
Fairy Tail: The Banished Prince

Berk found himself in a baby, who was the heir of a kingdom he did not know about. He felt, at first, his new life going to be great, but after his father's act, he sold to the slavers. Now, with his new friends, he must find a way to escape. ...Then revenge for his mother. But, maybe a little red head could change his life actions in future.

KAABS · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Slave and Red


This story will have dark stuff, very dark stuff; but also this story will have comedy, fun, and slice of life, action, romance.

If you do not have stomach to endure some dark stuff. Please leave this fiction. There will be times the story will be extremely dark.

You have been warmed!


Hello, my dear readers.

I have had a horrible year. I knew my writing sucked, I know I still cannot write well enough, but I guess I can say I am improved.

Either way, this is the Fairy Tail: The Banished Prince.

Our Main Protagonist is an 'OC.' He is, in normal circumstances, not in the 'Fairy Tail World' at all. There are several kingdoms in Fairy Tail world, and honestly, I do not know why almost no one creates story with them.

...There are some, but not a lot.

Basically, I have a high expectation with this story. If you like it, please comment, and give some power stones. Those are the motivations that make me write more.

Thank you very much and have fun~


GORE, GORE… and GORE, slavery, and blood in this chapter.


There was a kingdom called Seven. It was above, north side of the Fiore, and next to the Bosco Kingdom.

Seven had a various conquering attempt. Thanks to their kings' racist religion, aggressive attitude, and their bloodline; Fiore, Bosco and Iceberg Kingdoms tried to conquer Seven. They tried their best and killed many but lost more.

The biggest reason why they attacked Seven was The Seven Kingdom had the last bloodline magic. The entire history of Earthlands had multiple bloodline magic once. They killed by others because of the greed, envy and some rituals to steal their bloodline. However, the Seven Kingdom has the most deadly and dangerous Bloodline Magic of history.

…The Passage.

The passage was a unique trait for the people who had the royal family's blood. It marks its owner's chest with a green skull tattoo at birth and allowed them to create a passage to the Bringhtendom, also known as the heretic's hell, and summon the Hell guards depends on the user's wish.

It has a cost, however. The more you use The Passage, the more you lost your life force. It can summon many beasts to many sizes; beasts that could devour, destroy, burn, froze, and kill an army of three kingdoms in a heartbeat. But that much powerful beast needs at least many people and plenty of life force.

It was what happened when people attacked the Seven. Seven lost their great ancestors, alongside with many royal blooded nobles. But, in the end, they managed to beat the coalition of three kingdoms. It was a hollow victory, but a victory, nonetheless.

They demanded lands, but the coalition rejected. Seven weakened, but so they were. But, they were still 3 to 1; if Seven decided to attack again, they would act with the same. At that time, the entire Earthlands history's most prominent war has ended with one victorious kingdom who lost his strongest generation.

Now, at the age of X766, the firstborn of the King and the heir of the Seven Kingdom's throne was born (For Got fans, no joke intended). He had bright green eyes and jet-black hair like his mother. He had no visible traits of the king, and the King did not care about that. It happened before with his ancestors, so it was acceptable. He only cared about his bloodline.

"Mage," The king said. It was clear on his face, he did not care about his wife's wellbeing. "Is my son okay?" He said with a calm and strict voice.

"My king," the mage said meekly and kneeled. The king saw the mage's eyes were avoiding towards his feet; they could not look at the king's face, it was forbidden. But he could look at his feet, and he avoided to answer.

"Mage," The king said again. This time the coldness of his voice could freeze the Bringhtendom. The king narrowed his eyes before spoken again.

"My son…" He spoke slowly. "…is he okay?"

The mage swallowed deeply. "My king," he said with a visible sweat on his face. "He has no tattoo," he said, almost whisper-like voice.

The king frowned. "Is he now? Are you sure?" He asked. He was sure his wife did not see any other male in the castle. The only male-like creatures who get close to his harem were mosquitoes and eunuchs. The first was bloodsucker hindrances, and the later was the dickless idiots who cut their manhood for money and power.

"Y-yes, my King," the mage said. It was stressful. The king had a random temper. He could be gentle and wise, but cruel and hot-tempered on the same day.

The king stood and, after sometime later, gotten closer to his son. He grabbed the child gently and looked at his chest.

"No tattoo," he said curtly.

