
Fairy Tail: The Prince of Peace

A powerful new wizard arrives at Fairy Tail on a rainy night. Traveling to Ishgar from lands unexplored, he hopes to put some distance between him and the war that drove him to the brink. How will Ishgar change in the wake of the man whose rage laid the foundation for a better future?

SpecterOfFire · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
47 Chs


"Looks like the sun might finally come out," Cana sighed as she looked outside, swirling her wine glass in her hands. It was a bittersweet moment. She had gotten the short version of what had happened on the job from Strider and as much as she welcomed the change in weather, she felt the cost - both in terms of life and on psyche - was a bit too much. A few weeks had already passed and day by day, the weather shifted gently until the downpour was all but a gentle drizzle, the grey clouds overhead finally allowing the first rays of light in weeks to shine through.

As she looked at the team that went on the job, their expressions were slowly improving, but still notably downcast. The ones who saw what happened - Juvia, Gray, Natsu, and Gajeel - were the worst for wear. Wendy was obviously shaken as well, being the youngest of the group; while Lucy and Erza were more subdued in usual. Looking at Strider, however, she got a different picture. While he wasn't the poster child of cheer, he appeared to be taking it better than the others - pausing here and there to offer Juvia or Wendy an embrace or moment to talk and advise them on getting better.

Mira saw what was going through Cana's head and had much the same thought. She sighed as her own thoughts turned to the reasoning.

'He's probably already seen so much. I suppose it's not surprising,' she thought sadly.

Juvia soon got up and with a heavy sigh, exited out the back towards the shoreline. Pausing, Strider soon went after her. He found her sitting, legs hugged to her chest as she looked out on the water with downcast eyes.

"Juvia?" Strider called out softly, his feet pattering on the muddy ground.

"Mmm?" she replied, sparing him a glance before looking ahead again. He sat down next to her and rested a hand on her shoulder. Juvia looked at it before turning her gaze to the front yet again. After a long pause, she opened her mouth to speak but soon closed it.

"I understand," Strider said quietly.

"What?" she asked.

"What you're feeling," he said.

"I doubt that," she replied, her voice coming across colder than she meant it to.

"You connected with Tiasa. It makes sense that you would be shaken by the loss," Strider continued.

"You mean her death?" she asked harshly. Strider paused before nodding. "She didn't deserve it."

"I know," Strider said.

"She should've lived! She was… my age. She had an entire life ahead of her and they… they…," Juvia cried, hot tears streaming down her face.

"I know," Strider said again, quieter than before.

"She shouldn't have come with us. If she had stayed with Erza and the others… it would've been fine. But… it's…," Juvia struggled to find the words. Her head drooped further as the tears continued to stream.

"I don't think any of us could've predicted what would happen, Juvia. At least the ones at fault were punished," Strider said.

"Aren't you supposed to be strong?" she suddenly asked quietly.

"I'm sorry?" Strider replied.

"You're strong, aren't you?" she asked, looking at him.

"Comparatively, perhaps," Strider shrugged.

"Why couldn't you sense what he was going to do? Why couldn't you do anything?" she asked, anger trickling into her voice. Strider looked at her without emotion - no sense of pain or hurt at the accusation. With a sigh, he looked ahead.

"I'm not a mind reader, nor am I the fastest man alive. If I knew what they were planning, I would've stopped them. But… I didn't," he said.

"Couldn't you have used your telepathy? Or your telekinesis to keep her blood pumping? Couldn't you have done anything?!" she asked, quickly getting to her feet. She felt a surge of anger and guilt come up but quickly suppressed it.

'Isn't he supposed to be powerful?! Didn't he beat Natsu and Erza!? He took on that deity and he beat him! Why didn't he save her?!' she thought. Strider looked up at her before staring ahead.

"I'm not that powerful that I can stop people dying. It's not as simple as just keeping the processes going. I know you're angry, Juvia. But… there just wasn't much that we could've done," Strider said. Juvia looked at him for a while longer before heading back tot he guild, tears continuing to flow. Strider sighed and looked down, running his hands through the mud. He felt a surge of hate go through him, the deities that killed Tiasa coming to the forefront of his mind.

'Suffer in hell,' he thought. He soon heard another pair of feet heading towards his way. Instead of Juvia, however, he saw Erza walking towards him. Her hair stuck matted to her armor as she looked at him with a sense of sorrow. Without a word she sat next to him, looking ahead at the tumultuous sea. After a heavy pause, she spoke.

"How are you dealing with what happened?" she asked softly.

"As well as I can, I suppose. What about you?" Strider asked.

"I wasn't there to witness it; you, the boys, and Juvia were," Erza said.

"Doesn't mean you weren't affected," Strider replied. Erza looked at him with a piercing gaze and frown before sighing.

"I suppose. It could've gone much better, that much is certain. But we can't change what happened. I learned that from my time at the Tower of Heaven. As much as I wish I could go back and stop what happened there… as much as I wish I could've saved Rob or Simon… I can't. I don't have the power to turn back time. I know that it's going to hurt - for a while, or forever - but just as much, we have to move forward," Erza said. Strider listened closely to her tone and words and while he could tell she meant them, he felt a strong undercurrent.

"Always easier said than done," Strider replied.

"How does it feel for you? You've more experience in… fighting," Erza said. Strider scoffed internally.

"You mean killing," he corrected her. Erza didn't answer but he saw a trace of regret flash across her face.

"I don't mean to sound callous. But… yes. I imagine the pain lessens once you've been through a war," she said.

"It never lessens. You never want it to lessen," Strider replied.

"What do you mean?" Erza asked.

"Have you ever killed anyone?" he wondered.

"What?" she asked in surprise.

"Have you ever killed anyone? In cold blood or self defense," he reiterated.

"I… once," she said uncomfortably.

"How did it make you feel?" he wondered.

"I…," Erza trailed off, biting her lip. Immediately afterward, she had continued the ascent and fought Jellal and seen Simon die. Now that she thought about it, she never mulled over her fight against Ikaruga. "I don't know. I haven't ever thought about it. Things were moving fast."

"It's different for everyone, but it never got easier for me - whether to see it done or do it myself. I never wanted it to get easier; I don't want the pain to lessen. I've made myself feel every death. That's how I deal with it. Seeing her like that… perhaps I'm dealing with it better than the others, but it's not because I'm more experienced with it," Strider said.

