
Fairy Tail: Magical Life

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). You know the usual cliche right folks so let me say again this story is about a reincarntor journey through the world of Fairy Tail the badass wizards and waifu galore right? Except for one problem with the MC realizing his born the same year as Mavis in the year of X673 all the way to the past does this disuade him? No he will use anything to his advantage and possibly learn the lessons of life and magic in his new... Magical Life.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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91 Chs

Chapter 66: Tower of Heaven (4)

Chapter 66: Tower of Heaven (4)

~Third POV~

Simon explains to the group what happened as Mavis took out the citizens dispelling the effects of Sho's Magic Card Holder Magic with Rou, Lucy, and Erza listening to the end of his story, "… and that's the gist of it. I apologize for the attempt, but we need to collect Erza to Jellal. But I personally don't want such an outcome…"

Rou seeing his eyes smirked nodding at his attitude and story in a humble tone holding the cube magic tool of Judgement Field, "That's more like it. Straight to the point. Adding the fact, you spoke truthfully under the effects of Judgement Field."

Simon lowers his head as Erza was disheartened by the events happening to her friends as they remain silent, "Simon. Sho. Millianna. Wally…"

Lucy merely taps Erza's shoulder holding it as Rou's eyes tilt towards four people coming their way Gray, Happy, and Natsu coming as he spoke out, "Glad to see you guys made it out! Also, who's the chick?"

Rou sees a slender, teenage girl with azure blue hair, midnight blue eyes, snow skin complexion, and a curvaceous figure. She has long hair, tightly curled at the base, wearing a sapphire blue coat, a cream-colored furry trimmed navy blue shawl with a pure white teru teru bozu attached to it, as well as a matching Russian Cossack hat.

She soon introduced herself to the group surprised to see the attackers dealt with, "I'm Juvia Lockser a pleasure to meet you, mister."

Rou nods at this while asking the three of them what happened with Gray and Natsu giving their story accounts as Natsu eyes Wally, "Hey it's the blockhead that shot me with a gun!! What the hell man?!!"

Happy being captain obviously read the room of the mood talking to his friend, "Hey Natsu don't think it's time to argue."

Natsu looks around confused Lucy talked to the two giving them the update on the situation as Mavis soon comes out listening to the conversation.


"That bastard!!"

Gripping his fist tightly hearing the news Natsu the ever emotional of the group having fire literally coming out his mouth, "No way that Jellal bastard is going to take Erza to their Tower of trash!! I'll destroy it myself!!"

Rou smirks at this followed by a nod but points out an issue of the plan, "True that. Unfortunately, though were going to need to take care of this issue fast. I suggest we have a group inform the Magic Council about this while the others take care of the Tower of Heaven situation."

Listening to that Mavis points out who's going to inform the Magic Council of the situation at hand, "I agree. I volunteer to go to the Magic Council about this issue right away and our guild to care of this. Considering the importance of being an S-Rank Mission immediately I dub Rou and Erza to take care of this matter."


"The hell!!"

Natsu group was surprised by this Rou nodded in agreement as Mavis points out the matter at hand but Erza interrupts her speaking out, "Mavis… Rou… I appreciate the matter, but I wish to handle this myself and… explain what happened in the Tower to my old friends…"

After that Erza went on for a bit explaining the situation to Sho, Millianna, Simon, and Wally of the situation that forced her hand with Wally and Millianna more understanding as was Simon pointing out believing her words making Sho have an emotional breakdown of the news.

Natsu only tightens his grip on his fist along with Gray hearing the backstory as Mavis took notice of this and frowns listening to the story.

Pausing a bit thinking for a moment she listened to Erza's story Mavis 'smiled' slightly with a blank look in her eyes changing her plans in that second immediately after listening, "On second thought considering you destroy things more than occasion… If your, fine leaving me with Happy, Juvia, Gray, and Lucy you are allowed to destroy the Tower of Heaven. Do you accept Natsu?"

At this Natsu smack his fist together in agreement with Mavis's choice with a smug grin, "Now that's more like it. Those punks won't know what hit them. Now I'm fired up!"

Natsu grins happily at this accepting the situation given to him giving Happy orders, "Happy be sure to take care of Mavis and Lucy!"

Happy saluted at this already on the job, "Aye sir!"

Gray wanted to argue but Mavis stops him in place when she replies to him, "I know you want to fight Gray but have faith in your friends. And call it a hunch but I think your help would be greatly appreciated with me and defending Happy, Juvia, and Lucy. But your Ice Maker would be ideal to create a path ahead for us to slide to Era quickly with Happy providing speed."

Gray looks over to Mavis, Lucy, Juvia, and Happy but listening to Mavis he sighs and nods his head as he looks over to Natsu, "Sigh… fine. I'll trust your judgment. Yo fire breath better fight double as hard for me will yeah!"

Natsu grins giving him a thumbs up in understanding with his thumb on fire, "Right! I'll be sure to kick double the ass with double the effort!"

