
Fairy Tail: Magical Life

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). You know the usual cliche right folks so let me say again this story is about a reincarntor journey through the world of Fairy Tail the badass wizards and waifu galore right? Except for one problem with the MC realizing his born the same year as Mavis in the year of X673 all the way to the past does this disuade him? No he will use anything to his advantage and possibly learn the lessons of life and magic in his new... Magical Life.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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91 Chs

Chapter 7: Alchemist Meets Fairy

A/N: Thanks for you guys sharing your opinions now onto the story!


Chapter 7: Alchemist Meets Fairy

~Rou POV~

A few months passed and I now became 5 years old and fully able to cook for myself as well as cook different assortments of foods that I came across as well as help my parents hunt down some animals.

The animals aren't exactly easy but hey at least I know how to use a bow and arrow archery, so it wasn't all that bad though.

Plus with the excuse to hunt down some animals, I used my Alchemy of deconstruction to easily take care of the roaming Doscadon and the Rollidillo as well as use them for materials I would need.

The Rollidillo scales I used to deconstruct and reconstruct it into scale mail armor?


Get it?

Scale mail armor using their scales?

I'm pretty intelligent thinking that hahaha!

Oh God please help with a different form of entertainment…


Returning to Doscadon I deconstructed their top head portions which are pretty sturdy and durable I made it with some armor arm bracelets with my Transmutation Array making it easier for me to use my alchemy.

This was by trial-and-error mind you figure out the right compounds and elements of what the hell they were made of, but I managed with some major difficulty along with some extra meat to store and weaponry although crudely made.

I mean I would use tattoos, but my parents would be pissed if I did that.

Other than that I made sure to plant some fruits near our home that I take care of in my free time other than train, learn, or study all I need to learn.

But more so I have been sending gifts to Mavis in the middle of the night when everyone is asleep as I sneak inside her barn home and leave some food for her or some gifts like basic essentials to which it hasn't been discovered yet.

At least not to my knowledge that is.

Regardless though I'm on my nightly run again as I went towards Mavis's farm home with some gifts of fruits from my parent's yard and some dry Doscadon meat since they strangely taste like jerky.

Never knew dinosaur meat in a magic world would taste like jerky.

Entering through the door of Mavis's farm home seeing the animals are asleep I see she made use of the gifts I gave her reading the books in the library then copying and pasting every word into a new one using my Alchemy.

Although there are a few of them I knew for a fact she would love some fairy tale stories oddly enough with some info about the island along with herbal knowledge.

Placing the piles of fruits and secured packaged meat I was suddenly frozen in surprise when I heard a cheery voice, "Aha! I knew I would get to meet you staying up late today!"

Turning around I see the chibi Mavis looked at me victorious but tired in her eyes as I casually respond back, "Yo! Shouldn't you be asleep like everyone else?"

At this she responds back to my reply with a counter of using my words at me, "Shouldn't you be sleeping instead of leaving a girl gifts?"


Shrugging at this leaving the gifts this time around being new blankets from the wool of the animal skin cleanly soft, fruits, dried meat, new books, writing utensils, and soap for herself to use.

Strangely enough, soap happens to be very easily made using Alchemy honestly enough.

Soap, by definition, is fat or oil mixed with an alkali. The oil comes from an animal or plant, while the alkali is a chemical called lye. In bar soap-making, the lye is sodium hydroxide. Liquid soap requires potassium hydroxide.

But that's beside the point.

She looks at the gifts with a genuine smile but then gazes at me with a question, "Say why do you do this for me? We never met and yet you continue to do this for over a year now?"

Blinking at her question I responded after finding the right way to put it out, "Hm... maybe because I wanted to. That's about it really?"

Mavis for her part gives me a deadpan expression at me followed by a blank look, "Huh?"

Seeing her expression, I raised an eyebrow at this as I shrug off her response followed by a smirk, "What? Did you think there was an elaborate reason behind it? Nah. I just felt like it is all."

Mavis for her part pouts over thinking the reason why I'm helping her out this much despite not knowing her, "Hmph! Here I thought it was a real fairy sending me gifts since the notes say it's a guy."

Raising an eyebrow at this I merely respond confused about how she got to that answer, "And how exactly did you know it was a guy? The writing could've been adult."

She shakes her head and responded to me with a shrug raising her shoulders as she did so, "Nope! Definitely a guy because of how much your guy's penmanship looks. After all only, you smell like him as well so you're the gift man!"

The gift… man?

Does she mean Santa?

