
Morning Surprise

Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Magnolia.

June, x784.

The next morning, as usual, Alfonzo was the first to wake up after a night of passionate love making. Or that would have been the case if the fourth person in the bed had not passed out after having only two orgasms.

When he woke up, Alfonzo noticed that there were two soft bodies clinging onto him from both the right and left, which did not surprise him in the slightest. What did surprise him, however, was the third body that was laying on top of his chest.

When Alfonzo opened his eyes, what greeted him was Sun, who was watching him intently. However, as soon as she noticed that he was awake, she put on a big smile.

"Good morning, Alfonzo." Sun said in cheerful voice.

"Good morning." Alfonzo replied with a smile. "Looks like everything is alright. You passed out pretty quick, after all."

"Yeah, I'm not sure what that was…" Sun said while tilting her head cutely. "But what we did las night felt really good."

At that point, Sun's speech came to a halt and she began fidgeting on top of Alfonzo with a bashful smile on her face.

"What's wrong?" Alfonzo asked. However, when he saw Sun's expression, he had had a pretty good guess what she was thinking. "Wanna do it again, huh?"

"Mhmm." Sun nodded shyly before burying her face in Alfonzo's chest.

Smiling at Sun's cute response, Alfonzo freed his right hand from Ultear's grip and started combing his fingers through Sun's hair.

Unfortunately, that action woke Ultear, who immediately started rubbing her eyes.

"Ugh… What time is it?" Ultear asked in a groggy tone. "I feel like I just fell asleep."

"Well…" Alfonzo said, glancing at the wall clock. "It's seven in the morning. It's only been about three and a half hours since we finished. So, you kinda did just go to sleep."

"Ugh!" Ultear groaned, knowing she would not be able to fall back to sleep. "How are you even up so early?"

"I'm just built different." Alfonzo said boastfully.

Rolling her eyes in response, Ultear forced herself to sit up. As she did, the blanket that covered her slipped down, revealing her breasts. However after what they did last night, Ultear did not even blush. Nor did she move to cover herself.

"Good morning, Sun." Ultear said after noticing Sun laying on top of Alfonzo. "You conched out pretty early last night. Are you alright?"

"Yuh huh." Sun replied with a nod. "I'm still not sure what that was all about, though."

"Well, we should probably talk to your mom about it." Ultear said, a bit of concern in her tone. Then, her expression turned hesitant. "But I think we should do all we can to keep this from your dad."

"Yeah, something tells me that if Dad found out, all the progress he had made over the last couple of years would go down the drain." Sun replied with a nod of her own.


At that moment, the sound of a growling tummy cut into the conversation. In response, Alfonzo, Ultear, and Sun looked at each other to try and determine whose stomach it was. After making eye contact with each other, they all quickly realized that neither of them were the culprit. So, all three gazes landed on the fourth person in the bed, Elicia.

"I guess you're a little hungry after last night's work out, huh Lici?" Alfonzo said in a playful tone.

"It's not my fault." Elicia said, keeping her eyes closed as she replied. "I drove home in the middle of the night, picked up Marin and Sun, and joined in the fun. Of course I'd be hungry."

"No one told you to come and interrupt us." Ultear said with a wry smile.

"Yeah right…" Elicia replied. "If you thought I was gonna miss something so fun, you're out of your mind."

"How did you even know to come back when you did?" Alfonzo questioned. "I mean, you were in Hargeon, right?"

"My Fonzie Sense was tingling." Elicia said, a happy smile gracing her lips.

"I don't even wanna know." Alfonzo replied. "That's got some real yandere vibes to it."

"Nuh uh." Elicia protested, finally opening her eyes. "I'm way to cute to be a yandere."

"So was Yuno Gasai." Alfonzo countered. "And she was, like, top tier yandere.

"Hmph!" Elicia snorted with a pout on her face. "What yandere do you know actively helps convince girls to join her boyfriend… I mean, fiancé's harem?"

"umm… What's a yandere?" Sun asked curiously.

"And who is Yuno Gasai?" Ultear added.

In response, Alfonzo and Elicia glanced at each other for a moment. Then, they conveyed a lot of information through their eyes. After that, they tried to explain the concept of a yandere to girls from a world that did not have the concept. Luckily, it was not a hard concept to convey. Explaining who Yuno Gasai was not difficult either. They explained her away as a character from a story their parents used to tell them when they were young children.

