
Fairy Tail: Metal and Threads

Alfonzo Marcus and Elicia Taylor, a pair of lovers who were preparing to marry in the near future, tragically lost their lives in a car accident. However, this was not the end of the road for either of them. When they next opened their eyes, they found themselves in a small orphanage in the port town of Hargeon. After connecting with the memories of their previous lives, they realized that they were in the world of one of their favorite anime, Fairy Tail. Now, how will Alfonzo and Elicia change not only their own fates, but also the fates of those around them? ============================================================================== At present, this novel is not my main focus. My other book, High School DxD: Scattered Cherry Blossoms is what I will be focusing on until it is finished. Updates for this story will mainly happen on Saturdays and Sundays, unless inspiration hits me out of nowhere. Also, my drawing talent is abysmal. So, if anyone draws any of the characters, I'd love to see them.

SixthSense1029 · Anime & Comics
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514 Chs

The Duel

Earth land, Ishgar, kingdom of Fiore, Magnolia.


March, x785.


Contrary to expectations, the duel between Elicia and Sui-Feng did not begin as soon as Tsunade's test of the gravity chamber was completed. Instead, Elicia made her way to a locker room to change into an outfit that was suitable for battle.


Meanwhile, Alfonzo, Ur, Tsunade, and Ritsu discussed Tsunade's impression of training under increased gravity.


"So, how did it feel?" Ur asked with a smile.


"It was definitely different." Tsunade replied while wiping her face and neck with a towel. "The biggest difficulty was regulating my breathing. There were several times when it felt like my lungs would collapse."


"Yeah, that's one of the hidden dangers of training in increased gravity." Alfonzo replied with a shrug. "It's definitely not for everyone. In fact, only those with enough patience to learn how to regulate their breathing or those who are just bat shit insane use it in our guild."


When he mentioned the last part, Alfonzo could not help but picture the faces of Natsu and Gajeel.


"But why would that happen?" Ritsu asked in a tone filled with genuine curiosity.


"It's because the density of the oxygen in the air is increased as well." Alfonzo explained. "It's kinda like how the air is thicker at ground level than at the top of a mountain. You just have to crank that up to eleven."


"And you didn't think to mention that before I started?" Tsunade asked in a slightly irritated tone.


"There are actually two reasons for that." Alfonzo replied with a sheepish grin. The first is that I had no doubt that you could handle it."


"And what's the second?" Ritsu asked curiously.


"Well… I've explained it so many times since the tower was built that I forgot." Alfonzo replied. "I mean, I'm not used to anyone who hasn't heard that lecture at least ten times trying it for the first time."


In response, Ur and Ritsu only sighed. Meanwhile, Tsunade clenched her fist while magic power gathered on her knuckles.


"You're saying that because you forgot, I could have died a horrible death?" Tsunade asked angrily as she threw a devastating punch at Alfonzo's torso.


Hearing Tsunade's exclamation, Yoruichi, Kagura, and Sui-Feng's attention was drawn to the group of four just in time to see Alfonzo raise his hand in the path of Tsunade's fist.




However, instead of being blown away with multiple broken bones as they expected, Alfonzo stood in place as if nothing happened. Though, they were surprised to see the black, metallic liquid that shot backward upon impact.


In fact, as soon as Alfonzo noticed Tsunade was about to throw one of her punches fueled by her [Magic Power Enhanced Strength] technique, he coated his blocking hand with Techno Organic Metal. Then, he positioned his hand in a way that the force of the punch would be dispersed through the metal. As a result, a large amount of the liquid metal was pushed around him, negating the force of the punch.


"Impressive." Ritsu muttered while looking at Alfonzo with the desire to test his strength.


"Okay, let's all calm down." Ur said, also surprised that Alfonzo was able to handle a sudden attack with so much power behind it with such little effort. "I know it sounds bad, but Alfonzo truly meant you no harm."


Instead of responding, however, Tsunade only looked down at her fist in disbelief. That was the first time any one, other than her grandfather was able to catch one of her punches without flinching in the slightest. In fact, Tsunade would even be willing to bet that even her grandfather would not be able to do so with her her at her peak strength like now.


Just at that moment, Elicia returned to the training room in a white tank top, a pair of pink yoga pants, a pair of white sneakers with pink accents, and her [Soul Weapon] on her left wrist. Though, these clothes had been heavily enhanced with the use of her [Thread Magic]. And when she felt the awkward atmosphere in the room, she tilted her head cutely.


"Did I miss something?" Elicia asked in a confused tone.


"Don't worry about it, Lici." Alfonzo said while waving off Elicia's concerns and simultaneously dispelling the Techno Organic Metal.


Deciding to believe in her fiancée's words, Elicia simply shrugged off her concerns and made her way to the center of the training room.


