
Fairy Tail : The Strongest Creature

Kyros traversed the realm of Fairy Tail and acquired the Template System. This system dutifully rewards daily signk-ins with complimentary attribute points, empowering Kyros to grow stronger with each allocation. Kyros opted for a character template modeled after Kaido, the infamous beast hailed as "the strongest creature in the world" within the One Piece universe. As Kyros assumed the form of a resplendent blue dragon, a fierce aerial clash ensued with Acnologia, the notorious black dragon. Acnologia bellowed, "I am the supreme Dragon King!" Boom! A resounding strike from a mace sent Acnologia hurtling to the earth. Cocking an ear, Kyros retorted, "What kind of king did you just proclaim yourself to be?" ******** I will upload a chapter every other day. ********** Support me on my patreon and read upto 25 early chapters. patreon.com/AniScout ********* *THIS IS A TRANSLATION* https://www.wuxiabee.com/novel/the-strongest-creature-in-fairy-tail.html The Strongest Creature In Fairy Tail 妖精公会里的最强生物 This is a translation of Chinese Novel.

Ani_Scout · Anime & Comics
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81 Chs

Chapter 72 : Too Weak!

"Monsters? People label others as monsters when they confront beings or phenomena beyond their comprehension. It merely reflects their own inadequacies in terms of strength."

Kyros regarded Jose with a calm gaze.

"You accuse me of being weak,"

Jose stared at Kyros in disbelief, his eyes widening.

Who was he? One of the Ten Wizard Saints in Ishgar; a title held by only a select few across the entire continent.

Since childhood, he had outshone his peers, earning the reputation of a prodigy. Even in his early thirties, he was hailed as one of the Ten Wizard Saints.

Though he had been defeated by Makarov six years ago, the fact that Makarov was nearly fifty years his elder fueled his determination. He was incensed but not disheartened.

He firmly believed that it wouldn't be long before he surpassed Makarov completely.

He was accustomed to being praised as 'Jose the Mighty', never hearing anyone label him as weak.

And now, these words came from a mere youth not yet twenty, a member of the Fairy Tail guild he detested the most.


Dark magic surged from Jose's being, veins protruding on his forehead as his face contorted in rage.

"Die! Die! Die! I'll see you dead!!!"

Gathering immense dark energy in his hands, he formed a dazzling purple energy sphere.

"Death Storm!!!"


A formidable wave of darkness hurtled towards Kyros.

Kyros clenched his fists, the power of his Armament and Conqueror's Haki enveloping them as he stepped forward with his left foot.


The ground beneath Kyros cracked under pressure.

His fist collided with Jose's dark onslaught.


The clash sent shockwaves rippling through the Phantom Lord guild's headquarters, shattering the surroundings, shaking the ground, and causing the lake's waters to surge outward.


"This magic is terrifying!"

"Can Kyros really hold his ground?"

Worry etched the faces of everyone in the Fairy Tail guild once more, concerned for Kyros's safety.


The dark energy dissipated, and Kyros stood in place, his clothes torn in parts, revealing the chiseled muscles beneath.

Kyros smiled, glancing at Jose. "Not bad power, reminiscent of the Ten Wizard Saints, but falling short."

"Young punk! Don't assume your defense is impenetrable! Make another attempt, and you'll find yourself defeated!" 

Battles seldom hinge on a single strike; both sides sustain injuries and deplete magic power at a significant rate.

As one of the Ten Wizard Saints, Jose feared no magical power contest.

"High defense? I excel in offense!" Kyros's Conqueror's Haki erupted.


Jose was pushed back by Kyros's overpowering force, his resolve shaken but within his tolerance.

With a sneer, Jose retorted, "Little devil, your level of attack may suffice against weaklings, but it's far from enough against me!"

"Just watch."

Kyros's Conqueror's Haki materialized into a colossal fist, striking Jose.

"Dark Spiral!"

Jose's expression shifted as he recognized Kyros's technique, powerful and formidable.


The dark spiral shattered Kyros's Fist, but Jose's defensive stance wavered.


Jose was sent flying, crashing into a wall that crumbled upon impact.

Struggling to rise, Jose's expression turned grim as another surge of terrifying momentum hit him before he could react.



Jose was sent flying once more, the onslaught of Kyros's fist onslaught leaving him increasingly scarred.

"Wow! Damn you, you stinky brat! You think you can defeat me?!"

Kyros's Armanent Haki covered fist struck without giving Jose any time to react. Jose, seething with anger, hopped about, but it was futile. The attacks were not just insulting; they were highly injurious. In fact, despite his bravado, Jose felt pain coursing through every organ, his mouth stained with blood.

"This trick is effective, why didn't I think of it?"

Kyros's Conqueror's Haki was limited to direct, lethal attacks. It required over 4,000 points of Conqueror's Haki for Kyros to execute such lethal blows.

Shapeshifting was a manifestation of compressed Conqueror's Haki, a process that required time. Yet, Kyros managed to strike swiftly and with a wide range, showcasing even greater lethality.

"You jerk!"

"But it's time to put an end to this." Kyros took a step forward, granting Jose a momentary reprieve.

With palms outstretched toward the sky, Kyros unleashed his Conqueror's Haki.

The skies were filled with the force of Kyros's Conqueror's Haki, scattering clouds and forming countless manifestations of his Conqueror's Haki, gradually blanketing the sky above Phantom Lord guild headquarters.

"End? Indeed, it's the end, but it's your end!" Jose declared.

"I had reserved this technique for Makarov, but you have truly vexed me!"

"It seems that with a few more years, you kid might surpass me. That's absolutely unacceptable!"

"Behold! With the power of ten sacred magics, I shall bring about your demise!"

Jose's magic continued to converge between his hands, summoning a dark specter that he compressed into a formidable energy shell, emitting a mournful cry.

"Disappear! Be erased from history forever!"

"Death Storm!"


A purple shockwave surged toward Kyros, suspended in the air.

"Sword Descend!"

Kyros raised his hand, palm facing downwards.

"Sparus, sparum—!!"

Countless imposing swords cascaded downward.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The formidable swords clashed with Jose's deathly storm, resulting in a deafening explosion. The collision sent forth a barrage of black and red lightning.

Despite numerous swords being destroyed, they continued to fall relentlessly. Jose's deathly storm, lacking in strength, was gradually consumed by the relentless assault of the imposing swords.

Witnessing the relentless approach of the swords, Jose let out a terrified scream.


"Wow ah ah ah ah donkey-hide!!"

In an instant, the imposing figure was completely engulfed by the swords.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"