"What do you mean you made yourself feel every death?" she asked with a frown.

"I'd prefer not to go into the details, if it's all the same. Just know that it never gets easier. At least for us, it was the only option available. All others were exhausted," Strider sighed. "Anyways, I'm going to head inside."

"I'll catch up. I need to think for a bit," Erza said, moving past him and closer to the beach.

"As you wish," he replied, heading up the path.

As Erza stared out across the rolling waves, she remembered the mortal blow she had delivered to Ikaruga. It was her final option as well. Ikaruga was a match for her and there was no 'beat her down until unconscious' option available. It was a matter of life and death, and she had to do it otherwise it would've been her and her friends that didn't make it out. Nonetheless, Erza felt warm tears trickle down her face as she remembered the pained expression on her opponent. From the top of the path, Strider looked over her.


As Strider stretched out on his bed, he heard a knock.

"Come in," he answered. He smiled as Cana came in with a couple of glasses and a bottle of liquor for them to enjoy.

"Hey. Thought you could use a pick me up. You free?" she wondered, not waiting for an answer before getting on the bed.

"Happily," Strider sighed, taking the glass and letting her pour him a generous amount of amber liquid. He quickly downed it before taking another.

"How're you feeling?" she asked as she sipped her own, leaning on her arm and inching a bit closer. She scanned his face, admiring the rugged features but noting the tired and weary look that he always seemed to wear.

"Well enough, I suppose. I'd prefer not to talk about the quest again, though, if you don't mind," Strider said preemptively.

"Sure. Sorry. It's just… if you wanted to talk, I'm here," Cana said.

"I appreciate it, Cana," he replied with a kind smile. He laid his back against the headboard and sighed heavily. Taking the initiative, Cana sat at his side and pulled the blanket over both of them.

"Even if you don't want to talk about it, you could really use some company. Handsome guy like you should be used to have girls in bed," she joked, eliciting a chuckle from him - his first since the job ended.

"Of course. Although in those cases, I'm typically laying down and naked," he said.

"Ah, sorry. Like I said, I'm not that kinda girl," Cana smirked.

"Oh? What girl is that?" Strider wondered, leaning closer to her and resting his chin on her shoulder. She turned to face him, her purple eyes boring into his black ones.

"You know," was all she said, leaning forward until their heads were touching. The two continued to stare at each other until a knock interrupted them. Cana quickly moved on to the edge of the bed, while Strider sighed in place.

"Come in," he called out. Mira soon entered, wearing a frown as she looked at them.

'Wonder what they were doing?' she thought.

"Hey. Just wanted to see if you were free for something," she said.

"Oh? Me? Or Cana?" Strider inquired.

"You," Mira replied.

"Sure. What do you need?" he asked.

"Need to get some shopping done and I could use some help in carrying everything back. Would you mind?" she asked.

"Not at all. Thanks, Cana. Let's pick this up later," Strider said, downing his glass.

"Definitely. Mind if stay here, though? Beds pretty comfortable," Cana said.

"Be my guest," he said before taking his leave. Mira looked at Cana before following. As she shut the door, Cana grumbled.

'That was underhanded, Mira,' she thought, putting her lips around the bottle and tilting it back.


"So what do we need?" Strider asked.

"Multiple casks of alcohol, some ingredients, and mugs. They keep getting destroyed," Mira sighed.

"I can see why you need help. Alright, where to? I don't think I've been shopping yet," Strider said.

"Really?" she asked in surprise.

"No need to. Have everything I need at the guild, it seems," Strider said.

"I forgot you still haven't moved out," Mira giggled, leading Strider in the direction of a mall.

"My bad. Guess I'll have to soon enough. Rains stopping at last, so people will probably get into the sway of things soon enough," Strider said, catching some drizzle in his hands.

"It'll be nice, I suppose," Mira said softly. "You're probably getting tired of everyone asking, but are you ok?"

"Well enough, thanks," Strider said, his voice terser than usual. Mira nodded and decided to drop the subject, moving onto something lighter.

"S-Class Trials are going to be soon, by the way," she said.

"I think Cana mentioned them to me a while ago. They appear to be pretty important," he said.

"They are. You need to pass the trial to become an S-Class Wizard. It allows you to take on S-Class and SS-Class Requests without an attending Wizard. You can also try out Decade and Century Quests," Mira said.

"Decade and Century Quests?" Strider asked in interest.

"A Decade Quest is a job that's been up for at least ten years and no one has completed it; Century is the same, but for one hundred years," Mira said.

"There are quests that haven't been completed in all that time?" Strider asked in surprise.

"A few, yeah. Really dangerous, though. Only a few Wizards have ever completed a Decade Quest; only one has made it back alive from a Century Quest," Mira said.

"Do you know who that is?" he wondered.

"I do. He's part of Fairy Tail, actually - Gildarts Clive," Mira said.

"Gildarts? I don't think I've met him yet," Strider said.

"He's still somewhere in the city, I think. He doesn't come to the guild often, though. A lone wolf," Mira said.

"Interesting. Can't wait to meet him. I'd love to hear about his adventures," Strider said.

"You remind me of him a bit," Mira said, putting a finger to her cheek in thought.

"How so?" Strider wondered.

"You're both pretty powerful and easygoing. Even look somewhat similar, although he's older and has orange hair. The last job took a toll on him, but his personality is still the same. I've known him since I started out in Fairy Tail," Mira said.

"A toll?" Strider wondered.

"Natsu told us some of the particulars, but… what's the best way to say this? He had an encounter with a dragon," Mira said. She turned on reflex and saw Strider looking at her in surprise.

"A dragon?" he asked.

"Yeah. A black one… kind of… like the one you mentioned in your story, now that I think about it," Mira said, feeling some dread rise in her heart. Gulping, she continued. "It was on his Century Quest. It tore of his left arm, left leg, and gutted him so he has these two massive scars."

"I'm amazed he lived through the encounter. That's quite impressive," Strider said.

"It is, but it just goes to show you how difficult those quests are," Mira sighed before continuing. The rest of the walk was mostly silent as Strider's thoughts drifted to the black dragon.


"What is this place?" Strider asked in awe as he looked up. It was a building that stood several stories high with a massive amount of people bustling through.

"It's a mall. We can find pretty much everything we need here," Mira said, looking at him and smiling.

