

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). An old path has closed and a new one takes its place with a new Player in the unknown world of Earthland a land filled with Magic. In this world were Magic is supreme and dangers of all kinds lie in every corner of this world to crazy cultist, powerful dark wizards, demons, immortal dark lords, and a overpowered Dragon that nullifies everything? How will Silva Knights handle such threats that he has come to call Earthland his new home with the experimented abilities of [THE GAMER] from the previous user.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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210 Chs

Chapter 133: Side Quest – Icy Duel

Chapter 133: Side Quest – Icy Duel

~Silva K. POV~

[November 9, X784]

"Silva please fight me!!"

Not where I expected my day to begin to be honest.

After partying yesterday and welcoming Wendy I returned to sleep yesterday then woke up early in the morning with Gray showing up at my front door challenging me to a fight.


[Quest is generated!]


Side Quest: Icy Duel

Description: [THE GAMER] has been challenged by Gray Fullbuster to test his strength after learning the events of [THE GAMER] actions dealing with Brain. He wishes to see how strong he is compared to you with hinted jealousy seeded in his heart not being the one to deal with him.

Objective: Spar with Gray Fullbuster.

Rewards: Ice Crystal Charm.

Failure: Gray may come to hate you if left unchecked denying him his request.

[Accept: Y] or [Deny: N]


I figured it was something like this.

I knew this was going to be an issue, but I didn't expect them to be this bad though…

Best to remedy this situation.

Accepting the quest, I replied to Gray with confusion evident in my voice getting his attention in the process, "Sure…? But I know I'm asking a stupid question… is this something about me dealing with Brain?"

To that Gray took in a deep breath before exhaling responding to me in a determined tone as he replied to his reasoning, "Not exactly… it's a matter of pride. You helped me and Master so much that I can't help but feel in debut to you. But hearing you took out Brain for harming Master Kid… I just can't help but be the one to deal with him myself after hearing your report killing him…"

Getting the point I spoke about what he wanted to do in my place if he were given the chance, "You wanted to kill him by your own hands didn't you?"

He nodded not hiding it as he explained to me wanting to prove himself in a determined tone but also doubt, "Yeah no duh. He was the one that made my Master suffer but I can't even avenge her or help her seeing you took care of it! I just want to know what's the difference between us…"

I gave a curt nod understanding his emotions trying to find his answer and it seems like the best way is to duke this out.


~Gray F. POV~


Taking us away with Silva nodding he took us to his private training grounds as he talked to me in a serious tone, "Gray just to be clear with you. Do you want this to be an all-out fight or one on one?"

I responded for him to be serious seeing I want to see how much I stand against him.

He only started a bit earlier than Lucy joining the guild, but he seems to grow faster as time goes on. And out of everyone in the guild, he rather focuses on training.

Does it really make a difference?

I mean granted I don't train as much now but ever since Master Ur returned, I wanted to finish up what I wanted to learn from her over the course of the last few months.

I'm more experienced and Magic Power compared to him and yet…

He manages to rise to the challenge time and time again. I do that too so what sets us apart other than heart and willpower…


The only thing I got from him was the sounds of blades drawn getting my attention switching my focus to attacking immediately starting my Magic, "<Ice Make: Gungnir>!!!"

Starting strong my Magic forms a gigantic lance and launches it upwards at Silva trying to get him to lose balance or trip him but…


One of his lackies or the one he calls Lancer draws a Magic Tool ice spear stopping my own in its tracks being alerted he has his allies.

Knowing this I began to react since I learned a little trick of my own following his example as the sounds of gunfire rang out.


"<Ice Make: Clone>!!"


Creating 4 ice clones with one taking the shot I see Silva's eyes flash surprise talking about me as I commanded my clones to move, "Dynamic Ice Make?!! When the heck did you learn that trick – Ur-sensei!!"

I snorted hiding my smirk.

I wasn't just playing around in the guild as I had Ur-Sensei teach me some Dynamic Ice-Make animating my creations and controlling to my will.

Seems like someone hasn't been paying attention to his surroundings. And the best part is that using Dynamic Ice-Make is faster compared to my Static Ice-Make.

They are weaker, but they get the job done like Silva's Replica's using <Archive > Magic. But hey it's such a good tactic after all why not take a page out of his book.

