
Fairy tail the eternal phoenix

A man is born into fairy tails world with the powers of marco the phoenix. Is this a simple man or is he really..........

Thomas_Hodge · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Tragedy occurs! Etherion!

The two wizards lunging at each other both readied themselves for an attack.

Marco bringing down his right arm over the girl's head, hoping to smash her into the ground.

" mugetsu style: Yasha Senku! Ikagura said as Marcos's wing was suddenly cut off

" MARCO!" Erza yelled in fear seeing her friends arm cut off

However, before Marco hit the ground, he spun in the air using his right arm, now free of flames, and spun it in a circle guiding the severed flames into ikagura sending her flying backwards with a shockwave.

" Ugh! You are quite a tough one." Ikagura said wiping the blood from her mouth, before sending another wave of slashes at marco.

Doom! Damn that's a lot of slashes to dodge. Marco thought as his eyes began glowing red. He started dodging the slashes before they even got close to him.

How is he dodging my attacks when he can't see them? Ikagura thought to herself.

" Mugetsu style: Kagura end." Ikagura said as a sharp wheel of Fire launched towards marco

" Phoenix Roar!" Marco yelled as he launched his breath attack towards Ikaguras fire attack. The resulting collision creating an explosion.

" I take back what I said earlier, You're a monster." Ikagura said

" Erza why are you still here?" Marco asked

" I can't k=just leave you."

" And I can't go all out if I have to worry about keeping you guys out of this fight." Maro yelled back

" Marco. Alright, but pleases be safe." Erza said as she grabbed sho and ran towards Ikagura.

" Oh no you don't." Ikagura said as she flashed in front of erza.

" PHOENIX BRAND!" Marco yelled as he kicked Ikagura in the side sending her crashing through the floor. " Go Erza, I'm right behind you." Marco said as he gave erza a thumbs up.

" Ok!" Erza said with a smile as she ran through the doorway.

" Get up! I'm not done with you yet." Marco said to the woman as he appeared in front of her with is eyes glowing red and yellow. A sign of his fire and lightning magic.

As she looked up Ikagura began coughing blood. My body I can't feel my body Ikagura thought to herself in a panic seeing the monster in front of her. " What are you?" Ikagura asked in fear.

" It's not nice to refer to someone as a what you know. But if it's a name you want, you can call me marco the phoenix." marco said to the girl

" A Phoenix, i thought those were just a myth." the girl said trembling in terror

" Nah, we were real. I'm just the only one that's left is all. Now then can you do me a favor and just give up this fight is pointless and as far as I know If we don't hurry that etherion blast is going to wipe us all out."

" I don't care what you are. I'm not going to lose to you. We've come too far for master Jellals dream to not come true. I won't let you interfere." Ikagura said

" I was hoping you wouldn't say that. Just remember something for me. You asked for this." Marco said as he began to exert his conquerors haki. His pressure bearing down on the girl.

" What is this.... this pressure. It's suffocating me." Ikagura said as she once again collapsed on the ground.

" Hm, still conscious after all of that? You are strong. Had you not taken your eyes off me when you did, you probably wouldn't be in this situation. Oi! Look at me for a second. I have an interesting idea that I would like to share with you. I need to expand my reservoir of fighting styles. I've gotten too complacent with my strength. That bird I fought taught me that there are many unknown monsters in this world that could kill me If I wasn't careful. So how about this, teach me your mugetsu style and I might let you go. deal?" Marco asked

" Ne...ver!" Ikagura said before passing out

" Oh well." Marco said as he carried the girl out of the water.

" Huh! This magic energy I feel. That's Erza. Damn The fight's started and I don't have long until Etherion is fired, I have to hurry." Marco said as he punched a hole through the wall in the tower " One way trip going up!" Marco said as he transformed into his phoenix form and started ascending the tower.