"Amazing. We don't have these back home. We mostly use small kiosks and shops. Only things larger than that are our town squares," Strider said. Were it not for his deft movements, he would've been bumping into people constantly. Mira giggled as she saw the look of bewilderment on his face.

"You seem out of it," she said.

"Just a bit. So many people," he said.

"We'll get what we need then grab a bite before heading back," Mira said, taking his arm in hers. Strider looked down at her and saw her blush. "So you won't get lost."

"I don't mind," he said with a smile. Mira returned it before leading him through the multitude of shops, picking up what they needed. She agreed with the shopkeepers to have everything ready for her near the restaurant they would eat at so they wouldn't have to lug everything around. As she and Strider got seated with their food, he began to look around again.

"Amazing. So many people," he said, reiterating his point from before.

"It must be a bit of a shock to you," she said.

"To some extent. We have wide open spaces where I'm from. You could gather the entire population into a given realm and there'd be enough room for them all. Here it seems a bit more… clustered together," Strider said.

"Which do you prefer?" she wondered.

"Both have their charm. Transportation is far easier here than where I'm from. But we're more connected to the land as well. Not to mention… mmm… I think in terms of natural beauty, we might have you guys beat. Although, I suppose Fiore has some things that Middle-Earth definitely does not," Strider said, piercing Mira's gaze with his own. She blushed at the intensity of the look before noticing his smirk.

"Ugh. You're mean," she grumbled, sipping some soda.

"Apologies, m'lady," he said in a dramatic tone, eliciting a giggle from her.

"I'm not a princess, you know," she said.

"I wouldn't have guessed it if I didn't know you," he answered. Mira blushed again but smiled.

"So what's Middle-Earth?" she wondered.

"It's what we call our continent," he said.

"I just realized I don't really know much about where you're from," Mira said with a frown.

"That's probably better discussed in private. It is quite… loud here. So many conversations going on," he said.

"Mirajane," a voice suddenly called out. As Mira turned toward the source, Strider saw her frown. Following her gaze, he saw a handsome gentleman approaching them. He wore a nice white suit with a red dress shirt, his blond hair combed to the side. He wore black boots, almost impeccable even in the rain. The man frowned at Strider before looking at Mira.

"Arthur," she greeted him in a flat tone.

"It's good to see you here," he said.

"Mmm," Mira replied, looking at Strider before looking at the man again.

"It's been a while," Arthur continued.

"It has. What brings you here?" she wondered.

"Just needed to pick something up. I'm surprised to find you here, though. And you are…?" he asked Strider.

"Strider. New member of Fairy Tail," Strider said.

"Pleasure. Are you two…?" he wondered.

"We are," Mira answered suddenly, eliciting a raised eyebrow from Strider and a look of surprise from Arthur. Looking upwards at the man, Strider saw his jaw tighten before loosening up; continuing to look around, he saw that people were staring at them and began to pick up bits and pieces of the gossip.

"Did you hear that?!" a woman whispered to her boyfriend.

"Mirajane is dating that guy?" a man asked in shock.

"Who is he?" another wondered.

"Dunno. Can't decide who got luckier, though," his friend said, licking her lips as she eyed Strider.

"He seems a bit… mature," an older woman said.

"The hell is he wearing?" another wondered.

"I see. Mira, do you have a moment?" Arthur asked.

"Sorry, but no. We have to get back to the guild. Our stuff should be just about ready," Mira said.

"It's only take a moment," Arthur said.

"No. Let's go, Strider," Mira said.

"Take care," Strider said to the man before leaving with Mira. He felt the blond's eyes stare into the back of his head and frowned. Chancing a look back, he saw a few more men approaching the blond.

'Looks like there's gonna be trouble,' he thought with a weary sigh.


Strider and Mira began walking back towards the guild in silence. Whenever he looked at her, Mira would blush and look away. Sighing, Strider looked ahead before glancing back and frowning; a vehicle appears to be following them.

"Let's go down here," Strider suddenly said, turning into a narrow alley. Mira sighed as she looked back and saw his motive; the car had blocked the alley and the blond got out, along with what appeared to be his bodyguards.

"Mira, I just want to talk," he said.

"And I told you that I don't want to," she said coldly.

"Would you mind giving us a moment?" the man asked Strider.

"I'm not so sure that'd be a good idea," Strider said.

"Why?" Arthur wondered

"Well, considering you blocked that alley just to get alone with Mira, I can't imagine your intentions are all that pure. Plus, she doesn't want to talk to you. Just leave and we can all get on with our lives," Strider said. The man sighed and shook his head.

"This doesn't concern you," he said.

"It appears it does. She is my girlfriend, after all," Strider said, putting an arm around her and pulling her close. Mira blushed a deep red.

'WHAT DID HE SAY?!' she squealed inside her head before deflating. 'Crap. I told him we were a couple. Wait - why am I having this conversation with myself?! Why am I getting flustered?!'

"You move on quick, Mirajane," the man said, his voice cold.

"What do want, Arthur? Just tell me so we can get this over with already," Mira said wearily.

"I want you to give me another chance," he said.

"No," she replied without hesitation.

"Why not? Look, I made a mistake, but-," he began before she cut him off.

"You call what you did a mistake?" she asked coldly.

"Mir-," he began before she cut him off again.

"You hurt me. You know exactly what you did," Mira asked, anger seeping into her voice. Strider looked at her in surprise before looking to the man, who frowned again.

"I'm sorry. I know that was wrong, b-," he began before being cut off again.

"Enough. We're leaving. Take care, Arthur," Mira said, turning her back on him. She only got a few feet before she heard pattering behind her. The two men that flanked him were heading towards her and Strider. They didn't get far before Mira suddenly changed. It was the first time Strider saw her transformation. Where once stood Mira now stood something else entirely; he saw a blood vein running down the right side of her face, across the eye. Similar vessels were around her body and thighs, dark and menacing. Her white hair was wild, jutting upwards and curling with the front ponytail growing longer. Her ears extended backwards and became pointed and her teeth grew sharped; her lips were covered in a dark lipsticks. Along her forearms where scales and finlike protrusions while sharp claws covered her hands. A large, stocky, metallic tail whipped the air behind her, with a pair of bat wings above it. Instead of the red dress she usually wore, she was now wearing a revealing one piece that left little to the imagination; her cleavage and stomach were bared as were her thighs and forearms. She wore red leggings from just above the knee, all the way down. Around her neck was a spiky collar.

