
Fairy Tail: Metal and Threads

Alfonzo Marcus and Elicia Taylor, a pair of lovers who were preparing to marry in the near future, tragically lost their lives in a car accident. However, this was not the end of the road for either of them. When they next opened their eyes, they found themselves in a small orphanage in the port town of Hargeon. After connecting with the memories of their previous lives, they realized that they were in the world of one of their favorite anime, Fairy Tail. Now, how will Alfonzo and Elicia change not only their own fates, but also the fates of those around them? ============================================================================== At present, this novel is not my main focus. My other book, High School DxD: Scattered Cherry Blossoms is what I will be focusing on until it is finished. Updates for this story will mainly happen on Saturdays and Sundays, unless inspiration hits me out of nowhere. Also, my drawing talent is abysmal. So, if anyone draws any of the characters, I'd love to see them.

SixthSense1029 · Anime & Comics
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520 Chs

Playing with a Naughty Cat (R-18)

Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Magnolia.


March, x785.


After Ritsu took the unconscious Tsunade away from the Fairy Tail guild hall, the drinking party did not last much longer. Though, in the usual Fairy Tail fashion, it did end with a guild-wide brawl in which Sui-Feng, who wanted to blow off some steam, defeated all the participants.


Meanwhile, before the brawl came to an end, Elicia and Yoruichi supported the heavily intoxicated Alfonzo out of the guild and back to Alfonzo and Elicia's mansion.


"Lady Yoruichi, did you see?" Sui-Feng asked happily after she defeated Alzack, the last standing member of Fairy Tail to participate in the brawl. "I brought honor to our guild and came out victorious."


"Sorry, Girl, but Yoruichi isn't here." Ur said while pouring a glass of wine for herself. "She left with Alfonzo and Elicia a while ago."


"What!?" Sui-Feng exclaimed in a panic. "How can this be?"


"She's telling the truth." Kagura said in a flat tone.


Hearing that, Sui-Feng's attention turned to Kagura.


"How could you let this happen?" Sui-Feng asked angrily.


"Because it's not my place to get in the way." Kagura replied with a shrug.


"Damn it!" Sui-Feng exclaimed once again. "If anything happens to Lady Yoruichi, I'll make you regret this!"


With that, Sui-Feng ran out of the guild hall and made her way towards where she assumed Alfonzo and Elicia lived. Then, after only ten minutes, she found a pair of large mansions situated next to each other and not far from the shore of Lake Sciliora.


Then, as she had done to reach this point, she let her instincts dictate which mansion she would enter to search for Yoruichi. And to her credit, her instincts led her to the proper residence. Unfortunately, she did not know about the barrier surrounding the property.


"Lady Yoruichi, I'm coming!" Sui-Feng shouted as she launched herself over the walls surrounding Alfonzo and Elicia's mansion.


However, as soon as she reached the top of the wall, she came to a complete stop as a translucent green barrier materialized in front of her. Then, after a moment, she was thrown backwards at three times the speed with which she contacted the barrier.


"What the hell~~~~~~~~~!" Sui-Feng shouted as she was launched back towards the rest of Magnolia.


Meanwhile, Alfonzo, Elicia, and Yoruichi had already made themselves comfortable in the mansion. Or rather, Elicia was in the mood to put her creative juices to work, despite the fact that it was late in the evening. So, she dragged Yoruichi to her workstation just outside the master bedroom to take measurements and start making her a new outfit.


Meanwhile, Alfonzo was busy relaxing in the bath after drinking a large amount of water in an attempt to sober up. However, due to all the alcohol he had consumed, he ended up falling asleep in the bath. Luckily, he had inscribed sigils on the bathtub that would keep the bathwater at the ideal temperature as long as someone was in the bath.


"Fonzie~~~~~! Are you still in the bath?" Elicia shouted from the master bedroom. "How long are you planning to stay in there?"


"Huh? What? Ugh…" Alfonzo exclaimed with a start as Elicia's shout woke him up. Then, he muttered while shaking his head. "Damn, I fucking fell asleep…."


After that, he slowly picked himself up from the bath water before stepping out of the tub and picking up his towel to dry off. A few moments later, with a towel draped around his neck, he left the bathroom and stumbled into his closet to put on a shirt and a pair of shorts to sleep in.