'Then again, using Yuno as a character in a story our parents told us years ago might not have been the best idea.' Alfonzo thought to himself. 'I mean, we were only five when they were killed. What kind of parent tells their five years old, or younger, children about an obsessed, serial murdering, teenage girl?'

Glancing at Elicia, Alfonzo could tell that she too thought the explanation was pretty farfetched after the story was said aloud.

Luckily, neither Ultear nor Sun questioned the validity of the story.


Then, when Elicia's stomach growled once again, the perfect opportunity to change the subject came up.

"Well, I better start cooking breakfast." Alfonzo said as he sat up with Sun still laying on top of him, resulting in her straddling his legs. "Otherwise, Lici might try and take a bite out of me. Haha."

"That only happened once!" Elicia shouted with an embarrassed blush on her face. "I was sleep and dreaming about pancakes with strawberries and whipped cream. I didn't even leave a mark."

"No, you didn't leave a scar." Alfonzo corrected with a chuckle. "You left bite marks that lasted for almost three days, though."

"Shut up! Stupid Fonzie." Elicia shouted, even more embarrassed than before as she grabbed her pillow and started hitting Alfonzo with it. "Just go and make breakfast! And I expect pancakes with strawberries and whipped cream."

"Fine, fine! Hahaha!" Alfonzo agreed while laughing and blocking Elicia's pillow attacks. Then, he picked up Sun and sat her on top of Elicia before jumping out of bed. "I'm going, I'm going. Hahaha!"

"Stop laughing!" Elicia shouted as Alfonzo rushed towards the walk-in closets to throw some clothes on.

A few moments later, now dressed in a white t-shirt and a pair of black shorts, Alfonzo walked through the bedroom, still chuckling, and made his way towards the kitchen. Then, after he left, Ultear looked at Elicia with a smirk on her face.

"So, you tried to eat Alfonzo in your sleep, huh?" Ultear asked in a mischievous tone.

"Stupid Fonzie." Elicia muttered in response. "He promised he wouldn't tell anyone about that."

"But it's okay though, right?" Sun asked, still sitting on Elicia's lap. "We're family. So, there's no problem, right?"

"*Sigh* Sun, you're so innocent and cute." Elicia said, breathing out all her annoyance. "Please don't ever change."

"I thought you would hope that she changed." Ultear said with a smile. "I mean, she's basically stealing your identity, right?"

"Huh?" Elicia asked, tilting her head in confusion, an action Sun mirrored. "What do you mean?"

"Wasn't cute an innocent your whole schtick?" Ultear asked.

"Of course not." Elicia said while shaking her head. "I'm the reliable big sister of the group."

"Sure you are." Ultear replied while rolling her eyes. "But I guess cute and innocent isn't really the right way to describe you, either. I mean, you do have quite the mean streak. Like the way you punched Gildarts in the crotch, twice. And Alfonzo told me how you plucked out all of that Duke Everlue's hair."

This time, having nothing to retort with, Elicia remained silent. Ever since joining Fairy Tail, she had been more prone to taking violent action.

'Are the guys in the guild rubbing off on me?' Elicia muttered internally. 'I never did stuff like this in my past life. Am I turning into a violent girl? Wait! I just hit Fonzie with the pillow. What am I turning into.'

Seeing that Elicia was on the verge of having an existential crisis, Ultear simply let her be. It was not the first time, nor would it be the last time, something like this happened. However, as soon as Elicia smelled Alfonzo's cooking, she would go back to being the happy go lucky girl everyone knew her to be.

Twenty minutes later, Alfonzo, Elicia, Ultear, and Sun were seated at the kitchen table with a plate of Elicia's favorite breakfast in front of all of them. On top of that, they each had a glass of orange juice to go along with it.

There was also an extra plate sitting in front of an empty seat. Naturally, it was for Marin, who Alfonzo heard stirring in the guest room she slept in last night while he was cooking.

"How long do you think it will take her to come down and eat?" Ultear asked as she glanced at the extra plate.

"Well, she's probably pretty embarrassed after what happened last night." Alfonzo replied with a wry smile. "I mean, she was going at it pretty hard in the heat of the moment."

"She should have just joined us." Elicia said, cutting into her pancakes. "It would have felt a whole lot better than watching and doing it by herself."

"Did something happen to Marin last night after I passed out?" Sun asked with worry in her tone.

