
Fairy Tail: The Prince of Peace

A powerful new wizard arrives at Fairy Tail on a rainy night. Traveling to Ishgar from lands unexplored, he hopes to put some distance between him and the war that drove him to the brink. How will Ishgar change in the wake of the man whose rage laid the foundation for a better future?

SpecterOfFire · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
47 Chs

Flaming Iron

"Hmmm…," Strider said, looking up at the tree.

"What're you thinking?" Wendy wondered.

"I believe the tree is something sort of like a landmark. I'm thinking that we should search for the grave at the base, first. Then again, that seems a bit too obvious," Strider said.

"We can try flying up there to find it?" Wendy suggested.

"A good idea, but I'm not sure if that'd work. My vision isn't so good that I could see a marker on the ground. Plus, it could hidden in a cave or under a bunch of trees as well," Strider said.

"So should we head towards the base, then?" Wendy wondered.

"I think that'd be the best way to go," Strider nodded.


"No way! Elfman and Evergreen said they're getting married?!" Erza exclaimed. She was stirring a pot of stew for herself, Mira, Juvia, and Lisanna.

"Yup. It totally caught me off guard and that gave them an opening to attack," Mira said, rubbing her cheek.

"Why didn't you tell me?! They've obviously been dating a while if they're getting married but you never mentioned it!" Erza said, pointing the ladle at her.'

"Mmm… I think they just wanted to say something shocking to throw me off. I guess I've still got a lot to learn," Mira giggled.

"What if it wasn't a strategy!?" Erza asked.

"Remember who we're talking about here. Knowing my brother, I doubt that it's true. I never imagined them getting married and having babies," Mira said, putting a finger to her lips and thinking of the outcome. It was too much; she quickly broke out in tears.

"There's no need to cry. It's kind of cute, depending on how you look at it," Erza said comfortingly.

"I think they make an awesome couple. They look adorable together," Lisanna cooed.

"Babies…," Juvia trailed off, turning a bright red as a certain sword wielding Fairy popped into her mind. It was almost to much for her to handle.

"I think Juvia's about blown her top," Lisanna sweatdropped, trying to bring her back to reality. "Hey, what happened to Freed and Bixlow?"

"Apparently, the two of them and Gildarts went back home," Erza said.

"Jeez, talk about impatient. They could've stayed around to watch the rest of the trial," Lisanna grumbled.

"So six teams advanced. This is a really good crop. I don't think we've ever had that many go on to round two," Mira said.

"Indeed. All are quite formidable. Natsu, Gray, Cana, and Strider are powerful. Elfman is no slouch and Levy is easily the smartest out of them all. It'll be interesting to see how it turns out," Erza said.


"A REAL MAN SHOULD NEVER RUN AWAY FROM HIS ENEMIES?!" Elfman screamed as he and Evergreen were chased by a massive boar-like beast.

"If you don't stop this 'real man' nonsense, I'll finish you myself!" Evergreen screamed. The creature suddenly went in for the kill, thrusting a sharp claw at them.

"Look out!" Elfman yelled, tackling her. They began to tumble down a gravelly hole before landing at the bottom with a painful thud. Elfman was breathing heavily as he cradled her close with his body. "Oh, that hurt."

As she noticed the position they were in, Evergreen blushed madly and pushed him off, launching him a few feet into the air.

"Hang on! What do you think you're doing?! Don't you dare start thinking I'm interested in you just because of what I said to Mira! I was only trying to throw her off her game, not expressing any real desire to hook up with you, bonehead!" she yelped.

"Huh? Where's this coming from?" Elfman grumbled. "Gotta hand it to you, though, that was pretty smooth. Hard to believe a nice girl like you came up with such a naughty trick."

"Ugh, you make it sound so dirty," she replied.

"You two alright?" another voice chimed in. Strider and Wendy hopped down the hole as well.

"What're you two doing here?! Are you following us?! That's not manly!" Elfman exclaimed.

"Relax. We were going on our path but Wendy said she heard someone scream, so we decided to check it out. I assume that was you two?" Strider wondered.

"We had a very good reason for that!" Evergreen said hotly.

"Oh yeah, that monster. That thing was huge," Strider said.

"You saw it?" Elfman asked.

"Yeah. He wasn't to bad, though," Strider said.

"Strider sent him flying. Literally," Wendy sighed.

"Flying?" Evergreen asked aghast.

"Telekinesis magic, remember? So long as I have the focus and will, I can move some pretty large things with ease," he said. As he looked ahead, his eyes suddenly narrowed. The others saw and their eyes traveled to where his were affixed as well and a look of surprise crossed their faces.

"P-people?" a young man wearing black robes and a white toga asked. He looked fairly young, they thought, as well as out of it - his movements were laden with stumbles, as though he couldn't stand up on his own two feet.

"Whose that?" Strider wondered.

"I don't understand. Why have you come to such a desolate place? I was under the impression that this island was uninhabited," the man asked.

"Well you were wrong, pal!" Elfman informed him.

"You are trespassing! Only members of our guild are allowed here," Evergreen said.

"Relax. I'm sure he didn't mean any harm," Strider said soothingly, his eyes fixed on the young man.

"I'm trespassing? Forgive me. I didn't know this island was controlled by a guild," the man said, looking down in sorrow.

"It is! Ours!" Elfman said, taking a step forward.

"No! STAY BACK! Please!" the man suddenly shouted, fear in his eyes. "Please… if you value your life, don't come any closer to me."

"That sounds like a challenge," Elfman said. Strider put a hand on his shoulder and took a step forward, curious. The man looked straight at him and took a step back, gulping.

