
Fairy tail: Magic General

John Osborne is your average teenager that loves anime and novels. Unfortunately? or Fortunately? He got run over by the truck himself truck-kun, Reincarnating him in the world of fairy tail with a cheat and a non-mainstream magic. All the characters here except my OC are the property of Hiro Mashima and all related franchises. Discord Link: https://discord.gg/ENhyK5Ff Image is not mine, just found it on internet

Xenodia · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
109 Chs

Old men shouldn't be provoked

Along with his shout, a vigorous sound of the beat of the drum suddenly resounded on the battlefield.

[Insert drums of liberation]

Thud Thud Tututututhud, Thud Thud Tututututhud, Thud Thud Tututututhud...

John smiled when he heard the familiar sound of drums, he took a seat from the space to sit down and watch their performance while summoning 30 Ghost Ripper puppets to be their opponents.

The tribal young man became more angry when he saw what John did and roared angrily.

"How dare you underestimate us!"

After shouting that another three of his teammates got out of the shadows and began to dance a mysterious dance with him.

Going along with the beat of the drums, with quick feet and nimble arms they danced a tribal dance with John in the center.

As they dance the ethernano from the surrounding slowly gathered on them and their tribal tattoos started to glow.

Then behind them appeared animal shadows, and behind the young tribal man appeared a yellow tiger. And a falcon, an ape, and a cheetah appeared behind the other three respectively.

The young tribal man with the yellow tiger shadow behind him seems to incarnate into a fierce tiger as he pounced towards John.

And the other three also pounced like their respective animal shadows, as light as a falcon, strong like an ape, and swift like a cheetah.

At first, John watched with interest, but slowly he got bored because he found out that these people only have the combat power of an A-rank mage, so he quickly manipulated the puppets to subdue them including the one playing the drums.

Then while getting some rope from the space, he tied them up one by one, in an appropriate way, of course, not the tortoiseshell type one.

"Well, We'll go first, you can get out of the binds yourself or wait for someone to help you," John said then walked into the forest amidst the cursing of the young tribal man.

After a few minutes though when they confirmed that John and Sebastian has really gone far away, their bodies slowly wriggled like a snake out of the ropes binding.

"Let's quickly warn the tribe of the intruders!" They swiftly went inside the forest to head back to their tribe.

But, it was too late as just as they were a few hundred meters from their tribe they heard a cold shout from the sky and everything went black.

"Let the light of day fade, and the veil of the night descend upon us!"

Other than trees, the only other thing visible in their sight is the scarlet red moon in the sky, and just as they were thinking that it could not get any more creepier.

A bone-chilling whistle suddenly sounded from nowhere that made their hairs stand on the end.

And yet just as they thought that there could not be any more changes in the situation, a familiar old voice suddenly sounded from the direction of their tribe.

"Bold Intruder! Dare to intrude into the land of the Choros Tribe!"

Along with the shout a small white light slowly rose from the east like a morning sun, along with the rising of the sun, tribal music slowly sounded in the forest with the thundering sound of the drums being the loudest.

With the rising of the sun and the sound of the music, a burst of cheerful laughter seems to resound throughout the forest.

This series of changes made John's face dark if he wasn't sure that he was in the Fairy Tail World, he would have assumed he was in the One Piece world at this moment.

He wouldn't even be surprised if another Kaido and Big Mom pops out of nowhere, after all, Joy Boy is already here, what could he ever be surprised of?

Fortunately just as he laid out the domain, he already took a few Jeweled Tortoise with him before the elders in this tribe could react.

It was easy to take them since a lot of them are resting in a small island inside a large lake in the middle of the Choros Tribe.

"HAHAHAHA, I'll be taking my leave, old geezers!"John laughed hysterically like a true villain while standing on Dragapult.

"Coming and going as you please?! Do you really think the Choros Tribe is your back garden?!!"

Along with an old man's roar, the tribal music became more intense as the cheerful laughter became louder, then a faint magic circle appeared in the rising sun.

"Sun Magic: Spear of The Great Sun!"

A spear made of light formed inside the sun and shot at John at the speed of light.

"Shit!" John had no time to react as the spear pierced him in his left shoulder almost hitting his heart.

John spat out blood while urging Dragapult to get out of this place, he readily took out two potions made from azure lotus and drank one to stop the bleeding and poured the other into the hole to facilitate regeneration.

"We can't really provoke the old geezers of this world, we got a family of Joy Boy in the country of Minstrel, who knows what other old geezers other countries would have?"

"Hiss." John hissed in pain when he touched the wound on his left shoulder to see if it healed yet.

"That's a pretty stupid way to check if the wound has already healed." Sebastian said when he saw what John did.

"You can't scold me, that old geezer is too vengeful, I obviously just took a few tortoises from them and he almost killed me in one shot."

"If you didn't take the oldest tortoise with you, the old man probably wouldn't throw you that spear." Sebastian's word poked at John's sore spot as that was indeed the case.

"But, you did pretty well brat, you didn't die from the spear just now. You didn't know, but that spear was made from the magic power of 3 S-rank and 10 A-rank mages."

"Yet, if you stayed any longer you would probably die once the whole tribe pours their magic power into the circle."

John wiped the sweat from his forehead when he heard that, it's good that he was fast enough in snatching the tortoises, and the other tribe members are slow enough to not reach the battle dance area.

"With this Jeweled Tortoise gem's, it should be able to save Layla Heartfilia, right?"

Sebastian smiled sadly when he heard John's words, John noticed this and his heart dropped as he asked.

"Why are you smiling sadly, Sebastian? Isn't Layla supposed to be healed after absorbing the vitality of the gem?"

"Sadly, although the gem and other things containing vitality can make her live a few more years at most, it won't really cure her."

"Becasue what was drained from her is not just simply vitality, her souls lifespan was also drained, so that no matter how healthy the body is, she's bound to collapse once her soul's lifespan ends."

"It's like using forbidden magic to turn back time or resurrect someone, once you do so, serious consequences will befall upon you."

Sebastian explained while a trace of melancholy flashed in his eyes as if he was remembering something sad.

[Mini Author Series

Inside a college dormitory sat a young man in front of a desk writing on a diary placed in front of him.

It had the title of: The 100th day of escape.

He then closed the diary when he was done writing all that happened in his day today.

"I never thought I'll be able to attend college when I was kidnapped by a crazy reader." He muttered to himself feeling that all he was experiencing today was surreal.

Life has never felt so good when he escaped from that hell hole where the crazy reader is keeping him to write chapters.

Thud~ Thud~

Just then a knock sounded from the door, the young man went to the door a bit confused as who would be knocking this late into the night.

"Who is it? Kno-" He asked when he saw something that scared the living daylights out of him.

He saw a man wearing all black with a black ski mask on his face looking at him with a big smile.

"Hello, my friend. I hoped that you enjoyed the hundred days of vacation." ]