A few moments later, Alfonzo, now dressed, made his way into the master bedroom to get some sleep. However, when he rounded the corner, he was surprised to see not only Elicia, but Yoruichi as well.


"Good, he's here!" Elicia shouted energetically. Then, she gestured towards Yoruichi, who was sitting on the edge of the bed as if to show off a great accomplishment. "So, what do you think of my new work?"


Drawn in by Elicia's energy, Alfonzo focused on Yoruichi, who was leaning lazily on the bed and supporting herself with her elbows while wearing a sleeveless, orange dress with a black leather belt wrapped around her waist and black, knee high socks.


"Looks great…" Alfonzo muttered while his eyes roamed all over Yoruichi's body.


"Hehe. Glad you like what you see." Yoruichi said before deliberately crossing her legs.


At the same time, Elicia, wearing a simple pink T-shirt and white shorts, walked in front of Alfonzo before pressing herself against his chest.


"Now, I think I deserve a reward for doing such quick, quality work." Elicia said in a seductive tone with a matching smile.


Hearing Elicia's tone and seeing that smile, Alfonzo reacted by wrapping his arms around Elicia's waist and pulling her even closer to himself.


"And what kind of reward were you thinking of?" Alfonzo asked.


"Oh, I think you know what I want." Elicia replied while rubbing Alfonzo's crotch over his shorts.


A moment later, Elicia had pulled Alfonzo to the side of the bed and made him sit next to Yoruichi.


"Alright, we'll see you in the morning, Yoruichi." Alfonzo said, glancing at Yoruichi briefly. "Have a good night."


"No, let her stay." Elicia said as she dropped to her knees on the floor in front of Alfonzo.


"Lici, are you serious?" Alfonzo asked with a slight frown.


"Oh, come on, Fonzie…" Elicia whined while pulling Alfonzo's shorts down his legs.


"But you know how I feel about having casual sex." Alfonzo denied.


Although Alfonzo had been speaking in opposition, due to how much he had drank at the guild hall, his inhibitions were practically non-existent at the moment. So, he did nothing to stop Elicia from taking his shorts off. In fact, he even stepped out of them without hesitation once they were around his ankles.


Hearing Alfonzo's protest, Elicia pouted before standing up and straddling Alfonzo.


"Come on, Fonzie." Elicia whispered into Alfonzo's ear while wrapping her arms around his neck. "Just let her stay. I wanna show her what she's missing by not joining our family."


Then, as soon as her words ended, Elicia wrapped her lips around Alfonzo's earlobe and gently nibbled on it while grinding her crotch on his stiffening dick.


That was the last straw for Alfonzo's reason.


With his hands gripping Elicia's ass, Alfonzo kissed her deeply.


At the same time, Elicia tightened her hug around Alfonzo's neck, pulling herself even closer while squishing her breasts and hardened nipples, that would have been poking through her shirt, against Alfonzo's chest.


Meanwhile, Yoruichi leaned away from the two lovers so she could get a slightly better angle to watch the show. Then, as Alfonzo's hands started moving from Elicia's ass to her hips before slipping under her shirt, with her right hand, Yoruichi began massaging her right breast.


"Mmm~" Elicia moaned slightly as Alfonzo's hands cupped her breasts under her shirt.


Simultaneously, Elicia began grinding her crotch on Alfonzo's erection. Then, after making out for another thirty seconds, Alfonzo raised Elicia's shirt, exposing her breasts and hard nipples to the air. And without hesitation, he leaned forward and sucked her left nipple into his mouth.


"Ahn~!" Elicia moaned once again at the feeling of Alfonzo's tongue rolling around her areola and nipple.


For the next few minutes, Alfonzo switched between licking, sucking and nibbling on Elicia's nipples. Then, when Elicia could no longer stand just foreplay, she separated herself from Alfonzo and stood with her feet on the edge of the bed.


A moment later, Elicia forcefully pulled down her shorts, showing that she was not wearing any underwear, before dropping down and aiming Alfonzo's dick at her dripping wet pussy. Then, in one motion, she took Alfonzo's dick inside of her until its tip was pressed against her cervix.


"Ahn~~~~~!" Elicia moaned loudly as she was penetrated.


