

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). An old path has closed and a new one takes its place with a new Player in the unknown world of Earthland a land filled with Magic. In this world were Magic is supreme and dangers of all kinds lie in every corner of this world to crazy cultist, powerful dark wizards, demons, immortal dark lords, and a overpowered Dragon that nullifies everything? How will Silva Knights handle such threats that he has come to call Earthland his new home with the experimented abilities of [THE GAMER] from the previous user.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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210 Chs

Chapter 107: The Battle of Fairy Tail (4)

Chapter 107: The Battle of Fairy Tail (4)

~Silva K. POV~






That's exactly how it would've happened.

Natsu tried to go for the big man only to be swatted like a bug with Evergreen explaining how to return the petrified members to normal, "If you wish to save these girlies back to normal, you must defeat us! There is a 3-hour time limit. If you don't defeat us by then, these girls will be turned to ash."

Ignoring the member's cries of shock I used <Observe > to see what levels to expect against them in general.

<Observe >.

[Evergreen Lv.150 Thunder Tribe]

[Fried Justine Lv.150 Thunder Tribe]

[Bickslow Lv.150 Thunder Tribe]

[Laxus Lv.250 Thunder Tribe]


Very tough then.


In a flash of light, Laxus blinded everyone as I shielded my eyes listening to the sounds of the problem child announcing his plan, "Let the battle of Fairy Tail… Begin!!!"

Like that, the whole guild got caught up in an uproar wanting to protect their friends and teach Laxus a lesson as I took a sip of my drink keeping a calm mood, "Ahh… this really spoils my mood of a good Harvest Festival."

Floating by my side Mavis's eyes narrowed contemplating her idea thoughts voicing out the issues at hand in this predicament, "This truly has gotten out of hand. I would think you out of everyone would rush forward without hesitation to face them…?"

Walking my way within the guild as the members rushed along away from everyone through the front gates I replied to Mavis in a serious tone, "I would. But not in this scenario in fact teaming up is the last thing to do here."

She raises an eyebrow but gazes at the <Jutsu Shiki> reaching the same conclusion as why I haven't rushed in like the others in a neutral tone, "Traps. That's the only thing I could think of in this situation here. Judging by Laxus' planning he and the caster Fried set traps to thin the competition hence why you haven't rushed or formed a group yet?"

Nodding at that I took a casual stroll while equipping Spectator activating Farsight's ability to see the Magic Runes voicing my thoughts to Mavis stopping a few distance away, "I was right. There are some Magic Runes placed here likely to activate the <Jutsu Shiki> in place. Then Magnolia Town is riddled with traps against us."

And reading said trap meant for me within then I couldn't help but cringe reading it. They clearly prepared this one for me.

[Rule: If Silva Knights enter inside the space he won't be able to leave after the 3 hours are up or hunt down at total of 10 Fairy Tail members trapped with him!]

This rule written in the runes is spread out in some parts of town. I should be fortunate that Laxus nor Fried didn't place it here or did they expect me to fight everyone like they intended?

Mavis nodded her head then smiled contently replying to me about finding the problem child in a curious tone, "Ah! Right that magic tool can see through stuff, right? Then you can find where Laxus is and the Thunder Tribe. Then you have what you need to do to defeat them right?"

Smiling at this I like it when characters are smart to the point.

Nodding to her question I replied to her in a serious tone the preparations we need to defeat Laxus getting his attention, "Right. I know where they are located but I suggest we take care of the Thunder Tribe first. Specifically, all 3 of them since I'm not sure if they have Organic Link Magic tied to them keeping the <Jutsu Shiki> up even defeating Fried."


Mavis listening to my words stops to ponder the idea as she nods her head in agreement agreeing with my words, "Perhaps yes or no. But given how thought out Laxus planned I wouldn't put it past him to do so. Fortunately, unlike the last time I listened to your adventure in Tower of Heaven, I get front-row seats to this!"

Despite how serious she says her expressions foils her excitement finally being included for a change despite the troubles ahead of us.


