
Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

Ben Cooper was an elite soldier, but a tragedy change his life. That tragedy lead to his death, but it isn't the end for him. He get a new life in a new world, and he won't waste it, he will enjoy it in his own way. He is born in Earthland, World of the fantasy manga/anime Fairy Tail, world of magic. Given the Sun Dragon Slayer Magic by the one who give him this new life. So, he is basically a Sun Eater with his Dragon Slayer ability. ______________________________________ Cover is MC's face that was drawn by my sister's friend. I will post more pictures of MC in my patreon for my patrons. Artist name: Fatma (Instagram:@fatmaqn_) ____________________________________ Disclaimer: I don't own FT and it's character English is not my first language, so pardon my bad grammar. I've tried to improve it after messy early chapters. It might still not good enough, but I hope it's better now. ________________________________________________ Follow me on Patreon to read some up to 35+35 chapters ahead of this story. https://www.patreon.com/CaptMermain My fanfics are: "Transcended as Lord Buggy" & "Fairy Tail: Sun Eater"

Capt_mermain1 · Anime & Comics
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444 Chs

61. E-Class Domination

Now the top 16 have been chosen and all of them are from E & S-Class. The E-Class has 10 students, while the S-Class has 6 students on top 16. Only Dito doesn't pass after losing from his classmate, Ron.

After 30 minutes of rest from the previous round, the drawing for the top 16 starts and it shows the result after a moment. 6 E-Class students will fight with 6 S-Class students. While the other 4 E-Class students will fight with their classmates.

The 6 E-Class students who will fight with S-Class students are Ron, Gea, Olive, Cya, Parka, & Yorki. While the 4 students who will fight with their classmates are Mina, Hans, Dan, and Felice.

This will be the last round for today's tournament. So all 16 students need to go all out to enter the top 8 and fight at the quarter-final. But Ben is sure that the top 8 will be filled with E-Class students.

The ones who come up first are Gea, Cya & Yorki who will fight with S-Class students. Then there are Mina & Dan who will fight with each other. There are 4 arenas, so there will be 2 batches in this round.

The battles start, and Gea, Cya, & Yorki move fast to make a big attack. They want to finish their battle fast and watch Mina & Dan's battle.

Gea immediately makes a big bubble to trap her opponent inside and suffocate him by taking out the air. Her opponent panic and can't make any spell inside. He tries to breathe, but the lack of air makes him faint shortly and makes Gea win.

Cya also does something similar, but she traps her opponent in a water ball. Her opponent is a girl, and she immediately gives up before she loses consciousness.

As for Yorki, he immediately makes a big lightning beam to attack his opponent. His opponent tries to evade by running to the left. But Yorki can move his magic to chase him and finally hit him. He gets electrocuted and faints shortly after.

The three of them used their full power on their attacks and finish the battles fast. S-Class students aren't strong enough to challenge them. Only their classmates can rival them among the students.

Ben smirks and looks at the S-Class teacher who fumes in anger while they watch from a room for teachers. He never trained his students to fight in a real battle, while Ben & Raul often trained them with that. Their power & experience are far apart.

"My students have faced many serious threats while your students are sitting calmly in their class. So don't hope that your students have a winning chance against mine. There is no chance at all for them to win this from the beginning," says Ben while smirking.

The S-Class teacher gets angrier and looks at Ben before saying, "Don't assume things too fast, kid! My best student hasn't fought against your class. He will defeat your class easily later."

"Hmm? Do you mean that green hair who will fight with Ron? Well, he is decent, but he will still lose from Ron. Even if Ron is tired and injured, your student still won't have a chance. My students aren't apprentices anymore, they're full-fledged mages," says Ben while still smirking.

The S-Class teacher doesn't say anything and walks away. Ben knows he wants to instruct some things to his students. But it's not a problem, because the E-Class students will be able to face it.

Ben even hoped that the S-Class students can give a fight for his students. Ben wants his students to get more experience by fighting some strong mages around their age except their classmates.

They need to know that many people are stronger than them. But Ben doesn't know that they understand it already. They always see him & Wendy who are a lot stronger than them even though they're around the same age.

Ben leaves his thought and look at Mina's battle with Dan. Both of them have started their battle. But they just test the water because Dan just shoots some bullets with low power and Mina can avoid them easily in her wolf form.

Then they raise their game and use more power. Dan shoots his bullets rapidly at Mina and the bullets have more speed. Mina also runs faster toward Dan while dodging the bullets.