However, before Elicia could start moving her hips, Alfonzo once again took hold of her ass and began moving her up and down forcefully.


"Oh, God~~~~!" Elicia moaned in ecstasy. "More, Fonzie, fuck me more~~~~!"


And just as Elicia asked, Alfonzo started moving her up and down with more force and speed. Then, when he felt he still was not going fast enough, Alfonzo stood up, with Elicia still impaled on his dick, and began pounding her with everything he had.


"Oh, my God! I'm cumming~~~~~!" Elicia screamed as her back arched. "Harder, Fonzie! Fuck me harder!"


Continuing to pound Elicia in a standing position, Alfonzo almost came as well when he felt her pussy tighten on his dick. Yet, he managed to hold back. However, when he looked away from Elicia's face to compose himself, he noticed Yoruichi climbing off the bed. Intrigued by her movements, he watched her move behind Elicia before dropping to her knees to watch his dick move in and out of her.


Once Alfonzo felt like he was in control again, he leaned forward and kissed Elicia while continuing to pound her. Then, he eventually carried her to the small table in the bedroom and laid Elicia down, face up with her head hanging off the other end of the table, while continuing to slam balls deep into her.


Eventually, Alfonzo took Elicia's legs and put them on his shoulders before leaning forward and pinning her underneath him.


"Yes! Give it to me!" Elicia screamed as she dug her fingernails into Alfonzo's back. Then, after her third orgasm, when she felt Alfonzo twitching inside of her, she screamed once again. "Cum inside of me. I want it all!"


That scream was enough to make Alfonzo reach his limit. So, he thrust as deep as he could before releasing his seed deep inside of Elicia.


"Hmph!" Alfonzo grunted as he painted Elicia's insides in his color.


"Ahh~~~~~~~~!" Elicia let out a long scream as she felt her womb being filled.


A few moments later, Alfonzo laid atop Elicia while her arms and legs hung off the table.


"Fonzie, I want more." Elicia whispered in a sultry tone.


That sentence was enough to make Alfonzo's dick twitch back to life. So, he slowly pulled his half erect dick out of Elicia's pussy. Then after realizing he'd need a little help to be battle ready once again, he walked around the table and stood near Elicia's head.


Knowing exactly what Alfonzo wanted to do, Elicia smiled before letting her head hang off the table with her mouth open wide.


Then, Alfonzo slowly pushed his dick into Elicia's open mouth. And once more than half of it disappeared between her lips, he began pumping his hips.


"Mmm~~~~!" Elicia moaned while sucking the rest of Alfonzo's semen out of his urethra as his dick slid in and out of her mouth.


Meanwhile, Yoruichi, who had slipped the straps of her dress off of her shoulders and had her purple thong dangling around her left ankle, watched everything while furiously plunging the middle and ring fingers of her right hand in and out of her pussy.


Then, deciding now was the time to make her move, she slowly crawled to the end of the table opposite Alfonzo, more specifically between Elicia's legs.


Meanwhile, Alfonzo simply watched Yoruichi while face fucking his fiancée. And he was quite surprised when he saw her use a finger to scoop up some of the semen that leaked from Elicia's pussy. He was even more surprised when Yoruichi brought the finger to her lips and licked the semen off of it.


"Hmm… I'm not sure what to think about the taste." Yoruichi muttered to herself. "I'll have to go for another taste."


Expecting Yoruichi to scoop up another finger of semen, Alfonzo's surprise reached the peak when Yoruichi leaned forward and licked the semen leaking out of Elicia's pussy directly.


"Mm~~~~!" Elicia moaned on Alfonzo's dick as her eyes opened wide at the unexpected sensation.


Despite that, Elicia did not move to stop Yoruichi. Instead, she reached down and pulled her deeper into her pussy. At the same time, she started sucking Alfonzo's dick with even more vigor.


"Oh… fuck…." Alfonzo groaned as he leaned over and supported himself by placing his hands on the table.


Meanwhile, Yoruichi was sucking all the semen out of Elicia's pussy. And whenever she needed a break, she would breathe deeply while running her tongue up Elicia's labia to her clit.


"Mmm~~~~~~~~~!" Elicia moaned, eventually reaching er fourth orgasm of the night.