Using Spectator, I see where the Thunder Tribe is located throughout Magnolia Town, I heard Makarov being stuck inside as did Mavis as her ghostly figure hit a wall.

Observing the confusion, we both looked at the rules written in the air thanks to the <Jutsu Shiki> for everyone to read.


[Rule: Anyone over 80 years of age or stone statues are forbidden from crossing this border.]


[Rule: The use of Teleportation or Spatial Magic is forbidden.]

Okay, that last one is definitely directed at me. I feel offended by that rule. I couldn't help myself holding in my snicker seeing Mavis's depressed expression while I waved at her.

In return, she throws a tantrum missing out on another adventure like last time kicking and punching the invisible wall to no avail as I slowly take my leave, "Oh you must be kidding me!!! Again, this crap?!! What's with the magical world not wanting me to tag along to see a grand adventure?!!! I already missed out on two island adventures, and this is one in town?!!! Silva comes here and dispels this – Silva don't you dare walk away from this mister!!! I will personally haunt you for life!!! SILVA!!!!!"

Like most reasonable people I walked away from that mess. It's not like I would <Dispel > the trap the problem lies in the number of layered runes needed to dispel just one.

I read and viewed the trap I would need to dispel every word on it for it to completely disappear unless I know where to look for first.

And frankly, it would be too long to try with the 3-hour time limit. That and I don't want to deal with a cranky granny Loli.

That and I would hate to face Mavis being stuck here. That would be the worst-case scenario.

Probably will bite me in the ass for future me. But that's the future me problem, not the present me.

Now then…

Time to go off targeting my first hit for the day.

While I was out of view an ear shot of Mavis while focusing my attention on the number of traps laid around town…

Seriously where the heck did, they find the time to write this around Magnolia Town?

It's almost impressive I never noticed this till today.

Did they cast Illusion Magic or was everyone incompetent to notice it there before?

Such an interesting question…

Whatever the case I noticed Reedus running off in the direction of East Forest while I recall Fried went out of his way to punish the guy for trying to run away from the rules…

And away from anyone else to assist the guy being so far out of Magnolia Town without the Bickslow or Evergreen to assist him.


Sorry in advance for using you as bait Reedus but I promise your sacrifice won't be in vain. With the idea in mind, I began to tail Reedus waiting for the opportunity to present itself to attack Fried waiting patiently for the chance.


~Third POV~




Running as fast as he could Reedus began to head towards the direction of East Forest outside of Magnolia Town under Makarov's request in a hurry, "East Forest! East Forest!! Poluchka-san's house!! Must get out of town…"



Feeling a shiver run down his spine Reedus slammed head first into another invisible wall casted by the <Jutsu Shiki> spell in surprise feeling the wall on his hand, "Eh? I-It can't be!!! This town in its entirety is inside a <Jutsi Shiki>?!!"


Feeling a shiver run down his spine Reedus slowly turned around as runes started to swirl around in front of him confused about the events unfolding, "W-What's this? Letters…?! Fried…!!!"




Once Reedus realized what the letters taking shape he called out to Fried appearing out of thin air teleporting in Reedus's location in shock Fried replied in a neutral tone, "Laxus told you already. The battlefield is Magnolia Town. If you are a wizard, then fight!! Show us your power!!! That is the rule"

Reedus reluctantly prepares his brush for a fight he can't win but…



The sounds of wings flapping catch Fried attention drawing his saber voicing out to Silva's presence on the field closing his eyes, "Silva Knights. I should expect one of the rising juniors to show up to the source causing the <Jutsu Shiki> to come after me."


Landing down with Arifar drawn hidden using <Invisible Air> to hide his blade with Spectator and Mastema drawn out in the open replying to Fried and Reedus, "You expected? That doesn't sound good at all. Reedus I got this handled the last thing I need is to be forced to fight a fellow member."

Reedus took the out and tried to find another way out as Fried prepared to strike only Silva to call out to him in a moment catching his full divided attention, "So where is that crybaby Laxus at? Is he too chicken to come out and fight?"