Erza began to try and dissuade her friends from joining her as Rou taps her shoulder getting ready as he closes his eyes, "Now, now Erza-san. We're joining whether you like it or not so it's useless to argue now. Those who make an enemy of Fairy Tail are just asking for a can of whoop-ass. If it's a fight they want, then it's a war they get."

Seeing that Natsu is going regardless of her words Rou goes towards Erza friends asking Simon kindly, "Now then if you would be so kind to allow us to enter this Tower of Heaven will make sure Jellal understands the consequences of his actions. At the very least capture him alive."


Suddenly Sho, Millianna, and Wally were taken by Mavis using her Telekinesis Magic responding to their cries, "Oh! Almost forgot but we kind of need them as evidence and key witnesses. Simon would be enough and hopefully, everything goes well!"

Simon sees this but sighs at this understanding of the situation as he nods and replies to the group in a kind tone, "Sigh… very well. I'll take you to the island where the R-System is located. But beware it's guarded tightly with large numbers of the enemy on their side."

Natsu merely grins happily at the news slamming his fist into the palm of his hand, "Who needs numbers? We got us that's more than enough!"

Erza is hesitant to see, her friends being taken but could only understand the situation at hand as she talks to Lucy as they leave, "Very well then Mavis… Lucy. Happy. Gray. Juvia. Can you 4 looks after my friends for me in my place!!"

Lucy nods in understanding resolutely just as Mavis smiles seeing the scene then turns around with Juvia, Lucy, and Happy giving Rou an order, "Yup! Take care… Oh and Rou… destroy that tower leaving nothing left."

Rou turns around and replies with a thumbs up along with a smile on his face, "Alright dear! I'll be sure to take care of that place soon enough."

Like that, the two began to split with Simon leading Erza, Natsu, and Rou to the Tower of Heaven as Mavis takes the rest of Erza's friends along with Lucy, Gray, Happy, and Juvia with them…


Tower of Heaven…

The Tower of Heaven, also known as the R-System, is a taboo Magic Item that can be used to revive a deceased person…

With its twisted body and sporadically jutting sides, the Tower of Heaven appeared very chaotic and asymmetrical. The bottom and the main body of the tower was comprised of overlapping and intertwining lengths of metal tubes that wound together from the ground and straight up into the sky.

These giant pipes were held together through a series of smaller tubes that linked the main sections as well as many different-sized and shaped golden decorations which looped over and around the frame of the tower, adding to its unruly presentation. Around the main form of the building a twisted staircase wound, rising around the tower and leading to the throne room at the top.

The already mentioned throne room also added to the disorderly nature of the building, appearing as a giant green sphere encased in a crystal. The surface of the sphere was uneven and blotchy, being decorated with several red eye-shaped symbols, marked in a circle just above the room's circumference.

Additionally, a large number of sharp crystals were protruding from the green sphere, each one of them pointing randomly from the room and appearing to have been literally grown through the sides of the walls.

Keeping these crystals in place was a detailed metal band, which ran around the length of the room. Right at the very top of the tower, another little metal structure protruded, this being a twisted golden cone.

And inside the top of the Tower of Heaven stood Jellal a young man whose most prominent features are his blue hair and a red tattoo above and under his right eye, which he has had since his childhood.


Listening to the sound reports of Jellal's attendant a mildly muscular man of average height distinguished by his extremely long black hair, which reaches down far below his feet, is parted in the middle, and has two bangs reaching down below his waist framing his face. He has a large hooked nose and hairy eyebrows pointing upwards in spikes. He donned a simple attire consisting of a sleeved shirt paired with plain armbands, pants, gloves, and shoes.

This man is Vidaldus Taka a Mage who is a member of Trinity Raven, an elite squad of highly revered Assassins in Death's Head Caucus, a prestigious dark group under the command of Jellal.

Reporting to Jellal of the recent events happening from Simon misleading him of what's happening, "We've received word that Erza's capture was a success. And that they are heading this way."

Jellal holding his chin with his hand smiled confusing Vidaldus greatly at the cause of his actions, "But… why would you want that traitor now? You're a man of your magical prowess, it should be easy work to finish her off?"



Hearing laughter coming off from Jellal's mouth it soon became a full-blown laughter causing Vidaldus confusion of Jellal's laughter, "Hahaha! That would never do. This world is simply no fun!! However, now that the Tower of Heaven is complete… it would, only cause problems if we allow her to live any longer."

Leaning back to his throne-made chair as Jellal makes a cruel smirk spread across his face, "The time has come! You will become a sacrifice upon the altar of my ambition… Erza Scarlet!!!"

Feeling confident as the darkness of the night spreads across the land at that time Jellal and the mastermind behind Jellal control through the use of Possession Magic Ultear everything is becoming closer into place of their goals of reviving Zeref.

Unfortunately, though not all plans would proceed as planned…