All she had to do was growl at the men to send both of them running back. Looking at Arthur, Strider saw the man begin to sweat before tripping as he back away towards the car. Much to slow, however; Mira was soon in front of him in the blink of an eye. The tail jutted towards his face, stopping an inch from puncturing it.

"Never approach me again, or it'll end differently," she said. The man nodded viciously before scrambling into the car and leaving with his bodyguards. With a sigh, Mira looked back at Strider who looked on in interest.

'Damn it. He…,' she thought before Strider soon closed the distance between them, examining her transformation.

"Amazing," he whispered.

"W-what?" she asked in surprise.

"This transformation. It's… I don't know what else to call it. Amazing," he said again.

"You think so?" she asked uncertainly.

"I do. So this is a Takeover?" he wondered.

"Y-yeah. One of them, at least," Mira said, shifting back into her dress. She looked back at Strider, biting her lip. "I'm sorry about that."

"Not a problem. Let's head back to guild. You can tell me on the way," he said, taking off his cloak and putting it around her. Mira hugged it close and nodded, leading the way.

"I dated him for a couple of weeks a while back," she said with a sigh.

"Why'd you break up?" he wondered.

"I was doing some shopping and I saw him in a store, talking with someone. I was about to surprise him when he started talking about me," Mira said.

"Talking about you?" Strider asked, frowning.

"Yeah. Mmm… he was really happy that going out with me made him the talk of the town. A handsome guy and a pretty girl. He was telling them how he couldn't wait to sleep with me and that I was probably great in bed. Right after that, he called me a slut; that a girl that looked like me probably got around," Mira said. She felt Strider put a comforting hand on her shoulder; she gave him a sad smile before touching his hand, drawing warmth from his presence. "I came in and he had this look of surprise. I broke up with him on the spot before heading to the guild. He came by every day for weeks, looking for me. Lisanna and Cana helped keep him away, though. If I had seen him again at that time, I would've sent him flying."

"What a jerk," Strider said.

"Seriously. Besides… It… I… I've never…," Mira trailed off uncomfortably before turning red, wondering why she even brought up the subject. Stealing a look at Strider again, she saw him smile at her.

"Best to take these things at your own pace. No need to rush," Strider said kindly, reiterating his statement from the Blue Mountains. Putting his arm around her shoulders, the two continued to talk back in comfortable silence and warmth.


After helping Mira store everything away, Strider took a seat with Bisca. The beautiful gun mage offered him a drink that he happily accepted before looking around the guild.

"Looks like the lifting rain has done wonders for peoples moods," he said.

"Yeah. I think it's bittersweet for everyone, though. They all know what happened," Bisca said. As he looked back at her, Bisca sighed. "Don't worry. I'm not gonna ask. Lord knows Mira, Cana, and Erza probably already did."

"Ha. Thanks. It's… mmm…," Strider trailed off, swirling the liquid in the glass.

"I know. It ain't easy to see, but it's something everyone deals with eventually. Worst wake up call I ever had," Bisca said bitterly.

"Oh?" Strider frowned.

"Yeah. I'm from the Western Continent, Alakitasia. Where I grew up, things weren't always peachy like they are here. It wasn't surprising to see people die on the streets," Bisca said.

"I'm sorry to hear that. It sounds like you've been through a lot," Strider said.

"I guess. It never gets easier, does it?" she asked, rubbing the back of her neck.

"No, it doesn't. But do you want it to?" he wondered.

"I don't know. Maybe? It'd hurt less. A lot of people that did the dying were good folks. They didn't deserve it. But… I know what happened to the people that didn't hurt when it happened. I don't want to be like them," Bisca said with a shiver.

"It's always hard. I'm thankful for that, though. I never… it should never be easy. The day I become immune is the day I've lost myself," Strider said darkly. Bisca looked at him but didn't reply, opting to pour him a generous amount instead.

"Anyways, you think you'll get chosen for the S-Class Trials?" she asked, abruptly changing the topic. Strider welcomed the change and took a sip before answering.

"I'm not sure, to be honest. Maybe. I'm not sure if I deserve it, though. I haven't been part of the guild long enough, for one," he said.

"You're family," Bisca said firmly, eliciting a smile.

"Thanks for that," he said.

"I mean it. As soon as you join us, you're family. Besides, you've won the race, did an S-Class job, and an SS-Class job without breaking a sweat from what I hear. I'd be surprised if Master Makarov didn't choose you," Bisca said.

"Ah, you're embarrassing me, Bisca," Strider said sheepishly.

"Don't tell me you're one of those guys that blush when a girl compliments them," she smirked.

"Of course not. That said, I try not to rest on my laurels," he said with a chuckle.

"Humble, then?" she offered.

"It wouldn't be very humble if I called myself humble, would it?" he wondered.

"Ha. Dunno. Guess not. It's ok to brag here and there, though. Just listen to Natsu, Gray, or Gajeel sometime. They can't help but brag and we still love them," Bisca said.

"Speaking of which, how do you think they're holding up?" Strider asked with a sigh, looking sideways. The Dragon Slayers and Ice Wizard were notably less boisterous the past few weeks.

"I think… it got to them. They haven't had it easy, you know. I'm sure it brought up memories they'd rather stay buried. They try to act like the tough guys all the time, but they're all softies at heart," Bisca said.

"I'm sure part of them is blaming themselves for letting her die," Strider said.

"Does that go for you as well?" she wondered.

"It does. I can't imagine that not being the case. Even when I try to tell myself that it wasn't my fault or that I couldn't have done anything - the feeling still remains," he said grimly. Bisca poured him another glass, gently clinking it with her own. The two continued to sit in silence, that silence conveying what the other thought.


As the guild began to empty for the night, Strider helped Mira put everything back in place.

"Thanks for all the help today. Sorry for the trouble back at the mall," Mira said, hugging him.

"Not at all. Heading home?" he wondered.

"Yeah. I'm calling it in early tonight," she sighed.

"I'll walk you back," Strider said.

"You don't have to. I can take care of myself," she said.

"Oh, I know. Still, I'd like to," he said. Biting her lip, Mira acquiesced. As they walked under the cloudy and cool night, Strider again put his cloak around Mira. She held it close and smiled as she felt the warmth that always took hold when he put it on.

"This is nice," she said softly.