"Alright, I'm ready." Elicia said while facing Sui-Feng with a serious expression on her face. "Let's get this started."


Seeing Elicia's expression, Sui-Feng's eyes sharpened slightly as she strode towards the center of the training room, as well.


'It looks like she's taking this seriously.' Sui-Feng thought to herself as she walked. 'She might be able to give me a little challenge, then.'


Unbeknownst to Sui-Feng, Elicia was not even thinking about the upcoming duel. Instead, she was analyzing Sui-Feng's outfit so that she could make a more functional and cuter version for her later.


"I hope no one minds if I take the role of referee for this duel." Ritsu said, moving to a spot along the wall at the center line of the two combatants.


Naturally, no one disagreed. Then, after receiving nods of approval from all the onlookers, she addressed the two young women in the middle of the training room after taking an extra glance at the wristband on Elicia's wrist.


'That wristband…' Ritsu thought to herself. 'It feels a lot like an asauchi from Soul Society. Yoruichi mentioned that Alfonzo had taken Mayuri's research on Zanpakuto modification after the joint mission. But to think he had created his own version of the asauchi so quickly. I think Kisuke would love to hear about such a talented magic item creator. I guess I'll be sending a message back home after this trip to Magnolia concludes.'


"Since there are no objections, the rules for this duel will be quite simple." Ritsu said, addressing Elicia and Sui-Feng. "There are no rules. You can go all out. All kinds of strikes are allowed. However, if I have to step in to save anyone from death or serious, debilitating injuries, they will be declared the loser. Do you have any questions?"


While Elicia looked at Ritsu with pure astonishment on her face, Sui-Feng had already gotten used to how her former guild master did things. So, she was completely unbothered by Ritsu's declaration.


"Don't worry about it, Lici." Alfonzo said from the side. "Just go all out and let her know why challenging you was a bad idea."


Hearing Alfonzo, Elicia's expression slowly turned back to her normal smile. Meanwhile, Sui-Feng could not help but turn and glare at Alfonzo for looking down on her.


"Both of you, get ready." Ritsu said while raising her righthand above her head.


Immediately, the atmosphere in the training room changed as both fighters focused all their attention on each other. Then, Ritsu swung her hand down.


"Begin!" Ritsu shouted, signaling the beginning of the duel.


As soon as the signal was given, Sui-Feng vanished from her spot in a burst of speed with the [Flash Step] Then, wither hand on the hilt of her wakizashi, she appeared on Elicia's right before drawing it in a reverse grip and slashing at Elicia's torso.


Putting her flexibility to use, Elicia bent backwards at the waist and avoided Sui-Feng's slash. Then, as soon as her hands touched the floor, she spread her threads all over the training room in an instant. At the same time, she pushed off with her hands and threw an upward kick at Sui-Feng's chin.


Once again using the [flash Step], Sui-Feng avoided Elicia's kick with ease. Then, she appeared in front of Elicia, who was now standing on her hands, and stabbed her short sword down at Elicia's face.


Reacting quickly, Elicia pushed off with her left hand, causing her to spin on her right. At the same time, she swung her left leg, aiming a kick at Sui-Feng's extended right arm.


Reacting just as quickly, Sui-Feng moved her left arm in the path of Elicia's kick. However, just before Elicia's kick landed, Elicia twisted her leg and wrapped it around Sui-Feng's blocking arm. Then, she pushed off the floor with her right hand and swung around Sui-Feng's arm, using it as a fulcrum to launch a knee strike at the back of her opponent's head.


Surprised by the acrobatic fighting style Sui-Feng ducked her head to avoid the knee strike while simultaneously switching the grip on her sword and stabbing it upwards at Elicia, who was now passing over top of her.




In response, Elicia used her threads to eject a few of the needles on her wristband into her hand. Then, using those needles, she deflected Sui-Feng's stab to the side. A moment later, she extended her left leg, that was still wrapped around Sui-Feng's left arm and kicked the petite assassin in the side.




The force behind Elicia's kick was enough to send herself flying while simultaneously creating distance between herself and Sui-Feng.


"You're better than I thought." Sui-Feng said while rubbing her side after regaining her balance.


"Oh, you ain't seen nothin' yet." Elicia replied while landing gracefully and giving Sui-Feng a wink.


Interpreting Elicia's attitude as looking down on her, Sui-Feng gritted her teeth in anger. Then, she held up her wakizashi in front of her chest.


"I'll teach you the consequences of looking down on me." Sui-Feng said angrily as her sword began to glow. "You'd better pray that the Fourth Master is able to save you in time. [Sting All Enemies to Death, Suzumebachi]."


With Sui-Feng's chant, her magic power sky rocketed by at least five times.


