
Fairy Tail: The Great Swordsman

Traveling to the world of Fairy Tail four hundred years ago, Shiraishi activated the strongest swordsmanship system and obtained the inheritance of the world's largest swordsman, "Eagle Eye". Since then, an unparalleled swordsmanship, one person and one sword is enough to destroy the world's peerless powerhouses. "impossible!" "Only dragons can kill dragons!" "That's just the prejudice of your dragon race." Seeing the dragon that was instantly killed by his own sword, Shiraishi just chuckled.

GoudaGenji · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 4: Battle Dragon (4/5)

Therefore, the quenching this time is still very ordinary in the opinion of the fat old man.

Shiraishi picked up the blade from the icy snow and put it in his hand. Shiraishi silently closed his eyes and sighed softly.

Just can't bear to look at it! Not only is the sword uneven and not straight enough, but the pits and pits look like a fire stick used to burn fire, it is pitch black and crooked.

This is really far from the first forging, and it doesn't match the sword in his mind at all.

"You brat deliberately reduced the weight a few times and tempered it without becoming this way?"

The fat old man saw what was wrong with Shiraishi.

Shiraishi touched his head reluctantly. Indeed, he stopped after the sword embryo was formed. He did not repeat the tempering to remove the impurities in the iron, not to mention that the broken pig iron contained more impurities, and the impurities in the sword embryo expanded during quenching. distortion. Various reasons led to the failure of quenching.

"Here, don't save deliberately."

When the fat old man was talking, he threw a piece of pig iron weighing dozens of kilograms with one hand. Shiraishi was frightened for a while and immediately dropped the burning stick in his hand and caught the pig iron that flew over.

In addition to being shocked, Shiraishi said a little bit roguely: "Boss, you can't be normal, and this thing is not counted in your salary."

"Stinky boy, Laozi kindly gave you a piece of pig iron and dared to call me abnormal!"

In an instant, the fat old man's face was about to turn with anger, and he rolled up his sleeves and gestured to grab Shiraishi. At this time, Shiraishi's body was strengthened, but he couldn't run with a piece of pig iron on his body, so the fat old man couldn't catch it in front of him. Why didn't Shiraishi throw the pig iron? It's not that he was afraid that the fat old man would go back on it. After all, a piece of pig iron topped his salary for nearly two months.

Don't think that Shiraishi's labor is cheap. In this era, it is very good to have a meal, not to mention the salary, which is even more difficult to expect.

When the fat old man couldn't run, Shiraishi who was in front of him also stopped and turned to bow to the fat old man with sincerity.

"Sorry boss! I shouldn't misinterpret what you mean, in return I will work hard tomorrow!!"

"What did you say...? I didn't hear... hear, you... come closer."

The fat old man said panting, his chest heaving motionlessly, if it wasn't for fear that he was really pissed off, Shiraishi would probably run away with pig iron in his arms now.

"You promise not to hit me!!!"

"I promise!!"

"it is good!"


"Remember to engrave that pattern."

After a while, the fat old man walked out of the blacksmith shop contentedly, leaving behind a pile of pig iron Shiraishi in front of him.

Shiraishi stared at the pig iron under his feet with a wry smile: "Just consider it as an exercise, it's still an iron rooster."

As a reward for pig iron, the fat old man asked Shiraishi to forge other iron blocks as well, but for Shiraishi it was only a day's work.


"It seems that the fat old man is not bad."

Putting aside the pig iron for a while, Shiraishi took the pig iron thrown by the fat old man, put it in the fire with the iron clip, and put the burning stick in again.

The molten iron is injected into the sword mold, taken out, hammered, the sword embryo is formed, quenched, and forged for the third time. Shiraishi spends far more time than the first two times. In order to remove impurities from the sword embryo, most of the time is spent on hammering.

The sound of zizi sounded, and the snow water turned into white smoke and rose. When the quenching was over, Shiraishi took out the sword, put it in his hand and looked at it carefully.

From the surface of the sword body alone, it is straight and straight. This sword is much better than the first iron sword he used. When Shiraishi held the sword with a heavy hand, the sword almost fell out of his hand. Before, this sword weighed far more than an iron sword.

"Let's go ahead."

Shiraishi looked at the sword in his hand, and after thinking about it, he decided to start the sword. After all, the sword forging was quite successful this time. Even the sword made in the blacksmith shop couldn't compare with his own in terms of quality.

Kaifeng is to sharpen the body and tip of the sword. Only when it is sharpened can it be a real sword, a blade that can defeat the enemy and win! The previous iron sword was only for cultivation, and there was no use for it other than cultivation.

Now that he has decided to start, Shiraishi brought a grindstone to polish it.

Kaifeng also requires extremely high skills. Kaifeng is also called Kaifeng. Sharpening the blade indiscriminately will only destroy a good sword.

When the sword is calcined, the iron or steel on the surface will be oxidized or contain high carbon content, which will become brittle and not hard enough. And what Shiraishi does is to grind these off at the edge of the knife, so that the steel part is exposed, so that it will be sharper.

After spending half a day, Shiraishi's fingers flicked the blade gently, and the crisp echo, like the sound of nature, entered his ears.

Feeling the sharpness of the hand, Shiraishi smiled, and suddenly, holding the hilt in his hand, he swung the sword strike, the power surged, and the sword body turned into a cold light.

The success of casting the sword gave him a more intuitive understanding of the sword, and through this, his understanding of kendo was also improved invisibly.


With a flash of sword light, the pig iron lying on the corner broke in an instant. The cross section was as smooth as a mirror, but there was no nick on the blade. This effect was far beyond Shiraishi's expectations.

"what name should be called."

Shiraishi's two fingers swiped lightly across the blade. The sword was 2 feet 1 inch long. The blade was cast iron with a dazzling cold light, and the hilt was a black dragon-shaped pattern, which looked extremely majestic.

An idea flashed through Shiraishi's mind, staring deeply at the sword in his hand, and reciting it softly.

"It's called Dragon Slaying,"

At that moment, Shiraishi had a vague illusion that the sword in his hand seemed to have a soul, and cold rays of light shone on Shiraishi's face under the refraction of the sun.

As soon as he got the Dragon Slaying, Shiraishi suddenly wanted to try the dragon in his hand on a whim, but the blacksmith shop was not a place to practice swords. With that feeling, Shiraishi flashed out like a sword light, extremely fast. , ran to the place where it often broke, drew the sword, grasped that feeling, and immediately began to practice after taking the task.

Over and over, the movements in the phantom became clearer and clearer in Shiraishi's mind.

After 800 swings, all his strength was running out. Shiraishi didn't stop and continued to practice.

Repeatedly, as if I didn't know I was tired, until the sun went down and night fell, and the bright moon rose quietly into the sky.


Once again, the sword stabbed out, and a clear sword light stabbed forward. The air was torn apart, and a boulder several times higher than Shiraishi was pierced by Shiraishi's blow.

"Ding! Completed the [quest] and stabbed a thousand times! Gain 0.12% experience points!"

"Ding! [Dracula Mihawk] template, 3.72% unlocked! Current level: entry!"


Shiraishi put his hand down, and now he has only ten points of experience from the next stage, but just from the current attack, Shiraishi has the strength to fight even against some powerful mages*