"No… it's not. It's not. I don't want to fight you. I'll leave the island peacefully. Please… just don't come near me," he said.

"Relax, friend. There's no need to be so hasty. We'll find our Master and I'm sure he can arrange a transport for you," Strider said.

"Friend?" the man asked. Strider was about to reply when suddenly the man's hands flew to his head. "No… here it comes!" he exclaimed, eyes wide. "PLEASE, RUN!"

Wendy, Evergreen, and Elfman took a step back as they saw a black aura begin to emanate from the man. Frowning, Strider withdrew his sword, gulping as he felt it begin to vibrate in his hands.

'No. Not now. I need you right now. Obey!' he thought to it. The man suddenly released an attack. Wisps of black wind jutted right at the four.

"Strider!" Wendy shouted in horror as Strider brought his sword down on the attack. Hardly anything was heard as they saw the blade begin to glow an eerie black. The man seemed surprised as well. Looking around, they saw that the trees had begun to wilt and the leaves began to wither, as though dying off. Strider grimaced as he felt a sudden pain shoot through his left shoulder. Looking at his sword, he gulped yet again. Slowly but surely, the black aura begun to flow inward into it before suddenly, there was no more. It glowed a violent black before subsiding.

"W-what the hell was that?!" Elfman demanded of the man.

"Elfman, Evergreen - take Wendy and go - now," Strider ordered.

"Like hell! We can-," Elfman began before Strider looked at him. In his eyes, there was no more warmth. They appeared to be full of dread and wrath as the formidable Fairy shot him a look.

"Now," he hissed. Gulping, Elfman nodded. Grabbing Evergreen and Wendy, they took their leave to find the others. Strider at last turned to the man, a frown on his face as he approached.

"Your sword…," the man said.

"It has special properties. That's all I'll say on the matter. Take a seat. You don't look well," Strider said, guiding him down to the ground. The man didn't fight back, going with the flow. As he looked up, he saw that beads of sweat had begun to trickle down Striders forehead, as though he had been running a marathon at a sprint. Strider rolled his left arm, flinching as the pain began to move throughout his entire body.

"Who are you?" the man asked.

"My name is Strider. What's yours?" he wondered, coughing slightly.

"My name? My name is… my name… my name is… Zeref," the man said.

"Zeref? I see. Hello, Zeref," Strider said kindly, trying to get the pain under control.

"H-hello," Zeref gulped.

"What're you doing here, if you don't mind my asking?" Strider wondered.

"I… came here to rest. I… it's been… I don't know how long. I'm sorry… please, forgive me," Zeref said, tears beginning to trail down his shoulders. As Strider reached to touch him, her retched. "NO! YOU CAN'T TOUCH ME! I…I…!"

"Relax, kid. I mean you no harm, alright?" Strider said, resting a hand on his shoulder. Zeref closed his eyes shut as he waited for the inevitable, but it never came. As he opened his eyes, he saw Strider smiling at him.

"You… you can touch me?" he asked, aghast.

"I can. Are you surprised?" Strider wondered.

"When… people, animals, plants… they… when they touch me, they…," Zeref trailed off.

"Do you mean to say they die?" Strider asked.

"Yes," Zeref breathed.

"I see. Perhaps you expended to much power in your last attack and that's why I can touch you without a problem," Strider said.

"How?" Zeref asked.

"How what?" Strider wondered.

"My attack. How did you deflect it?" he asked.

"As I said, my sword. But I won't be going into the properties. I'm not entirely sure of them myself, to be honest. Do you want to lay down? You seem tired," Strider said.

"I'm fine," Zeref said firmly.

"Alright. So you came to this island, but you don't know that it belonged to Fairy Tail?" Strider asked.

"That's right," Zeref said.

"I see. How did you get here?" Strider wondered.

"I… do not recall. Boat? Swimming?" Zeref suggested.

"Can you fly?" Strider wondered.

"Heh. Flight like that isn't possible," Zeref said, letting out a short chuckle. Strider simply smiled. "What… is it that you and your guild are doing here?"

"S-Class Trials currently. An extremely important event for the guild," Strider said.

"I see. You… do not seem to be like your guildmates," Zeref said.

"How so?" Strider wondered.

"I cannot place it. You seem more… I don't know," Zeref said.

"I'll take that as a compliment. Now, I am curious about your attack just now. As you can see, the trees aren't too happy," Strider said, waving around him.

"I… sorry," Zeref said, looking down.

"Relax. You didn't seem like you wanted to attack us - that much, even I can tell. I don't blame you. However, your position is precarious," Strider said.

"I… understand," Zeref sighed.

"Black Arts?" Strider wondered.

"What?" Zeref asked in surprise.

"Black Arts. At least, that's what it seems like," Strider said.

"How do you know that Magic?" Zeref asked, retreating a slight bit.

"I had a great teacher," Strider grimaced before getting serious. "Black Arts are a serious matter, but there's a stark difference between the learned and unlearned kinds. I assume you have some training in it, but it appears as though this particular kind wasn't intended. An experiment gone wrong?"

"You… could say that, yes," Zeref said.

"What were you trying to do?" Strider asked. Zeref paused, opening and closing his mouth several times to speak. Strider sat and waited patiently for a reply.

"Revival," Zeref finally said.

"Necromancy?" Strider clarified, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes," Zeref answered. "You… this is the longest conversation I've held in… I cannot remember how long. You do not fear me?"

"I've met worse, I'm afraid," Strider said with a mirthless laugh. Zeref continued to look at him before finally cracking a small smile.