Meanwhile, on the sidelines, Alfonzo narrowed his eyes at Sui-Feng's Shikai release.


'So, that wasn't just something Kurotsuchi invented in this world. Instead, it was something he was working on modifying.' Alfonzo thought to himself as he watched the glow around Sui-Feng's arm and sword take on a different shape. 'I guess I'm just lucky he had notes about creating an asauchi in his research, then.'


At the same time, Elicia was also watching the change in Sui-Feng's Zanpakuto.


'Now, let's see… What do I remember about Suzumebachi?' Elicia asked herself while keeping an eye on Sui-Feng. 'In its Shikai release, it has an ability called… Um… [Nigeki Kessatsu] or [death in Two Steps]… I think… Meaning, if I get stabbed in the same place twice, I'll die… no questions asked. I guess I should avoid that. Not that I wanna get stabbed at all.'


["Then, you should call out my name and put that girl and her hornet in their place."] A raspy female voice said, speaking directly inside of Elicia's head.


Hearing that voice, Elicia's eyes opened wide in surprise.


'Are you my… [Weapon Spirit]?' Elicia asked excitedly.


["Who the hell else would I be?"] Elicia's [Weapon Spirit] asked in a rude tone.


'Awesome, then, what's your name?] Elicia asked once again.


["You may call me ******."] The [Weapon Spirit] replied with pride.


'*Sigh* I guess it's still too early.' Elicia grumbled internally. 'I couldn't hear your name at all.'


["I guess that makes sense."] The [Weapon Spirit] replied. ["You haven't even entered your inner world yet. Oh well, I guess you're on your own for this one. It's not like that woman will let you die if you lose."]


'Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence…' Elicia replied before shifting her attention back to Sui-Feng, whose Zanpakuto had finished its transformation.


Now, instead of carrying a wakizashi, Sui-Feng was wearing a black and gold gauntlet on her right arm with hornet-like patterns and a chain connected to a stinger-like blade mounted on her right middle finger that was about twice as long as the finger it was attached to.


Then, without a word, Sui-Feng once again vanished from where she stood with a [flash step]. However, when she reappeared, instead of going for a sneak attack, she appeared directly in front of Elicia with her stinger less than an inch away from Elicia's abdomen.


"[Thread Magic: Thread Entanglement]." Elicia chanted quickly while yanking the fingers on her right hand backwards.


At that moment, Sui-Feng's arm came to a complete and utter stop less than an eighth of an inch away from piercing into Elicia's abdomen. At the same time, Elicia, using the needles she was still holding in her hand, stabbed them into several pressure points on Sui-Feng's body, robbing her of her mobility. Then, she used a thread to manipulate another needle before stopping its tip on Sui-Feng's throat.


Meanwhile, Sui-Feng looked at Elicia with utter disbelief.


"I… lost?" Sui-Feng asked in a shaky voice.


"You did." Ritsu replied in a disappointed tone from her spot by the wall. "You under estimated your opponent after releasing your Zanpakuto. And for that, you paid the price for your arrogance."


'*Sigh* If only she had fought her seriously.' Ritsu lamented. 'Sui-Feng may have been able to push her far enough to break her weapon's first seal. Instead, the duel ended prematurely due to her arrogance and carelessness.'


"The winner of the duel is Elicia Taylor of Fairy Tail." Ritsu announced.


While Alfonzo and Ur smiled and started walking towards Elicia to congratulate her on her victory, the wizards from Mermaid Heel decided they would give Sui-Feng some space to process her defeat.


"You look like you knew this would happen." Kagura said while looking at Yoruichi's expression.


"I did." Yoruichi replied with a nod. "I even said as much while we were in Master Ur's office. I told you all that Elicia was at least on par with me, remember?"


"Then, why didn't you try to stop Sui-Feng?" Kagura asked with a slight frown.


"Because she wouldn't have listened." Tsunade said, replying in place of Yoruichi. "For a long time, that girl has been unable to see anyone from outside our guild and her birth place as worthy her notice. But now, after being defeated so easily… and after using her Shikai, at that, she should start to rethink her attitude."


Yoruichi nodded in agreement with Tsunade's assessment.


"Besides that, I will be retraining that girl from the ground up." Ritsu said as she approached with a gentle smile. "Having pride in your abilities is fine. But allowing them to devolve into arrogance will not be tolerated. And that is exactly what she did today. On top of that, she allowed her temper to affect her decisions in battle."


Hearing the words of their previous guild master, Yoruichi, kagura, and Tsunade could only pray for Sui-Feng's well-being as they watched her slowly make her way over to the rest of the group.


I finally got the time to write it. But this is a bonus chapter for reaching 700 Power Stones last week. Thanks for the support, you all are awesome.

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