A moment later, Elicia reached up with her left hand and patted Alfonzo on the waist, signaling for him to take his dick out of her mouth. At the same time, she kept a tight grip on the back of Yoruichi's head, forcing her to continue licking.


"Fonzie… *Pant* *Pant* Go fuck her." Elicia said with a lustful smile.


Unfortunately… or maybe fortunately for Alfonzo, his lust, in combination with his intoxicated state, had banished his rationality. So, instead of protesting like he usually would at the thought of having sex with someone that he was not in relationship with, he followed Elicia's instructions with a smile on his face.


Then, after moving around the table and kneeling behind Yoruichi, who was eating Elicia out while on all fours, Alfonzo hiked up Yoruichi's dress, placed his left hand on her waist, and used his right hand to line up his dick with her pussy. Then, he slowly pushed his dick inside of her as far as it could go.


"Mmm~~~~~~!" Yoruichi moaned into Elicia's pussy as she felt her pussy being stretched.


"Ahn~~~!" Elicia also moaned as the vibrations from Yoruichi's lips stimulated her clit.


A moment later, Alfonzo started moving his hips. At first, he started with slow, deep strokes. However, as time went on, both the speed and force he used increased. And when Yoruichi eventually reached her first orgasm, her back arched so hard that Elicia was unable to hold her face between her legs.


"Oh… My… Fucking… God~~~~~~~!" Yoruichi screamed at the top of her lungs once her mouth was no longer covered.


At that moment, Yoruichi's eyes rolled back and her toes curled along with the arching of her back. Meanwhile, Alfonzo stopped pumping his hips while Yoruichi convulsed violently. Instead, he leaned forward, hooked his arms under Yoruichi's knees, and laid on his back.


And while Yoruichi was coming down from her orgasm, Alfonzo placed her feet flat on the floor while laying Yoruichi back on his chest. Then, as soon as he felt her coming back to her senses, Alfonzo started drilling up into her with everything he had.


"Ahh~~~~~~! Fuck… Me~~~!" Yoruichi moaned as her body jerked from the rough pounding.


Meanwhile, Elicia, who was now sitting on the table watched Alfonzo's dick disappearing inside of Yoruichi's pussy at the same rhythm that her large breasts bounced with every thrust. Then, as if she were hypnotized, Elicia climbed off the table, dropped to her knees, and crawled between Alfonzo and Yoruichi's legs before…


"Oh shit…" Alfonzo groaned after feeling a momentary, slippery sensation on his balls and part of his shaft.


"Ahh~~~~~~!" Yoruichi screamed a second later after feeling a slippery sensation brush against her clit.


… licking upward from Alfonzo's balls to Yoruichi's clit. And after noticing Alfonzo and Yoruichi's reactions, she repeated the act over and over.


Eventually, thanks to the double stimulation, Yoruichi came four more times. And just as Alfonzo was about to cum inside of Yoruichi, Elicia pulled his dick out of Yoruichi's pussy and put it in her mouth and started sucking until Alfonzo shot his load in her mouth.


Then, after a few moments, and while making sure not to swallow the load in her mouth, Elicia crawled beside Alfonzo and Yoruichi. Then, she pulled Yoruichi into a kiss and forced her tongue into Yoruichi's mouth to swirl the semen around between them.


The kiss ended after about a minute. Then, after Elicia and Yoruichi separated, Yoruichi rolled to the other side of Alfonzo and both women looked at him lustfully.


"I really hope you're not done yet." Yoruichi said seductively. She then continued while patting her lower abdomen. "I haven't had my fill yet, after all."


"Yeah, come on, Fonzie." Elicia added. "I'm sure the other girls will love it if we all played like this from now on. And I need to practice more."


Hearing that, Alfonzo started to frown. However, before he could say anything, Elicia cut him off.


"I know what you're thinking, Fonzie." Elicia said with a smile. "But none of us would ever want to do this if you weren't around. I mean, think about it, we've had plenty of opportunities when you were off on a quest or doing business, but we never played around without you."


Hearing that, Alfonzo's frown disappeared and was replaced by a lustful smile. Then he hopped up to his feet, picked up the two women in front of him, and threw them onto the bed. Then, he looked at Yoruichi. After that, the sounds of sex could be heard echoing throughout the mansion until just before sunrise.


Shout out to my new Patr3on!

Adrian Kacprzycki

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