
Fairy Tail : The Strongest Creature

Kyros traversed the realm of Fairy Tail and acquired the Template System. This system dutifully rewards daily signk-ins with complimentary attribute points, empowering Kyros to grow stronger with each allocation. Kyros opted for a character template modeled after Kaido, the infamous beast hailed as "the strongest creature in the world" within the One Piece universe. As Kyros assumed the form of a resplendent blue dragon, a fierce aerial clash ensued with Acnologia, the notorious black dragon. Acnologia bellowed, "I am the supreme Dragon King!" Boom! A resounding strike from a mace sent Acnologia hurtling to the earth. Cocking an ear, Kyros retorted, "What kind of king did you just proclaim yourself to be?" ******** I will upload a chapter every other day. ********** Support me on my patreon and read upto 25 early chapters. patreon.com/AniScout ********* *THIS IS A TRANSLATION* https://www.wuxiabee.com/novel/the-strongest-creature-in-fairy-tail.html The Strongest Creature In Fairy Tail 妖精公会里的最强生物 This is a translation of Chinese Novel.

Ani_Scout · Anime & Comics
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81 Chs

Chapter 8 : S-rank Mage Promotion Trial!

One year had elapsed, witnessing a remarkable transformation in Kyros's strength.

[Super Template System]

[Host: Kyros]

[Observation Haki: 50 (Elementary)]

[Armanent Haki: 142 (Elementary)]

[Conqueror's Haki: 814 (Intermediate)]

[Physical skills: 0]

[Devil Fruit: Fish Fish Fruit·Model Blue Dragon Form (Inactive)]

[Special Constitution: 9.96%]

[Remaining attribute points: 0]

Throughout the year, Kyros's travels for various tasks had taken him far and wide, yet the attribute points he garnered were scant, mostly limited to ten points at most, with some three or two-point gains, and the majority merely a single point.

Nonetheless, driven by the desire for even the slightest chance of enhancement, Kyros tirelessly pursued more opportunities, akin to maneuvering through a game map in pursuit of experience points.

In his relentless quest for strength, he traversed nearly every corner of the Kingdom of Fiore over the past year and was on the brink of embarking on missions abroad.

Though Kyros exerted himself diligently, the system seemed inclined towards saltiness, leaving Kyros somewhat bemused.

Indeed, within the span of a year, Kyros had acquired a physique nearly one-tenth as robust as Kaido's.

What is Kaido's physique? It's the kind that defies gravity, impervious to a free fall from a staggering height of 10,000 meters. Possessing nearly a tenth of such resilience already marked him at a monstrous level.

"Erza, Mirajane, I've returned," Kyros announced as he took his seat opposite Erza and Mirajane.

"Welcome back," Erza greeted warmly.

"Humph! You're back whenever you feel like it! What brings you here?" Mira retorted with a tsundere demeanor.

Kyros sighed, "I can see you're still upset. It's been a while."

Not long ago, Mira had shown interest in a crusade mission with a generous reward, but Makarov had vetoed her participation after assigning the task to Kyros.

Many quests came with time constraints. If not completed in time, they had to be returned, often handed over to other Mage Guilds.

So Guild Master Makarov had entrusted Kyros with the task's completion.

For Mira, this felt like a slight, implying her inferiority to Kyros and leaving her resentful.

"Humph! Kyros, mark my words, it won't be long before I defeat you and reclaim my title as the strongest. Just you wait!" Mira exclaimed before rallying Elfman and Lisanna for work.

Kyros smiled wistfully. Though they were all Mirajane, Mira still retained her fiery temperament from childhood. He preferred the understanding, gentle, and graceful Mirajane of adulthood.

Throughout the year, both Mirajane and Erza had challenged Kyros multiple times, from whom he learned numerous combat techniques. Their relationship was a blend of opponents and friends, tinged with an inexplicable fondness. Mira and Erza were both budding romantics, drawn to boys stronger than themselves.

Initially, Kyros admired Mirajane and Erza purely from watching the animation. However, as they matured, so did his feelings toward them. He appreciated their growth into young women, yet as time passed, his fusion with Kaido's physique surpassed their capabilities, rendering them no match for him in strength.

In a certain skirmish, Mirajane launched a hefty assault against Kyros, yet when Kyros emerged unscathed, Mirajane's eagerness to challenge Kyros dwindled significantly.

Similarly, Erza aimed a sword strike at Kyros, only to find no white marks on Kyros's skin afterward; instead, her sword shattered. Since then, Erza hasn't dared to challenge Kyros as much.

Fortunately, the dynamic between the trio remained largely unchanged, and Kyros's romantic endeavors weren't completely derailed.

Three days slipped by unnoticed.

Arriving at the guild in the morning, Kyros found it unusually crowded, leaving her bewildered. Although Fairy Tail was typically bustling with activity, most members would be out on missions. Even with the guild's fair share of slackers, it was rare for the guild to be more than two-thirds full.

This was the first time Kyros had seen the Fairy Tail guild so packed.

Despite the crowd, an unusual hush pervaded the guild, contrasting with its usual lively atmosphere. Many members wore expressions of anticipation and nervousness.

Approaching Natsu quietly, Kyros whispered, "Natsu, what's going on?"

Before Natsu could respond, a squeak sounded from the guild's second-floor door, and out stepped Guild Master Makarov and Gildarts, Fairy Tail's sole S-rank wizard.

"Hey, is Uncle back?!" Gildarts, still as reckless as ever, despite not yet completing the centennial mission, only returned to the guild three or four times a year.

The once-quiet guild erupted into noise.


"Guild Master!!!"

"We've been waiting forever!!"

"Hurry up and announce it!!"

"Who's it gonna be this year?"...

Clearing his throat, Guild Master Makarov spoke up: "Cough cough! As per Fairy Tail tradition, it's time to announce this year's participants for the 'S-rank Mage Promotion Trial'!!"

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh!!!"