

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). An old path has closed and a new one takes its place with a new Player in the unknown world of Earthland a land filled with Magic. In this world were Magic is supreme and dangers of all kinds lie in every corner of this world to crazy cultist, powerful dark wizards, demons, immortal dark lords, and a overpowered Dragon that nullifies everything? How will Silva Knights handle such threats that he has come to call Earthland his new home with the experimented abilities of [THE GAMER] from the previous user.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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210 Chs

Chapter 174: Secret Boss Rush Quest (3)

Chapter 174: Secret Boss Rush Quest (3)

~Third POV~

On November 9, X790 after sealing the Water Dragon God Merchobia's power he showed Silva around handing him free souvenirs as thanks for sealing his power properly and having a grasp of his power in control.

The next day after that on November 10, X790 the two were sitting across from Merchobia's water palace with Caramille finishing breakfast.

Once they were done Silva placed both his hands together his expression serious with numerous souvenirs behind him getting back to the quest, "Ahem…! Thanks for the souvenirs, Merc but returning to business… Can you tell me everything you know about the rest of the Dragon Gods? I came here solely for that purpose."

Merchobia nodded explaining everything he could about the other Dragon Gods in a neutral tone, "I haven't had the chance to meet them quite a while now so I can't tell you where they are now… But I do owe you unanimously for sealing my power for me to be able to control so I'll give you all the information I have."

Curtly nodding he allowed Merchobia to explain what he knew about the other Dragon Gods gaining his immediate attention, "The Fire Dragon God named Ignia is a rather belligerent one. He has destroyed countless countries the fact that Elmina remains is a miracle. Next is the Wood Dragon God Aldoron. He is the biggest Dragon in the world it is said that he can read people's minds with his powers. The Moon Dragon Selene is a powerful dragon who uses the power of the stars. The Gold Dragon or the Metal Dragon Viernes. I'm afraid I don't know anything about this one. Never met him personally."

Silva nodded in understanding standing up and stretching his body preparing the next Dragon responding to Merchobia, "Yeah. Thanks for the info in that case I should prepare for the next one right away. Anyway, it was great meeting you Merc but I should get going."

Merc only nodded in understanding as Silva summoned his Magic Flying Carpet hopping on and wishing the two good luck, "Well it's great, and thanks for the gifts. I'll have something for everyone when they return. Hope you two lovebirds better start fucking already okay bye!!!"



"You bastard!!!"


Laughter could be heard as Merchobia coughed unexpecting that response Caramille cursed at him leaving earshot distance as Silva laughed and could be heard leaving the port city…


Silva getting a kick at their reactions returned to business muttering to himself happily, "Haha… ah… that never gets old. But I should get going to my next objective."

Taking out a paper marking down Water Dragon as cleared Silva used his Millennium Ring to locate his next dragon god target seemingly pointed in the direction north.



Next brought out Rongo Rongo searching the map as he mutters to himself munching on a light snack of peanuts of the location in advance, ". So… it seems like the ring is pointing towards the north of here. Seems like the next location is Draciel where I can find my next target..."

Crunching down on his peanuts feeling a bit dejected about facing the first Dragon God continues talking to himself a bit hopeful, "Perhaps the next dragon god will be up for a challenge that I can exterminate. Crunch. Maybe… hmmm?"


Silva continued to daydream he suddenly stopped detecting a sense of Magic noticing the ash in the air and raising an eyebrow calling out to the figure, "You know I can smell yah, right? How about coming out to meet and greet?"



The ash around started to twirl as three people soon came into appearance blocking Silva's way as they all materialized in front of him standing on the ash as a platform.

The one to address Silva is Skullion Raider a Fifth Generation Dragon Slayer that uses Corpse Dragon Slayer Magic and a member of Diabolos, a guild of dragon eaters yelling to him, "Halt foreigner! We have much to discuss with you!"

Silva raised an eyebrow as the other members complained about Kiria a Fifth Generation Dragon Slayer that uses Blade Dragon Slayer Magic and a member of Diabolos, a guild of dragon eaters, "But why the hell we need him Skullion! We can devour the Water Dragon ourselves without his help!"

The last one is Madmole a Fifth Generation Dragon Slayer that uses Armor Dragon Slayer Magic and a member of Diabolos, a guild of dragon eaters responded raising his hand, "But Kiria we need him if we plan to ambush the Water Dragon judging by their conversation being on good terms."

Silva's eyes narrowed at their words crossing his arms together responding to the group in a hurry waving his hand at them to shoo, "Look I don't know you guys well nor do I like being stopped to hear your preaching. But I'm on the clock here on a job so if you guys can just shoo away it would very much be appreciated. Go on now shoo, shoo…"

Kiria annoyed by his response clenches her fist teeth gritting at his exclaims, "Why you little…!!"

Before she could react Skullion raised his hand to stop her as she accepted trying to get Silva's assistance in eliminating Merchobia, "I see you were requested by Elefersia but our goals do align with yours helping to eliminate these dragons. We wish to merely devour their corpse to gain their power… Are you perhaps interested in their power?"

Silva belches his expression in disgust of the idea responding to their plans clearly against them considering he made friends with the Water Dragon God, "Yuck!!! Why would you even eat them if you know they have sentience? And for your plan how about fuck you to the hell no! I'm not the kind of guy to backstab a friend."