"I see," he said simply.

"Mmm… Necromancy, Necromancy. Forgive me, but that was a really stupid move," Strider chided.

"It was necessary," Zeref said determinedly.

"Maybe at the time. But the dead are better left that way. Some things shouldn't be attempted. Are you going to tell me you have no regrets about it?" Strider asked quietly.

"I… do. But I stand by it," Zeref said. Strider looked at him before sighing and nodding, rubbing his brows.

"What else did you experience?" he wondered.

"What?" Zeref asked in surprise.

"This isn't your only symptom, is it?" Strider said.

"I…," Zeref began before he felt Strider put another hand on him. As he looked at him, he saw neither fear nor pity; but understanding.

"It's ok," Strider said soothingly. "I'm not going to hurt you. Relax, kid."

"Kid?" Zeref wondered.

"You seem pretty young. Not even any stubble," Strider chuckled, eliciting another small laugh from the Wizard.

"I guess. Other… I… Immo… Immort… Immortality," Zeref said, struggling to get the words out.

"I see. How old are you?" Strider wondered.

"More than 400," Zeref said.

"Interesting," Strider nodded.

"Yo- what?" Zeref asked in surprise.

"What?" Strider repeated.

"'Interesting'? Is that it?" Zeref asked.

"Long life isn't all that common where I'm from. You'd still be considered young by some standards," Strider said comfortingly.

"Wh- what? Are… you not from Ishgar?" Zeref asked.

"I'm not," Strider said.

"Alvarez?" Zeref asked.

"No," Strider said.

"Alakitasia? The Eastern Continent?" Zeref wondered.

"No and no. I come from the Northern Continent," Strider said.

"That's impossible. No one has crossed the Great Sea," Zeref said. Strider began to levitate above the ground a bit before sitting back down. "F-f-flight?"

"Telekinesis. I can use it to sustain flight, though, yes," Strider said.

"The Northern Continent?" Zeref repeated.

"Indeed. I've seen Necromancers, although they had more… forgive me, conviction," Strider said.

"What do you mean by that?" Zeref asked.

"I mean that they were certain in their power and could wield it greatly. It appears your powers are derived from a mistake you made out of love. That… well, I suppose that makes you better than the others I encountered in some ways, but a fool in others," Strider said.

"Did the same happen to them? Were they made immortal?" Zeref asked. Strider heard a hint of hope in his voice.

"They all lived long lives, if that's what you mean. But no, not immortal I suppose - they were all hunted and executed eventually. We take a matter like this very seriously up there. that said, absolute immortality is impossible, I think. Unless you count apparitions or such," Strider said.

"You say that to a man that has tried to kill himself on multiple occasions - and failed every single time," Zeref said.

"Do you really want to die?" Strider wondered.

"Do you know what it's like to live like this?" Zeref asked quietly.

"Not yet, no," Strider answered.

"It's torture. It's pain. It's suffering. Do you know what I've done?! How many people have died because of me?! All without me ever wanting it to happen! I just wanted… I just wanted by brother back! But… then THIS! How many brothers have I killed… or sisters? Mothers? Fathers? I… I don't… I can't remember anymore. I've tried to hide or lock myself away but someone… they always come an-… I… just want some peace," Zeref said, tears breaking free and trailing down his eyes. Strider put a comforting arm around him and pulled him in for a brotherly hug.

"There, there…," he whispered. "That bad, huh?"

"Worse. Worse than you can imagine, Strider," Zeref cried.

"Do you really want it to end?" he wondered.

"More than anything," Zeref said.

"Very well. Shall I do the honors, then?" Strider asked.

"W-what?" Zeref asked in shock.

"If you really want to die - I mean really want to - I can help you. This sword has special properties. Like I said, the Necromancers I encountered were all hunted and executed. There are ways to end even the most stubborn lives. Immortality is never quite as long as so many think it is," Strider said, drawing his blade and showing the black shine. Zeref's eyes widened as he suddenly heard a low murmur.

"The sword," he said, retreating a bit.

"You hear it?" Strider asked quietly.

"What… what… is that? I have never seen a weapon… like…," Zeref said.

"There's no reason to explain it, I'm afraid. All you need to know is that if you really want it, I can end it for you right here. I would promise that this would be painless - and mostly, it will be - but part of it will hurt," Strider said.

"Why are you offering?" Zeref asked.

"Your life seems to be… torturous. I can understand why you'd like to end it, if anything. I can give that to you, should you wish it. You have but to ask - but you will have to ask," Strider said.

"Wh - what do you intend to do, exactly?" Zeref gulped.

"Do you really want the details?" Strider wondered. Zeref looked at him, scanning his figure completely; from the coal black eyes, the to jet black hair, down his robe, noting the cloak, tracing the length of his sword, before landing on his feet. As he went up, he felt something else; the innate power that radiated from Strider.

"You're quite powerful," Zeref added.

"Years of training. Your answer? You say this is what you want, after all," Strider said, pressing. Zeref thought about what to say.

'Yes… yes, this is what I want. What have I to lose? Either he will give me my wish, in which case I shall be eternally thankful; or he will fail in which case I have lost nothing, but may have… maybe gained… a friend? He does not seem to fear me, nor respect me. He simply seems to acknowledge me,' Zeref thought.

"If you fail?" Zeref asked.

"We're back at square one," Strider said.

"Yes, I suppose. I… very well. I will allow you try," Zeref said.

"Alright. Close your eyes," Strider said. Zeref did as he was told and soon felt Striders hand on either side of his head. "This will hurt, but I promise it'll be over soon. After this, you won't feel a thing."

