
Fairy Tail: Magical Life

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). You know the usual cliche right folks so let me say again this story is about a reincarntor journey through the world of Fairy Tail the badass wizards and waifu galore right? Except for one problem with the MC realizing his born the same year as Mavis in the year of X673 all the way to the past does this disuade him? No he will use anything to his advantage and possibly learn the lessons of life and magic in his new... Magical Life.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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91 Chs

Chapter 29: Alchemist to Alchemist

Chapter 29: Alchemist to Alchemist

~Rou POV~

"Are you really trying to become a Dragon Slayer Rou?"

Looking over my shoulder listening to Mavis after collecting some souvenirs from our time in Sun Village we arrived at our Guild replying, "Yup. I still have to find a way to figure out how to undo the effects. Maybe examining the Dragon Bones in my lab might have some clues?"

She sighs at me shaking her head but still expresses a smile on her face replying, "Sigh… maybe. But still, I can't wait to tell the news to the guys!! They won't believe what we found out –"


Opening the doors we were greeted with our new members fitting right into Fairy Tail I chuckle at them as Mavis smiles and waves, "Still getting used to being the Master here Mavis? Ah, the time does fly by doesn't it."

Her lips twitched at that but regains her composure as she replied to me happily, "Yeah… the paperwork is a pain… but if it makes them happy to provide our members a home then I don't regret it. After all, with our friends here this place won't be boring now wouldn't?"

Shrugging admitting her point on that one we both entered inside adjusting our belongings when I see Precht leaning by the barkeep.

Our eyes met as he smiled gesturing for him to get our attention as he began to talk to the both of us, "Rou. Mavis. A pleasure to meet you again. How was the trip at Sun Village encountered anything new?"

Hearing the voice of Precht I smirked as I give my reply to the man happily, "Yeah Precht! We both found something really unbelievable during our trip. Is Warrod or Yuri around so we can share?"

Precht shook his head as he sighed giving us our answer as he spoke out, "Nope. Those two are on a Quest right now dealing with a Wyvern nearby an outskirt of Clover Town."



Nodding my head Mavis pouts a bit with those two gone as she responds to Precht, "Ah man. And here I thought I would get to see their surprised faces when we deliver the news."


I really wanted to see those two faces when I show them the image of Atlas Flame I have it on my Archive to spook the shit out of them.

But that was when Precht tells us of the news of someone visiting getting surprised in a neutral tone, "Yeah. Since you are back I should inform you that a Guild Master from the Guiltina continent came over that wished to meet with you. Specifically, Rou in person in fact."

The Guiltina continent?

I wasn't aware I was popular.

Isn't that the northern continent of Earth Land, which is called Guiltina, which is also monolithic compared to Ishgar, with few islands?

What Guild Master from the North would want to meet with me for?

Replying to Precht was Mavis getting curious about what Guild Master was interested in visiting me already, "Interesting… in that case inform the Guild Master that we arrived and will meet in Guild Master Office."

Precht nodded as he started to get off Mavis questioned me about the sudden appearance of a Guild Master, "Say Rou you didn't cause any problems or any achievements as of late to warrant a visit of a Guild Master, did you?"

Tilting her head at me I could only shrug as I was equally as confused here as I replied, "I'm just as clueless as you are Mavis. Although I'm interested why do they want to meet me aren't you?"


She replied with that sound in agreement humming as we began to unpack and wait up for the person wanting to meet with me.


Everything is prepared as we waited for the person of interest to arrive.


Entering through the door we both get a view of the person wanting to meet with us as he takes a seat sitting across from us.

The person in waiting is a tall very young man who has, light-colored hair that is well groomed with a braided ponytail. He wears a nobleman's uniform with a cravat along with an emblem I feel that I'm familiar with and yet not at the same time.

Going over to the Guild Master chair Mavis began to start conversations with introductions to each other with her having a serious voice, "Ahem! I apologize for the late convince sir. I was busy with some things in the Guild that needed my attention. I'm the Wizard Guild Master Mavis Vermillion and you are sir?"

At this, the young man grinned as he replied to us who he was and what type of Guild he works in being charge, "The pleasure is all mine miss. It's not everyday news of an Alchemist as talented as him living here in Magnolia. I'm the Guild Master Duke Barbaroa of Gold Owl an Alchemist Guild located in the continent of Guiltina."

An Alchemist Guild?


I know I remember a Guild like that in the 100-year quest but isn't this guy supposed to be older how the heck does he live this long is my question?


Ignoring that for the moment I began to introduce myself to the Duke in a respectful tone, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Duke. I'm Rou Ake the person of interest. Although may I ask why you are interested in me?"

He grins at me beginning to explain to me about his intention of coming to me as Mavis listens in as well, "From the grapevines I have heard of a very young talented Alchemist living here after he and a group saved a dying town even making their Guild here. From what I hear you use Alchemy differently than those of the North, so I came to confirm such things myself as a fellow Alchemist."

Raising an eyebrow at that I didn't think much of being searched for by an Alchemist Guild because of my Alchemy though.

Then again I never really understood their principle of Alchemy in Earthland since my version is different than what they're using.

