
Fairy Tail: Magical Life

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). You know the usual cliche right folks so let me say again this story is about a reincarntor journey through the world of Fairy Tail the badass wizards and waifu galore right? Except for one problem with the MC realizing his born the same year as Mavis in the year of X673 all the way to the past does this disuade him? No he will use anything to his advantage and possibly learn the lessons of life and magic in his new... Magical Life.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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91 Chs

Chapter 87: Reunite!

Chapter 87: Reunite!

~Rou POV~




Wandering around in the deep forest area we both finally found out where Warrod was located after some trial-and-error searching for the man in question.

We split ways with Laxus as we came to search for the now-proclaimed Wizard Saint Warrod as he wanted to reflect on his actions which we understand as we began to journey through the forest wildlife determined to meet up with Warrod.

And that led my compass with the Enchant Concept of Desires to point us to here around in undisclosed location parts of the Fiore Kingdom as we heard over the grapevine of Warrod's efforts throughout the years.

He was always the man with the green thumb.

Didn't actually expect it to be quite literal when he set off to become a Wizard Saint like this though.

As we move forward ahead Mavis floated using her Telekinesis Magic as she moved all the plant life carefully not to damage them, "Have to admit I didn't think Warrod would still be kicking after this much apart. To be honest, all the work is done is truly amazing restoring nature like this with his Green Magic."

I gave a curt nod as we move forward ahead in agreement of her words motioning forward, "I agree. I just didn't think he was quite literal being the Lorax though protector of trees and flowers."

She laughed at my small inside joke that only the original members saw the Earth Movies that I passed off as my work, "Hahaha… yeah. Now that you mention it he kind of sounds like the Lorax with his work doesn't he? You think he grew a beard or mustache in the years?"


Although it would be a pretty sick plot twist if he did with a Speedwagon hat.



Listening to the sounds of the bushes nearby moving we both paused to see a Forest Vulcan greening like a perverted idiot at us readying my fingers to blow this monkey apart, "Ohhh! Woman – SNAP!"




I blinked slowly as what I saw next was monkey chow as a plant-like dinosaur began to devour the Forest Vulcan for dinner as Mavis and I eyes widen recognizing the Magic Power being used on the plant construct.


Soon enough the man of the hour comes himself as he playfully talks to the plant dinosaur with a happy grin, "Ah! Predaplant Rex! You took care of the nesting Forest Vulcan I see now – oh…?"

His eyes widen as our eyes made contact with Warrod in his new appearance more tree-like figure we both paused our actions silence remaining between the three of us…

It feels like forever seeing Warrod that I was the one to break the ice with tears swelling up beginning our long overdue reunion, "Hey Warrod? It's been a few years but… were finally back old chum."

His eyes widen seeing us in disbelief rubbing them as he used his Magic Sensory to see where the real deal muttering in disbelief, "I—I don't believe it… it really is the both of you in the flesh and not deep underground for the plants…"

Seeing where the real deal Mavis was the first to wipe the tears off her face as she began to talk to Warrod with a mix of emotions, "Y-yeah… it's been a long time old friend. And… I'm sorry for our long absence…"

We both tilted our heads down getting him confused as he took a deep breath and exhaled motioning the both of us to follow him, "Sigh… okay. Will talk about this back in my place it's just been so long since we last met after all. But first… I need to take a piss."



We were both confused as he soon laughed as we don't get the joke at all but motioned for the both of us to follow saying it was a joke, "But how can I take a piss when meeting long lost friends!! Come along now old Fairy Duo we have much to catch up on! Hahaha…!"

We both looked between each other and smiled seeing at least one of us is keeping their happy going mood uplifting in this era.


"Hmm… I see…"

When we entered inside into Warrod's home we talked about everything to our oldest friend no secrets or hiding this time as we both explained everything more clearly for him to understand despite his old age.

All of our adventures from time traveling to saving the future to the present helping out the Fantasia and brawl with Laxus to right here wanting to meet up with an old friend to see how things have changed around here.