Zeref nodded in affirmation. Immediately, his eyes shot wide open. He opened his mouth to let out a scream, but no sound came out. His eyes snapped from side to side and they saw that Striders hands were glowing an eerie blue. He felt as though someone had stabbed him in the cranium and was trying to pull his skull apart in two with their bare hands. He began to let out agonizing wheezes, trying his best to put the pain out of his mind. However, that had no effect; instead, the pain began to increase. He felt a trickle of water down his eyes and saw red - blood. He managed to bring his hands up and saw a terrifying sight; they had begun to cling stronger to his skin, as though the water and blood was being sucked out. He felt a pressure in his chest, as though something was constricting it. Finally, he felt Strider release his head.

Strider pulled his sword out and looked at it before, in one strong slash, he swung it at the head of Zeref. As though cutting through butter, it lopped off. Instead of letting the body fall, however, Stride immediately used his telekinesis to keep it in place. He drove the sword down the esophagus before the blood could begin to geyser out. His sword began to vibrate violently in his hand as the blood began to converge around it. The blood began to spiral around at a high speed as it ripped and roared across the black blade. Slowly, but surely, the blood began to seep into the sword itself - as though the metal was drinking it. Strider kept it in place for a minutes, licking his lips as he closed his eyes. A few tears fell from them as he scrunched his face in pain; his left shoulder was aching in a way it hadn't in years. Finally, as he withdrew the sword, the bloodless, headless body fell to the ground. Strider fell to his knees, using his sword to keep him steady. As he looked at it, it gave off a violent, black glow before settling down, having had some of its fill. As he looked at the blade, he frowned.

'You're still not satisfied? I need… something bigger. Much bigger,' he thought, biting his tongue. 'Hope the others are alright.'

As Strider looked at the body, he brought the head back to it. Matching it, he used his telekinesis to keep it attached.


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I reniad lín ne môr, nuithannen," Strider said as he closed the eyes before getting up and taking his leave, swiping his hand slightly and sending the body rocketing to the edge of the island.


As Strider was looking for the others, he felt a sudden pain shoot through his left arm. Almost immediately, it brought him to his knees. He bit his tongue to suppress a scream while his right hand grasped his shoulder, trying to do something to quell it. The biting pain was unstoppable, however. As it kept going through his body, Strider felt a darkness wash over him. Quickly, he lost consciousness.


"And who might this be?" Strider heard a voice say.

"STRIDER!" he heard someone yell. Slowly, Strider got to his feet, his breathing difficult. He felt a swift kick that sent him rocketing into a tree, although the pain was minimal. He slowly got to his feet, eyes closed as he tried to get his bearings straight. Opening them, he frowned as he saw Mira in her She-Devil form being cradled by a crying Lisanna. As he saw Lisanna's tears, he felt a sudden rush of anger - one more powerful than any he had felt in a long time. He quickly approached them, not noticing the other man that was watching the scene unfold.

"What happened?" he asked, dropping to his knees as he looked for a pulse.

"Wh - what happened to you?" she asked.

"I… I'll explain later. Mira? Mira, wake up!" Strider said, panicking. He sighed in relief as he felt a pulse, albeit faint. "She's alive… she's al - who the fuck are you?"

Standing across the way was a tall, muscular man with tan skin and thick, brown hair that jutted out in all directions in a rectangular fashion. He had brown eyes and long sideburns as well as a goatee. In his ear, he wore crescent-moon earrings. He had on a green muscle shirt with orange pants. As he observed Strider, he scoffed slightly.

"That's Azuma. One of the Seven Kin of Purgatory," Lisanna said, grinding her teeth.

"Who?" Strider asked.

"We're under attack by a Dark Guild! Mira and I were looking for you but we got attacked! Why the hell were you sleeping?!" Lisanna demanded angrily. As she saw his sweat, however, she felt a sudden pang go through her stomach. Reaching across to touch him, Strider's head snapped at her. She saw very little of the warmth she always saw in his eyes.

"A Dark Guild?" Strider confirmed.

"Y-yeah. G-Grimoire Heart. They're looking for someone on the island!" Lisanna said, looking back at her sister. As Strider saw her tears come streaming down, he felt a pang in his stomach.

"Lisanna, take Mira and ge-," Strider began before he was interrupted by Mira's cough.

"S-Strider," she said, opening her eyes as her body shifted back to its regular form. Strider gulped as he saw how bloody and bruised she was.

"Hey, Mira. I'm sorry for worrying you," Strider said.

"B-be careful," she said.

"I will. You just get some rest. I'll come wake you once I take care of this guy, alright?" Strider said, gently caressing her cheek. Mira smiled at him and nodded before passing out. "Lisanna, take her to safety. I'll cover you."

"Alright. Careful. He's… strong," Lisanna gulped. Holding her gently but securely, Lisanna ran off. Azuma sent an attack at her, but it was easily deflected by Strider.

'Can't use it on him. No… it wouldn't be enough, anyways. He's far to weak.'

"It appears as though my fight with the legendary She-Devil of Fairy Tail is finished. A shame. I had heard that she was considerably powerful," Azuma said.

"Why have you attacked us?" Strider asked, frowning.

"We are looking for something on this island," Azuma responded.

"Mavis Vermillion's grave?" Strider wondered.

"No, nothing like that. A living person. A man. A Wizard," Azuma responded.

"I see. And you thought that attacking us was the best way to go about finding whatever it is you're looking for?" Strider asked.

"Our leader has a distaste for your guild. Part of it is finding what we need - the other is looking for a fight," Azuma said.

