
Fairy Tail: The Dragon's Sin

SPOILER WARNING IF YOU HAVE NOT READ THE MANGA TO SEVEN DEADLY SINS, FAIRY TAIL, OR FAIRY TAIL 100 YEARS QUEST, READ AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION. ======= After a fierce clash with Cath Palug, Cath decided to test the limits of Chaos on Meliodas and as a result, Meliodas is drastically weakened and is sent into a different unknown world. Stuck in this new world, Meliodas has to adapt to this new environment, regain his power, and find a way back to Britannia. This is sort of an AU. It follows Fairy Tail canon but has a lot of extra things in between that I try to keep lore friendly but would never have happened in the main story. If you want to support the story, donate to our Patreon! patreon.com/Shayzero follow @shayminnerdform on twitter You won't get chapters ahead of time on Patreon, but you will get access to various concept art, sketches, polls, and notes of our planning process.

ShayZero · Anime & Comics
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230 Chs

Shattered Heaven

Earlier, After Meliodas' Full Counter

Motherglare soared out of the huge smoke cloud lingering in the sky.

"To think my own attack would be reflected back at me with over three times the power! But even my own mighty power cannot exceed the unbreakable defense of the Diamond Dragon!"

"Below us!" Future Rogue exclaimed. From the smoke cloud, Jellal emerged in a flash, flying straight towards the dragon and dragon slayer.

"Impudent human! Dragons are the ones who rule the skies!" Motherglare slashed at Jellal with his claw. Jellal shifted his body, narrowly dodging the claws as he flew straight towards Future Rogue.

'Dammit this guy is fast!' Future Rogue immediately sunk into his shadow as Jellal approached, narrowly dodging Jellal's punch by a hair's width. Jellal turned around in the sky and faced the dragon from above.

'Dealing with Rogue by himself isn't a problem. But this dragon will be. I only have one attack that could possibly defeat this dragon. I just need to lure these two away from the city.' Jellal thought.

"You call yourself the ruler of the skies. Then why is it that a mere human is looking down upon you?" Jellal commented.

"You'll regret those words, foolish human!" Motherglare roared as he flew straight towards Jellal. Jellal immediately backed up and began flying towards the mountain range just outside of Crocus with Motherglare hot on his trail.

'What is he up to…' Future Rogue observed Jellal flying backwards and looking at Motherglare the whole time. 'Even if he gets me far away from the city, my Dragon Supremacy Magic has unlimited range. But I suppose even he doesn't know that.'

Jellal looked towards Crocus which was in the far distance. Despite being extremely far away, he could still sense Meliodas' magic and the magic of the other three dragons slowly disappearing. 'This should be far enough. Meliodas is wrapping things up there. I should do the same.'

"So human. You wish for this mountain range to be your graveyard?" Motherglare questioned.

"Not mine. Yours." Jellal answered. As he remained floating high above the mountains with his arms crossed and facing Motherglare, the bright yellow aura around his body became more intense.

"True Heavenly Body Magic: Jiu Leixing Unlimited"

Behind Jellal, hundreds of brightly glowing swords of lightning began to form, creating a massive wall that dwarfed the dragon. Jellal raised his right hand up and swiped forward in a motion, causing the numerous swords to launch forward straight at Motherglare.

The swords collided nonstop with Motherglare, pushing the dragon back and creating a chain explosion of lightning.

"I commend the power of your attack, but such magic is not enough to get through my diamond scales!" Motherglare roared as he took the seemingly endless barrage of lightning swords.

"Wait…where the hell did Jellal go?!" Future Rogue questioned. "He was just flying in front of us."

The barrage of lightning blades suddenly stopped. Chains of bright light shot up from the ground, restraining Motherglare by the wings and legs and bringing him down to the ground.

"Mere chains like these are not enough to stop me!" Motherglare roared as he thrashed back and forth trying to break free. The dragon immediately stopped and looked up in the sky as he felt an enormous magical power building in the sky.

The sky had grown dark, the moon and stars covered by clouds that appeared from nowhere. A hole opened in the center of the clouds and a bright light began to shine from it. From the light, a large meteor began to fall straight on top of Motherglare and Future Rogue.

"So he's using that technique." Future Rogue commented.

"A meteor? And one of that size? How trivial." Motherglare commented. The dragon took a deep breath in, concentrating a large amount of magic in his mouth. A moment later, the dragon exhaled into a mighty roar and a bright beam of magic shot out of his mouth.

The beam collided with the meteor, creating a large explosion of smoke and debris as small bits of the meteor that weren't pulverized from the blast broke off and fell to the ground around the dragon.