Although I'm interested in what the man is saying.

But a gut feeling tells me I shouldn't reveal everything to this guy as I shrug responding, "Well you are right that I'm an Alchemist but why would you be interested in me though? I don't think I'm anything special."

He merely shakes his head replying to me with a genuine interest in my Alchemy in a happy tone of his voice, "Oh nonsense young man. I see great potential within you of being an Alchemist in the near future. And to be frank I'll get straight to the point I want you in my Guild!! Talent such as yours would shine brightly working with my people."

Mavis's eyes narrowed at that.

Oh, she's pissed.

But I humbly deny his request though making her smile again as I reply to him, "I'm sorry Duke but I'm very happy where I stand. After all, I can't exactly leave my girlfriend all on her own."

His eyes widen at this as he coughs into his hand sweating a bit apologizing for his recruitment speech at me, "Ahem…! I'm dearly sorry I didn't realize that you two were a thing. Guess that recruiting you is out then. But at the very least can I see your Alchemy in the way you transmute at the very least? And in return, I'll show you one of mine."


I think I can make a fair trade like this.

Mavis eyes me as she talks to me in a neutral tone that the Duke is listening, "Are you positive you want to show?"

I gave out a curt nod as I take out a white chalk as I create a fake Transmutation Circle the Duke looks intently at it, "Very well then Duke. I can show you how I do my Alchemy and in return, you show me yours."

He replied with a curt nod as I began to draw the false Transmutation Circle with the wrong runes in another language of Amesterian a language this world doesn't understand with more false words to fool him.

No way I'm genuinely handing over my Alchemy that easily.


The wood was reconstructed into our Guild Emblem of Fairy Tail as I began to use Deconstruction to destroy it.


When I finish showing my Alchemy, he looked shocked at my attempt but intrigued at the same time as if trying to figure something out but can't.


Showing the results, I see that the Duke's expression looked confused but intrigued at the same time as he speaks to me, "Hmm…. I couldn't quite grasp what you just did. Whatever you did it wasn't Wood Alchemy from what I'm aware of and you managed to destroy it? No Transmutation technique used… fascinating."


Ok, go back a bit there, Wood Alchemy?

Now it was my turn to ask some questions the man was confused about what he meant by that, "I'm sorry backtrack here Wood Alchemy? What do you mean by the Transmutation technique?"

At this, it was Barbaroa's turn to look confused at me before finally relenting to me what he was talking about, "Ah… I see it seems like you aren't aware. The Transmutation Technique is when an Alchemist of their responding respecting nature transmutes the matter into something else. Say transmuting your body into Smoke or even transmuting abstract concepts... Although yours is different from the norm."

Smoke Alchemy?

The fuck?

Genuinely confuse it was my turn to ask more about that to the Duke curious, "Ok Smoke Alchemy? Now you lost me can you show me a demonstration please?"

The Duke merely smirked as he grins proudly as he touches one of the pens on the desk with one finger –



My eyes widen seeing the process as did Mavis surprised with seeing this Smoke Alchemy with Duke smirking, "Oh? Seems like you are genuinely surprised seeing this. In all honestly, something like changing that pen into smoke is nothing. Or changing it back."



Seeing this I couldn't help but be impressed by this guy…

He smug at me trying to bait me in to join as he leaves me an offer to join as he stands and leaves, "Now then I see you are impressed with my work. If you ever want to learn more, you can then come to my Guild Gold Owl in open arms. Till then farewell young man."



How did he manage to transmute ignoring the laws of equivalent exchange by changing something like a pen into fucking smoke?!!!



Snapping back to reality hearing the sound of Mavis's concern I smile at her rubbing her head to reassure her, "No worries. I'm not leaving Mavis I'm just impressed talented people like him exist. No worries I'm not running nor am I leaving you alone."

She smiles taking my hand feeling her grip tighter as I won't make her feel alone.

But I will break down how that guy did it in my own way.

I need to retake the basics of how he did it.

Though that can wait later as I need to help my sweetheart stay calm with me staying and not leaving.


~Barbaroa POV~

Quite the interesting man I might say.

The talent to be an alchemist is clear to the eyes can see and I see it being wasted here.

All because of a girl?


Such a worthless emotion is unneeded for him.

But I can't exactly influence my authority here nor jeopardize my position being one of Elefseria's disciples for him.


I still need the use of that Wizard with his vast knowledge about the world and important information on how to deal with those 6 Dragons.



Obsession Alchemy.


By increasing the condensing of the obsession of his curiosity of my Smoke Alchemy when he made contact with the smoke I want the boy to learn from me as such a talent is wasted here being a wizard and what best I could modify his body to become a modified human.

A member of Gold Owl with infinite stamina and energy like Athena almost…


For now, though I can't risk anything for the moment unless something truly powerful or fulfilling to satisfy his curiosity trying to figure out my Smoke Alchemy he would be driven mad to seek me out.

And there's no way that boy would ever figure this out after all this information came from 100 years into the future thanks to Elefseria trying to perfect his Law Dragon Slayer Magic since Magic and Alchemy are one of the same coins of different sides!