"What is?" Strider wondered.

"Oh, sorry. Just thinking out loud," Mira said.

"Got it. But yeah, I guess it is. A cold, cloudy night with a beautiful girl. What else can a guy ask for, right?" Strider chuckled, putting his arm around her shoulders. Mira smiled and leaned in, feeling even more at peace. The rest of the walk passed in a comfortable silence until they arrived at her doorstep. She and Strider saw Elfman and Lisanna watching TV in the living room, their backs turned to the two. Putting his cloak back on, Mira gave him a hug before getting on the step to get a bit of height.

"Well?" Strider wondered.

"Hmm? Well what?" she asked, brow furrowed.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" he asked.

"I don't… think so?" she said, thinking hard.

"Wow. You're quite a forgetful girlfriend, aren't you?" Strider chuckled.

"What?" she asked, turning red.

"Didn't you say we were going out earlier? Your boyfriend is waiting for his good night kiss," Strider smirked. Mira turned even redder as he leaned in a bit more, the intensity of his gaze overwhelming. Much like the first time he walked her home, she didn't feel threatened or uneasy but choked nonetheless. She rested her hands on his shoulders, hearing her heart thump against her chest.

"I-I-I… didn't… I…," Mira trailed off, closing her eyes as she felt his presence. Opening them ever so slightly, she saw that all that separated them now was around a foot. Finally, though, Strider leaned back.

"Well, that was fun," he laughed.

"Don't tell me that the only reason you walked me back was so you could tease me," she mumbled, still red.

"Part of it. I enjoy being around you. It really was a nice walk," Strider said. Mira smiled and nodded, giving him a quick hug. As she lingered, she kissed him on the cheek, resting her lips there for several seconds before heading inside, still bright red. With one last look, Strider headed back as well.


"Hey sis, got some food for you," Elfman called out. Mira paid him no attention as she quickly headed to her room, slamming the door shut and heading to the window. She saw Striders slowly receding form in the distance, his cloak billowing behind him. As she got into bed, she brought her hand to her cheek and felt how hot it was.

'Why did I say that?! Wait, I know why I said it! But… why… ugh. Did he really mean that, though? Did he really want me to kiss him? I wonder if he's had any relationships? I wonder how it's different up there? Does he tease everyone like this? No… I've spent a lot of time with him. He seems to like being around me. I know I like being around him. Mmm… I wonder if he got chosen for the S-Class Trial? I don't want to be away to long if he wasn't. Maybe once they're done, we can spend some more time together. Yeah. I'd like that. Mmm… Strider,' she thought, smiling as his name and face came to the forefront of her mind. Almost unknowingly, her right hand began to descend down the side of her body. She gently pulled up the hem of her skirt, biting her lip as her fingers continued to inch ever closer to nirvana. With him heavy on her mind, she got to work.


As Strider re-entered his room, he saw that he wasn't alone; Cana was still in his bed, the bottle of liquor on the floor. He went over and gently shook her awake, laughing internally.

"Mmm… hey, what time is it?" she asked, rubbing her eyes as she got up.

"Almost midnight," he answered in a low, gentle voice.

"Crap, I gotta head back to Fairy Hills. Ugh… my head," she groaned.

"Come on, I'll help you back," he said.

"T-t-thanks," she yawned, putting her arms around his neck and letting him do the work. Strider chuckled and carried her princess style, opening the window with his magic before flying out it. The rain drizzled over them, although she barely seemed to notice; soon, they were hovering in front of her window. Strider entered and finally let her get on her feet. Cana stretched before flashing him a smile. To his intrigue, she took his hand and led him towards the bed.

"What happened to not being that kind of girl?" he wondered, keeping his voice soft so the proprietor wouldn't overhear.

"I'm not. You're outta luck, though," she said, nodding at the clock.

"What do you mean?" he wondered.

"It's past midnight now. That means all the windows and doors to the guild are magically sealed. You won't be getting in, even with your magic. If you force it, alarms going to bring everyone running back to the guild," she giggled.

"Seriously?" he groaned.

"Yup. Sorry about that. But I'll make it up to you," she said.

"How's that?" he wondered.

"You can crash here for the night," she said, winking at him. Strider smirked and obliged, getting comfortable on the bed.

"Nuh-uh - the chair, big boy," she said.

"I let you sleep on my bed! This is the least you can do," he said.

"Nope," she said.

"Come on," he said.

"Nuh-uh," she smirked.

"I make a pretty good pillow. Don't tell me you haven't been curious about that," he said. Cana blushed but quickly recovered; looking around, she sighed. She took off her jeans, keeping on only her bra and panties before getting comfortable in the bed as well.

"Hope you don't mind. This is how I usually sleep," she said, resting her head on his chest. She bit her lip and moved one of her legs over his, gently running her foot up and down a few inches.

"Not at all," Strider whispered, beginning to weave a hand through her hair. Cana shivered at the touch; while rough, it had a warmth she couldn't ever recall falling. The hand continued to go down her hair before touching her bare skin. Strider began to run a finger up and down her back, sending pleasurable sensations up and down her body.

"What're you doing?" she whispered.

"Having fun, I suppose. Am I making you uncomfortable?" he asked.

"Not really. Just haven't had anyone try that yet," she said, looking up. He was staring at the ceiling, a light smile on his lips. Cana snuggled a bit closer, burying her face in his necks, her lips resting gently along the base. She felt him gently rub her back, taking care not to drop to far down.

"Let's get some rest, shall we?" he suggested.

"Right. Good night, Strider," she whispered.

"Sweet dreams, Cana," he replied.


Cana took special care to wake up a bit earlier than usual the following morning, despite the slight hangover. She noted quickly that her position had changed considerably; whereas she had been slightly off to the side the night before, right now she was laying right on top of Strider. Her breasts were squished against his chest, her arms wrapped around him and her legs on either side. She blushed as she looked down, thankful that he had decided not to take off any of his clothes, otherwise the situation might've quickly evolved. She felt one of his hands resting on the back of a thigh while the other was placed at her lower back; and as she scanned his face, she saw the ghost of a smile.

"Strider. Time to wake up," she said. Almost immediately his eyes began to flutter open; and almost immediately after that, Cana found her on her back, Strider hovering over her. His hair fell around him, tickling her face while his hands interlocked with hers, pinning her down gently.