He searched for a bit more, looked inside of his supposed to be son's little body with magic for The Passage's unique magic signature, but he found none.

"No," he said. "My wife could not see any male." He walked next to his wife, the Queen of Seven. She has fallen asleep because of the exhaustion. "You…" he muttered while looking at his wife but hold himself. He had to think.

He thought possible interactions. But, he found none logical sense that that child was his son. There was no exception on tattoo in the seven's bloodline.

"Mage," he said.

"Y-yes, my king."

"The child has no visible traits of mine, and he does not possess my family's bloodline magic." The king said cooly, yet the sheer amount of anger would feel on his usual coolish tone.

The mage could feel the rage deep inside of the king. He was deciding something big. That day was possibly the day the Queen of Seven would dead.

"Yes, my king."

The king glanced the mage. "I need to improve my security for the Harem," the king said. "But, before that…" He grabbed the Queen's head and tightened his grip at once. The sheer amount of force in sudden was too much to poor women's skull, so Queen's head exploded like a watermelon; splashed the room all blood.

"Tell the folks, the Queen is dead with his son at childbirth," he said coldly. Queen's blood was dripping on his face. "And sell the bastard to slavers. If he were not just a child, he would be dead."

"Y-yes, my king," for some reason, the mage felt like he was repeating himself.

"Honestly, I am a merciful king," he muttered. "Tell Count Mark; I want his daughter as a Queen. I know he'll like it," he snorted.

"As you wish, My King."


[10 years later, Tower of Heaven]

"It has been ten years," Berk muttered.

"What is it?" asked a child's voice.

Berk looked at his friend and possible crush's face with a smile. "Nothing," he said.

"Fine, be mysterious," the girl pouted.

Berk shook his head and looked at the girl's features again. She had a beautiful pair of chocolate brown eyes, mesmerizing scarlet hair, even though she cannot wash it often, it was still beautiful. She was small, and it was expected since they were children. The slaves had not much choice after all slavers gave them only an old and ruptured tunic to wear. Why would they let them wash often?

"Sorry, Erza," Berk apologized. "Just, dunno how long I can withstand this," he said.

Erza looked at him softly. "It is okay. We will find a way," she said with a smile. "Come on. We cannot slack off. They will punish us otherwise."

Berk nodded and grabbed stones, while he was carrying the rocks, he was thinking something else.

He was not from that world. He was from a planet called Earth, but that was the only thing he remembered at that time.

In time, all the memories he had of his past life vanished. He did not remember his past life, but He still remembered his father in his current life, the day his father killed his mother, sold him to the slavers; then decided to have another queen.

'Seven Kingdom,' he thought. 'What should I do about you.'

After that, he focused his work again.


The night had come, and Berk was in his prison room with Erza, Jellal and others. There was a man named Rob who was talking about stories of his youth with his friends.

"And due time Porlyusica beat Makarov since he destroyed the whole bank with his giant magic," Rob laughed.

"Your guilt seems to be destructive," Berk said. Erza smiled and nodded while Jellal and others chuckled.

"Yeah, we were. But we had a lot of fun time. We are family, and no one can destroy our bonds," he said softly.

Erza grinned. "Then when we free from this place, let's join the fairy tail!"

Berk agreed. He had developed or found his magic at the age of six. He can manipulate space to a certain degree. If he would practice with his magic a little more, he could teleport them from that hell.

"We will be free," he muttered.


Berk was having a good time. He almost managed to create a portal; a portal could shoot anything he stored. Now, he had to find a way to utilize the two portal and make a passage between two points. It was hard since slaves got no book to study, but he was sure he was getting closer.

He sat on the floor. The food time had come. Erza sat next to him, their other friends were working with another section. They separated them daily on the field so they could not plan to rebel.

"You know, I guess I can taste a bit of meat flavour in this," Erza joked.

"You wish. They would eat all the meat to feed their fatty stomachs, let alone give us," Berk snorted.

Erza hummed. "We can pretend, at least," she said and took a spoon of the soup. "Hey," she said uncertainly. "Do you think I should cut my hair? It is a bit hindrance when I am working."

Berk looked at her with horror as if she kicked an innocent puppy with 11 feet metal bar with spikes of magma stones from Minecraft.

"Why? you have a beautiful hair," he said. "It would be a pity when we get ourselves free from this mess, don't you think?"

