
Fairy Tail: Magical Life

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). You know the usual cliche right folks so let me say again this story is about a reincarntor journey through the world of Fairy Tail the badass wizards and waifu galore right? Except for one problem with the MC realizing his born the same year as Mavis in the year of X673 all the way to the past does this disuade him? No he will use anything to his advantage and possibly learn the lessons of life and magic in his new... Magical Life.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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91 Chs

Chapter 5: Transmutation Array’s

Chapter 5: Transmutation Array's

~Rou POV~


I have Alchemy which is a fact.

With Alchemy my chances of surviving have just increased by a lot now.

Still, Alchemy does have its versatility being extremely powerful if you know what the heck you are doing and not dicking around.

The possibility of manipulating matter and other things has piqued my interest but more so how useful this will be to me in the future.

Oh, the possibilities with these will prove useful in the end.

Just need to find a couple of human scum bags that I won't hesitate to turn into philosophers' stones to work.

Then use said Stone to give me Origins for me to familiarize myself with getting Magic for myself in the future.

While I would highly question the morality of my situation here of thinking of using people to fuel my own sense of power and lust for survival, I have to remind myself of this.

Anyone here is free game.

Just because you have been reincarnated means you are exempt from death or fates worse off only knowledge.

Life doesn't care about you living so why would I care about strangers that will be stepping stones for me ensuring my own survival?

Those thoughts will always remind me I will put my life first because it's the only life I have to give unless I want it taken from me.

I don't have the time to mess around here because of a few facts mainly the majority of them that I'm weak to deal with anything against big contenders in this world or others would care about some kid.

I mean some main characters of Fairy Tail were orphans or mistreated by their parents central here so I think I have the right mindset here.

That's just the reality of my situation.

Hence, I'm going to need the Philosopher Stone my own cheat code in this world.

With Acnologia around I won't ever be safe with that flying death lizard going around.

Alchemy is truly an amazing thing but also brought the most horrible devil research brought to life.

Unfortunately, these experiments have given birth to a dark and sinister side of alchemy.

Whether out of despair, malice, or inquisitive hubris, several alchemists have been known to attempt the application of transmutation to the human body and/or soul, in essence, playing God with human lives.

But, just as the Law of Equivalent Exchange applies to the transmutation of non-living matter, devastating rebounds can occur in Human Transmutation because human lives and souls are priceless according to the flow of the world.

However, remembering the 5th Lavatory Transmutation circle I began immediately drawing it out on a piece of paper so that I can create the Philosopher Stones needed for what I have planned.


I think I'll draw a couple just in case.

My parents finally bought me a paper book journal and pencil for me on my birthday since I asked for one that they managed to get for me.

The Philosopher's Stone, also known by various other names such as the Red Stone, the Fifth Element, also the Sanguine Star according to Rz Rashid as shown in The Sacred Star of Milos, and the Grand Elixir in its liquid form, and many more, is a powerful transmutation amplifier appearing in both the anime and manga.

Due to the absolute law of alchemy being equivalent to exchange, the stone gives the illusion that someone is able to override that law.

Being that it is an illusion, the powers of the stone itself are not unlimited and only appear to allow an alchemist to bypass equivalent exchange as long as the stone retains its power.

It is also noted that the Philosopher's Stone only amplifies the abilities of an alchemist according to their skills and ability.

The reason why is simply because it was proved to be true by the rules of the Fullmetal Alchemist world.

Because every human has a soul, each human is technically a Philosopher's Stone, allowing a highly gifted Alchemist to use their own soul to fuel transmutations. However, doing so is believed to shorten the Alchemist's lifespan.

Ed is the only known Alchemist to have achieved this and even used the technique twice.

Ed first used his own life force to heal himself after being injured fighting Kimblee.

The second time was in his battle with Pride; he transmuted himself into a Philosopher's Stone to confront Pride's consciousness with his own.

So, what I need is really a few souls or one to get the achieved ability I wanted from the stone so that I can gain the benefits.

Won't make me stronger sure but extra abilities will come in handy as well as extra ensured life expansion is welcomed.

The Philosopher's Stone can take many forms, ranging from a lumpy, coal-like rock to a viscous liquid, as with the one that Dr. Marcoh owns, or even as a man. Their color in purely material form is always a dark, blood-like red.

Usually the smaller it is, the less powerful the Philosopher's Stone is.

Still, that's a long way ahead of what I have envisioned anyway.

But there is a flaw with my idea that needs to be addressed making me frown once I realized the problem.

I'm a fucking amateur when it comes to Alchemy and it's too time-consuming.

The reason is that studying the normal way is too time-consuming and really too long of a time period to truly study to become an alchemist.

Here's a prime example of what I mean.