"And what do you want?" Strider wondered.

"I would be happy with simply fighting a worthy opponent. I assumed as such in the She-Devil, although was left… wanting," Azuma said.

"Well, let's get down to it then," Strider said. He quickly uprooted a tree and sent it hurtling at Azuma, who easily blasted it away.

"Impressive. What is your Magic?" Azuma wondered.

"Telekinesis," Strider answered.

"I see. I u-," Azuma began before Strider cut him off.

"We don't need to have a conversation. Let's end this quickly so I can move on to your master," Strider said, hurtling forth. Azuma sent several attacks at him, but each was deflected. Strider kicked Azuma straight in the chest, launching the mage back before pouncing on him. He quickly began to lay into the Wizard with a flurry of punches, his hands eventually beginning to crack his skull. As he got up, he brought Azuma with him before dropping him on his knee, continuing to stomp him in the chest before kicking him away. As Azuma got back to his feet, he grimaced as he saw the blood trickling form his nose and mouth.

"You're not like your comrades," he said, spitting some out. Strider didn't reply as he attempted to get close again. "BLEVE!"

Strider was engulfed in an explosion. As the dust settled, Azuma saw Strider fly towards him yet again, grabbing his face and driving him into the ground. Strider picked Azuma up by the collar and threw him into a tree, grimacing as he felt the pain in his shoulder again. As Azuma got to his feet once again, he staggered as he walked towards Strider. The damage from the flurry of vicious punches was beginning to show. While he was able to take care of Mira without much trouble, he figured it was because she was rusty from being out of the field for so long. As he sized up his opponent, however, he saw that Strider was something else entirely; most certainly not rusty. He would have to take it up a notch. Raising his hands, roots began to spring out of the ground, buffeting Strider around like a pinball. He soon took to the sky, giving him enough time to telekinetically divert the roots.

"Flight?" Azuma asked in surprise.

Rearing back a bit, Strider suddenly lunged at the ground. Azuma sent another root at him, but instead of diverting it, Strider tanked right through. He soon managed to land another hit on Azuma. Driving his face into the ground again, the force of the impact cratered it, sending out a small shockwave. Azuma, however, began to get up again.

"I'm impressed. You've taken quite a bit of damage, but you keep getting up," Strider commented.

"One… cannot ke…ep a tree down. Whatever you pile… on…top, it will come through," Azuma said, vomiting some blood and teeth. Despite being able to get up, he felt that his entire body was about to burst from the pain that was inflicted. "You… are a… worthy opponent. This I am certain of."

'I… cannot case Terra Clamare. Must.. do… something to… hold him,' Azuma thought. Suddenly, Strider disappeared in front of him, leaving nothing but a wisp of smoke in his wake. Azuma looked around before he suddenly felt an arm close around his neck. Strider took Azuma to the ground, wrapping his legs around his waist as he began to apply a rear naked choke. Azuma found his neck in the crook of Strider's elbow, who soon began to apply pressure, leveraging himself by placing the arm wrapped around the neck on his bicep. Weakened from the punches and kicks he had sustained, Azuma flailed around in a woeful effort to get free.

"You cannot hold me, I'm afraid. But don't worry. I'm only going to knock you out. The authorities will take care of you, I'm sure," Strider said, applying more pressure. Azuma let out short groans as he trailed to slap Strider away, but eventually, they grew weaker. Eight seconds into it, Azuma stopped moving, out cold. Getting back to his feet, Strider threw Azuma over his right shoulder and began walking to the camp.


"Strider!" Lisanna cried out as she saw him bring Azuma over.

"Hey. How're you feeling?" Strider asked as he plopped Azuma on the ground. Lisanna looked at him fearfully before quickly tying him up.

"I - I'm fine. You beat him," she said, sighing in relief. She led Strider over to Mira, who was resting peacefully. As Strider caressed the oldest sisters cheek, Lisanna looked between the two. She saw the warmth had returned to Striders eyes as he looked at Mira, full of concern as well as something else. She rested her hand on his shoulder and gave him a kind smile. With a sigh, Strider got up.

"Is anyone else back?" he asked.

"SOMEONE, HELP!" they soon heard Levy's voice. She was carrying Gajeel on her shoulder, both having sustained some injuries. Strider immediately took the Dragon Slayer, laying him down.

"What happened?" Lisanna asked, near tears again.

"We were attacked… by two of them. Some… big chicken looking guy and a knight or something! Freed and Bixlow… they're back and fighting them. I barely got Gajeel here in time. Is… is he going to be…?" Levy asked, heart falling.

"He'll be fine, Levy - don't worry. He just needs some rest. He took a bit of damage," Strider said as he began to wrap some bandages around him.

"Lisanna, could you? I'm… not as good with treating injuries, I'm afraid," Strider grimaced, seeing the shoddy job.

"Sure," Lisanna said, taking over.

"So that's three of the Seven Kin or whatever. Four left," Strider said. Looking around, he weighed his options.

"You should go," Levy said determinedly. "They need you out there."

"I can't leave you two alone, especially not when Gajeel and Mira can't move much," Strider said. Lisanna was about to argue when they heard a rustling. Strider was ready to pounce, but grew more worried as he saw what came through. Natsu and Master Makarov, supported by Wendy and Erza.

"What happened?!" Strider asked.

"Grimoire Heart. Where the hell have you been?!" Erza asked angrily.

"Forgive me. I was… out of it," Strider said guiltily.

"What is that supposed to mean?!" she inquired.

"I-," Strider began before she simply pushed past him, laying Natsu down while Wendy did the same for Master Makarov. As they began healing them, Strider quietly took his leave to find someone else.


