
Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

Ben Cooper was an elite soldier, but a tragedy change his life. That tragedy lead to his death, but it isn't the end for him. He get a new life in a new world, and he won't waste it, he will enjoy it in his own way. He is born in Earthland, World of the fantasy manga/anime Fairy Tail, world of magic. Given the Sun Dragon Slayer Magic by the one who give him this new life. So, he is basically a Sun Eater with his Dragon Slayer ability. ______________________________________ Cover is MC's face that was drawn by my sister's friend. I will post more pictures of MC in my patreon for my patrons. Artist name: Fatma (Instagram:@fatmaqn_) ____________________________________ Disclaimer: I don't own FT and it's character English is not my first language, so pardon my bad grammar. I've tried to improve it after messy early chapters. It might still not good enough, but I hope it's better now. ________________________________________________ Follow me on Patreon to read some up to 35+35 chapters ahead of this story. https://www.patreon.com/CaptMermain My fanfics are: "Transcended as Lord Buggy" & "Fairy Tail: Sun Eater"

Capt_mermain1 · Anime & Comics
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444 Chs

29. Light Magic Experiment

The next day, Ben wants to train light magics after he trains some strange fire magics. But before he can go to train, Roubaul calls him to the guild building.

"What is it, Gramps?"-Ben

"Here, try these!"-Roubaul

Roubaul throws a black T-shirt and short pants. The shirt & pants have a scaly pattern on them.

"Are these made of the serpents' scales?"-Ben

"That's right, they're made of the female serpents' scales. It's tougher than the male scales, probably because she transformed before being killed."-Roubaul

"Do they have heat resistance?"-Ben

"I've added heat resistance property on them, but they should be strong enough even without it. Try it first and check if it can withstand the heat!"-Roubaul


Ben tells Bella to train with Wendy & Carla while he will try the clothes. Ben goes to an empty ground behind the village with Roubaul to test the clothes.

Ben wears the clothes, then he stands in the middle of the empty ground. Ben gets into a horse stance and gathers his magic power. Then a red magic circle appears on top of his head and a yellow magic circle appears under his feet.

"Sun Mode: Super Heated Body!"-Ben

The 2 magic circles move and pass through his body. When the magic circles meet, they spin in a different direction and shrink until they're gone in Ben's body.


Ben's body starts to get heated up and his skin starts to turn red. Steam comes out from his body, and his body keeps getting redder & hotter. After a minute, his body glows brightly like very hot steel.

Ben's normal clothes get burnt and gone, but the new clothes survived. Ben keeps using his Sun Mode to find the clothes' limit, but it survives even after he almost runs out of MP in 10 minutes.

"Hmm, the clothes work well, and the material makes it stronger. From the looks of it, these clothes will be able to handle the temperature of 3000 Celsius."-Roubaul

"So I need better clothes after I can surpass 3000 degrees."-Ben

"Yeah, you need better material to withstand higher temperatures. The other option is to find a good enchanter. Enchanter will be able to raise the material's resistance to a high degree."-Roubaul

"Hmm, it's very hard to find an enchanter. Luckily we have one, but Wendy is still too young and didn't know a lot of enchanting spells. I guess I will try to find some enchant spells for her."-Ben

"It will take years for her to reach high level enchanting, so you need to find a good material too."-Roubaul


"I will make some more clothes for you, in case something happen when you use the spell."-Roubaul

"Ah, Gramps, can you make a weapon for me from those serpents' scales or bones? Maybe a knife or dagger with high heat resistance too."-Ben

"Alright, I also plan to make clothes for Wendy too that can act as armors, so I'll make the weapon while I'm at it."-Roubaul

Roubaul returns to the guild building, while Ben returns to his house. He wears a blue vest over his black shirt that has his guild insignia on the left chest.

Ben then goes to the training ground to train his light magic. Like yesterday, he will use normal magic that he has collected. He might find interesting magic spells like those Rainbow Fires.

"Light should have more variations in color than fire, right? After all, a rainbow is a dispersion of light, not fire."-Ben

Ben read the list of Light Magic in A.I Chip's database. He only has 14 light magic spells in his collection and no colored light spells, but it's okay. Then he start to try each one of the spells.

Most of his magic spell collections are just common grade spells or widely known spells. Only a few spells are rare, but their prices are high too.

"Most of these light magic spells are destructive. I need more speed base spells and non-destructive spells."-Ben

Ben only found destructive or supportive spells in his light magic collections. For support, he just found a light orb for illumination, and light flashes to blind the enemy.

He needs different usage of light magic other than for offense & support. Ben has thought of some light magic usage, but he needs more references.

"Light's best power is speed, nothing is faster than light, so I need to explore this aspect. Maybe I'll search for spells with speed enhancement, from every element or even non-elemental magic."-Ben

Sunlight is the biggest form of light on this planet. That's why as a Sun Dragon Slayer, Ben wants to utilize this element of the sun to its max.

He remembers a phrase that speed is power, and he wants to make it true. Light is the fastest thing in the world, so he needs to utilize it well.

"A human can't be as fast as light, but I will keep trying to get close to it. The fastest man doesn't sound so bad after all."-Ben grin

For now, Ben can only do what he's capable of. He will try to improve his light magic with all the spells that he has found.

A.I Chip has dismantled all the magic circles from those spells. From the parts that have been dismantled, Ben can try to combine them and make improvements on his spells, or even make new spells.

'A.I Chip, try to add heat to a light orb spell.'-Ben

[What about the temperature?]

'Just use 100 celsius, for now, the heat of boiling water. We just want to test it, so use lower temperature first.'-Ben

[Understood. Adding heat property to Light Orb.]

A.I Chip process the command with Ben watching the process. He watches the process to learn it, he doesn't want to keep depending on A.I Chip for a task like this.

[Process complete, please input a name.]

'Let's just name it Hot Light Ball for now, it's just a prototype after all.'-Ben

[Inputting name, Hot Light Ball has been created]

"Alright, let's do it."-Ben

Ben starts to gather magic on his right hand. Then he makes the magic circle following A.I Chip's procedure. A small magic circle appears on Ben's hand, and a yellow light ball appears on it.

"Hmm, there's no change in color, and I can't feel the heat. Maybe it's because I'm immune to this level of heat after all. Let's try it on water."-Ben

Ben goes to the lake and puts the orb on top of the water. He see the water start to get heated and steam formed slowly.

"Hmm, it's not that bad. Let's check if this thing has any firepower. This spell was used for illumination, so it shouldn't have firepower. But the heat should've added some power to it."-Ben

Ben throws the orb to the lake and sees the effect.


The orb just heated the water until it steam a bit before the orb disappear.

"The heat really adds a little firepower to this non-destructive spell. Now I'm sure that heat will add more power to light spells. That's good, but what about the cold?"-Ben

Ben tries the same thing like before, but he adds the cold property to the spell. A.I Chip also succeed to make the magic circle, but when Ben try it, the magic circle become unstable and break.

"It seems the light supports heat more than cold. Or maybe I need a different procedure to add cold. Hmm, I will need more reference."-Ben

Ben has success and failure in his experiments today. However, this is a good step, he just needs to do more experiments.


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