Erza's cheeks reddened. "You think so?" She asked.

"I know so," Berk said as he took one spoon of soup later. 'Ugh. Dreadful,' he thought and took a spoon from the mass potato.

Erza smiled. "Thank you," she said then remembered another thing. "Uh, uh! And I was wondering if we have surnames when we are free!" she said excitedly.

"Surname?" Berk wondered. He was sure he had a surname since he was a prince, but he rather be dead than have that jerk's surname.

'I did not know his name too, let alone his surname,' he thought.

"What will suit me, I wonder?" Erza thought aloud. Her chocolate eyes were looking at the sky dreamily.

Berk took a strand of her hair gently. "Well, you have a mesmerizingly beautiful red hair," he said softly, makes Erza's cheek reddened than before. "So, what about Scarlet? It is a beautiful colour, like your hair." He suggested.

'Ugh. Why do I feel like cliché Main Protagonist of some fanfictions? I blame you whatever being that put me here!'

Erza looked at Berk's eyes and smiled. "Really?" She asked. The way she talks to him was changed a bit now. Berk was not sure what changed, but she was softer than before with a hint of something more. What was the later he was not sure, but it felt… welcoming?

"Yes," Berk said while looking at her eyes softly. She was looking at him with softly before she avoided her eyes to him. Berk could see her blush and a shy smile on her face. Berk smiled; the things were going well for him; it would seem.

Erza's shy behaviour did not last long however, before she beamed happily. "Then Scarlet it is. From now on, my Name is Erza Scarlet," she chirped. She got closer to Berk and hugged him tightly.

Affection was much needed when you were a slave. Slavers only beat and spite you, so even a little bit of love and affection was a need between slaves. Otherwise, slaves would be a shell which had no will and work for the slavers until either die from old age or killed.

It is also understandable that if the person who shows you an affection was a girl; you could have a crush on her. Berk spent too much of his time with Erza; they were enslaved to that tower the same day and talked to each other more than their other friends.

…It was understandable if they like each other.

Berk smiled and hugged her back. He looked around and see slavers were chatting with each other without care. They did not see them hugging, so they did not have a reason to beat them. They don't need an excuse anyway, but… At least they were distracted.

Erza, after sometime later, released him and smiled mischievously. "But that is not fair, is it?" she said playfully.

"What is not fair?" Berk asked with a chuckle. Erza was cute when she acted like a mischievously little girl.

"Since you select a surname for me, it is only fair if I do it for yourself," she said with a grin. "Let's think~," she was about to say something, but bell ranged. Announced that mealtime was over.

Erza puffed. "Fine, later. Let's go," she said with a sigh.

Berk followed behind and started to dig Ethernano crystals on the floor.


A year passed in a flash. Erza couldn't found a proper surname for Berk, but she promised she would soon. Berk, on the other hand, had storage some stones with his magic. He prepared them to use it when they escape, right at that time.

"Shush, silent," Jellal whispered. Jellal said he found a way to escape the tower. Berk was suspicious, but after he asked Jellal if he was sure, he accepted to run; he believed him. He told them about his magic and said he would use it if necessary.

Rob could not come with them since his old bones did not fit the hole they were escaping. He chuckled and said it was okay. They promised that they will come for him later.

…Berk and Erza would go straight to the Fairy Tail and tell them about Ron. If they were people like Rob said, they would rush to save him at once.

They crawled in the tower's wall for a half-hour, then faced with stone brick. Jellal pushed it lightly, and the light merged inside the hole in a flash. Erza was the first to adjust his eyes to the light, so she crawled out first and later followed her after.

…but the thing they saw shocked them.

At least fifty slavers were waiting for them with a shit-eating grin on their faces. They were laughing, mocking them with their expressions.

"The old trick never surprises us," one of them said. "Right, captain?" He asked sarcastically.

Captain chuckled. He had a plain red masked that cover all his face. Wearing a leather armour and two swords each side of his belt.

"Honestly, today's loot a bit bigger than before, right lads?" he said nonchalantly.

"What should we do, sir?" one of the slavers asked.

Captain looked at Erza. "She got out first, so she should be the leader. Capture and tame her. They need to know escaping is bad for their health," Captain said with a snort.

"Yes, cap!"

