
Chapter 184

VS Thor

In front of the Fairy Tail Guild –

Lucy looked at the melee outside through the window. There were too many ghost mages and ghost soldiers combined.

She only summoned one Capricho to participate in the battle, and she herself was helping Wendy heal the injured members in the guild.

There was another big hole in the repaired ceiling, and a metal arm stretched out after it lengthened.

"Eh??? It's me again???" Lucy was grabbed by Gajeel's neck.

It was Joseph who sent him to take advantage of the chaos to capture Lucy, but even though he was not very willing, he came reluctantly for the sake of Joseph.

"Celestial Dragon's Hook!" Although Wendy was still healing, she quickly reacted and kicked Gajeel on the wrist. Gajeel relieved himself for a moment, and Lucy was released by him and landed smoothly on the ground. .

"Open it, Taurus Palace…" Lucy quickly took out another key after landing.

"Tch." Seeing that there was nothing he could do, Gajeel jumped off the roof and left. Anyway, he tried, and if he failed, he failed.

He was more interested in the fire dragon and couldn't wait to go back and fight the fire dragon.

"Giant???" Fairy Tail members were a little flustered.

"You all concentrate on dealing with the ghost's magicians and ghost soldiers. Leave the giant to me!"

Makarov walked step by step towards the magic giant that had completed its transformation.

He needs to stand up at this time, otherwise the pressure of this giant will be too strong.

As he got closer to the Magical Titan, he grew taller and taller, gradually becoming as tall as the Magical Titan.

"Natsu, Natsu." Habi shook Natsu who was lying on the ground looking like he was about to die.

"Is this guy clueless about transportation? Then let me deal with you! Hahaha!" Usagi Maru took advantage of Natsu's still fainting about transportation and was about to take action.

"Don't even think about taking action against my child!" Makarov saw Natsu fainting while fighting the Magic Titan, and also saw Usagi Maru preparing to sneak attack Natsu.

Makarov in his giant state directly flicked Utamaru away with one finger.

"Flying so high!" Habi watched Tutumaru fly out of sight, and then greeted Makarov: "President!"

"Don't worry, I will stop the giant!" Makarov said The punch hit the giant's arm where it joined.

"Thanks, Grandpa."

"Natsu, this giant should have a source of power. Find the source of power and solve it!"

Makarov shouted while fighting. Makarov's voice was so loud that everyone heard It reached the ears of Ross and Mira who were fighting.

"Oh! Leave it to me, Grandpa!" Natsu was in high spirits at the moment.

Inside the Ghost Magic Titan –

Duel between the two sides: Elfman VS Thor, the earth element.

"Oh? Makarov has taken action." Thor also heard Makarov's voice.

"I don't have time to waste with you! I want you to tell me how to stop this giant!"

"Beast arm – Beast King!" Elfman raised his right arm high, and after being covered by the purple magic circle, his right arm completely transformed into the Beast King. Right arm.

"Can you just rely on your arms?" Sol stimulated Elfman by tugging on his mustache. "It seems that the rumor is true."

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"It's so noisy!" Elfman stepped forward and punched Thor.

"You can't control the Beast King, right?" Thor said after calmly dodging.

"Sand Dance." Yellow sand was flying around Elfman, and Elfman was forced to cover his eyes with his arms.

"Rock Concerto." Thor suddenly appeared behind Elfman, and the bricks beneath Elfman turned into gravel and hit Elfman from the bottom up.

"NO, NO, NO." After diving into the ground, Thor emerged from where Elfman was standing, his whole body wrapped around Elfman like a bandage.

"It's really not enough to tell you three NOs in a row."

As an earth element, he can control any material on the ground (sand, stone) to attack opponents, and he can also change himself.

Elfman kept pulling hard on Sol, but Sol was wrapped around him like a python and wouldn't let go.

[This guy is much stronger than he looks. ] Elfman thought as he was kicked backwards by Thor who had returned to his human form.

They have been entangled here for a long time. He used several receiving forms in succession, but they had no effect on Thor. On the contrary, he kept being played by him.

"Speaking of which, it seems that you failed to receive magic all over your body before, and then you lost control." Thor was shaking like a seaweed, affecting Elfman's mood.

"It's so noisy!" Elfman jumped up high and punched Thor.

"Hmm… Lisanna?" Elfman forcibly adjusted his body in the air and punched.

Even if this is just Lisanna's stone statue that Thor conjured up.

"It's so rude. When you stepped on me just now, I secretly read your memory. You have been feeling guilty, right? You punched your sister." Thor kept talking through Lisanna's stone statue to stimulate Al. Fuman's nerves.

When he read the memory just now, he learned that Elfman had been feeling guilty after the Beast King incident.

"You bastard!"

[Don't be fooled, you just have to give it a try. ]

Elfman shouted with a ferocious expression, preparing to try to receive it from his whole body.

"NO, NO, NO, you once lost control because your whole body failed to receive magic. What happened to you and what did you do?" Thor continued to interfere with Elfman's reception.

"I don't blame you, Elfman!"

Mira, who was fighting fiercely with Alya, heard Elfman's painful roar. A dark spark shattered several walls, and Mira's figure also passed through. A big hole appeared in Elfman's eyes.

"Me too, I told you a long time ago that I don't blame you, brother Elfman." Lisanna took the blue bird and flew into the sky and shouted to Elfman. "I forgive you the moment you apologize to me!"

After the Beast King incident, Elfman has been blaming himself. He even felt that he was useless and couldn't even control the Beast King. In the past two years, he has been unable to control himself. Try to receive it throughout your body.

Without exception, they all ended in failure.

Ross told him that it must be a resistance mentality, because after he forcibly accepted the Beast King and wanted to harm Mira and Lisanna, Elfman's own will would also resist, let alone confront the Beast King.

Elfman clenched his fists tightly, and shouted with veins pulsing on his face and neck:

"I must, must protect my sister and Lisanna!"

"I believe in you, Elfman!"

"Me too, Al Brother Fuman!"

Mira and Lisanna also responded loudly.

"The whole body receives it – the soul of the Beast King!!!"

Elfman began to grow taller, his muscles all over his body were tangled, and there were two giant golden horns on his head.