"Sleeping?!" Erza asked furiously.

"He was knocked out. I dunno why," Lisanna said worriedly.

"AT A TIME LIKE THIS?!" Erza yelled.

"Erza - calm down! We've got more important things to deal with right now," Lisanna said, gulping. Breathing heavily, Erza nodded. "So like I said, he was knocked out. He didn't even feel the kick from Azuma. When he woke up, though… I dunno. He didn't seem to well."

"What do you mean?" Erza frowned.

"He was sweating, for some reason - like he was in pain or something. He looked like he was on edge, as well," Lisanna said.

"I see. Alright. We'll deal with that later, though. I will remain here until some of the others get back," Erza said. As she took guard, she wondered what Lisanna meant.


As Strider came upon Gray and Juvia, he saw that they were locked in battle with someone else.

"Strider!" Juvia cried out.

"You guys need help?" he wondered.

"No! Strider - Juvia and I got this. You go help out the others! Well head to camp as we finish," Gray said.

"You sure?" Strider inquired.

"Positive. Now go," Gray ordered. Pausing to look around, Strider saw a pink haired girl as well as a dark-purple haired beauty. She looked at him with interested eyes. Matching her gaze, Strider let out a short scoff before he heard Evergreen and Elfman in the distance. Deciding to give them a show power, he quickly erupted from the ground, cratering it and making all four wizards stumble.

"Show off," Gray grumbled before turning back to his foe.

"And who was that? My records don't show any sign of another Fairy," the woman said.

"Sorry, Ultear - that's for us to know and you to find out. Now, let's get down to it, yeah?" Gray said, launching an Ice Bringer at her.


Evergreen and Elfman were about to be attacked by a massive black wyvern that was suddenly demolished, surprising both them and their foe. As the dust cleared, Strider stood with his sword bared and looking for his fight.

"Strider!" Evergreen shouted.

"Evergreen, Elfman - you two get to safety. Lisanna, Mira, Erza, Wendy, Natsu, Levy, Gajeel, and Master Makarov are already there," Strider said.

"Bullshit, come on! We ca-," Elfman began before Strider looked at him.

"Mira needs you. She was injured - badly. So were Gajeel, Natsu, and Master Makarov. All they have now is Erza and Wendy - they need you two. I can handle this guy," Strider said, finally finding another of the Seven.

"Mira?" Elfman asked, stunned.

"Go. Lisanna will explain. Go now!" Strider shouted. With a gulp, Elfman nodded.

"Thanks for the heads up," he said, grasping Evergreens hand and heading towards the waiting area.

"Oh my, what do we ha-," the enemy started before Strider quickly tore towards him with a visceral fury. He barely brought up a shield, but with a second smash of his sword, Strider ripped through it. He kicked the Kin away before prowling around him like an animal.

"I see. Not one for small talk. My name is Rustyrose. And you are…?" the man inquired.

"Not interested," Strider answered, slicing through a variety of constructs that began appearing.

'This is an interesting Magic. It's as though he can make these things appear out of thin air. I don't think I've ever seen anything like this,' he thought.

"Mmm," Rustyrose hummed, frowning. Regardless of what he tried, Strider seemed to easily cut through it. The moment of reflection was Strider needed; quickly he got close to Rustyrose, punching him in the throat. As Rustyrose began to cough, Strider pummeled him with swift knees to his stomach before suplexing him. Strider quickly mounted Rustyrose and began to pummel him. While Azuma was extremely durable and built like an oak tree, Rustyrose was scrawnier. A few telekinetically driven punches were enough to shatter his cheekbones, splintering the glasses. With one final, powerful punch, Strider threw him over his shoulder and headed towards base camp, trailing his blood behind him.

'Huh. Talk about a glass chin,' Strider thought, marveling at how easy it was. He had no doubt that if it wasn't for his sword, the battle could've been significantly harder. As he thought about it, the sword vibrated again.

"Obey," he snarled in a low voice, stopping it from vibrating yet again. As some of Rustyroses' blood dripped onto the scabbard, it began to seep through. Strider gulped, wondering how many else would be left.

'Azuma and this guy; that's two down. Gray and Juvia are taking care of two more, while Freed and Bixlow are taking care of another two, That means… one more? Or maybe one more plus the Master of the guild. I imagine he brought some others as well. Damn it! Why the hell are they even here?!' Strider thought, his mind ablaze as he walked back to the camp. As he threw Rustyrose in with Azuma, he quickly headed out again, looking for more.


"Man, I don't think I've ever seen him so pissed," Elfman gulped, looking at the two fallen warriors.

"You're telling me. He can be quite terrifying when he wants to," Evergreen said as she tended to Elfman's wounds. He had taken the brunt of the damage during their fight.

"Beat this guy like it was nothing," Elfman grumbled as he laid down, wincing in pain. Rustyrose had gotten the better of both him and Evergreen, disallowing them any attacks. As he scolded himself internally, he felt Evergreen put a hand on his forehead. He saw the worry in her eyes as a light blush rosed her cheeks. As Lisanna watched the scene unfold, she couldn't help but smile.

'Looks like Elf might finally be growing up!' she thought.


"Strider!" Lucy called out, hugging him tightly as she came across him. Next to her was someone Strider didn't recognize. He looked much like a goat, although a well-dressed one at that. He had oval horns that curved down and forward and wore a pair of thin, black sunglasses, and a suit and tie. He put a hand over his chest, bowing slightly to Strider.

"Who's this?" Strider wondered in surprise.