One of the slavers about to grab Erza, but a sudden rock hit his hand, shattered his bones along with it.

"Leaver her!" Berk growled in anger. He would not let them touch his friends, especially to Erza.

"Argh!" The slaver cried. "You fucker!" He was about to hit Berk with an ice spell, but Captain swiftly appeared behind Berk, hit his head and rendered him unconscious.

The other children stand in awe and horror, Rob was lucky he couldn't make it.

"Take these two, and teach them a lesson," Captain said and looked at the remaining children.

Jellal, Simon, Shô, Millianna, and Wally could not move at all. Milliana, as the youngest slave, had watery eyes. She did not know her age since she was there since she knew herself, but based on others, she was maximum six years old.

Jellal was angry, but he couldn't speak nor move.

The others tried to stay calm, but they were afraid. Afraid to utter even a sound even if they were capable.

"You may go," The captain said. "I am not merciless~," he chuckled. He walked at a chair and sit. "But, you have to work twice more than others since you followed that redhead."

He took a glass of alcohol and drank. "You will learn what happens to the rebels when we have done with them," then he said darkly. He gestured the slavers to put them on another prison room.

"Sir, is it okay to do that? Punishing all of them seems more reasonable," one of the slavers asked.

"Sheep are easy to control. They just follow their leader without question. They are sheep, we can use them, but we cannot use their leaders without taming them."

"Understood, sir."


Berk opened his eyes in a different prison room. He was chained to the ceiling on his arms, and ground on his legs. He could not move much, only small gestures. He looked around to see any useful thing, but he saw a person, Erza to be more precise.

Erza was the same, but she chained to ground on her knees. Her arms were at her back, the chains were tied his arms, then legs, then the floor. All of them were connected.

"Hello," Erza said sadly.

"Did they do anything to you?" Berk hurriedly asked. He was angry to lose a nobody like a slaver. If they were powerful, they did not need to hide. But, he was worried about Erza's wellbeing more.

"No, they wait for you to wake up," she shook her head.

"Oh," Berk muttered.

"Oh, indeed," the captain spoke. He entered the room without their noticing, and even on his mask, Berk could feel he was smirking.

"You see, you broke one of my man's hand. The bones on his hands shattered in pieces, and he cannot use any magic on his hand anymore since... You damaged his magical whatever or some shit," he shook his head in mock sadness. "So, I bring him to torture you."

The prison door opened, and a masked slaver entered; his mask was covering half of his face, and Berk could see his teeth gritting.

Berk smirked inside. The slaver was crippled as he should be. He could see, one of his arms was bandaged. It looked like a stick than a hand, so they probably cut his hand to end his suffering. What a foolish method to cure him. It would seem, the slavers had no competent doctors.

"You are going to feel pain," he said and punched Berk on his gut. Berk gasp to the sudden impact that released all the air on his lungs forcefully.

"Berk!" Erza shouted. He struggled to break free from her chains. She could feel a force was awakening inside of her, pulling chains with more strength than her little body utilize for.

"For fuck sake, you are annoying," Slaver said and hit Erza back on her head. Rendered her unconscious.

Berk narrowed his eyes but spoke not. He would not let that bastard knew that he cares for Erza that much. That may make him in a problematic situation. But, he took note that bastards would be dead.

"Don't cripple them," Captain said, walked to the door. "If you do, I cripple your other hand," he said with a smile.

'Seriously, he is a possible sadist,' Berk thought about Captain.

The slaver nodded his head and wait for the captain left. After he ensured the captain gone, he looked at Berk with anger.

"We have a week, you fucker. A week to play with you!" He said and form an ice knife on his hand. He stabbed Berk's shoulder.

Berk remained silent to the sharp pain on his shoulder; he would not show any weakness just to spite him.

"Oh, no sounds. Interesting," The Slaver mocked. "I wonder how long you will last." With that he put his fingers Kaplan's nose and froze it.

—X—X—X—X—X [five hours later] —X—X—X—X—X

"You are irritating. I know captain said I cannot cripple you, but I am wondering will you cry if I do that?" The slaver said darkly.

Berk's body was all over bruises. His nose was broken, his eyes were swollen and bruised, half of her body was frozen in ice, and he could breathe hardly. He was struggling to stay silent, he wanted to scream, but that what the torturer wished to. Hence, he remained silent, closed his eyes and took the pain.

