
Chapter 186

After the rain, the sky is sunny

Gray had cold sweat on his forehead and looked at Juvia who was beating and going crazy across from him with a puzzled expression. He

didn't know what to say for a moment.

"It's so hot!" Gray then noticed that there was a lot of steam coming out of Juvia's body. "Hot water?"

"Why do I get angry when I mention Lucy!"

The furious Juvia began to attack continuously. Looking at the oncoming hot water column, Gray couldn't use the ice form for a while. To resist, he could only dodge the water column in a hurry.

Fortunately, his physical skills and dodge were well practiced, and he was able to avoid being hit even though he was moving around.

"I have been living with the rain since I was born, and no one can win me in the rain."

"Juvia's jealousy is boiling!" Juvia said while controlling a small vortex made of hot water.

Water arrows are continuously scattered from the spinning vortex.

"ICE MAKE: Ice Shield!"

"Such a strong heat." Gray's ice shield can feel the heat of the water column.

"Didn't I say it? The rain is Juvia's world." Juvia suddenly increased the output of magic power.

The collision between the hot water and the ice shield produced a large amount of water vapor, and Gray's figure was hidden in it.

"He actually used water vapor as smoke. Not only is he handsome, he is also very smart."

Gray originally wanted to run away, but to his surprise, Juvia rushed him out of the window with water.

"You bastard, watch me freeze it!!!" Gray adjusted his body in the air and blocked the water column with his hands.

"You actually jumped into the hot water!" Juvia looked at Gray in shock.

"Freeze!" Gray continued to squeeze the magic power in his body, and the huge magic power turned the hot water Gray touched into icicles.

Gray also continued to slide down with the icicles.

"How is that possible? Juvia's hot water actually freezes!"



Gray's hand was now on Juvia's chest.

"No…no, this is it!" Gray didn't know how to explain it for a moment, so he quickly removed the magic and took his hand out.

"I'm sorry!"

"You freed me from the ice, why?"

"That…start over!"

"No, Juvia can't hurt you."

"Huh? Does that mean you gave up?"

" Juvia is more powerful than Lucy and can protect you," Juvia said with a blush.

"Huh? Protect me, why should you protect me?" Gray has been completely confused since he faced Juvia.

Without him, Juvia's transformation was so fast that he couldn't even turn the corner.

Juvia hesitated and said, "Because… because… Juvia… likes…"

The rain suddenly became heavier as Juvia's heartbeat accelerated.

Gray didn't pay much attention to Juvia's words. Instead, he looked up at the suddenly heavier rain: "By the way, the rain has gotten heavier." "

Really, it's such an annoying rain." Gray complained about the weather casually.

[So annoying…] Gray's voice kept repeating in Juvia's mind.

Juvia couldn't help but think of the memories she didn't want to remember. She had been ostracized since she was a child because it rained everywhere she went.

Because wherever she appears, it rains, and the only thing that accompanies her is the Sunny Doll she made herself…

Juvia became even more furious than before, and shouted self-defeatingly: "Juvia is annoying anyway." Rain Girl! This is who I am, and I am accepted by the ghosts. I am the wizard of the ghosts!"

"I will not lose to a mere ghost!"

Greg increased his magic power output, and the huge magic power caused the water column and the surrounding surroundings to fall apart. The rain froze into ice.

"ICE MAKE: ICE MAKE!" Gray formed a hand seal and pressed it to the ground. Icicles spewed out like a fountain and hit Juvia.

[Losing… This is the end. Juvia will fall to the ground like raindrops and be shattered into pieces. ]

[This is a very suitable ending for the rain girl who is not needed by anyone. ]

[Farewell, annoying me…]

Juvia flew helplessly upside down in the air.

"Don't let go, don't fall!"

Juvia slowly opened her eyes and looked at Gray holding her wrist tightly.

"Why do you want to save me?"

"Forget it, just lie down." Gray thought for a while and decided to forget it. He was too lazy to explain.

Juvia, who was lying on the ground, had a look in her eyes…

The sky… has cleared up…

"Is it finally clearing up?" Gray sighed as he looked at the sky.

"This is…the blue sky." Juvia said to herself with red eyes.

"This is the first time I've seen it."

"Are we still fighting?" Gray turned his head and looked at her and asked.


Juvia's eyes turned red, and she was immediately turned away by Gray's handsome profile and tone.

At the same time, Makarov grabbed the Magical Titan, whose body became slower, and destroyed the Magical Titan with several punches.

"Oh!!!" the guild members cheered as they watched the giant collapse.

Joseph was very unwilling. The four elements were defeated one after another, and the magic giant was also defeated. Even if he won the final battle against the ghost, his vitality would be severely damaged.

"Damn it… I didn't expect that only Gajeel and Alya were left."

Joseph and Rose were at the highest point of the Magical Titan, and the collapse of the Magical Titan also had an impact on their battle.

The two of them stood on one side and waited quietly for the Magic Titan to calm down after it collapsed.

Rose looked at Joseph who was gnashing his teeth across from him and said,

"Believe me, Gajeel and Alya will be solved soon, and of course, you will be too."

"Gray!" Elfman followed the magic power and found Gray.

Elfman looked at Juvia who was lying on the ground with a strange expression and posture and asked, "Is this guy one of the four elements? I also defeated an earth element."

Gray originally planned to explain, but After realizing that he actually didn't know what happened, Juvia fainted, shook her head and said, "Forget it, don't worry about it."

Elfman didn't care either, nodded and said, "Purgatory is broken. The engraving speed of the magic circle has slowed down."

Gray looked at the broken magic circle on the collapsed Magic Titan and said: "We have defeated three in total, that means defeating one more person can stop the broken magic circle." He

turned his head again . He looked at Elfman and asked: "The remaining four elements are Mira fighting, right?"

Elfman nodded vigorously with a serious expression on his face: "Yes, the four elements…the strongest demon Guide, let's go help quickly!"

Gray patted Elfman's arm to tell him to calm down: "Okay, but don't worry, that's the Demon Mira."

In a room of the Magic Titan, Mi Ra is fighting with Alia, the leader of the four elements.