ways after lunch, but I'm surprised when suddenly Taehyung stops me, offering to take me home after he tells me what he needs to say.

Jimin looks like he wants to say something, but Soomin taps on his back and asks him to take her home.

"I have something I want you to hear... Do you know why I broke up with you? I told you I didn't love you, but that's a lie. It's just that I felt you were way better off to be with someone else," Taehyung confesses with nervousness written all over his face.

I blink at his words. He broke up with me... because he thought I deserved better?

"I don't have much time to spend on dates as I do with meeting other people because of my parents' high expectations. But now... I regret breaking up with you. I just want you to know that I'll do whatever it takes to get you back. I won't give up on you," Taehyung left me with those passionate words before taking me home. I should feel happy hearing those words, but instead I possess mixed emotions.

The walk home was awkward. Jimin ended up taking Soomin home so Taehyung walked me back to my house... We had walked in such an awkward silence until we reached the bridge, then Taehyung did something I didn't expect - he grabbed my hand and walked me across whilst distracting me with thoughts of the past.

He mentioned when he first found out about my fear of heights, when he took me to the amusement park for a date. He had tried for so long to get me to ride the roller coaster that I finally caved and agreed to ride it, and when we did, he held my hand... just as he did on the bridge.

So now here I sit on my comfy bed, gazing out the window at the slowly setting sun as the clouds turn pink and purple with the horizon.

I glance down at my cellphone while biting my lip. I don't know what to do with this whole situation. Taehyung says he still loves me, and I do love him... but I find myself hesitating.

Though it was Taehyung I set out to win back, I find myself lingering on Jimin. Jimin the bad boy, the one who forced me into this fake couple thing, the one who... who defended me from the egg attack, who held my hand while walking the bridge. He's a bad boy, but he's also... sweet.

Why can't I choose?

I huff in frustration before dialling the familiar phone number.


"Hey, Bomi! It's me," I force the excitement into my voice. I need her advice. I just can't do this on my own.

"What's up, girl? I haven't heard from you in a while," she queries. I shoulder my phone and begin ringing my hands.

"So... Taehyung still likes me," I state with a slight sigh.

"What? Really? That's awesome! Did he tell you that himself? What happened after? Wait... why don't you sound happy? Y/N? What's wrong?" her voice races through the speaker at a million miles per hour before she finally realises I'm not excited like she is.

"It's just... Jimin and I are a fake couple. He forced me into it when he found me following Taehyung around, and I didn't have a choice. I thought it would make Taehyung jealous... but now I don't know anymore..." I trail off in thought, wondering what exactly I should say first.

"Girl, why didn't you tell me this? And it sounds like you got Taehyung jealous enough so you know he still likes you. Why do you sound so... disappointed?" Bomi asks, and I can imagine her frowning down at me with confusion, yet ready to hug me as if it would make everything better.

"So... Taehyung told me he made a mistake. That he broke up with me because he didn't have time for me, and his parents are really hard on him. He said he wants to get back together... but I just don't know anymore. Ever since Jimin started hanging around me I've grown close to him. He's... he's rouh around the edges, but he's a really sweet guy inside. I just don't know what to do anymore," I mumble.

"Aw, Y/N. It sounds like you really mean you don't know who to choose," Bomi states the obvious.

"I don't," I admit. Why am I like this? A month ago I would've gladly chosen Taehyung, but now... I can't just choose Jimin either, because Taehyung would be hurt, and I still love him.

Who do I choose?!

"Baby, just follow your heart," Bomi urges softly. My heart? But my heart is everywhere right now...

"What do I do if I don't know where my heart is going?" I frown.

"You'll know when it's time. Now go to sleep, you sound exhausted, plus sleep can really help with stress," she tells me like a mother would.

"Okay, okay. Goodnight, Mom," I tease playfully. She giggles before hanging up, and I flop down on my bed with a sigh.

Follow my heart... but I don't know where it's going. It's like my heart is torn in two, so which half do I follow?

Who do I leave behind?

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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