
Chapter 39

Alesso P.O.V

Four Months Later

It's been four months since Cam got discharged and she was moved to our room. I married her the minute she was discharged. You can tell it's been hard for her, at least I can tell. Sometimes I catch her staring blankly at the walls lost in thought.

She's been doing therapy everyday and no matter how much how much it hurts she endures it, she doesn't complain at all.

I noticed that her motivation is our son. He's growing everyday and I know she wants to be able to run and play with him when he starts that part of life.

It's time for her monthly checkup and it just happens to be Mickel's clinic day. We made a bet about color his eyes would be when he opened them. I said it was going to be brown and she said it was going to be green.