
Chapter 11

"Let me get her for you"

She smiled in triumph as she thought that she won this argument already while Lina started secretly smiling.

I walked to the podium at the entrance, picked up my name tag and walked back to her smiling.

"Hello, my name is Lusanna Acel. I am the sole owner of 16Handles restaurant and as I have said before, I would like you to leave my building."

My workers and Lina started laughing loudly at the look of shock on her face. Even some of the diners found it amusing.

"We do not tolerate such rude, unpleasant and disgraceful behavior at this restaurant. You have no sense of proper upbringing and have no respect for those around you. For that, you have been banned from my restaurant. Any attempts to come back will be seen as trespassing and I will have you arrested for it. Leave before I have security throw you out." I told her.

"My husband will hear about this. Do you know Price Industry? You people are done!" she yelled at us.