Skullion clicked his tongue annoyed as the trio of Dragon Slayers began to unleash their Magic Power as they prepared to attack, "In that case will force you to our demand!! Just know you could've done this willingly out of this!! <Corpse Dragon –"< p>

Annoyed Silva pointed a finger in their direction retaliating in self-defense against them seeing their aggression rolling his eyes, "Sigh… just so you know you forced my hand. This is entirely self-defense. <Enchant Spirit Arts: Disappear>!!!"


Before they could even use their Dragon Slayer Roar spell, they all got instantly blown away by the sheer power of the explosion that could be seen enveloping the land till Silva followed with another one, "<Enchant Spirit Arts: Dispel>."


Stopping his spell in his tracks he left an enormous crater that could be seen as the 3 members of Diablos were knocked out burn and tarted clothes shown as Skullion's eyes shook in fear gazing upon Silva landed down to ground level muttering, "W-What are you-u… no-o Human-n could have-e that much…."

Ignoring the man passing towards the girl Kiria's unconscious figure showed her naked body that her clothes couldn't cover as he smirked at this placing his hand over her head, "Hmm… Eye candy and lost magic? What a good day this seems to be! Blade Dragon Slayer Magic eh? Maybe Erza could use this as a gift. As for the other Dragon Slayer Magic about Armors would compliment her greatly… gimmie. <Enchant Infinity: Data Make Skill Book Recreation>…"



Placing one hand over Kiria's head and the other hand open began to process all the methods and means to use her Blade Dragon Slayer Magic soon producing a skill book composed of Blade Dragon Slayer Magic shocking Skullion's eyes.

Patting himself on the back he did the same to Madmole and Skullion making skill books of their Magic safely kept in his inventory congratulating himself happily, "And… there! The perfect recreation of skill books has been acquired. Just using the target's own data and permeant keeping them in place. They would sell well to the King trusting his own mages with Lost Magic. Or possibly a cross to make Knight Dragon Slayer Magic (TM) of course. Got to keep the naming rights!"

Not batting an eye on them anymore Silva continued his way towards Draciel as Skullion witnessed his team get beaten in a few seconds hurting his pride deeply considering the foreigner they thought was weak because of his Magic Power instantly bested them like ants.

To make matters worse for them they couldn't have blocked his attack as their attacks have been seemingly useless unaware of the fact that Spirit Arts isn't affected by Magic thus leaving them shaking seeing such Magic demolishing them instantly with no resistance mistaking it for great power they couldn't overcome.

Gulping that they lost Skullion gazed at his injured teammates muttering out before losing consciousness, "We stand no chance… we need the help of the… Dark Dragon Slayer… Knights-s…"



Losing consciousness they all fainted on the ground as Skullion used his last bit of Magic to teleport them back to the Guild to make their reports when they woke up.


Elsewhere in the Alvarez Empire inner throne room Zeref in his seat reading the reports smiles at the news expressing a cold smile, "So the rumors are true… you have finally returned to the open Silva Knight. You may have been kept under the radar but it's time you been caught."

Waving his hand a demon of Zeref's creation stepped out kneeling in fear and responding, "What shall I do my creator…"

Zeref merely replayed to his creation with no care in the world, "Bring Irene. She has a mission."


Vanishing quickly from Zeref's deathly aura of Black Magic it didn't take but a few minutes Irene came through the door to his room kneeling before Zeref in a respectful tone, "My Majesty what is it you wish to talk about?"

Zeref analyzes Irene amused as he questions her being aware of the latest reports of their spies within the Fiore Kingdom, "Irene have you heard the latest news about Silva Knights as of late? From our intel inside it seems he has taken on the SSS-Class Quest on the Guiltina Continent the one nearly 100 years old."

Irene's eyes remained neutral exclaiming to Zeref remaining in her position in a respectful tone, "I have just received them, your Majesty. Do you wish for me to proclaim him immediately?"

Zeref nodded his head in a serious tone of his voice directed towards Irene getting her attention as she smiled, "You and your squad are to capture him posthaste. He has the Magic <Fairy Heart> with your Magic you should be able to rob him of that Magic. This is a delicate mission don't fail."

She curtly nods but smiles wickedly at the thought of finally getting the go-ahead to capture the person they failed to view as valuable at the time to Acnologia only to discover he finally made his reappearance.

Announcing out loud enough for her squad to hear she called out to them in an excited tone once outside of Zeref's hearing point, "Heine Lunsea! Juliet Sun! We have our mission it's time we hunt down a little fairy!"



The both of them appeared before Irene ready for action.

In her human form, Heine is a youthful woman with a slim figure and sharp eyes. She has black hair that hangs over her face and leans partially to the left side of her face while having two separate strands on both sides of her face. She dons a navy blue bandanna with a lined design and a golden crescent moon-shaped hair ornament on the back of her head. She also wears a navy blue zebra-patterned cloak with a crescent moon design on the back. 

In her human form, Juliet is a youthful woman with a childlike figure, unlike her partner. She has orange hair in short pigtails that are held up with brown bows, with straight-cut bangs hanging slightly over her face. She wears a white coat with golden border straps surrounding the cuffs on the coat, waist area, and biceps area to go along with two gold lines streaking down the chest area, ending in a skirt with golden frills at the end. 

Both kneeling in front of Irene giving their complete loyalty and respect towards her, "Yes lady Irene! We shall not fail you!"

Irene merely smiled at this gazing her eyes on the Continent north of the Alakitasia excitement in her voice, "Ara ara…. I can't wait when we meet young man…. I will have my time to analyze what makes you tick. You'll be mine under the Alvarez Empire's control soon little Fairy."

If only they knew in the future the Scarlet Despair would meet an even greater despair than she inflicted on others she would be wary of the Strongest Mage.