Fried for a moment falls for his taunts almost mistakenly into anger before regaining his bearings drawing his ire at Silva's direction in a calm tone, "You are what the guild members say a trickster to your core. Trickery and no honor in a fight. But don't let my calm demeanor fool you since you have brought my full attention and ire of insulting Laxus-sama."

Glaring at Fried seeing he didn't fall for his taunt Silva clicked his tongue but raised his blade all the same at him in a neutral tone, "Tch. Thought for sure you would've fallen for that one considering you take Laxus loyalty to the match along with your Dark Écriture Magic is going to be a pain."

Fried for his part merely glared in return noticing how no one in the guild was even aware of his Magic except for a select few voicing his amusement, "Laxus was right to be wary of you. Not everyone in the guild knows my Magic and you casually mention it as if you already knew… Makes one wonder how many secrets you really know."

Seeing an issue Silva stayed quiet realizing his mistake before shaking his head and quickly correcting the situation in a fight, "Whoops? Seems like I should really learn to keep my mouth shut. Would've saved me from being exposed from Mira like that… attack!!!"



Rushing ahead propelling himself with a sudden attack Fried used his Magic to create magic wings using <Dark Écriture: Wings> to avoid the attack.

He merely deadpans with a 'are you serious' expression before shaking his head and swiping his sword as runes appeared commanding his attack, "<Dark Écriture: Pain>!!"




By writing in the air he released magical rays in Silva's direction as he pulled out a flash drive calling his Replica assistance, "Don't think so. Saber!"



Summoning out from the flash drive into Saber's form reflecting the rays using Ricochet in another direction with Fried gaze hardening at the situation, 'He has numbers on his side… best to thin the – '



"<Dark Écriture: Reflect>!"


Quickly swiping his saber in the direction of the spirit energy shot revealed Archer's location with Pumpkin as the energy shot was reflected away from Fried using his spell to write runes in thin air to reflect the incoming projectile attack.

Sweat trickles down his face as Silva uses Mastema to catch ahead with Saber using <Cryokinesis > forming ice around his wrist and ankles to achieve flight rushing towards Fried with his attention diverted.

Yet despite two being after him Fried began to write runes in the air swiping them with his saber and calling out his next spell attack, "<Dark Écriture: Destruction>!"


Steeling themselves Fried unleashed the attack with Saber using Ricochet shield to divert the attack with Archer hand lightening up in fire using <Pyrokinesis > switching to the Magic Rifle taking the shot.

Using <Pyrokinesis > Archer controls how much force of ignition of the propellant inside the cartridges, thus adjusting the force of the impact as he sees fit giving the shot he fired increasing the force of the propellant, giving the bullet more speed so that it can deal more damage.



Being shot and clearly underestimated his reaction time to the sudden increase of the gun fired with no magic detected made it easy to trip Fried taking the advantage of using his skills that don't relate to Magic to his advantage along with abusing their <Magic Sense> to Silva's advantage with the bullet wound of the bruise showing.

Caught off guard by the sudden increase fire power of the Magic Bullet glaring at Silva voicing out being ambushed, "Don't think this will deter me, Silva!! I won't give up! <Dark Écriture: Darkness> – ack! What… did… y-you… d-do…"

Feeling his eyes getting tired and drowsy Silva cheekily grinned holding a bullet cartilage filled with Sleep Magic replying to Fried's question, "You just got to love the Magic Shops right? Paid a set of debuff Magic Bullet special. Sleep Magic certainly takes the fight right out of you right?"

Fried merely felt the effect happening only giving Silva a word of warning causing his smile to drop, "You-u may have gotten-n me… but you need to defeat-t the other members of the Thunder Tribe and Laxus to undo… my…"

Not finishing his words Fried soon lost consciousness under the effects of the Sleep Magic with Saber catching him lowering him to ground level.

Once they landed down causing Silva to groan at this annoyed, "Figures. Just my luck the bad guys are smarter here in this case. Sigh…"

He only grinned at the end once he got the 150 EXP from defeating Fried using Spectator to find the other members of the Thunder Tribe, "Still the game must go on as they say. 1 down and 3 more to go. Now who's the next mid boss fight?"