"This is Capricorn! He's my newest Celestial Spirit!" Lucy said, excited about the addition.

"I see. And… how'd you get him?" Strider wondered.

"Forgive me, sir. Long story short considering current circumstances - I was part of the Seven Kin, but have defected upon learning that Lucy's mother was Layla Heartfilia, my previous Master. I vowed to her to protect Miss Lucy and shall do so to the best of my abilities," Capricorn said. Strider observed him for little while before finally nodding.

"Lucy, head to the camp. I'm still looking for any other threats. Let's see… Gray and Juvia are fighting two, two are down. One is on our side, so… two remain," Strider said, narrowing it down.

"Who is defeated might I ask?" Capricorn inquired.

"Azuma and Rustyrose," Strider answered.

"I see. And the two in combat?" he wondered.

"I don't know their names. One had pink hair, the other had purple hair," Strider said.

"Melody and Ultear. Quite formidable," Capricorn said.

"Oh! I took down one guy! So that's one left!" Lucy exclaimed excitedly.

"Well done," Strider said, managing a smile. Lucy returned it before suddenly realizing something else.

"Wait! Natsu beat one as well, I think! So that's seven out of seven!" she said.

"You still have several formida-," Capricorn began before Strider suddenly fell to his knees, grasping his left shoulder in pain.

"Strider!" Lucy shrieked in worry, getting down as well as she tried to hold him. She heard him panting heavily, something that terrified her. Until now, she knew him as unflappable in any situation. "What's wrong? Are you ok?!"

"I-I-I'm fine," Strider said, biting his tongue to suppress the pain. He steadily got his feet, helped up by Capricorn.

"No, you're not! What happened? Did you get hurt?!" Lucy shrieked, taking his face in her hands. In his eyes, she saw little of the warmth she had grown accustomed to. For once, she saw something else: dread.

"It… long story. Let's get this done first," Strider said. Lucy was about to speak when Capricorn put a hand on her shoulder.

"He's correct, Miss Lucy. I shall escort her to the camp. I imagine some of our forces might still be on the island, should you wish to round them up," Capricorn said. Strider nodded his thanks to him before quickly taking his leave.


"Lucy!" Erza shouted.

"I'm here, don't worry! What's the plan?!" Lucy quickly exclaimed.

"You, Natsu, Gray, Wendy, and I will be heading to the main ship. Where is Strider? Have you seen him?!" Erza asked.

"He's going to round up the guys that are on the island. I guess he'll meet us there. Listen, Erza…," Lucy began as the group headed towards the ship. As she regaled her with what happened with Strider, she saw the color drain from Erza's face.

"His shoulder?" she asked.

"Yeah. Whatever it was… I don't know, it was bad. He looked like he was about to pass out," Lucy gulped.

"Pass out?" Erza asked, stunned.

"Yeah," Lucy said.

"Lisanna said when they found him, he was unconscious. You don't think…?" Erza trailed off.

"I don't know. Maybe. I've never seen him like that. I don't know if it happened during one of the fights, or what," Lucy said.

"We'll… talk to him about once we finish off Grimoire Heart," Erza said, frowning. She remembered that Strider didn't seem to be all there during her fight with him and wondered if that was related to his shoulder?


"Cana!" Strider shouted, seeing her unconscious. Gildarts, he saw, was locked in a fight against another of Grimoire Heart.

"Strider! Take Cana and get out of here - I got this guy!" Gildarts shouted.

"On it!" Strider replied, picking her up princess style and rushing away. Despite her light weight, he felt the pressure on his shoulder, almost sagging him down. Biting through the pain, he managed to carry her to base camp, laying her down next to Mira. An injured Juvia had joined Gajeel, Elfman, Makarov and Mira on the ground. As he looked around, he saw the rest of his team wasn't there.

"Juvia…," Strider whispered, caressing her cheek as he scolded himself

"The others - they've gone to fight their Master," Lisanna said.

"Alright. I'm going to do one more round and then I'll meet them at the ship. It looks like Freed and Bixlow still aren't back," Strider frowned.

"I hope they're alright," Lisanna said, clasping her hands together as though praying. Strider put a comforting hand on her shoulder before heading off into the sky, looking for disturbances in the distance. He saw a burst of dark energy come from one of the beaches around the island.

'That must be Freed,' Strider thought, flying towards it. As he arrived a few minutes later, he saw that there was a chicken and knight laying on the ground, while Freed and Bixlow were barely standing just meters away.

"You two alright?" Strider inquired.

"Ha! Ne…ver better, man," Bixlow grinned, although he appeared ready to collapse.

"We… appear to have been successful in our battle," Freed sighed, breathing heavily.

"Ha! We… w…won't go do…down tha…t easy," the knight said, trying to get up. His body suddenly crashed down, crunching slightly under the telekinetic pressure put on it by Strider.

"Come. Let's get you both to base camp," Strider said, putting their arms around him. Wincing as he felt another pain shoot through his arm, he took all three of them to the sky, leaving the other two in their place. As they finally got back to base camp, Lisanna and Levy both took one of the men and laid them down to get some rest.

"How are you two keeping up?" Strider asked concertedly.

"It's my fault Gajeel's like this," Levy said, tears beginning to form.

"You can't blame yourself for this, Levy. No one could've predicted this happening," Strider said.

"Still, when that chicken and knight attacked, he told me to leave. I… I couldn't do a thing," Levy cried. Lisanna quickly embraced the bluenette, trying to comfort her while Strider a hand on her shoulder.