Wait no, get back on track.

Shaking my head, she found me by smell.

Last, I check she's not Natsu or Dragon Slayer so how –

She then pointed to my arm bracelet pointing it out easily with some evidence with a smug grin on her face, "That. The markings on your arm bracelet are the materials needed to create the pastel. It smells similar to those of Tenrou Flowers used to create the pollens in artwork to fuse with water to create a liquid that dries quickly and acts like paint but leaves a distinct smell of lavender afterward. And only you are the only person who does this for me considering the basket and smell off you. And coincidentally the same materials used when found in my books ink given to me coincidence? I think not."


Blinking I took a whiff of the Transmutation Array I didn't know this, but they do leave a small distinct whiff of lavender…

Even I didn't notice this actually when I fuse it with the Tenrou Flowers because I thought it leaves a smell less odor from afar but if you take a closer point you can distinctly smell the lavender on it.


Shit even I didn't realize I was leaving behind something like this and she immediately caught me hands down here as she said was true since I use the Tenrou Flowers as my base material to substitute for ink.


As expected of the future First Master of Fairy Tail truly an excellent talent like her is one of a kind.

Just give her a little bit of information and she can really be the smartest of everyone if given the chance that's being wasted working for her Guild not seeing how talented she really is.

That was when she got closer seeing my arm bracelet with genuine confusion on her face looking at my Transmutation Array, "Hmm… these are certainly some strange Magic Circles you have there… never seen these before?"

Laughing nervously I decided to play this off for now seeing Mavis is this close to my person being the same age as a 5-year-old, "Hehehe… yeah. But ever heard of a thing called personal space here girl?"

Her eyes widen at this as she backed off immediately and apologizes as she introduces herself to me, "Ah! Sorry about that Gift boy. I guess I have been a bit rude by not introducing myself. Ahem! I'm Mavis Vermillion nice to meet you…?"

Gesturing for her hand towards me I took it introducing myself with a smile on my face at her, "The name's Rou Ake. A pleasure to meet you Mavis also… Gift boy? Really?"

She merely shrugs but a mischievous grin on her face definitely says a lot to me of my knowing demotion, "I mean it's true isn't it? I mean you aren't a man but a boy, right? Thought it would be fitting?"


I emotionally got hurt by her words…

But sadly she's right that's the current truth of the matter since I'm an innocent shouta boy now.

Thankfully no ara ara women are around I would be a snack to them.

But returning to the topic at hand thought it was better to leave soon since I don't want to cause a ruckus here, "Anyway I should be going soon before my parents or anyone figures out that I'm gone –"


Listening to a silent plea from Mavis's voice I froze before listening to Mavis words she has for me, "Wait… is it ok to talk again tomorrow tonight or… during the day when I finish my chores do I come to you or I come for you to talk?"

Smiling at this I turned around and replied to Mavis with a grin on my face, "How about I come to you tomorrow night? Then we can talk as much as we can."

Mavis smiled at my words in thanks as I decided to talk a bit longer with Mavis before it was time to leave making sure to keep my promise to Mavis.

Have to admit I didn't know why I felt or why but it's better than nothing right?

Not like any of the kids around me can hold a proper conversation except for Zera but I make it a policy to never get near that spoiled brat.

Leaving the night with newfound promise and possibly something more in the future I can't help if my child-like body is leading my emotions more than my reasoning and logic.

Like that I left Mavis with the promise to come along for the next coming year and the end of people will come by then…

And hopefully, Mavis alone could handle it on her own as no doubt the Blue Skull Guild will come through the ports all the way to the Red Lizard Guild following past my Village while I prepare my things.

Preparing one's wits is all I need to create the item I finally needed for them to finally die.


Human mages would no doubt die as I will use them to create a Philosopher Stone to finally gain Origins to use Magic for myself.

I studied enough from the books of the Mages' biology and enough anatomy of the human body needed to create my very own version using the Philosopher Stone to ignore the Laws of Equivalent Exchange to gain my own magic once I get my hands on that precious stone.

On that promise that will become the bloodiest that Tenrou Island will ever have to occur in the future something I'm ill-equipped to handle even with Alchemy.

I'm not those generic reincarnated characters thinking 'Oh I have the power I can soooo totally handle a group of adult mages with my power'?

See that kind of thinking would get me killed if I tried.


You only have one life and ONLY that one best makes, the most I can with it.

Till then it's time to sharpen my body and my Alchemy preparing my skills.

I only need two to lower their guards then I get what I want straight for the kill.