Down below on a boat

" Da hell is dat?" Wall-e asked

" Hey! That's Marco." Gray said in pain

" He's going up the tower." Lucy said

" Dat wasn't my question. what is he?" Wall-e asked

" He's a phoenix." Gray said

" A Phoenix oh... Why the hell are you acting like that's normal?" Wall-e asked

" I mean, natsus a dragon slayer. A phoenix isn't too different." Lucy said

Ehhhhhh! Wall-es group yelled

Back to marco

" I'm at the top. Let's cause a little chaos." Marco grinned as he reared back

" PHOENIX BRAND!" Marco yelled as he slammed his talon into the tower shattering the roof above.

" What the!" Jellal yelled " Who did this?" jellal growled

" It's him. Marco." Erza declared happily

" Oi! Oi! Now this is a shocking sight. It looks to me like someone's been using my friend as a punching bag. NO ONE DOES THAT AND GETS AWAY WITH IT!" Marco yelled

" Ahhh! Marco the phoenix. You're just in time for the grand finally." Jellal said

" I don't know what happened back then that turned you into the monster you are today, but It no longer matters. Erza I suggest you leave this place now."

" Marco wait!" Erza yelled

" Heavenly body magic! Pleaides!" Jellal yelled as golden arrows smashed into marco sending him crashing into the ground

" Ahhhh!"

" Marco! Jellal stop."

" Lightning Phoenix: FALSE DARKNESS!" Marco yelled as a raging bolt of lightning erupted from his mouth shocking erza. The bolt crashed into Jellal slamming him through the tower

That was lightning magic. Since when can he use such powerful lightning magic Erza wondered As marco went through the hole in the tower chasing after Jellal

" Arhh! Aren't you a powerful birdy?" Jellal taunted. " Meteor!" Jellal yelled as his body emitted a bright light.

Doom! "What the hell!" Marco yelled as he barely dodged out of the way of the attack. He's fast ridiculously fast" Marco said as jellal appeared behind him and punched him back down into the tower.

" Oh, he hits like a train!" Maco said as he rushed back into the sky, his arms and legs clad in haki. He rushed toward Jellal. Jellal himself also going in for the attack. As the two met, they began trading blows. Each one crating a shockwave that could be seen and heard by the others thousands of feet below them.

" Wha! do you guys see that?" Happy asked

" See it? I can hear it!" Gray said looking up in disbelief " Wait that's Marco!" Gray shouted. " Who's he fighting?"

" Dats Jellal!" Wall-e said

" Wait, what's jellal doing? He's drawing magic circles in the sky." Gray said

back to marco

Boom! boom! boom!

The sound of explosions ringing as the two wizard's fists collided with one another

Arh! Punching his hand feels like punching steel. No, it's harder than that, but it doesn't matter now I've already got it set. Jellal thought with a smirk on his face

" Meteor!" Jellal yelled as he rushed away from marco

" Where do you think you're going?"

" Now Be Judged by the 7 Stars Grand Chariot!" Jellal yelled as marco looked up and noticed the 7 Large Magic circles over his head.

" Shit this is bad!" Marco said as heavenly body magic rained down on his head sending him crashing down into the ocean below causing a crater to appear with marco lying at the center of it.

" Haha! How do you like that?" Jellal asked

" Marco!" Gray, Lucy, Juvia, and Erza yelled as they watched their friend being swallowed up by the sea.

" Not much of a phoenix, is he?" Jellal said as he landed back into the tower

Suddenly everyone who had watched him get crushed by water watched in awe as the water and tower began to shake. And out of the water came Marco flying back up into the tower, much to the shock of everyone. The top of his suit now completely destroyed.

" That wasn't very nice. Mira gave me that suit." Marco said as blood trickled down his head

After all of that and I only drew a little bit of blood. Jellal thought to himself. " How are you still alive?" Jellal asked

" I am a very good swimmer." marco said as he covered his body in lightning and speed blitzed Jellal

" Lightning Phoenix Dark Fist!" Marco said as his hand was covered with haki, lightning and fire, he slammed his fist into Jellals stomach slamming hm into the ground shattering the ground. The force of the attack blasting through the ground below

" Argh!" Jella yelled as he coughed up blood. When did he move, I couldn't follow him? And his attack mixing Lightning and fire together. He is a monster. Jellal thought to himself while trying to pull himself out of the rubble.