"I expected that much from a dragon." Jellal's voice came from above. Jellal descended down towards Motherglare, but stopped when he was just a few meters above the dragon.

"You may be stronger here than in my timeline, but even your power cannot defeat a dragon." Future Rogue said with a smirk.

"You may have destroyed the first one." Jellal raised a finger up. Future Rogue and Motherglare's eyes widened as the dark clouds above the mountain range cleared, revealing an even larger meteor falling from the sky, its shadow covering the entirety of the mountain range.

"But what will you do about the second one?"

"A-are you really a human?" Motherglare questioned.

"How…did you become this strong Jellal?! What went wrong in this timeline?!" Future Rogue screamed in frustration.

"I suppose training with Meliodas for four years is the result of this." Jellal said before flying away, the meteor above getting closer and closer.

"Meliodas…of course…DAMN YOU MELIODAS!" Future Rogue screamed as the meteor crashed into the ground.

The huge meteor fell down with a massive crash. Shockwaves radiated outward from the impact zone, causing the earth itself to shake with such sheer intensity, even those far away in Crocus could feel it. The mountains that made up the mountain range crumbled within the inner ring, leaving behind only halves of the mountains that went down into a deep crater.

Jellal remained flying above the impact site, observing for any movement. He could still feel both Motherglare and Future Rogue's magical power.

'Rogue may have been able to avoid that completely with the nature of his magic, but Motherglare should have felt that.'

Jellal suddenly felt a huge spike in magical power coming from the center of the crater as a huge blast of magic was launched right towards him. Jellal shifted his body, strafting to the left as the blast went right past him up into the sky.

The smoke from the ground level began to clear and Jellal could see Motherglare standing straight up, its chains broken and its body heavily wounded. Blood could be seen dripping from underneath its scales.

"It's no wonder Dragon Slayer Magic was created. The durability of those scales are beyond what I had expected. Even an entirely physical mass of rock couldn't crush that dragon…" Jellal commented as he descended back to the ground level.

From beneath Motherglare, Future Rogue's shadow rose from the ground and Motherglare took a knee.

"You hurt a dragon through it's scales…" Future Rogue commented as he stared at Jellal with visible shock on his face. Jellal remained silent as he glared at both the dragon and the dragon slayer.

'I don't have a lot of magic left. Maybe for one more attack. I'll have to make this one count. Also, it seems my help is here.' A small smile formed on Jellal's face and he raised both arms out in front of him. A large and bright magical circle formed right in front of him.

"He still has enough magic left over for Abyss Break?!" Future Rogue exclaimed. He glanced back at Motherglare who seemed eager to take on the attack.

"If it were another meteor, I would be worried, but even with my scales in the state they're in, such an attack can't break through my defense!" Motherglare roared confidently.

"Is that so?" Jellal asked as more magic began forming from within the magical circle.

"Abyss Break is supposed to be made of four elements…but why do I sense eight?!" Future Rogue exclaimed. He immediately jumped onto the back of Motherglare. "Fly up! You can't take that level of magic in your current state!"

Motherglare followed through and suddenly flew upwards, high above Jellal. Jellal raised both hands up above his head as a massive white ball nearly half the size of Motherglare formed, radiating black lightning. The orb of magic began to shrink, condensing until it was roughly the size of Jellal.

"Take this!" Jellal shouted as he threw the compacted mass of magical power.

"Compact Eight Elements!" As Jellal threw it, he fell to his knees, panting heavily as he looked up at the dragon.

Motherglare shifted its body mid flight, twisting and rolling to barely get out of the way of the attack.

"Hmph. Looks like that was the last of your magic. And you miss-" Future Rogue suddenly felt a massive presence behind him as both he and Motherglare turned their heads. Flying in the sky above them was Meliodas with Wendy on his back, the two of the right in the direct path of Jellal's attack.

"I'm enchanting the attack with Dragon Slayer Magic!" Wendy shouted as she raised her right hand at Jellal's attack, causing a faint aura to appear around it as it approached them. Meliodas looked towards Jellal and smiled before looking back at the oncoming attack. With Neo Mel Force in his hand, he swung his blade.

"Full Counter!"

The compacted mass of eight elements shifted directions and angled straight back towards Motherglare and Future Rogue.

'This can't be my fate…I'm supposed to become the sole ruler of this world…a being above even Acnologia…'

Both a Madara reference and a Rave Master reference with Sieg. This chapter is the pinnacle of fanfiction.

ShayZerocreators' thoughts