We took our time talking to Warrod as at times our voice cracked expressing our guilt of leaving them in the dark and making this trip selfishly for ourselves as we couldn't bear keeping this hidden with one of our old friends.

Mavis and I had to calm down before continuing to express our current dilemma to Warrod easily taking this all in as he gave us curt nods and herbal teas he provided for us to help settle our nerves.

I think we talked for hours into the night expressing our own guilt of missing the time we had with everyone.


Taking a sip Warrod finished taking his cup of tea and began to reply with a saddened expression on his face, "I see you two both made a hard choice. One that was unfairly given to circumstance was a loss-and-lose situation no matter what choice was given. In the end, only time was the cost used for this."


Setting down his tea Warrod began to talk to us in a more serious tone in his voice, "In the end despite what you have gone through was terrible. The both of you seem to carry this burden prepared for it at the time but time usually has its ways catching up to you…"

Turning his attention towards the both of us with a small smile on his face he spoke happily of his time, "Sigh… in the end though you both given this world a chance. After all everything has been truthful thus far after all…"

Our eyes widen as Warrod reveals the Judgement Field making us feel hurt he had to use that on us as he explains, "I just wanted to hear the truth of what happened all those years ago. Thankfully Yuri had one last sick trick to be sure. Out of the 3 of us, he was the most adamant that one day you 2 will return. Which reminds me…"

He stops talking as he turns off the Judgement Field and –





Suddenly in an instant as Warrod attacked us with plant-like books at our heads completely undefended he used Healing Magic on the both of us rubbing our heads as he explains his reasoning, "Yuri promised me if either the two of you returned he was going to fucking smack the living shit out the both of you. Since his gone I'll do so in his stead. Now we're even you a reckless bunch of friends!!"


I can literally feel my head nearly cracking at that sudden attack but not one we didn't have coming.

We just merely rubbed our heads as Warrod laughs lightly at our plight enjoying our bit of suffering happily, "Man that does feel good to teach you brainiacs a good lesson when you need it. Ohohoho! Now it feels like old times sake."

After rubbing our heads from the attack Mavis asked in somewhat doubt in her voice that one bonk to the head was enough, "Are you sure… you can continue if you want to feel that we deserved it…"

It made me frown but she wasn't wrong.

Warrod then whimsically waved his finger around at the idea but then gave us our answer in a cheerful tone, "True… but nah. I get to enjoy some quality time with some old friends again after long years apart. No need to be a martyr or want to pay for your sins deary. Wow, that sounds old when I now say it to you like that."

He stopped himself questioning the position as I couldn't help but chuckle lightly at Warrod's antics but me laughing caught me the sight of Warrod grinning at the both of us.

Guess there are just somethings that never change with all of us.

Taking his seat, he began to talk to us about his life story after the events of leaving the Fairy Tail Guild getting our interest, "Ah… since we have gotten you Rou to tell us stories how about I share one of my own experience. I bet it's something the two of you are dying to know correct right?"

We didn't deny it as we both gave him a curt nod in agreement to Warrod as he smiles telling his life story from beginning with him leaving the guild to the current age as we listened intently of our old friend life story.

There were parts of his story that surprised us the both of us but frankly it was reliving to finally meet up with an old friend after years apart.

Like old times that I truly treasured but to be truthful having Warrod confirm he forgave us but used the Judgement Field hurt he had to use it.

Although in his eyes it was probably the only way for him to confirm were being truthful or spies wanting to take him down.

To which being a Wizard Saint does paint a target on your back from some nasty fuckers in the Magic Community considering they are the Kingdom's top dogs guarding the Kingdom of Fiore in case of War Time.

Hopefully one that won't be caused by Zeref but time will tell us that much considering there's no Fairy Heart to take from Fairy Tail but then again there is the butterfly effect that could screw with us.

But that didn't matter right now since I would rather enjoy this moment right now. The Guild can handle the Orcacion whatever on their own not needing us for that.