Why did Amestris have so many alchemists in their ranks?

The answer is quite simple.

Because each of those alchemists is practically a master in their own general fields like the titles that come with them.

The Flame, Freezing, Crystal, Silver, Iron Blood, Lightning, and Crimson Alchemist as well as so many more…

It took them years of understanding to comprehend the elements and everything which would make it impossible to replicate some of them except for possibly iconic ones like Mustang and the water guy since they are basic in a way.

Not in a true sense anyway.

Plus, there is another thing I have to know about the other version of alchemy.

Alkahestry, also called Purification Arts, refers to the slightly different form of Alchemy used in the country of Xing.

Alkahestry differs from Alchemy in both its practice and its goal.

Whereas Amestrian Alchemy claims to have its roots in the energy of tectonic shifts and practices manipulation of matter toward scientifically practical ends, Alkahestry is centered on a concept called the Dragon's Pulse.

The Dragon's Pulse speaks of the Earth itself having a constant flow of chi also called life energy which flows metaphorically from the tops of mountains down to the land, nourishing everything it passes with that energy as does blood coursing through the veins.

And what is exactly the Dragon Pulse?

The Dragon Pulse could be explained like this.

Rather than stemming from the movement of tectonic plates in the Earth's crust, the true source of the alchemical energy is from the movement of a multitude of souls, which in turn form All, including the Universe.

By understanding the Dragon Pulse this way you get a better understanding of the Philosopher Stone's working and is related to the One is All, All is One creed.

Why this is important because I'm going to recreate a unique version that combines the two alchemy together.

However, I might not be able to recreate the whole process, but it will have to do.

But I don't need to understand much I just only need one portion of it to work.

And there is one character that perfectly fits what I'm talking about.


He fits my needs perfectly of his fighting style.

Glancing around for a bit to find my journal and pencil in my room I began to draw and outline the right transmutation circles or array needed for this to work along with the Alkahestry of the dragon to fit with the circle.

This made Scar one of the antagonists of the series turned good in Brotherhood one of the most dangerous characters of the show to be someone really feared when given the chance as he did take down a couple of state alchemists that know more general fields of alchemy than him and still won.

The Ishvalan Scar has an array signifying the Dragon's Pulse tattooed on his right arm, mixing the Alchemical runes of Amestris and Xing with an Alkahestric source to allow for unhindered transmutations.

Essentially Scar, as he views himself as not an alchemist, has shown no such interest in Alchemy before and yet how is he able to use alchemy if he never even studied it before?

The answer lies in his unique and advanced form of transmutation arrays on his arms to make it work along with Alchemy and Alkahestry.

Drawing the Transmutation Array is needed.

Still, the fact remains that I might not be able to deconstruct an object whose composition does not comprehend suggests that I must actively identify, or at least make educated guesses at, the makeup of objects I wish to destroy; at best, I'm an amateur alchemist by practice just activating the ability of this Alchemy.

I need to practice to make it work for me.

But it's good as it is for the time being able to destroy the stone and other hardy materials.

Reconstruction is going to be the tricky part.

Either way, I began to draw the outline for the transmutation circle needed for it to work.

Fortunately for me drawing the Transmutation Array that Scar used is much easier than with the alchemic text needed since I have seen what it originally looks like and understand it.

Scar's arm array is the deconstruction half of a two-piece complementary set designed by his older brother.

By studying both Amestrian alchemy and Xingese alkahestry, Scar's elder brother was able to find similarities between the two and combine them into an array that incorporated their strengths.

The right arm, marked with 'TERRA' and 'AER', carries an array incorporating twin snakes in a Caduceus pattern surrounded by reptilian scales which may represent the 'Dragon's Pulse' of alkahestric origin and a series of tribal arrows leading down to the wrist, representing an outward flow. This arm is designated for deconstruction.

The left arm, designated for reconstruction, is marked with the same array turned upside down to represent an inward flow and with the Dragon's Pulse tattooed in white ink rather than the black ink of the right arm. Its inward flow completes the cyclical pulse of full transmutation and it is marked with 'IGNIS' and 'AQUA', completing the elemental tetrad.

And hopefully enough just enough to give me an edge.


Now activating the alchemy is the easy part figuring out how active it will work outside is a different matter altogether.

Resting my body first since it's a night out I need my rest for the night.

Hiding the Human Transmutation Circle and Transmutation Array drawings in my Journal in my drawer it was best to study the most I can on Alchemy and experiment on what I can do and what I can't use this type of Alchemy.

For now, though that's a long way from now though.

Who knows maybe in the future I could use my Magic to fuel my Alchemy but till then the possibilities are infinite.


My need for sleep is calling to me nighty night.