
Fairy Tail: The Fourth Master

A day before the S-Class trials, Natsu was tasked to complete a certain mission that will take a long time, making him give up his position as one of the candidates. When he returned, he found out that the Tenrou Island, along with all his friends there, has disappeared. How will the son of the Fire Dragon King deal with this situation? *I'm new to this so please go easy on me. I will really appreciate it if you could give me some advice to improve* *Also, this is Harem story, so if you can't stand it, then I'm sorry. Though I'll make sure that not all beautiful women will fall in love with him at first sight. I'll make sure to keep it more realistic*

ImmortalCupCake · Anime & Comics
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89 Chs

Chapter 25

Magonolia, Fairy Tail guild.

"Haaa~ Finally! I can rest! Kinana, give some booze here!"

"Wait for a bit, Master."

Natsu has just finished organizing amd informing the clients of the job that his guild members took, honestly, its so tiring!

He wonder just how could gramps get it done when he only see him drinking at the bar-section and 'sexually harass' some female members with his eyes.

'Oh, right, he has Mira helping him. Maybe I should get some assistance too, Ultear is a good choice, she's once a member of a council, I'm sure she'll do great! I just need to find her.'

"Here you go." Kinana brought a large cup of booze and handed it to him.

"Thanks." Natsu grabbed it chugged it down in one go. "Fuwaa~! This is good! Give me another one Kinana!"

"Sure master, but don't forget to pay okay? Being a master doesn't give you such privilege. After all we still need to pay for the barmaids, waitress, and other workers."

"Yeah, yeah, I know." Natsu just waved her off as he turned around and observe the guild, though there are only a little more than twenty people left as most are in job, the guild is still quite lively.

Suddenly, the guild's door burst open and a beautiful girl around 15-16 years old walks in.

Natsu focused his eyes on her, or specifically, her sword, he can feel an incredible amount of power being sealed inside it.

The young girl look around the guild and stopped her eyes at Natsu as she frowned, then her expression returned to normal as she approached Natsu.

"Are you...Natsu Dragneel?"

Natsu raised an eyebrow as he replied, "Depends, who's asking?"

"Sorry, my name is Kagura Mikazuchi." said the girl as she gave him a bow.

"Nice to meet you Kagura, you already know me but I'll introduce myself again, my name is Natsu Dragneel, the Fourth Master of Fairy Tail." Natsu replied as she gave her a grin.

"Well?" Natsu inquired, "do you need me for something? I doubt you came here to Magnolia just to introduce yourself."

"Oh I wanted to ask you Natsu if you really were the person that destroyed the Tower of Heaven?" asked Kagura as she studied his facial expressions, which quickly turned to anger just at the mention of the tower.

"Yep, though I don't really intend to destroy it, it just kinda happen due to the aftermaths of the fight I had with the man in charge." Natsu replied.

Even until now, he's still quite pissed off about that incident, and it just grew more when Jellal lost his memories.

Though Natsu doesn't show it, he was angry Jellal from what he did to Erza, and his other friends, especially since he lost his memories and act like nothing happened, Erza even forgave him so easily!

"Why are you so angry just thinking about it?" asked Kagura as everyone else wanted to know the answer as well since not much was known about what happened there.

"Let's just say that I heard all the horrible things that took place there in the past," Natsu then look to the side with a sorrowful look, "that was also the place where I saw one of the strongest and proudest woman i have ever met, crumble down and look so feeble and weak."

Natsu's anger grew more as he thought about the scene where Erza is crying, she just look so frail and weak at that time, completely different from the Erza he knew.

"Anyway," Natsu said as he returned to his usual self, "why do you wanna know about it?"

"Because I believe that my brother was there and want to know if you ran into him while you were there." answered Kagura still watching Natsu closely.

"Macao I'm going to use my office, take charge here until I return." said Natsu as he got up and headed upstairs with Kagura following him with a slightly nervous face.

"Sure thing Natsu and I'll make sure that no one listens in." replied Macao with an evil grin as he glared at the rest of the guild.

"Thanks Macao, and if anyone does just tell me so I can give them a reminder of why they shouldn't eavesdrop on someone else's conversation. Even 'that' cannot be compared to what I will do." said Natsu as he too gave the guild an evil grin.

The rest of the guild trembled in fear hearing that they'll receive a punishment worse than 'that' if they tried to eavesdrop on their conversation.


"Feel free to take a seat if you want to Kagura." said Natsu as he sat down behind the desk in Macao's chair.

"Thanks Natsu." replied Kagura as she took sat down in one of the chairs.

"You're brother.....Is he's name Simon?" asked Natsu as he stared directly into Kagura's eyes.

Kagura's eyes widen in shock as she suddenly stood up, "H-How di you know?!"

Natsu sighed and pointed as his nose, "You two smells the same, though its been a long time so I kinda forgot about until you mention that you had a brother, who have the same scent as you."

Kagura calmed down as she smiled, feeling happy that she finally found some info about her brother, or whether that info she has was wrong.

"So? Where is he?"

Natsu rested his head on the desk while grabbing his head, "Shit!" he then stared at Kagura with apologetic look, "I'm sorry."

Hearing those words, Kagura lost her smile.