"Ah. My bad. It's been a while since I woke up with someone on top of me," he laughed before standing up and stretching.

"I find that hard to believe. You weren't kidding. You're a really great pillow," she giggled.

"You're welcome to use me for a bit longer if you want," he suggested.

"Kind of you, but we have to get going. I gotta go on a job soon," she sighed.

"Alright. I'll go ahead of you, I guess. Thanks for letting me stay the night," Strider said, cupping her face with a hand and kissing her on the cheek. As he left through the window, Cana felt the spot he kissed her burning a bright red.


"Stayed out last night?" Mira wondered as Strider took a seat at the bar.

"A rowdy night, full of debauchery and drinking," Strider said.

"Uh-huh," she smiled, attending to her duties. "Oh, there's someone here for you."

"Someone for me?" he wondered. Mira nodded to a corner where a man with orange hair and a black, high-collared cloak with shoulder plates was sitting. Underneath the cloak, Strider could make out black pants as well as a metal belt. He assumed that this was Gildarts. As he walked over, he noted that several eyes were on him. As she entered, Cana was looking in his direction as well.

"Hello," he said, taking a seat opposite the Ace of Fairy Tail.

"Hi there. You must be Strider," Gildarts said with a wise smile.

"I am. You're Gildarts?" he wondered.

"That's me. Makarov's told me a bit about you," Gildarts smiled, shaking his hand.

"And Mira told me a bit about you as well. She wasn't kidding. Forgive me. You seem to have taken some damage," Strider said, noting the prosthetic arm and leg.

"That's putting it mildly. Son of a bitch damn near gutted me," Gildarts sighed.

"Fighting a dragon is always a dangerous task. Best to avoid it where possible," Strider said.

"You interact with them much?" GIldarts inquired.

"I have here and there. Not this black one, though. I did come across a dragon a while back, near Mt. Hakobe. He mentioned a black dragon called Acnologia. Does that name ring a bell to you?" Strider wondered.

"I can't be sure if this one was the same, but it might've been. Definitely black and it had blue markings. Massive jaw that could've swallowed me hole. I barely made it out alive. Attacks didn't do a damn thing," Gildarts sighed.

"No reason to beat yourself over it. Even the most experienced hunter soon has his day," Strider said. Gildarts grinned and nodded, taking a swig before looking Strider up and down.

"I hear you're pretty strong," he said.

"Others might think more highly of me than I do," Strider said.

"Yup. Makarov said you were modest as well," the Ace laughed.

"I couldn't possibly comment on my modesty. That'd be fairly immodest," Strider replied with a chortle.

"It's fine to take some praise here and there. Not many wizards can handily finish an S-Class, SS-Class, and beat a minor deity on their own," Gildarts said.

"I had plenty of help," Strider replied.

"If you say so. So, are you gonna stick around or what?" Gildarts inquired.

"I think so. Suffice it to say that Fairy Tail has grown on me," Strider said, looking around the guild. Gildarts grin grew every time Striders head paused as it locked eyes with one of the beauties, whether it be Mira, Cana, Erza, or the others.

"They do that to you. I've traveled all of Fiore and I haven't come across another guild like it," Gildarts said with a fond look.

"Been part of it long?" Strider wondered.

"Since I was a boy. It's been 30 or so years, now that I think about it," Gildarts said, leaning back a little.

"Are you going to stick around? Mira mentioned that you're something of a lone wolf," Strider said.

"For another week or so. I agreed to help Makarov with something. After that, I'll head out on another Quest. Something easier this time," Gildarts sighed.

"A Decade Quest, perhaps?" Strider asked nonchalantly.

"So you know about the higher level requests?" Gildarts asked.

"Only found out about them last night. I have to say that it's piqued my interest. A job that's been around for ten or one hundred years? Whatever it is must be monstrous," Strider said thoughtfully.

"Most likely. There's only a handful of each, though. Maybe ten Decade Quests and four Century Quests in total," Gildarts informed him. "So, I'm curious…,"

"Hmm? About what?" Strider wondered.

"Come on! You said Mira told you about me! That must mean you've been spending some time with her, eh?" Gildarts asked, turning into a school boy in front of Striders eyes. The new Fairy couldn't help but laugh at the reaction.

"Friends for now. Maybe even good friends. Hopefully, great friends. I think that's all I'll say on that, however," Strider chuckled.

"Ha. Whatever you say," Gildarts said, downing his cup before getting up. "Anyways, time for me to call it day."

"It's still morning," Strider said.

"Yeah, but these babies require that I rest often," Gildarts said, pointing to his bandaged scars. Bidding Strider a farewell, he left.

"Hey, Strider!" Lucy suddenly said, coming over.

"What's up, Lucy?" he wondered.

"I picked out this Request. Think you could come with?" she asked.

"Sure. You let the others know?" Strider wondered.

"Ah… I was hoping to keep this one small. I really need to make rent and I don't wanna risk anything getting destroyed," the blonde deadpanned. Chuckling, Strider nodded. Getting the Request approved, the two quietly slipped out.


"Seems simple enough," Strider said as he sat across from her on the train. It was a short job, requesting a wizards aid in defeating a low level monster in a small town just a short jaunt by train from Magnolia.

"I can't tell you how happy I am to hear that," she sighed.

"Is it really that bad with the others?" he wondered.

"Ugh, you've no idea. I love them like family, but Erza, Gray, and Natsu are the siblings that break everything and then you have to end up paying for them," Lucy grumbled.

"What about Wendy?" he wondered.

"Wendy's fine. She's pretty mature for her age, now that I think about it," Lucy said, putting a finger to her chin.

"You know, I was a bit surprised to learn about how you came to Fairy Tail," Strider said. Just as he finished, the train hit a small jump, launching Lucy at the Fairy. As she came to her senses, she noted that her head was touching his, their lips separated by a few inches. As she unconsciously took in his scent, she felt a small rush go through her body as a bright blush crept on her cheeks. Her hands were resting on his shoulders and she felt a particularly tender spot on his left shoulder. His hands were supporting her on her hips, making sure that she didn't compromise herself further.

"CRAP! SORRY!" she squealed, rearing back.

"No worries. I don't mind," Strider said with a chuckle, rubbing his left shoulder. She noted a slight bead of sweat emanating from his hair but decided not to comment on it.

"S-s-so what did you mean?" she stammered, still blushing brightly.

