
Fairytales Don't Exist: Paper Hearts

Eden is a simple high schooler, with her own problems and her own life. But one day her life ends up aligning with her biggest enemy, her childhood best friend and a random guy she smoked with while skipping class. When they end up in a "middle" world after all falling into a coma at the same time after a life threatening situation, how they will they manage to get out? Is there more that they don't know about themselves? That now is up for them to figure out how to get back home, but it won't be that easy.

adrianlovescats · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Please Come Back

Did my 'I love you' ever mean anything to you? Or was it just words that came out of my mouth to be laughed at how vulnerable I made myself?


It was truly a world of happiness. I did everything I've ever wanted to do, or so I think since I had no memories of my life before. It was a truly blissful moment in my life, I got to sing, play the instruments I wanted and just..made music. I had my own room where I had done everything, it was a navy blue color, a color that made me feel calm, it was a big room. It had a computer, a small light set on a window stand, the window was open most of the time and the light shined energetically when the stars appeared. The rest of the rest of the items in the room where stuffies I brought on my own, my room also had a bunch of scattered pieces of paper of discarded lyrics or notes. On the right resting against the wall a piano stood there. The room was filled by the walls with many other instruments that I loved to play. I stood up from my seat, which was surrounded by music at the moment and grabbed my guitar. I sat back down and pushed the guitar on to my lap, a small smile formed my lips before I placed my fingers on the strings, pushing down on them to and strumming gently with a pastel green pick, the chord hummed in the room. I kept my mouth closed, as I let myself hum a melody, strumming the chords gently with my eyes focused on the guitar rather than any other place. I felt a feeling of deja vu, as if I heard the song before, but the lyrics didn't come to me, so I went from humming to simple syllables, 'wooahh.." and such. My chest felt tight as the chords started to sound sad and more bittersweet then before. My heart trembled against my chest heavy and my breathing slowed, it felt like a song that was once home.. What was this song that my heart remembers so well, but not my brain.


Startled I jolted and caught my guitar, holding with both hands on to the neck of the guitar, my eyes wide looking up at the figure in front of me. I blinked and cleared my throat breaking off the eye contact, feeling my gut kick with a sense of sadness, that I was clueless where it came from.

"You're voice literally sounds like an angels voice, except maybe.. even prettier?" her voice chirped, a goofy smile growing on her lips as she spoke. A laugh ran through the room and I found myself staring at her without realization so. "What's the song called?" she questioned, her eyes sparkled as I met with her eyes. I felt my breath get caught.

"U-uuhh.." I wavered my eyes, averting them, feeling sudden heat come to my cheeks, shaking it off momentarily. "I-I'm not sure, it's like a memory my heart remembers," I responded not meeting her eyes. I heard the door shut, and then her shuffling as she bounced to the free spaces on the floor that wasn't covered with a piece of discarded pieces of lyrics or notes. "What are you..." I trailed off as I saw her kneel down in front of me. She grabbed the guitar and stood up again, I heard her soft footsteps across the floor and then the sound of rubber against the wood of my stand and guitar. In mere seconds she stumbled but managed to kneel once more in front of me. I was instantly met with her chocolate eyes fixed on me, her blond hair falling out from behind her ear. She tilted her head to the side, still smiling at me. I felt heat rise to my cheeks from her long intense stare. "Uh..." I mumbled, getting uncomfortable.

"I wanted to visit you," she spoke cheerfully before breaking out eye contact and hopping on her toes still kneeling and scooping up a piece of music. "Your music captivated me, it's your fault," she gazed at me from her music. I felt my mouth go dry, unable to think of how to respond. She looked back at the sheet she was holding, a sweet smile to her lips still hovering. "Why did you discard this?" she asked, her eyes locking with mine curiously. I recovered from my blank state and took the sheet from her, scanning it for flaws I found before.

"Ah, right there, I didn't like the meaning of the lyrics, they sounded pointless, feelingness, you know?" I answered, peeking up from the paper up at her. I locked eyes with her once again and she turned her head to the side. "Wh-what..?" I asked, my voice getting quieter. She stood up, my eyes followed her frame as she raised herself up and she leaned down, her face becoming less then millimeters away from mine. I grabbed on my chair from surprise and made a plastic rustling sound, I put pressure on my foot and scooted a bit farther away but she only stepped closer. Soon I hit the desk I was sitting at previously before I picked up my guitar and she hand stretched over and pinned against the desk. She leaned forward, a simple small move would result in contact, she eyes staring deeply in to my soul I by then already thought had left my body. My arm moved on it's own and pushed her away, not harshly enough to make her move, so she stayed where she was. She leaned back even a bit closer. Yep my soul already left my body then, my eyes shut momentarily. "..E-ember..?" my voice came out as a whimper. She hummed in response and I could almost feel the vibration from her lips, I felt dizzy. I slid down the chair and crawled away towards the door. I heard her chuckle in response as I grabbed on to the doorknob.