"So, you will not yield if I torture you," the slaver said. "So be it, red seems to be more fragile," he snorted.

Berk's reacted to the slaver when he said he would torture Erza, and Slaver saw that. He grinned madly. "Oh, oh! I see! Hahahhaa!" He grabbed Erza by her hair, form a couple of ice cubes and hit them on Erza's face.

Erza opened his eyes immediately and look around. "Wha-?" she couldn't even finish before the slaver hit her gut.

Erza choked to have air in his lungs, but Slaver was not merciful. "No," he said and choked her throat. "You can't have it."

Erza's small body struggled to breathe, but the slaver, with a mad glint on his eyes, did not let her.

Berk at the other hand, since he was tortured for hours, cannot speak or see properly. But, he cannot let the man choked her. He created a portal, and in a blurry vision, threw a rock to the slaver. He did not do that before since it was useless, they would beat him more if he did that.

…But, he cannot let him kill Erza.

The slaver smirked and evaded the stone. "Well, you little shit. Now, I really know your weakness now," he laughed. "HAHAHAHA!" With that, he kicked Erza's leg and smashed it between his leg to the floor.

"Arhh!" Erza cried in pain, then hold herself. She embraced herself to the later pain and looked at Berk with a smile. "D-don't worry, it w-will be okay."

"Oh, it will not," the slaver said. He formed an ice hook and smiled in anticipation. "Fuck the cap," he said and stabbed Erza on her right eye.

"Arhhhhhgg!" Erza, even though she readied herself, could not hold herself to cry of that pain. The slaver grabbed her head hand and rolled Erza's eyes inside of her skull with magic.

Erza cried more, the pain did not stop. Berk struggled, tried to be free, but it was futile. The slaver started to have fun, and now he could counter his magic.

[Two Hours Later]

The slaver beat Erza mercilessly. After he stabbed Erza's eye and play with it, he tortured Erza just to spite Berk. He was at his climax, maybe he could be torturer from now on. It seemed like an excellent job at that tower.

He sighed, but he had to stop now. He had too much fun. He grabbed Erza by her hair and lifted her to the air. Erza was unconscious, he was more merciless her than Berk.

He hummed and left. The smile on his face never left on that day.

"E-e," Berk struggled to speak. Bastard force him to eat salt, so he was thirsty. All the wound on his body were aching, but he was feeling more pain when that bastard tortured Erza. He tried to hit the slaver more, but he evaded every one of it. He had no stone on his magic anymore.

Since he was exhausted and the slaver had gone, he fell asleep. Couldn't even utter Erza's name.


[Next Day]

"E-Erza," he said hoarsely.

Erza opened his left eye, she looked at Berk and smiled.

Berk felt remorse. 'Why are you smiling?! You are like that because of me!' He thought.

"I-It is not y-your fault," Erza said lowly.

Berk looked at her sadly. He shook his head, no it was his fault.

Erza smiled more. "N-no," she said hardly. "I-It's th-heirs f… fault," she spoken. Berk could see she was struggling to speak, so he nodded. He was still feeling it was his fault, but Erza's health was more important.

If he accepted, she would probably hum and stop talking.

"Y-you… a-are a bad l-liar," she said weakly.

Berk forced a smile. How she was like that, still smiling at her situation. He cried for the first time since he was in that tower. His eyes were watery, he felt like shit, and he was not sure what will they do to them.

They looked each other and fall asleep yet again.


The slaver come again, with a food on his hand. He forcefully let Erza and Berk eat their meal and let them drink water. He healed their wounds briefly to make torture more entertaining later.

"We cannot let you die yet," he said sweetly. He put the dishes to ground and yawned. "Well, I guess I sleep then come here. Hehe," he said and left.

Berk felt a bit more alive. He looked at Erza and smiled sadly. Erza's shook her head and frowned. "Please, don't do that," she pleaded.

"Do what?"

"Don't blame yourself," she said.

"I…" He sighed. "I wish that was easy," he muttered.

Erza about to say something, but he saw the door opened.

The one who opened the door was Jellal, with his trademark tattoo on his face, and messy blue hair. "We are going!" He said and hurriedly released Erza and Berk.

Berk looked at Jellal. "What happened to the guards?" he asked.

Jellal stood silent. "Dead," he said curtly. "Come on, let's go," then left the room.