"Oh. Right. I was talking about how I was surprised - but impressed - to learn that you left behind so much wealth and prestige to set out on your own," Strider said.

"Oh. Ha… it wasn't much, really," she said sheepishly, her blush dying down a bit, but still keeping her cheeks rosy.

"I disagree. I've met a lot of people that were born into positions of power and wealth. Only a handful could stand to give it all up, I think. Whatever you might think or whatever others might say, it was a brave decision," Strider said.

"Thanks. I still love my dad, you know. He could've been… nicer about trying to bring me back home, but I still love him. I hope he sees things my way soon," Lucy sighed. Strider moved over to her side and put a comforting hand on her shoulder. Looking towards him, Lucy leaned in a bit closer. Despite not ever being intimate with another person before, something about his presence gave her a sense of peace. She wasn't sure whether it was his attitude, his strength, or a combination of many factors - but his very presence brought about a sense of safety and comfort. Strider smiled and put his arm around her, holding her close as he looked out the window. Lucy tried her best to stop from reacting as she usually did when he said something suggestive.

"Mind if I ask you something?" she asked.

"Go ahead," Strider nodded.

"How'd you get so strong?" she asked.

"I'm sorry?" he countered, surprised by the question.

"I mean… Erza, Natsu, and Gray are pretty strong. But the jobs we've done so far, you've finished like they were nothing. You didn't even have to fight that bird that and you pretty much destroyed that thing in the mountains," Lucy said.

"Lots of training," Strider answered simply.

"Is it that simple?" she asked.

"Mostly. Hmm… I started training when I was extremely young. I just never stopped doing that. I've progressed my magic at every stage I could, choosing telekinesis in particular because of all the offensive and defensive capabilities. I've had great teachers along the way as well, though," Strider said.

"Got it," Lucy nodded.

"What about you, though? What made you want to become a Celestial Wizard?" Strider wondered.

"Oh. That was my mother, actually. She was a pretty strong Celestial Wizard as well and she left me some of her keys - Cancer, Taurus, and Aquarius being the big ones," Lucy said with a soft smile.

"What kind of person was she?" Strider asked quietly.

"My mother? Oh wow… she was amazing. Strong and talented and beautiful. All her spirits loved and respected her so much. She's the one who taught me that spirits aren't things that you use… they're family and you have to take care of them and love them like they are. I owe her everything," Lucy said softly.

"She'd be proud of you," Strider said.

"Think so?" she asked, smiling up at him.

"Definitely. A beautiful, strong daughter. Any parent would be," Strider said. Lucy blushed before looking ahead at the seat he previously occupied, still smiling.

"Thanks," she whispered. "If… you don't mind me asking, what were your parents like?"

"I don't remember much of them, I'm afraid. They both died when I was really young. The man who raised me was a great man, though. He's the one that taught me everything; how to read and write, math and magic, herblore and combat, metallurgy and more," Strider said with a fond smile.

"He seems like a really smart guy," Lucy said, eyes widening slightly in surprise. She knew that Natsu could barely concentrate on learning one thing, let alone a vast array. Even Levy would have difficulty keeping it all in mind, she thought.

"He is. I was lucky to have come across him. That said, he is a bit… reclusive," Strider sighed.

"Reclusive?" Lucy wondered.

"Even during the war, he barely participated. He accompanied me for a little while, but only to keep a record of what was going on. I don't think he did much beyond relaying a few messages," Strider said.

"Is he really old?" she wondered.

"Fairly, yes," Strider said.

"He never… I dunno, had kids or something?" she wondered.

"None that I'm aware of. Never know. Maybe he got drunk one night and knocked someone up, but I doubt it," Strider chuckled.

"Please tell me you're not speaking from experience," Lucy grumbled.

"Certainly not. I prefer to enjoy it completely," Strider said, leaning in to whisper in her ear. Lucy quickly hopped to the other side, turning a bright red. "Ha. Sorry about that. After spending so long traveling, I need to get all the teasing out of my system. I'm afraid I have months of it to make up."

"Kind of starting to regret asking you out now," Lucy grumbled.

"Oh. So this is a date, then?" Strider wondered.

"What? WHAT? NO! IT ISN'T!" Lucy yelped.

"Ah… no need to sound so enthusiastic about it not being a date. You'll hurt a guys feelings like that," Strider said.

"Ugh, you're seriously the worst. At least Natsu doesn't even know how to tease," Lucy grumbled.

"Do you really want me to stop?" Strider asked, his tone suddenly serious although the ghost of a smile remained. Lucy opened her mouth to speak but soon shut it, turning a deep shade of red instead.


"I knew it was a good idea asking you along!" Lucy said excitedly, cuddling the hefty sack of jewel as she and Strider walked towards the train station. The job went off without a hitch, ending in a matter of seconds with their combined effort.

"I'm more than happy to help," Strider replied.

"We need to do this more often. I forgot what it felt like to do a job and actually keep the reward!" she said, ridiculously excited about the outcome.

"I'll try to have a talk with Natsu and Gray about toning it down someday," Strider chuckled.

"You've been a good influence on them so far, now that I think about it. At least, the last three jobs they didn't wreck anything," Lucy said thoughtfully. Her thoughts immediately turned as they arrived at the train station to find that the train had just broken down.

"Sorry folks. It's gonna be at least a day before we get it up and running again," the conductor explained.

"What now?" Lucy frowned.

"I have a suggestion, if you're comfortable with it," Strider said.

"What is it?" she wondered.

"We can just fly back," Strider said.

"Seriously?!" Lucy asked excitedly.

"Yup. Of course, you're going to have to hold on tight," Strider said. Lucy blushed but looked at the train. Gently biting her lip, she looked back at Strider and got close.

"Don't… try anything funny," she mumbled.

"I won't," he whispered, quickly scooping her up princess style. Lucy blushed at the position but her thoughts quickly changed as she and Strider immediately rocketed into the air, cratering the ground below a bit. She buried her face in his chest in fear before slowly lifting it, chancing a glance at her surroundings. Her eyes went wide as she looked around. The sight was enough to make her cry a bit; she could see towns far and wide, the glimmering ocean in the distance, vast forests, snowcapped mountains, and people scurrying directly below, some looking up to see the two in flight.

"Oh my goodness…," she whispered.

"Enjoy it?" Strider wondered.

