
Chapter 173

Sneak Attack

The three of them have completed missions together since they formed a team a few years ago and often stay together. Rebby is actually worried about the safety of Jet and Troy.

It was indeed safe for her to stay in the girls' dormitory, but not necessarily for Jett and Troy. Three people were better than two.

"That's right! We will definitely protect Lebby!"

Jet and Troy were very happy to hear Lebby's words. After all, they both liked Lebby, and they were naturally very happy that Lebby trusted them so much.

Gajeel had been secretly following Lebby and the others just now. He was the culprit who destroyed the Fairy Tail guild. Those metal pillars were all his masterpieces, but he didn't expect the people of Fairy Tail to be so tolerant and never took action against the ghosts. .

So he just decided to sneak attack a few members of Fairy Tail and arouse their anger.

"Hehe." Gajeel, who was squatting on the roof, smiled sadly. He couldn't wait to teach the three people below him a lesson.

Gajeel jumped off the roof with a strong leap of his feet, and his right hand turned into an iron dragon rod and attacked Lebby and the other three.

Lebby suddenly felt something was wrong, turned around and saw a black shadow getting bigger and bigger in her eyes.

The attack was so sudden that Lebby could only hide it with her arms in front of her head and shrink down.

"Bang!" A loud noise came.

[Hey, am I okay? ]Lebby thought she was going to be hurt, but nothing happened.

Lebby secretly opened her palms and looked at the situation from between her fingers.

"Rose?" Jet and Troy turned around after Lebby turned around, and saw Rose falling from the sky and slamming the figure who was about to attack Lebby down into the street, breaking several stone slabs in the street.

"Rose, what is this?" Rebby quickly reacted. The man held down by Rose in front of her wanted to attack her, but Rose stopped him.

Lebby also used the moonlight to see clearly the person who wanted to attack her. She had long black hair that was pointed and would stick up. There were five earrings on her left ear, three on each eye, and one on her nose. Wearing a metal suit.

Hmm… With his ferocious expression now, he looks like a terrorist at first glance…

"Troy, Jet, you take Lebby and leave first."

Rose received the Jesmon right arm blade and still pressed it on Gajeel. Lu's neck, looking at Lebby and the other three.

Gajeel kept struggling, and the three sword spirits were pressing on his back and legs.

Lebby hurriedly said: "We can help."

"It's okay. It's just him. I can handle it with one hand."

"Okay, let's go first." Jet and Troy were very obedient and left with Lebby. .

[How can it be! I didn't notice at all! ] Gajeel, who was being held down by Rose, looked shocked.

The dragon slayer's sense of smell and hearing are so sensitive that it is impossible for him to be completely unaware of it.

Either he appears suddenly, or he is far away but can be close to him in an instant.

This man is playing mantis hunting cicada with him, the oriole is behind, but I haven't succeeded yet! ! !

Gajeel was very surprised as to why this person could appear here quietly.

"This armor looks a bit familiar…"

Under the moonlight, Gajeel managed to turn his head and look at it. He felt something familiar and murmured.

"Fairy Tail, Rose."

Rose knew that Gajeel would also sneak attack on the members of Fairy Tail. After leaving Lucy's house, he searched the entire Magnolia using super ancient texts. He knew from the beginning that the target was Lebby. , then it was easy to find. Gajeel was quickly found, and Rose followed him.

The reason why Gajeel didn't notice was because his attention was on Lebby and the others. Rose had been walking on the street far away and only suddenly appeared when he was about to take action.

It was already late at night and there was no one on the street.

"It's you!"

Gajeel's name was very familiar. Not only did it appear continuously in various newspapers and periodicals, but he was also praised by those newspapers as one of the strongest among the young generation of Ishgar.

Joseph Pola mentioned him many times in Ghost, saying that he was one of the few people in Fairy Tail who was truly capable.

Gajeel remembered that he was brazenly saying that he would eat him like metal when he met Rose.

One of the reasons for their actions this time was that Rose went out on a mission, and Ulu, another Holy Ten Great Wizard, also went out.

Ghost has always had an informant in Magnolia for many years. It can even be said that he has integrated into the life of Magnolia, and some of the main Fairy Tail members are being watched.

Gajeel's attack on Lebby was carefully chosen because the three of them were not nearly as powerful.

In fact, Gajeel originally wanted to find the real target this time – Lucy Heartfilia, but gave up after the spy came to report that both Rose and Fire Dragon Natsu had gone to her house.

"You're the one who destroyed our guild, right?"

Rose's right arm blade pressed down hard, and Gajeel's face and neck were pressed tightly to the ground.

Gajeel wanted to speak, but he was so pressed that he couldn't speak, and he was even a little breathless.

[…It seems to be too tight. ]Ross also reacted. His legs were pressing against his chest. What the hell was he talking about?

"Let's change places."

Rose used teleportation magic to take Gajeel to the east forest. Fighting here would be too noisy and would damage streets and buildings.

"You attacked me secretly, but you won't win without force!"

As soon as Gajeel was let go, he jumped back a few steps and began to speak harshly.

"You don't want to sneak attack on the members of our guild?"

"Why don't you come to sneak attack on me or other S-class magicians in our guild?"

"Do you think what you just did was glorious?"

Rose asked the third company on the spot.

Rose almost laughed out of Gajeel's anger. First, he destroyed the guild where no one was present, and then thought about attacking Lebby and Jet, or a sneak attack, but he still had the nerve to say that Rose would be victorious with a sneak attack.

"I…" Gajeel didn't know how to retort, because it was indeed the case.

"Forget it, in that case, hitting you is the same thing." Although Gajeel didn't know Rose very well, but seeing that he couldn't quarrel with him, he might as well strike first.

"Iron Dragon Sword!" Gajeel's right hand had a black iron sword from his arm to his palm, slashing at Rose.

Gajeel's iron dragon-slaying magic is different from Natsu's. Natsu can wrap his hands and feet in flames, but he can turn his hands into iron swords or iron rods. The shape is up to his heart, with no restrictions.

Because his whole body can be turned into metal and his defensive power is outstanding, his iron sword has always been invincible, which is why he became the ghost's trump card.

He was very confident in his own strength. He didn't dare to sneak attack Lucy because there were too many people where Lucy lived. If he couldn't escape the Senate's investigation for attacking civilians, then the old woman Belluno would talk about him again. .