Berk and Erza did not hesitate to follow him behind, but She was struggling to walk since slaver smashed her leg to the ground. On the other hand, Berk's wounds were healed rapidly for some unknown reason. Since Erza's was still hurting, Berk hurriedly carried her on his back. While they were going, their minds were on what he said about before. Jellal killed. It hurt Jellal, it showed on Jellal's face, and he did that because of them. Berk shook his head, that was not the time for that, he grabbed three swords on the guards that killed by Jellal and put them on his magic.

They were the upper side of the tower, and they were descending on the stairs in a hurry. While they were in a hurry, Berk thought what will happen next. Even if they reached their prison, how would they escape?

They reached the work field; all the slaves were mining crystals and stones.

"Oh, little rats escape!" Captain's voice emerged from behind. Before they could even react, he grabbed Jellal by his throat. "It seems I've mistaken. You are the leader, not a sheep," he grinned and left swiftly.

"Jellal!" Berk and Erza said at the same time. However, they did not have time to look Jellal since couple portal's opened and summoned four monsters. Berk, leap forward and grabbed Jellal's sword, put it on his magic and threw the blades to the monsters.

The monsters were weaker than the captain, that's for sure, but they were stronger than regular children. Berk killed them in a sudden with his magic, he shot four shots at each of theirs's head.

He then stored on the sword on his magic again.

"What should we do?" Erza asked. "Can we save Jellal and others?"

Berk gritted his teeth. "I don't know," he said sadly and looked up the stairs. A person, they both, knew well was smirking.

It was the man who tortured them. "Honestly, this is much greater than I expected," he said with a sweet smile.

Berk, after the slaver spoke, felt an urge to vomit. He coughed hard; he felt a blood taste on his mouth.

"Berk!" Erza shouted. She looked at the slaver with pure wrath. "You!" She screamed in anger. "You will pay!"

"Aren't you the scary one…" the slaver mocked. "Well," he said and hit Berk behind with ice balls.

Berk did not saw dozen of ice balls behind him as he flew to the wall; with the unexpected attack, he dropped Erza to the ground, and he, after the crash, fell the ground. The attack rendered him unconscious.

Erza did not care about to pain for a bit, shouted. "Berk!" She yelled in worry. She crawled to him with his arms. The pain on her right eye was still aching madly along with the cut marks on her body, her leg was hurting with every friction she made. She was exhausted to the core, the hours of torture the last day took a lot of her and Berk.

"I did not expect you guys would escape," the slaver said, clearly amused to see Erza's crawling to the Berk. "I put poison on his food, you see!" He said sweetly. "He cannot move and feel like shit. He will vomit blood frequently, but not enough to kill him."

"You are sick!" Erza said.

"Tut, tut, tut," the slaver shook his head. "Do not interrupt," with a snap of his finger, he formed ice on Erza's mouth. Erza tried to speak, but the ice did not break. She grunted and looked at the torturer with anger.

"Well, the funny thing is," he put his remaining hand on his pocket, and took out a damaged eye. "This is your eye," he said kindly. "I just wanted him..." the slaver pointed at Berk. "...to eat your eye, while looking straight at your eyes," he chuckled.

Erza looked at her torturer with horror. She did not expect that the torturer had lost his sanity that much already.

"Don't you think…" he smirked; the smirk was giving an uneasy feeling. "It is a wonderful punishment for him!" He yelled. "HAHAHAHHAHA!"

"F-fuck yo-u," Berk muttered. He opened his eyes slowly. 'I guess many of my bones are broken,' he thought. 'Or maybe I'm just too dramatic.' He felt like he could sleep in any second, but he stayed conscious just to spite that bastard.

"Ah, the man of the day. Well, cap has his new prison now," he said with a knowing look. "So, he would not notice…" he formed an ice spear. "If I kill you~."

He gotten close to Berk and crouched. "But, before that~," he said sweetly and showed Erza's damaged eye on his undamaged hand.


Berk did not have time to react since he almost felt unconscious again by tiredness.

"No!" Erza yelled. In seconds, immense magical energy emerged below her formed a magic array. All the swords, axe, blades etc. risen to the air, the magical power surround the field in like a heavy mist.

"Wha-," the slaver shocked.

"YOU! WILL! PAY!" Erza shout.

After that, Berk fell asleep.