Dan also moves while shooting his bullets. But Mina is faster and she catches up to Dan shortly. Mina jumps at Dan and sends a claw attack.

Dan rolls to the side to avoid the claw attack. Then he covers his fists with a purple magic ball. Bullet magic is a kind of Darkness magic and Dan covers his fists with the same element.

Dan & Mina then have hand-to-hand combat. Mina transforms into an orange monkey to fight with Dan. They get into a close-ranged battle and use all skills they learned from Ben.

They fight and Mina can move faster than Dan. Her monkey form makes her have better reflexes and agility than Dan. It makes Dan get more hit than Mina, but Dan's durability is high too.

Mina has an advantage over Dan as the battle goes and it seems she will win this battle. But then when she's about to use a big attack to finish this, Dan makes his move.

Mina transforms into a gorilla that has more power than a monkey. Then she sends a full-powered punch at Dan. But her gorilla form is slower than her monkey form.

Dan uses this chance to dodge Mina's attack narrowly. Then he gets closer to Mina and put both his fist that is still covered with darkness magic up and down, in front of Mina's stomach.

Dan says his spell's name, "Bullet Magic: Cannonball!"

Both purple balls that cover Dan's fists merge and form a bigger ball. Then he shoot it right in front of Mina's stomach and hit her.

The cannonball spell hit Mina and she flings back at fast speed. She hit the barrier and Dan's magic explode. Mina is engulfed by the explosion and she falls to the ground. She faints and reverts to her human form.

Dan has won the battle even with a lot of injuries. He defeats Mina with one decisive attack that is strong enough to defeat her. But then he also falls on the floor because of the injuries.

Ben smile and he move fast to the arena to check on them. They're fine, so he takes them to Wendy for treatment. Wendy checks them and she says that they'll be fine, so everyone is relieved.

The next group's battles start shortly after that. Ron, Olive, & Parka will fight with S-Class students. While Hans & Felice will fight with each other now.

'Hmm, I don't need to worry about the ones them. Maybe Ron will have a tougher time because he is still not in the best condition after his battle with Dito, but he won't lose. Hans & Felice will also be fine, they know when to stop their fight and not go too far,' thinks Ben.

Then just like Ben's thinking, among the ones who fight with S-Class students, only Ron has a tougher time. He is not in the best condition and his opponent is ranked 1st in S-Class.

Ron's opponent is a boy, which also a Fire Mage like him. The boy makes a wide AOE fire spell to attack Ron. So Ron makes a fire sphere to protect himself from the boy's attack.

When the attack stop, Ron removes his fire sphere. But the boy has run to him and arrive in front of him with a fire fist. The boy punches Ron's face with the fire fist and makes Ron fall back to the floor.

The S-Class students and their teacher smile and cheer. But the E-Class students don't show any reaction. It makes the S-Class guys confused until they hear a laugh from the arena, it's Ron's laugh.

"Haha, I thought an S-Class student's punch will be hurt, but it's just a sting," says Ron.

"What'd you say?" says the boy with an offended tone.

"Ben-nii's punch is a lot painful than this. Compared to him, your punch is just a sting. Your fire spell is also very weak compared to him," says Ron while getting up.

"Hmph, don't bluff too much! I am different from my classmates that you've fought before," says the boy arrogantly.

"Heh, I know you've also won fast in your previous matches. But that's not enough, you will need more than that in real battle. I'll show you what you need to be a real mage," says Ron while covering his fists with fire.

Ben hears Ron's words and smirks, "Cheeky brat."

Ron runs to the boy and the boy also runs at him. They use the same spell, but the experienced mages know that their spell's power is different.

The boy punch at Ron and Ron grabs it with his left hand. It makes the boy surprised and Ron uses this chance to punch with his right hand while pulling the boy's hand with his left hand.

Ron's punch hit the boy's face with full power. The boy's head fling back and he spits some blood. Blood also comes out from his nose then he falls to the floor.

The boy can only look at Ron with shaky eyes and thinks, 'E-Class, they've really turned into monsters. Just what kind of teacher can make them grow strong like this?'

The boy takes a peek at Ben's figure in the audience seat before he faints. Just one attack from Ron's full power can defeat the best student in S-Class. The E-Class has shown that they're the best in the school.


Support me on Pa_treon if you like my story and want to read up to 30+ chapters ahead of this each novel. It will help me to buy internet data too.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 91 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 102 of Transcended as Lord Buggy

You can also become a character in the fanfic if you want.


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