"You really wished I leaned forward didn't you?" she asked, except something about her question seemed off. I blinked multiple times, feeling fear strike in my gut from her question. She turned around from where she had me pinned before and had a smirk at her lips. "Isn't that right Eden?" she asked, a spark in her eyes. My lip quivered, my body was frozen from fear.

Move. Move! Why are you just standing there!! Move!!!! Why won't you fucking move you stupid body!! My breathing quickened. Fear. The door opened and my body that was leaning against it fell, making me hit my head against the door frame.

"Ah! Eden! Are you okay??" Ember instantly rushed over, her face full of worry. She then gave me a blank stare and turned her head, glancing all around her, she make a noise with her mouth from confusion. I rubbed my head, still shocked by the incident. I glanced up and saw a very confused black haired male staring down at me with his green eyes. "Eden," Ember started, I glanced up at her, meeting her worried eyes. "How did I get here?" she whimpered. I froze, and stared at her, my air getting caught in my throat causing me to start coughing. By now Kai and kneed down and put his hand on his shoulder, meeting my eyes briefly that were filled with concern.

"You don't remember.. coming here?" I asked, my eyes shaking. She averted her eyes and worriedly looked around, before glancing back and giving me a really weak shake of the head. Kai had his arm wrapped around me, his face by my shoulder.

"What's wrong?" he asked, his voice gentler then how I remembered him ever speak. Wait, then how I remember? I quickly sat up, my body trembling slightly, I held my trembling hand and Kai noticed I didn't want to be touched. We all were distracted by footsteps, and glanced up at the figure that approached us.

"Tsk, covering up the entire hallway? You think that's convenient?" Nixon's cold voice came. Kai send him a glare and stood up, harshness in the his body language.

"You-- You annoy me so much, do you think you're the prince or something thinking everyone will disperse from your appearance?" Kai retorted. Nixon smirked and stepped closer towards the black haired male.

"And what if I do? Don't you think in this world I can make you bow down to me?" Nixon asked, pride heavily oozing out of his voice. Kai relaxed, leaning back and chuckled, poking his tongue against his cheek. Suddenly he grabbed the brunette's collar and pinned him against the wall, the obvious annoyance showing.

"Then I have to break something to you, your highness, this isn't your little word in which you can control everyone of 'your' people in, are you that dense to stumble across a serious scene and act like the newest piece of shit in front of it instead of acting like a decent person?" Kai growled, his eyes shining. Nixon grabbed his collar, the goofiness disappearing from his features.

"If you want to be caught, then keep at this, if you want to live safely then just act, none of us know what this world truly is," Nixon whispered, though the two girls on the floor couldn't hear him. Kai's grip weakened on Nixon's collar.

"What?" he asked, his eyes softening. Nixon released his grip on Kai and leaned towards him, in response Kai backed his head away, staring at him puzzled. Nixon looked to the side, before meeting Kai's baffled look and wrapped his hand around Kai's hand that was on his collar and lowered his hand to his side.

"Trust me," he whispered, before stepped away from Kai and his steps slowly became further. Kai glanced over in the direction Nixon left, glimpsed back at the two girls and pursed his lips before speeding after Nixon. Ember and I glanced at one another, silence filling the space between us. She got up and reached down towards me in attempt to help me up from my previous fall when I hit my head. She placed her hand over my head where I bumped it.

"Does it hurt?" she asked, her eyes filling with anxiety. A memory of her pinning me in my own room flashed before my eyes, making me fall silent as her face was once again near mine. She noticed my silence and glanced me with more concern. "..You must've really hurt it," she whined sadly, rubbing my head. I felt my heart beat slow down and my eyes become droopy. Her touch felt more soothing than before, she felt more real, less far away.. What? I stepped away, making her hand loose contact with my head. She quickly set it back at her side, glancing away.

"I.. think I'm going to head home and just sleep for now, I'm fine, don't worry," I smiled at her, appreciating the concern she showed. "I'm sorry for making you worry," I smiled at her, in attempt to soothe her worry. She smiled back, twirling her fingers in her hands. I gave her a questioning look and she bit her lip. "What is it?" I asked her.

"Uh.. I wanted to ask, what happened that made you so startled?" she asked, wearily smiling. The images of what happened flashed before me, I felt my cheeks burn and heart quicken. I cleared my thought and shook my head, shaking off the thoughts.

"Nothing, don't worry," I waved towards her, and then started on my way to get home. As I arrived home a few girls in white robes sat on the floor, as if awaiting me. I shut the door, and it clicked, making the girls turn towards me, their eyes glowing with machine like yellow eyes.

"Oh Eden!! We've looked everywhere for you!" they cheered mechanically. I fluttered my eyes and leaned against my door.

"..What..?" I stammered.

"You broke your promise! We've been waiting for you for so long.. How could you make us wait so long? You promised and went back on your word, therefore you have to make up for it," one of the girls exclaimed, annoyance evident in her voice.

"Don't worry, it'll be quick,"

And then, everything went black once again.