
Chapter 27: Sun Village (2)

A/N: Alright guys thanks for the poll and finally decided which ones I think would be good to go next arc...

As for what timeline of events the MC and Mavis jump into...

You'll have to wait till chapter 47 to find out till then enjoy this chapter!


Chapter 27: Sun Village (2)

~Third POV~

Night descended on the desert area of Earthland as the sand tundra of warmth turned cold as night came but upon the small portion of green life in the middle of the desert.

In that small forest-like area in the middle of sand as far as the eye can see a fire flickered inside to reveal a campsite as Mavis and Rou both began to eat their rations for the night.

In the small covered greenery, Mavis asked Rou curiously about the compass in his possession showing clear signs of Enchant magic on it, "So that compass will help us get to Sun Village faster? I can see it's inscribed 'Desire' on it so does that mean the more you desire the village the more accurate the pose on it will be?"

At this Rou nodded at her question seeing how she got it easily enough chewing down on dried fruit, "Gulp! Yeah. It will help us explore unique places or find things we want so long as we desire them. Hence the compass with my Enchant will help guide us to our destination of what we desire. Pretty neat idea, right?"

Mavis nods her head biting down on her rations pouting at the idea Rou had mumbling as she eats but smiles at the end of her words, "Sigh… now I kind of wish I had that idea. It would make finding fairies a whole lot easier…. Hmm… note to self-make an Enchant like that."

Rou just laughs feverously as Mavis would use his idea to create her own version essentially copying him.

Although he felt really pleased or honored that Mavis would use his idea but shakes his head as he talked to her curiously, "Yeah… although I wonder… what exactly does the world have to offer? And what kinds of adventures would we visit? Even possibly visiting the Celestial World even."

Listening to his mumbling Mavis's interest is peaked asks Rou curiously at his words, "Visiting other worlds? I mean I know Celestial Magic exist along with the Celestial Spirits having their own home. After all, you have been studying Celestial Spirit Magic. Do you think it's possible for us humans to visit though?"

Understanding her concern Rou knew why she questions if it would be safe for them as they both read the contents of it in their library.

The Celestial Spirit World is the dimension where the Celestial Spirits reside.

The Celestial Spirit World is the place where all Celestial Spirits spend their time when they are not being called up by their summoners.

It is presumably ruled by the Celestial Spirit King. Being in the world seems to have some sort of rejuvenating effect on the spirits, restoring their health after being in the human world which, over long periods of time, can potentially kill the spirit.

The reverse is also possible: humans are unable to breathe in their world, so after a period of time, albeit a much shorter one, they would die. Such an occurrence of a human entering the Celestial Spirit World is a serious breach of contract.

But Rou merely smiled at Mavis's question as his eyes look towards the stars above them replying to her, "Maybe we can ask a Celestial Spirit. I mean the rules are IF we force them by contract… but what if we could with a magic spell. Then we wouldn't be breaking their rules, right? Last, I check they aren't absolute."

Now listening to his words Mavis's eyes shine knowing what Rou meant asking excitedly about what he meant, "Wait…! Do you mean there might be a way to enter the Celestial Spirit World via Spell? Oh… I so want to learn that do you happen to have an idea Rou!!!"

Hearing the excited voice of Mavis Rou relented giving her an answer however with a strained smile on his face, "Yeah… but the only way to know that magic is from The Moon Dragon God Selene in the continent of Guiltina with other Dragons."

Her eyes widen at this seeing a new adventure form from the information provided as she ponders how he knew in a curious tone, "Hey how do you know then? I doubt anybody knew so why do you know, where to locate those Dragons?"

Shrugging at this Rou explains to Mavis a fabricated half-lie and half-truth to her as she takes it as the truth listening to him, "Oh? It's because my parents were originally from Guiltina till they migrated to Tenrou Island. I don't know what caused them to leave or why, but they would always mention stories about these dragons. Almost akin to calling them Dragon Gods for a few that's how I knew my Alchemy from what my parents knew before… well you know."

At this Mavis stops her questioning and nods in understanding not probing anymore as the two enjoy the rushing sounds of the wind in the night.

New ideas filled their heads of what to do and what brand new adventures and lessons…


Mavis's eyes soon began to water with Rou smirking casually as she runs around yelling the words crying tears of pain as she ran with her mouth or rather her tongue on fire 'accidentally' eating a pepper that Rou may or may have not placed using Telekinesis Magic while Mavis wasn't looking, "HOT!!! HOT!!! TOO SPICY!!! AHHHH!!! MY MOUTH IS ON FIRE!!!! ROU HEAL ME!!! I'M SORRY ABOUT THE PRANK!!! IT WAS JUST A PRANK BRO!!!"

Rou merely hums happily to himself taking out some prepared cold milk and Healing Magic at the ready making Mavis unaware she ate a Ghost Pepper he created using Green Magic out of sheer spite of the prank she did to him back in the Guild mumbling to himself, "Ah… vengeance is a dish best served hot and spicy. Never fuck with the Healer or White Mage... ever."