As my clones moved, they began to use <Ice Make> Magic creating their attacks effectively keeping his little group occupied as I dashed at him waving my arm out in his direction, "<Ice Make: Cold Slicer>!!"

Having no choice but to defend he moved his blade invisible by the wind he controls making it hard to see how long it really was and wary of my ice slash-like attack.

He held his ground as he called out an attack to retaliate standing his ground with his Magic Power flaring up casting his spell, "<Mana Burst (Fire)>!!"



That's a first…

My eyes widen seeing his usual go-to spell <Mana Burst> bright up in fire burning off my ice easily as he took a thrusting stance quickly casting my defense in panic, "Shit, <Ice Make: Wall>!!"


Creating an icy wall I jumped back to get away as I saw an explosive power directed at me releasing the built-up Magic Power of the spell taking a deep breath and yelling, "<Triple Core Mana Blast>!!!!"



The explosion he unleashed was too big to avoid and powerful unleashed at me that sent me to the sky feeling the explosive power he held while having his eyes directed at me.

Quickly taking this chance to retaliate falling to my descent I channeled my Ice Magic to create my next creation on the spot surprising him and keeping him on his toes, "<Ice Make: Triple Core Mana Blast>!!!"

His eyes paused seeing create a similar explosion in power putting my all into this creation using the element of surprise taking a page from his book, "What?!"

Quickly changing he soon brought out a new sword I hadn't seen before as he began to call out to the blade causing me to shiver down my spine slamming the short sword down getting my attention in a serious tone, "Very well Gray… I'll show you my strongest armor to respect your pride. Ooooooh!!!! Demon Dragon Armor within this sealed state release your power for the path to supremacy!! INCURSIO!!!!"


My body froze feeling a monstrous murderous intent directed at me forcing me to see the rumors of Silva using his Dragon Armor but…

This one is different from the others. I've seen it be jet blue-black color but this one is silver or platinum color roaring at me unlike before feels more alive than calm.

The dragon within soon coiled around Silva transforming him into a suit or armor that is adjusted to his size with a cape as he brought out a spear followed by the Magic Power in the tip of his spear unleashing his Power at me, "<Quadruple Core Mana – Sky Eater>!!!!"



After that all I saw was darkness…


Feeling myself groggy I tried to get up, but my body felt incredibly sore and slight pain even moving around, "Ugh… ack. What the heck hit me over…"

Opening my eyes, it seems like sunset was occurring with Silva sitting down leaning his back against a tree as his eyes jolt up at me, "Oh? Looks like you are awake friend. The last attack might have done too much damage than intended. Woops?"

Groaning standing up and seeing the bandages wrapped around my body feeling it as I flinch from the pain responding in a groan, "Ouch… damn. You really were serious when you said you didn't hold back in that brief exchange. I can still feel the pain of my bones creaking."

Silva for his part looked bashful scratching the back of his head unsure how to proceed as he spoke, "Yeah… I have no idea how to handle that amount against a Mage. Trust me it was a learning experience but to important discussions, you got that vengeance or mixed feelings out of your system?"

At that, I sighed thinking for a bit after the exchange of me losing that fight.

I hated it.

I thought my time practicing with Ur would've done me some good, but I let the thoughts of vengeance get to me missing that chance.

Yet I tried to see if I was stronger than Silva venting my frustration at him. And I did ask him for it though…

Taking in a deep breath and then exhaling I responded feeling my heart lighter after getting that out of my system cooling off, "Shhhh… whew… yeah. I think I needed a knocking to the head to get that out of my system. Still, that was you when you got serious huh? I wonder how far you would go training like that man?"

At this Silva chuckled surprising me his response never thought he had any plans after he achieved his strength he wished, "Yeah. But I'll probably stop when I finally become the strongest. Probably after taking care of a 400-year-old dragon or something. Maybe hunt down some Dragon Gods for a retirement adventure."

I stared at him confused by that specific wording…

He got to be joking right?


You know what just don't question the man.

Everyone in Fairy Tail is crazy in their own way so why start asking now?

I'm just gonna chill a bit recovering then ask his future questions.

But it did leave one thing though…

I need to get stronger that much is certain.

I'll surpass Ur and continue my dream of passing on my Ice-Make Magic to future students. That way I can honor Ur-sensei and leave behind my own legacy of my own that I can be proud of in the future.

That's a promise.