
Fairytale of Christmas legends

The true message of Christmas is that we are all never alone. (Taylor Caldwell) And so, more Christmas magic gathered in a short Flashfic collection # 1_ This is for you (Amaya & Mick) # 2_ Merry Christmas, little Ninja! (Captain Cold) # 3_ In your eyes (Nyssara)

TheDreamer92 · TV
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3. In your eyes (Nyssara)

There were no missions in sight, no problems on the horizon and everyone was preparing to experience Christmas day together.

Sara was the captain and as such she had responsibilities, even that day seemed to weigh more on her than she herself would ever admit.

And so a little by chance she found herself in her room and in her hands a box full of memories.

He gently touched the wooden casket and the inlay of his name, braced himself and opened it.

It didn't take him long to find what he was looking for, he took it in his hands, smelled it to smell it again, and read it.

"My love,

I don't know if you will ever read this letter or if I will ever have the courage to give it to you, but know that ... you were the best thing in my life. Not a day goes by that you don't remember the exact moment I met and saved your life, even if you don't always think so. But how can you be wrong? I may have saved you too, but I took a part of you away from you and I will never forgive myself for that. But know that I'm trying to make amends and not a day goes by without at least trying. Seeing you between the sheets, next to me, your hair scattered on the pillow and a hint of a smile on your serene face is the only thing that keeps me going. You may not know it, but you are my rock, the person I lean on when everything seems to collapse on me. They will tell you that you are a murderer and most of the time you will believe it, but listen to my words: a murderer is someone who does it because he wants to and not someone who has to fight to survive. Now I leave you because I want to wake up in your arms, but please ... Please never forget that you are my light. And if you find yourself in a sea of ​​darkness, close your eyes and think of me, I will be there waiting for you and enlightening you.

With love,

Nyssa "

After wiping the tears from her face, she did as she was told.

He closed his eyes and saw her again.

Author's space:

Here I am with the first couple of the DC Legends of tomorrow fandom, even if we met her in Arrow.

This time the story is based on the Nyssara.

Before saying something I have to tell you that it is not one of my favorite couples, that is, I like them but I see Sara better with another character. Obviously I can't hide that they shared so many moments, which made me move, laugh and cry.

I hope you enjoy *_*

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