"You… have… no idea. This is amazing," she said. Strider soon began heading towards Magnolia at a high speed, although Lucy couldn't tell exactly how fast they were going. All she knew was that no more than half the time it took in the train, she saw the river that ran in front of her house.

"Hey! That's where I live!" she squealed in joy. Strider smiled and set down directly in front of her place, thankful that no one else was around this very moment.

"THAT WAS AMAZING!" Lucy cried out, hugging him tightly.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," Strider chuckled.

"LUCY!" a voice suddenly cried out. An elderly woman appeared at the door, making Lucy stand up straight.

"Yes ma'am! Here you go! The rent for the month!" Lucy said, portioning some out. The woman looked at her and Strider before heading back inside. As she left, Lucy let out an audible sigh before smiling at Strider again.

"Thanks. Seriously," she said.

"I was happy to help, Lucy. Let me know if I can ever be of service," Strider said.

"I will. Hey, you wanna come in for some tea?" she offered.

"Sure," Strider said. Lucy led him into her cozy room. As Strider sat on the couch, he patently waited for Lucy to come back. As he waited, he saw something on the table - what appeared to be a stack of paper. As he began looking through it, he figured what it was; a draft for a book Lucy was working on.

"This is well written, Lucy," he called out.

"Wha- OH NO!" she cried out, turning red as she saw the papers in his hand. She quickly ran over and snatched them, holding them against her chest as she shot him a look.

"Ah. My apologies. I figured it was okay as they were just laying around. I'm serious, though - great writing," Strider said.

"You… think so? I dunno. I only just started a little while ago," Lucy blushed.

"I do. Parts could use some improvement, though," Strider said.

"Oh? Like what?" Lucy wondered, looking through it.

"Well, there's that one part where she takes him into her bedroom and-," Strider began. Lucy immediately put a hand to his lips, turning a bright red as she looked down.

"Teas ready," she said, running off to get it. She tried to change the subject as she sat next to him.

"Flying… wow," she said.

"It's something else, that's for certain," Strider said.

"How long can you fly for?" she wondered.

"Depends. At full strength, I can keep it going without pause for at least a few days, but I get notably slower. It took a week of constant flight to get here, but I had to really push myself to the brink," Strider said.

"Do you think that was a good idea?" she wondered, frowning.

"It… was necessary," Strider said, caressing the cup with a thumb as he stared into the swirling liquid. Lucy put a comforting hand on his shoulder. Strider smiled as he took it in his, gently caressing it with a thumb. The two looked at each other for a long time before Lucy blushed madly and looked away. Finishing his tea in silence, Strider got up.

"I better head back to the guild. I'll see you soon?" he asked.

"Definitely. Just want to… get something done real quick," she said.

"Ah. Gonna write that scene?" he wondered.

"Please stop," she grumbled. Chuckling, Strider leaned down and kissed her atop her head before taking his leave. Lucy felt the spot burn and felt a hotness on her cheeks. She looked back at the papers and flipped to the pages he was talking about, biting her lip. As she leaned back in her seat, the new Fairy was heavy on her mind.


"Enjoy your job?" Mira wondered.

"I did. Lucy's pretty powerful, you know. More than capable of holding her own. Who knew the Lucy Kick could send a monster scurrying?" Strider laughed.

"Yeah. Natsu and Gray love to fight, though, which is why they get more of the action, I think," Mira giggled.

"That much is certain. Looks like they're doing better," Strider said. Natsu and Gray were currently in each others faces, talking about what he assumed were the S-Class Trials.

"I think so as well. I don't think they'll ever get over it completely, but I think it's sunk in a bit over the last few weeks. They couldn't have done anything about it. I should know," Mira sighed sadly. Strider reached across the table and took her hand in his, gently caressing it. Mira smiled at the gesture and was about to reply in kind when someone noticed.

"OH NO! THAT'S SO NOT MANLY!" Elfman roared, taking the seat next to Strider. Lisanna sat on the other one and giggled.

"Come on, Elf - Striders great!" she giggled.

"At least someone thinks so," Strider said with a chuckle.

"It's not manly to sleep with an-," Elfman began before he suddenly felt Mira's She-Devil aura come to ahead. Gulping, he turned and saw her hair beginning to whip around.

"You really don't want to finish that sentence, little brother," she said, conjuring up a sweet, evil smile. Elfman nodded vigorously before quickly scurrying away, Lisanna giggling behind him.

"Guess we know who wears the pants around the house," Strider laughed.

"Sorry about that," Mira sighed.

"It's fine. Can't blame him for looking out for his sister. That said, should we ever get to that stage, I promise that I'll take good care of you," Strider winked. Mira turned a blood red that Strider had never seen before. Jovial that he elicited the reaction he wanted, he quickly went to his room, leaving a sputtering Mira in his wake.

"All in a days work, I see," he soon heard a voice.

"Hey, Erza," Strider said. She followed him into his room and took a seat on the edge of the bed while Strider got it.

"I wanted to apologize for yesterday," she said with a sigh.

"For what?" he wondered.

"Reflecting on it, I think I was a bit callous in my questions," she said.

"It's fine. I can understand why you'd be curious. It's not an easy topic for me - or anyone, I think - to talk about. You eventually get to a point where even thinking about it all is painful," Strider said. Erza moved closer to him and put a hand on his shoulder. As Strider mindlessly touched it, Erza felt a jolt go through her.

"Just… if you ever do need to talk, I will be here for you. Like you are for me," Erza said, remembering her conversation with him after the job in the Blue Mountains. Strider smiled and pulled her in for a hug. Erza wondered what to do for a minute; she wasn't often in intimate positions with the rest of her roommates, but Strider seemed to enjoy them. Eventually, she simply leaned in, resting her head on his shoulder and a hand on his stomach. As she began to move the hand up and down, she noted what Mira told him about his scars. Her hand began to move towards the hem of his shirt. As she slipped it underneath, however, Strider grasped her wrist.

"What're you doing?" he asked in a quiet voice.

"I… forgive me. I didn't… I… Mira…," Erza said, trying to find the words. Strider held her gaze for a long while before he sighed and released her wrist, looking ahead. Erza gulped, wondering what to do. After a long pause, she withdrew her hand and opted to instead hug him tightly, resting her head against his. Strider put his arms around her and pulled her close as well. As she got more comfortable in the bed, the two held each other, looking out the window as the sun kept on creeping out.