"Don't worry about it." Alfonzo replied. "She just got embarrassed and ran away to her room."

"Okay…" Sun replied in a confused tone.

"I'm sure she'll be down soon." Ultear said after swallowing a bit of her pancakes. "Whenever you cook the scent spreads through the whole house---"

"Fonzie does that on purpose." Elicia said, interrupting Ultear's statement. "He added sigils that carry the scent from the kitchen so that everyone can get up and have their meals together."

"Really? That's not natural?" Ultear asked, completely forgetting what she was about to say. "Every time I spent the night over here and wanted to sleep in and skip training, I was always woke up by the smells from your cooking."

"Well, that would have happened eventually." Alfonzo replied. "But it would take longer and the smell would be much weaker due to the distance."

"Somehow, I feel cheated." Ultear said while spearing one of the strawberries atop her pancakes with her fork.

"What's there to complain about?" Elicia asked. "You get to have Fonzie's cooking. Isn't that good enough?"

"*Sigh* I guess you're right." Ultear said with a wry smile. "Anyway, like I was saying…"

At that moment, footsteps could be heard descending the stairs.

"… She won't be able to resist for too long after smelling Alfonzo's cooking." Ultear said, completing her sentence.

A moment later, Marin, with her hair a total mess and wearing an oversized, pink t-shirt with the Fairy Tail emblem on it and a pair of short, black shorts, stepped off the steps and turned toward the kitchen table. A few moments later, she plopped down in front of the extra plate and picked up the fork and knife.

"Good morning." Marin said, sounding like she did not sleep well.

"Morning, Marin." Elicia said in her usual cheerful tone. "You okay after last night?"

Simultaneously, Alfonzo and Ultear face palmed while Sun looked at Marin with concern after hearing Elicia's question. At the same time, Marin, who looked like a corpse fresh out of the grave due to sleep deprivation, had her cheeks turn as red as Erza's hair.

"You don't have to bring that up." Marin said, lowering her head. "Everything is fine though. Thanks for asking."

With that, the rest of breakfast passed awkwardly. Then, as soon as it was over, Marin rushed back upstairs and got dressed. Then, she told everyone she would be heading home and getting some more sleep.

Elicia told Marin that it was alright if she slept in the guest room. However, Marin politely declined the offer. Marin clearly had something on her mind that she needed to work through alone.

"Will she be alright?" Sun asked.

"She'll be fine." Alfonzo said with a wry smile. "Last night might have been a bit too much for her. And when the heat of the moment cooled off, she was embarrassed."

Seeing Sun nod in understanding, Alfonzo decided that now was the right time to change the subject.

"Anyway, we should take a bath then head to the guild hall for training." Alfonzo said with a smile. Then, he turned his attention to Ultear. "But if your legs are weak from last night, you should probably sit this one out."

"I think I will." Ultear said with a wry smile. "It's already a struggle to walk normally. There's no way I'll be able to train for the next few days. Well, physical training anyway. I should still be able to work on my magic."

With that, the four returned to the master bedroom, got undressed, and entered the master bathroom together. But when they started to wash their bodies, they were in for a surprise.

With only two shower heads in the bathroom, something Alfonzo intended to change in the near future, the four were paired up in front of each of the shower heads. The pairs being Alfonzo and Sun, and Elicia and Ultear.

The first to reach the showers, Alfonzo quickly rinsed himself down and lathered up a washcloth to start washing his face. Before he started, however, he placed he shower head back on the fixture on the wall. At that moment, Sun was sitting on a stool that was placed where the water from the shower head would fall.

"Huh?" Sun exclaimed in confusion when the water from the shower head splashed all over her body.

"What's wrong, Sun?" Alfonzo asked with his eyes closed as he had just started washing his face.

Having also heard Sun's exclamation, Elicia and Ultear looked in Sun's direction and were also shocked.

"Sun!" Elicia exclaimed.

"Your legs!" Ultear exclaimed at the same time.

Hearing the girls' tone, Alfonzo quickly rinsed the soap off his face and looked toward Sun, who was completely dumbfounded.

"Your legs… Are still… Legs?" Alfonzo murmured.

Since I'm off today, I wrote another chapter. So, here it is. And if I'm feeling it, I'll post another later.

Read 5 Chapters ahead on my Patr3on at:


Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy the story.

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