A few days pass by as the morning finally rises up the two of them finally see signs of civilization when they finally reached Sun Village in the far distance as their faces light up.

Surrounding the Sun Village are a number of large, elongated rocky formations, jutting up from the ground and extending their slender shape towards the sky; smaller rocks are found throughout the place. Despite its position in a desert, trees grow freely in the village's vicinity, even creating small forests. A rocky mountain of notable height isn't located far from the village.

The two faces lit up as they both yelled out happily finding the Sun Village, "WE FOUND IT!! SUN VILLAGE!!!"

Seeing the chance, the two continued forward in the direction of the Sun Village as they reach the entrance with Mavis mesmerized by seeing actual Giants in fairy tales into reality.

Upon reaching the entrance one of the Giants began to respond seeing a pair of children coming here, "Ho? What do you think you two are doing here in Sun Village little ones? Your far out from human towns you know?"

Listening to the booming sounds from the Giants causing Rou to fall down with Mavis rolling out on the dirt land rubbing her hurt butt mumbling to Rou, "Damn it, Rou please be careful of this fair Maiden? Ahem!"


Cleaning herself up as Rou apologizes Mavis began to use her Illusion Magic as a large illusion of her appeared surprising the Giants as she bows showing respect introducing herself, "Ahem…! Sorry for intruding in your Sun Village Giants. I'm Mavis Vermillion Guild Master of Fairy Tail, and my friend here Rou Ake a member of Fairy Tail. We have come to visit Sun Village sightseeing of your wonderful home."

Seeing the respect and skepticism of one of the Giants of Mavis being a Guild Master they asked with caution and edge in their voice gripping their weapons, "Now lookie here missy. Thanks for introducing yer self and all but we want to know one thing… are you here to steal the Eternal Flame? Like those of yer kind does to come to our homes?"

Listening to this Mavis's eyes widen in surprise shaking her head denying taking their worshiped God as she explains to them with a gentle smile, "Take…? Oh no. We are merely here to see your Eternal Flame not take. We are merely going to ask your God… if Fairies exist or do, they have tails?"

Their eyes widen at such a request they couldn't help but nod as well as laugh at how reckless Mavis was, "Hahahaha! Aye… they certainly have the courage to ask of us. As well as be young enough to cross the desert to here. Very well then you two can enter inside but be wary and remain using your magic to not get squashed! Hahaha…"

The two fairies smile at this as Rou conjured up an illusion of himself using Illusion Magic to not get crushed underfoot quite literally.

Mavis enjoys the view of finally having a genuine adventure seeing the Giants of Sun Village for the first-time experience with Rou merely shocked seeing how big they are in comparison to them being little.

The Sun Village's architecture bears resemblance to that of Western villages in the Middle Ages: the main building material appears to be stone, with structures composed of bricks sometimes sporting elaborate decorative motifs varying in height, resembling either house with pitched roofs made of squared tiles or towers with angular sections.

Windows are simple though skillfully carved, mostly sporting an arched upper edge opening in the walls, lacking any glass. Wood is present in the form of beams outlining sections of larger structures such as holding up a large bell on top of a stone building, and the same goes for straw, which is visible on some minor eaves.

Pieces of light cloth either flags or clothes hung out to dry are shown secured here and there to horizontal ropes, suspended above buildings. The village is split on different heights by the ground's structure, with some buildings even integrating the rocky environment itself in their forms; all buildings fit their gigantic owners in size.

Mavis and Rou's eyes widen seeing how small they really are in comparison to them as he couldn't help but speak out shock in their real forms, "Damn… everything here is just big… honestly, makes saving Magnolia look really small in comparison to here? And are we sure we call this a village?"

Mavis nods her head slowly in agreeing to see, large numbers of Giants along with the structures needed but shakes in the excitement in their real forms starry-eyed, "Yeah… everything is just so big… I love it!!! It's like nothing the fairy tale says they are it's just amazing!! Now this is really a great adventure coming here!!!"

Rou merely smirked happily seeing Mavis enjoying herself coming to Sun Village seeing the past.



But not too long though the two soon witnessed a ball of fire no a figure they froze in sight feeling the Magic Power it radiated as their eyes caught sight of a creature covered in a complete fire with wings yet have a noticeable powerful Magic Power radiating from it as the two quivered of just feeling it…


Mavis shaking with excitement but fear as well as feeling the Magic Power couldn't help but mumble in pure shock she witnessed, "R—Rou… did we—e just saw a… a… a… real life D—Dragon…!"

Rou for his part felt excited and fearful at the same time with a grin forming on his face gaining control, "Y—Yeah… we just witnessed a Dragon. And we're going to meet a Dragon. The best part of this adventure, right?"

Mavis nods her head with stary eyed expression as the two began to move forward to see the Dragon that returned.

Next chapter