" Marco!" erza yelled running up to her friend. "Are you alright?"

" I'm fine, but that guy isn't done yet. You need to hurry up and leave Etherion should be firing soon." Marco said as Jellal came bursting up through the floor.

" My, my, that was quite the attack."

" If you liked that one, then you're gonna love this next one." Marco said as a bright light appeared above them

They all looked up into the sky to see the Magic council's satellite.

" NO! we're" erza said

" You're too late!" Jellal laughed " AHAHAHA! There's nothing you could do to stop it."

Marco grit his teeth and jumped into the air. Heading straight for the satellites blast

" There's no such thing as nothing you can do. Anything you do no matter how small could drastically change ones fate." Marco yelled

" MARCO! NOOOOO!" Erza yelled as her friend flew to what she thought was his death.

" Erza tell Mira I love her and I'm sorry that I won't be coming home this time." Marco said with a smile.

Down below Gray and the others see the satellite as well

" Oh no They're firing Etherion." Gray said

" Look Gray it's marco" Lucy said

" What! He's strong, but he even he can't block that thing he's gonna get himself killed." Gray said

As marco flew through the air The Etherion Fired sending a massive Beam of energy crashing down. And as he it drew closer Marco thought back to all the moments he had up till this point. All pain and regret and all the happiness and joy. His enemies and his loved ones. Two in particular. The father who took an orphan onto his ship and treated him like a son. And a woman who's loved and honored him despite his many faults. A woman who stood by him no matter what was happening.

" Hm, Goodbye mira!" Marco said as he transformed into his full phoenix form. Cladding his body in haki, and Lightning, bracing himself for the incoming blast.

As the beam descended Everyone who could see what was going on all yelled in terror


The beam and marco met causing a massive wave of black Lightning to blast through the air

" AHHHHHHHHH!" Marco yelled as the beam tore through his fire and lightning. Marco held on for a few moments however it wasn't long before the beam finally broke through his defenses and swallowed him up. " Damn it!" Marco yelled as he was overpowered by the beam.

Etherion finally hit the tower engulfing it in an explosion of bright light. Shaking the earth and causing storms. The water had thrashed gray and everyone who had been in the boat with him. Sending them all into the ocean.

" Ahhhh!" Gray yelled as he was swallowed up by the sea. Thankfully Juvia used her water magic and pulled everyone in to safety

" Thanks Juvia!" Lucy said

" Yeah, Juvia Seriously, you saved us." Gray said

" It's no problem my beloved." Juvia said, however her smile disappearing after seeing the look on her loved one's face. " Gray, what's wrong?' Juvia asked

" There's no way marco survived that." Gray said as he, lucy, and happy began to cry.

" Gray, I'm so sorry." Juvia said


As they were mourning their fallen friend an object suddenly came crashing down close to them.

" What the hell!" Gray yelled as he looked over and saw marcos body floating in the sea

Seeing the body of their friend gray jumped into the water and fished him into their bubble.

" Marco! come on man wake up." Gray yelled

" Gray...... is that you?" Marco whispered as he barely opened his eyes, before losing consciousness

" He's alive man." Gray said holding his friend close to him, however their cries of joy turned to fear as marco passed out again.

" Hey Marco stay awake man. Marco! MARCO!" Gray yelled

Sorry gray, but I'm just going to rest now. Marco said as his consciousness faded.


" Who's there?" Marco asked as he looked around the pitch-black void he was in

" HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN ME ALREADY?" The voice asked before the yellow bird descended

" Huh! It's you!" Marco yelled as he recognized the mighty bird before him