Strider was about to take flight when he and the others saw a massive stream of fire and electricity overhead. It was as though a dragon had breathed a massive plume of fire as it went over their heads, shocking everyone that was still conscious. Looking up, Gildarts grinned from his own fight, knowing that it could only come from one source.

'Atta boy, Natsu,' the man thought proudly.

"That's gotta be Natsu!" Lisanna said happily.

"I'll head over there now," Strider said, quickly taking to the air and towards the ship. As he approached it from the sky, he saw his team locked in a fight with what appeared to be a wizened old man. He had a lengthy white beard and wore black-brown armor. He stood at an impressive height, towering over the rest. Strider could feel the Magic energy roll off of him in waves, and it was given more credence with how easily he was dealing with the others. Unsheathing his sword, Strider quickly smashed down onto the ship, rocking it.

"Strider!" Lucy cried out. She was holding onto Natsu, who seemed just about ready to collapse. In the corner, laying on the ground, was someone else that Strider didn't recognize - a man with blonde hair, a thunderbolt shaped scar above and below his right eye, blue shirt, and burgundy jeans.

"And who is this?" the old man asked.

"Strider. You are?" Strider wondered.

"That's their master, Hades," Erza said. Struggling to get up, she soon almost fell but caught herself.

"You guys take a breather. I'll take care of him," Strider said, swiveling the sword in his hand before launching at Hades. He brought up his arms in an 'X' to defend himself but the force of the telekinetically empowered kick broke through the defense, buffeting him back.

"How is that guy still not down?" Lucy asked fearfully.

"He's… pretty tough," Gray sighed, carefully watching the fight between Strider and Hades. Like Erza, he noted that Strider wasn't moving as lithely as he usually did, as though something was stunting his progress. As Lucy and Erza exchanged a look, they saw that Erza was right; something was off. As Hades managed to get a few licks in, Strider took a moment to recompose himself. Licking his lips, he swiveled the hilt of his sword in his hands, as though trying to find a comfortable grip.

'Going to have to end this quickly. This'll hurt… but at least I can rest after this,' Strider thought as he brought his sword up. Breathing deeply, he brought it down. There was a sudden flash from it as a burst of massive energy rocketed towards Hades at breakneck speed. The burst connected, shearing the ship in half. The others looked on wide eyed as they saw the burst continue onto the beach, veritably parting a portion of the sea in front of them. As Hades vomited some blood, Strider quickly tore in close to him, wrapping a hand around his beard as he head butted him back.

"A…ah… you're quite impressive, boy," Hades said as he staggered back to his feet before falling to his knees again; before rising to his feet for a second time.

"I'm surprised you're still conscious," Strider said, looking around.

"You cannot defeat me so easily, I'm afraid," Hades taunted.

"There are ways," Strider responded, holding his hand out. Hades body lurched forth, his chest connected with Striders outstretched foot which sent him rocketing back again. As he got up, Strider was more surprised than anything else.

'This guys as durable as Azuma. Hmmm…,' Strider thought as he circled around to stand in front of him teammates. As Hades suddenly reached for his eyepatch, Strider immediately stopped him. Hades attempted to push through the telekinesis that held him in place, but as his hand inched closer, Strider pulled it back. He flashed a look at Erza, who immediately understood.

"His eye!" she shouted. That was all the others needed to give it one last push. Strider wrenched his hand down, keeping it in place. A look of terror dawned on Hades face as he saw that he would be unable to prevent what was going to happen. Being their quickest member, Lucy and Wendy grabbed Natsu by the hand and thrust him forward. As he got to them, Erza and Gray brought their feet to match his before each gave him the most powerful kick they could muster. Having finally gotten the proper momentum, Natsu ensconced one of his fists in a brilliant flame. A snarl on his face for what he did to his friends, Natsu poured as much fury and passion as he could into the punch. It connected viciously with the eyepatch that covered Hades right eye. Even from where they stood, everyone heard a sickening crunch - as though the right half of the skull was crushed into meal. Unable to stand the biting pain, Hades collapsed backwards, his hand covering his eye as he breathed to try and get it under control. As he felt his eye, his blackened heart sank; the pain bit to the very touch.

"Did… we do it?" Wendy asked.

"I think so," Erza said, almost collapsing again. She and the others poured as much as they had into the fight. As she was about to fall this time, however, she found that Strider had caught her. Smiling her thanks at him, she put an arm around his shoulder as a support.

"Feeling alright?" Strider wondered.

"As… well as I can in… a situation like this," she grunted.

"Let's get you all some rest. You certainly deserve it. Lucy, can you support Erza? I'll grab Natsu," Strider said. Lucy eagerly acquiesced and wrapped her arm around her friends waist. As Strider picked Natsu up, he felt another rocking on the ship. Looking back, he sighed as many more of the Girmoire Heart henchman came up to them, wielding their weapons and snarling at the team.

"Oh great, now we have to fight… these guys?" Gray asked.

"Surr-," one began before their eyes suddenly widened. Looking behind, Strider let out a sigh of relief. Slowly but surely, the rest of the guild had joined them on the ship. Most of them were sporting serious injuries, with only a couple being able to stand on their own two feet without support. However, everyone wore a serious expression as they looked at remainder of Grimoire Heart.

"That's their Master, Makarov!" one of the men yelled.

"ABANDON HOPE! ABANDON SHIP!" another screamed in terror as he quickly jumped out of one of the many holes. Others began to follow his lead, relieving the guild of having to continue their fight.

"Come on - let's all head back to camp," Makarov finally said in a gentle voice.

"M-Makarov," Hades coughed. Looking at Master Makarov, everyone began to file back to camp in silence, giving the two old men a chance to talk in peace.