
Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

Ben Cooper was an elite soldier, but a tragedy change his life. That tragedy lead to his death, but it isn't the end for him. He get a new life in a new world, and he won't waste it, he will enjoy it in his own way. He is born in Earthland, World of the fantasy manga/anime Fairy Tail, world of magic. Given the Sun Dragon Slayer Magic by the one who give him this new life. So, he is basically a Sun Eater with his Dragon Slayer ability. ______________________________________ Cover is MC's face that was drawn by my sister's friend. I will post more pictures of MC in my patreon for my patrons. Artist name: Fatma (Instagram:@fatmaqn_) ____________________________________ Disclaimer: I don't own FT and it's character English is not my first language, so pardon my bad grammar. I've tried to improve it after messy early chapters. It might still not good enough, but I hope it's better now. ________________________________________________ Follow me on Patreon to read some up to 35+35 chapters ahead of this story. https://www.patreon.com/CaptMermain My fanfics are: "Transcended as Lord Buggy" & "Fairy Tail: Sun Eater"

Capt_mermain1 · Anime & Comics
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444 Chs

113. Start The Journey

Ben finally agreed to do the task that Roubaul gave him. He will start his journey in 3 months after his 16th birthday. So he will have 1 year to explore Fiore, find the Magic Library, and learn all the magic books that are stored there.

Ben also finally knows why it will take 1 year for him to finish his journey. It's because Roubaul told him to not use his car and go on foot. The old man said that he need to walk because he is just exploring Fiore.

It will be a waste if he explores his Kingdom, which isn't too big by car. He needs to know how it feels to explore on foot before he explores with the car. Only then he will be a true explorer. This is also his first world exploration, so he needs to use the traditional way first.

For the next 3 months, Ben will prepare himself and Bella for their journey. He will also enjoy his time with Wendy & Carla to the max because they won't meet for 1 year. It will be the longest time for them to part since they met 5 years ago.

He also tells Mira about his plan to explore Fiore next year. They have gotten closer in these 6 months. But Ben still doesn't make a move on her and wait until they're a little older. He still has many things to do and doesn't want to be in a relationship for now.

Ben keeps training both of his Slayer Magic and leave the Curse for now. Strengthening his Slayers Magic is more important than learning the Curse. He will surely face many dangers in his journey and strong Magic is what he needed rather than new power like Curse.

The Dragon Slayer Magic is strong already, so he focuses on his Devil Slayer Magic. Ben tries to use all his Dragon Slayer spells with his Devil Slayer power. This way, he won't need to make new spells and just modify the ones that he has.

After 3 months, Ben's 16th birthday finally come. He celebrates it in the village first by holding a party with everyone. They always hold birthday parties for everyone in the village and the parties for their young members are bigger than the adults.

"Will you really go tomorrow?" asks Wendy with a sad expression as she sits on Ben's lap and hugs him while burying her face in his chest.

"Yeah, we will go tomorrow as we've planned. I will leave the Guild to you," says Ben while rubbing Wendy's hair.

Wendy still doesn't want Ben to leave tomorrow. It's very rare for her to be selfish like this because she usually just agreed to Ben's decisions. But now he will go for a year, the longest time for him to leave.

That's why she needs to be selfish if she wants her brother to stay. However, even Wendy's pledge won't change Ben's decision. After 3 months, he finally realized that he needs this journey. He can't stay in his comfort zone by staying here because he won't grow that way.

That night, Ben sleeps together with his sisters again. They've slept together for 3 months now because they won't meet for a year. This will be the last time for Wendy & Carla to sleep with Ben & Bella before they leave.

The next day, Ben & Bella will finally start their journey. Wendy & Carla can't stop crying and keep holding Ben's clothes to stop him from leaving. It makes everyone sigh, but they know the girls' feelings.

"Wendy, Carla, you need to let him go. It's not like he won't return," says Roubaul.

"*sniff* But, Master," says Wendy while sniffing.

"Instead of trying to stop him, you need to support him. Tells him to be careful and calls you often. You need to pray for his safety rather than stopping him now," says Roubaul.

Wendy looks down while sniffing before saying, "Be careful Ben nii-san, Bella. You need to call us every day."

Ben smiles and rubs Wendy's hair, then he says, "Alright, we'll be careful. I don't know about calling you every day, but we will call you often."

"NO! YOU NEED TO CALL US EVERY DAY!" yells Wendy angrily.

Everyone is surprised to hear Wendy getting angry and raise her voice. It's the first time for her to yell angrily like that.

Ben is also surprised, so he can only say, "A-Alright, we will call you every day."

"Promise?" asks Wendy while raising her pinkie at Ben.

"I promise. You also need to keep training and never slack off while I'm not here. Don't just play around with Carla," says Ben while locking his pinkie to hers.

"I-I know," says Wendy embarrassedly.

Bella & Carla also join them and make the promise together. Ben picks up his big backpack before bidding farewell to everyone in the Guild. Bella sits on Ben's shoulder and then they leave the village. Ben's journey has finally started.

For the starter, Ben will explore Waas Forest where his village is located. He has explored most of it but hasn't explored every side. There are dangerous places that he couldn't visit in the past and didn't have time to explore those places.

He will explore the whole Waas Forest before he explores other places on Fiore. It will be strange if he hasn't explored his home ground when he explores the other places.

Ben walks deeper into the forest and goes to a place that he never visited before. He goes to the border between Fiore and the Country of Seven. He will explore the location around the border and the northern beach line.

When Ben & Bella go to the border, they encounter some Magical creatures like usual. Ben just attacks & repels the ones that are hostile toward them. The creatures here aren't that strong because it's still near their village. But it will be different as they go further to the north.

Ben walks for hours before he finally reached the border. The border is a long rocky mountain that goes from Clover Town to the northern beach. It is not a tall mountain, but it is full of dangerous cliffs and creatures.

Of course, Ben wants to climb it, but he needs to fill his stomach first. He puts his backpack down and takes out the prey that he has caught on his way here. Then he roasted it with his magic before he eats it together with Bella.

"Sigh, we'll reach this place in an hour if we used our car. Damn, I also haven't built a new car," says Ben while eating.

"Milk," says Bella.

"Alright, alright, here's your milk. We will need to think of a way to supply your milk from now on since we will be in the wilderness most of the time," says Ben.

"Buy milk," says Bella as she drinks her milk.

"We won't go to town every day, so we can't buy it easily. That's why we will stock your milk when we are in town and you also need to reduce your consumption," says Ben.

Bella has a horror expression when she hears that she needs to reduce her consumption. But she knows it is needed if she wants to keep drinking milk every day. So she nods and drinks her milk very slowly now to make it last longer.

After eating, they start to climb the rocky mountain. Ben doesn't have many experiences at mountain climbing, so he has a hard time climbing it. Then when he climbs the cliff, some troublesome creatures appear, Wyverns.

"Damn Lizard," says Ben with a pissed tone.


You can read up to 30+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 143 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 154 of Transcended as Lord Buggy


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)