
Fairy Tail : Slayer Mage

Oliven Luis gets his life long wish granted. Exploring the new world in his own fun way and doing things the way he likes at his own pace. A compassionate person in the world where the stronger your feelings are the more powerful you are.Read and enjoy. I neither own fairy tail nor the cover art.

Sumanth_693 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 10 Underhanded

"You brats can stay in the guild dormitory until you can go on missions and earn some decent money".Makorav or Master said as we went downstairs. Mira and I were quite grateful to him. He already taught of us his family.

" Listen up you unruly brats we got new members joining the family".Master spoke in a deep voice as he turned into a giant to stop the ongoing mayhem. Mira and the other two were surprised that the previous weak old man was the giant in front of them. All the guild members stopped their ongoing fights and looked towards them. "Go on little fella's introduce yourselves".

" I am Oliven Luis, nice to meet you all".I introduced myself.

"Mirajane Strauss and these two are my siblings Elfman and Lisanna" Mira said introducing herself and her siblings.

"We got new members folks time for paartty!!"So they said and started their mayhem this time with even more passion. Most of the members came and introduced themselves to us. I met Natsu, Gray, Cana, Erza and many others.

As the adults were going on with their things we kids formed our own circle.

"You were taught by a dragon, wow! Are dragons super strong? I wanna see one".Lisanna was excited upon hearing Natsu speak about himself.

" Yeah, Dragons are the best right ".Natsu said

" Yeah yeah, they are, you pink haired idiot ".Gray said having enough of his dragon story

" Who are you calling an idiot you perverted stripper".And so they started fighting. Erza knocked them out cold seeing that they weren't going to stop anytime soon.

"So what magic do you use Luis?". Cana asked me.

" I use Demon slayer magic. It's ancient magic used to slay demons". I replied to her.

Master said that there would be many mages and dark mages after me if they knew I had three of the ancient slayer magics. So he asked me only to reveal a single magic to others. We chatted and got to know each other better and the day passed peacefully.


A Month Later

In the previous month, Mira already learned how to use magic and got her reputation as a She-Devil. We both formed a team and started taking missions. Together we both were able to complete A-rank missions with relative ease.

After learning that I was quite strong Natsu straight up challenged me, which resulted in him receiving a thrashing from me. I also became quite close with Cana. She was a cheerful girl. They started calling me Lightning devil because of my strength and I was with Mira most of the time. So I just accepted it.

Elfman and Lisanna also learnt Take over magic and which made Mira cry like no tomorrow and vowed that she would take care of her family and protect them from any harm.

Today I was walking around the city trying the food. After having my fill I went to the forest to do some light training. As I was walking around trying to find a place to train I saw Erza training with her sword.

"Who is it?" seemingly noticing me Erza turned towards me while pointing her sword at me.

"It's me Erza, Luis". I said to calm her down.

" What do you want?" she asked me.

"I saw you training, so I stopped to see. Erza can I train with you?". I asked her. She would be a good training partner.

" Do you use a sword?" as she only knew how to use a sword with her Requip and telekinesis magic.

"Why don't we have a spar?" I suggested to her.

"Show me what you can do Luis". she said to me and took a battle stance.

" Alright, here I come ". I said and moved my fist clad in lightning towards her abdomen which she easily dodged. After a while, Erza couldn't keep up and lost.

" Erza your attacking style is too straightforward, you need to have some tricks up your sleeve if you want to land a fatal blow on your enemy". I said to her.

"I know" she seemed depressed about her loss.

"Erza you can use Requip and telekinesis magic right?". I asked her.

" Yes".

"Can't you make a sword appear at your enemy's blind spot and stab them with your telekinesis?" I asked her whether she could do it or not.

"But, that is underhanded". she replied not agreeing with me.

" In a life and death battle, there isn't a word underhanded. If you don't kill your opponent then he will kill you and your loved ones. That is reality. So I suggest that you learn how to attack on blind spots with your telekinetic powers, while you are battling your opponent. If you want I can help you".


After that, we both trained together for the next hour and went to the guild. We both agreed to train together in the forest.

" Hey, Luis over here". Cana called us over.

"Where is Mira?, I don't see her around". I asked Cana.

" She took Elfman and Lisanna on their first mission". she replied.

We ordered some food and ate lunch together.

"Eating food with two beautiful girls makes it more tasty". I said as we were eating which earned me blush from Cana and A Erza who was trying to keep her poker face while looking away.

After food, it was desert time. Erza had sparkles in her eyes as she ate her favourite strawberry cake.

Mira also came back as we were eating deserts. She also bought one to celebrate her sibling's completion of their first mission. She saw Erza's cake and took a bite of it with her spoon

" Noo, Why did you do that?". Erza was mad that someone took her dessert.

"What, it was just a desert?". Mira replied not caring much about it. Seeing this Erza also took a bite out of Mira's desert. It was a big bite as she literally took half of it away.

" What do you think you are doing?"Mira snapped.

So started their rivalry. One no one would ever dare to interfere in. The day passed peacefully is how it should end in every book. But here it ends with the day passed without any peace.